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it also has some optimizations though
@Phoenix Ifaik = Is far as I know? :P
CMC: given a 2D array of 0s and 1s, find the number of squares with 4 corners being 1 (testcases to come).
4 corners as in the sizes can be arbitrary?
@HyperNeutrino Yes
This gives 1
that looks like a regular challenge to me
This gives 2
rip computation time
I was going to try, then I saw the square can be rotatable.
Wait the squares can be rotatable?
Welp, nope then.
should I post an easier version (but still rotatable) to main or this version?
def main
What would an easier version be?
@KennyLau This one
But definitely I'd say this is main-worthy
@Phoenix isn't what I asked
well, the easier version would be "does it contain a square"
Oh okay.
I'm down with a fever and I should have been asleep long time ago i'm probably going to be spouting nonsense at least a bit
What's your timezone?
Q: Highest Reputation Polyglot

user00001You must create a program that when given a user ID for SE, will output their rep on their strongest site (the one they have the most rep on). However, your program must work in two languages. In the first language, it must output their highest rep and in the second it must output their second h...

@HyperNeutrino PST
It's not that late, but I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow for school.
Ah. rip
I'm in EDT rip
Also what's with the sudden influx of api challenges?
Challenge-writers are inspired by other challenges?
So, should I post the "does it contain a square" version or "count the number of squares" version?
and, sure, it's hard, until the 2D languages come over...
some day I'll post an n-dimensional challenge
I think you might as well go for counting
I'd say go with count as well
It's hard enough that anyone working on it will need to put in significant effort, might as well go all the way.
CMC: is n a perfect square? (input: non-negative integer n)
@KennyLau Jelly, 2 bytes: Ʋ
@HyperNeutrino boring
Jelly, 4 bytes: ½=ƽ
Slightly less boring?
@HyperNeutrino I can say it here. If a triangle has area A, then all the points must be contained in the area 4A triangle obtained by drawing a parallel line to each of its edges that passes through the opposite vertex. This is because, for each edge, points on the other side of that parallel line form a triangle with it whose area is greater than A.
@KennyLau Seems like Charcoal would actually be not bad at this
@ASCII-only we'll see.
python 3 doesn't have backticks :o
@ASCII-only Mathematica >_>
@HyperNeutrino Dyalog just released a set of 10 APL challenges. So I'm posting some of them here (in adapted form).
@Phoenix Not really. Just the same people posting on two sites.
API, not APL.
@Arjun ?
@LeakyNun One of my answers on your Transcendental question outputs the result as a String. Is that acceptable?
@HyperNeutrino Unlike Ʋ, that has floating point issues though.
Should I accept an answer on Does the start equal the end? challenge now? If not, then when?
No, don't accept.
@feersum When should I, then?
What do you mean "when"? Don't accept at all.
@Arjun It is your choice, really.
@Arjun That is entirely up to you; some people never accepts answers. I usually wait 7 days.
There is no best answer because scores in different languages are incomparable.
Is there a meta post on this topic?
I'm working on an Emoji Picker.
Please no
Well, my username is back again.
@xnor Yup, that's the proof I had. :thumbs-up: What about the red/blue points one?
@HyperNeutrino I've already seen it proven so it wouldn't be fair for me to answer.
True. Alright.
When I've told the problem to people, they usually came up with ugly but functional divide-and-conquer proofs
Yes. The extremal method proof is quite nice though.
Is there any meta post concerned about having a separate threads for mainstream languages and golfing Langs (and Recreational Languages, if necessary)?
@HyperNeutrino You might like Kelly's proof of the Sylvester–Gallai theorem
Hm. Interesting theorem. I'll see if I can get a decently succinct proof first, then I'll read the proof.
@HyperNeutrino are you studying maths in university?
... I'm in Grade 9 :)
oh, lol
But I did look over the year 1 linear algebra course in a small group and I'm learning year 3 group theory right now
that's nice
prove the cayley-hamilton theorem :p
So, technically, yes? I mean I go to my city's university to do it but I'm not a university student (though someone once thought I was)
Okay i'll look at it and see if I can prove/understand it :P
Q: Tell me, how many squares are there?

Leaky NunGiven a non-empty 2D array consisting of 0 and 1, find the number of squares whose 4 corners are all 1. The squares do not need to be "upright". All the rows are guaranteed to have the same length. Reasonable input/output methods are allowed. Testcases: 0001000 1000000 0000000 0000100 0100000 ...

Eh nope I don't know stuff about rings :P
And I'm going to go to sleep now so I can actually wake up tomorrow morning :P Bye! o/
@HyperNeutrino Good night!
@LeakyNun ?
@HyperNeutrino :O what
@Downgoat Wait what does = UTF8View do
why did my message about being blue get stars
CMC: answer a main site question in Turtlèd
that isn't trivial (e.g. "Hello, world!, which btw I already did)
@DestructibleLemon 0/10 how is that a CMC
Chat: no. Mini: no. Challenge: no - more like a plea.
;_; you saw through my ruse
Does anyone here know how to export every function in a file in JavaScript?
Using ES6?
wtf I think I found a bug in the interpreter?
@Qwerp-Derp you can't
@ASCII-only ?
@Qwerp-Derp well not automatically
@Qwerp-Derp just write export before every function
I just need to know how to use export statements in JS
@ASCII-only Are you serious?
@Qwerp-Derp well only babel supports ES6 export atm though
@feersum I'm completely not getting you. Could you explain it to me?
@Qwerp-Derp Or you can do export default {function1, function2, otherFunction}
@ASCII-only Would it be better if I just wrapped everything around a class?
But I have a bunch of prototype functions (which operate on arrays) in one file
@Qwerp-Derp as in Array.prototype?
@ASCII-only Yup
@LeakyNun So I'm saying you have 4 points on the perimeter of an axis-aligned square
@Qwerp-Derp then no need to export at all
ok this is a really weird bug
Technically I'm writing in CoffeeScript, but it should work still
@ASCII-only But it's in a separate file
And each distance along the perimeter from one to the next is equal.
How do I get the prototype functions from another file?
@Qwerp-Derp just import the other file?
halp why is this happening
@DestructibleLemon ... we can't help unless you tell us what's wrong
ok so
I'll just get some links
Wait does import basically just get turned to require?
@Qwerp-Derp yeah
@xnor Yes all of them=)
@feersum alright
and put a '8 or something at the end to show where the turtle is
we can see the Turtle ends up on the one there, right?
So I changed it to require
And it still doesn't work for some reason
@Qwerp-Derp pls cloud9 tyvm
I'll post a Gist
however, despite the fact that at the end it ends on a one, this loops forever
all that has been added is a {* } loop around the end code
and the insaner thing is is that when you add a '1 at the end, so it writes a 1 on a 1, it works properly
@ASCII-only is that enough explanation?
wait a minute
ok it just got weirder
Eww also Github uses 8 spaces by default on a tab
apparently it works fine if there is a space just before the close curly bracket
@Qwerp-Derp btw why not use Array::includes instead of contains
how could this happen?
did someone curse me?
@feersum let's clear up our comments.
ok so where in the interpreter does this happen
@ASCII-only Fixed
But the error still stands
I don't know why
All righty
@Qwerp-Derp as in the builtin prototype function Array::includes?
ok this is just the weirdest thing ever
@ASCII-only Oh wait what
I somehow made it that whitespace is significant
But JS messes up with arrays
It says [0, 1] !== [0, 1]
oh I see now
When I want it to say it's equal
I made the classic off by one error
@Qwerp-Derp oh yeah nvm
    elif command=="}":
        while skipping:
            if program[command_counter]== "}":
            elif program[command_counter][0]== "{":
argh how could I have done this
brb fixing on github
@Qwerp-Derp you're not testing in a REPL right?
huh. just found something in my code I don't get
oh wait I get it now
@Qwerp-Derp can you gist transpiled coffeescript?
@Dennis I fixed a bug in my Turtlèd interpreter please put this on tio?
@DestructibleLemon 0/10 this is not how to parse anything
yeah thanks pal
but what do you expect from a first lang anyway
@DestructibleLemon well Charcoal was my first lang
first lang while still mostly sucking at programming and not doing any reading on parsing
yeah I don't know why I didn't think this was the reason the time complexity sucks
yeah I could fix it... but that would take effort
@DestructibleLemon 0/10 if you don't like putting effort in, then why are you even at ppcg
;_; y u do dis
;_; at least I made a lang don't I get points for that
@DestructibleLemon yet you downvote me for not putting effort in ;-;
;_; I already put effort in
good news! my fizz buzz program is nearly done!
and it isn't bugging anymore!
the userscript for ppcg has a kinda dumb link colour. how can I change it?
@xnor Why did you think functions are acceptable als polynomials? We did not allow that anywhere
Ok I just finished my fizz buzz program. if anyone wants me to link to it I will
> If anyone wants to abuse this by creating a language where the empty program prints Hello, World!, then congrats, they just paved the way for a very boring answer.
@xnor I now think you interpreted the upvote on this that you can use functions as representatiosn for polynomial. I thought since you started your title with beware that with that answer you wanted to exclude functions. Please clarify in that answer what you mean.
\> someone does that
\> gets >300 upvotes
@ASCII-only DW, fixed now
@ASCII-only think about what you just asked
also consider the previous description of this room
@Qwerp-Derp how did you fix it
@DestructibleLemon ?
@DestructibleLemon previous description?
@ASCII-only Turns out you have to do ./file.coffee instead of file.coffee for require
@Qwerp-Derp oh yeah didn't see that lol
@ASCII-only abandon all work ye who enter here
@Qwerp-Derp import doesn't work?
Don't think so
@DestructibleLemon well only because this is PPCG and doing PPCG stiff isn't work
Nup, doesn't work
Alright everything works now yay
I'm making a Fraction class in CoffeeScript
Which is going successfully enough
@Qwerp-Derp oh yeah because coffeescript doesn't have import at all
@ASCII-only CS is adding ES6 support though, so all of the statements should work soon enough
@SIGSEGV nope. I just like the comics
Why does the internet go to my sister? I mean I am trying to watch a 360p video and she is watching a 480p video and mine won't load yet I started first
I have the same problem haha
Internet bandwidth is biased to females confirmed
You need a better routing table
@JanDvorak But if we swap computers she will still win
Tried and true.
I always like to look back at my old messages and realize that I was a moron.
"Basic" telemetry...
Well how is Microsoft supposed to improve their products if they don't know each byte you have written to RAM.
Q: Further golfing this C# code from Scramble words while preserving their outlines

TheLethalCoder I'll start off by saying I checked and checked again that this question should be on topic. I will also clearly state that this is a tips question about further golfing a certain set of code not a challenge. I recently answered the following challenge: Scramble words while preserving their...

Q: quality on questions

RosLuPQuality on Question and Answer the quality of questions of this place codegolf not meet the standard because in each question is not seen when the function fail what to do. the result that almost all the answers are all incomplete toys

Q: Can I ask about improving golfing on some code

TheLethalCoderI have answered a challenge and the code ended up being longer than expected. I'm also pretty sure there is still room for golfing the code but I can't see it at the moment. Is it okay to ask a question asking for tips on how I can golf it here? Is that covered by this site or is there somewhere...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Notts90GottaFix for WannaCrypt Introduction I like to think programmers are inherently good people, even if some aren't so nice, so lets help people make sure they are protected with the MS17-010 patch. Challenge Your challenge is to write a full program or function that returns a truthy or falsey v...

@Fatalize In all honesty, I don't know how to prove transcendence
@KritixiLithos Well in that case I don't think your answer is valid as the challenge requires a provably transcendental number
We should ask @LeakyNun
I will delete my answer until then
(btw you have "until it reaches" twice in your answer)
My number seems to follow the same-ish pattern as the "pick the first digit" answer
Maybe you can use the same arguments, I don't know
Apparently setting the precision to 1000000 in dc and then calculating the square root of 2 breaks dc
or maybe it's in a long loop
@KritixiLithos look, I don't require you to prove that it is transcendental
just give a reference
I was searching for something on Mathematics when I saw that somebody said that If n is transcendental, n*n is too
@KritixiLithos you can ask me if you are not sure
that is true.
So, I tried taking the square root of my number, but dc borked
what is your number?
The output of this program is my number: Try it online!
and add a decimal point at the beginning
@KritixiLithos how is it generated?
I see.
[[9, '1'], [90, '2'], [900, '3'], [9000, '4'], [1, '5']]
9|⍴ => length of the stringified number modded with 9
why 9?
it's golfier than 10
This Python import thing just keeps getting worse.
I thought I had found a solution, but it turns out it's importing the same file multiple times.
@KritixiLithos let me think about it for a while.
maybe 2|⍴ could be a more familiar number
@KritixiLithos the 2 version is transcendental.
you can express it as an alternating series of 2^-n with the n growing very fast
the growth rate is O(10^n) approximately
so it is a Liouville number
So it would be okay if I just state that it is a Liouville number?
actually you need to multiply by 9 before using my proof
state "it multiplied by 9 gives a Liouville number"
then it's ok
@ASCII-only Heh were you surprised that I'm only in grade 9?
Why does this have three close votes? I wouldn't say it's particularly unclear..
Q: Name the Hadrons

Beta DecayChallenge Given a quark composition of a particle as input, output the corresponding hadron's name. Quarks will be represented by a capital letter and antiquarks by a lowercase letter. The quarks may be in any order, not necessarily the order given below. Built-in functions the access data ab...

Oh eh what? Seems perfectly clear...
I mean it's just a lookup table...
Q: KOTH: Hit and Sunk

ThraxIntroduction For my 5th KOTH, I present to you a challenge based on the well-known game Battleship with a few twists. You'll only command one ship, whose type you'll be able to select between the 5 "traditionnal" classes, but you'll be able to undertake multiple actions each turn, including movi...

@LeakyNun ?
@ASCII-only nothing
@HyperNeutrino no i was surprised at the maths you were doing
Ah I see.
Many people think I'm older than I actually am (I mean when they see me IRL) :P
@HyperNeutrino oh btw is there a reason why your avatar is not a neutrino
Eh not really
@LeakyNun Mathematica doesn't have a builtin for everything
@ASCII-only that is blasphemy
I just like the benzene better
I mean, there are a lot of cellular automaton builtins though because it's one of the fields Stephen Wolfram likes
Q: Mow a Rectangular Lawn

Stephen SA lawn is defined as a rectangular field with of one character surrounded by two layers of visible whitespace. This means two lines above and twos lines below, and a two space padding on the left (the right has visible whitespace, so you do not need to include it).     ||||| ||||| ||||...

Q: specific arguments for geocoder in googlemaps

Yuriimport geocoder g = geocoder.google([self.getLatitude(), self.getLongitude()], method = 'reverse') return g.street + " " + g.housenumber + ", " + g.postal + " " + g.city + ", " + g.country So I have this code and my problem is, that I can't find any arguments that specify my choosen languag...

For the love of God, please will you people stop posting the same boring solution "first digit of input". — Leaky Nun just now
yep. You can't fight the economics of code-golf. Shortest always wins :)
I'm very disappointed at you people.
that reminds me, I undeleted my submission
@WheatWizard why did you delete your answer?
Q: Snowball Fight KoTH!

Hyper NeutrinoThe Game This is a very simple KoTH game. It's a one-on-one snowball fight. You have a container that can hold up to k snowballs. You can duck up to j times. Each turn, both players are asked to simultaneously give a choice for what move to make. There are three moves: reload: gives you anothe...

@LeakyNun why? normally uses the shortest possible stuff to solve a challenge and that's what I and others have posted (note: your challenge isn't the only one to suffer from this problem)
In reality, I could have posted a 1 byte Dyalog submission following the Pyth answer
It would just be
@EriktheOutgolfer your choice.
@HyperNeutrino How do we test our bots?
@KritixiLithos Well that's a pretty neat proof
Leaky helped me with it
Ah, digits of pi
(^was a joke) So I'm gonna work on some of these recent KOTHs, and I guess I'm gonna write my own controller to test my bots?
Learn Esperanto, and then translate it yourself into Esperanto, and then ask, in Esperanto, for an Esperantist whose native language is English to translate it into English. But again, maybe in some other forum, such as Esperanto Stack Exchange. — EsperantoSpeaker1 2 days ago
@KritixiLithos Ehhhh right I forgot that I need to write the executioner before posting... whoops... I should be able to finish by the end of this week at the latest.
I mean it's not a difficult KoTH to implement, no fancy 2D grid stuff, so I might be able to finish in lik half an hour.
@HyperNeutrino 20 minutes with KoTHComm :)
@ASCII-only is UG a function?
Doesn't KoTHComm only take Java submissions?
@NathanMerrill btw I changed the rules so any language can compete now.
As far as I'm concerned, you could even make a Jelly submission :P
nope, KoTHComm takes any language submission
@HyperNeutrino I could write you up a controller probably by the end of the day, although it'd be in python :P
the controller has to be in Java
I'll try writing a Java controller in 15 minutes :P
(not starting now, I'm writing up a testbot)
another testbot?
The old one was invalidated by my rule change.
Alright, controller writing starting now :D
@ASCII-only default generic
we are lacking challenges about transcendental numbers
I shall post more.
When I've posted enough, I'll create a tag.

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