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@Phoenix Hmm... I wonder too, right?
@EriktheOutgolfer It was pretty obvious that it was you
@Mego Honestly it wasn't.
I am "erikkonstas" on imgur.
See my comment below the post.
I'm extremely certain that it wasn't Dennis
Dennis just seemed most likely to me, although it can be any other Jelly programmer (not including me, I don't have a sock) (e.g. Lynn, ais523, Jonathan Allan, etc.) who also uses TIO.
@Mego So am I. ;)
@Mego ^ I can sense some trolling here...
Everyone uses TIO
The username "A Jelly programmer" pertains to the users who use Jelly.
Do ransomwares keep their promises?
@Arjun Sometimes. Not always.
Is there like a Yelp for ransomwares, so we can know which ones are trustworthy and deserve our business?
I just read that a mass ransomware attack has occurred over more than 100 nations. Surely, they are only going to attack big organisations?
On the one hand, if a ransomware company keeps its promises, they'll gain a reputation, and will get more money from people paying their ransoms. On the other hand, there is no honor amongst thieves - they already stole your ability to access your data. Why would they suddenly become honorable and allow you to get it back, even if you pay them?
@LeakyNun Follow it and it has more potential to be Greek.SE in the future.
@EriktheOutgolfer I've already followed it
and I also asked a question
Well, the answer is simple: not enough followers.
now we only need two more people to promote two questions to score 10
You are only looking at the first page.
what do you mean?
> The topic and audience are still being decided. It needs:

0 more followers
2 more questions with a score of 10 or more

to move to the next phase.
there are two questions with score 8
if two people upvote them both, then we will meet the requirement
Oh, take a look at the first page then.
Are there other ways to inject malware in one's computer rather than simply getting malicious file downloaded by the user?
@EriktheOutgolfer what do you mean?
@Arjun Infected USB drives are a common attack vector
Maaaaany questions with score 10.
@EriktheOutgolfer yes. but we still need 2 more
@Arjun I could run a script on a page you're looking at
Cross Site Scripting?
I don't know much
I doubt whether you can on this page
Certainly, SE escapes messages
I guess
if I could run userscripts here, I could also run bad scripts
User scripts?
ATaco userscripts
Stuxnet is one of the more infamous computer viruses. It infected Iran's nuclear control systems via infected USB drives.
The biggest security vulnerability in computers is that people use them.
As far as I don't click on any malicious link, I am safe, ain't I??
@Arjun how do you know which link is malicious?
Fortunately, my browser does not load any non-HTTPS link.
However, I guess that does not make me entirely safe.
Moreover, Malicious websites aren't well designed, so I can quickly close the tab before it does some harm.
@LeakyNun What are ATaco Userscripts?
@ATaco is a user
he made userscripts
What do these scripts do? (IDK what's a user script)
When installed alongside something like Tampermonkey, depending on the script they do various things to generally improve quality of life for the chat.
Like adding support for MathJax, (And Imagifying it), Replying via the use of carets, and more.
But how do they work?
And What's Tampermonkey?
Tampermonkey is a plugin for Firefox and Chrome to allow the installation and running of userscripts.
The userscripts themselves are Javascript that automatically run when a matched webpage is finished loading.
Greek Language

Proposed Q&A site for linguists, teachers and students of modern and Ancient Greek Languages

Currently in definition.

We need two more people to make this a thing
Okay, gotcha! So user scripts can run only on the client?
They are not hosted anywhere on server?
Correct! And as such you can read them yourself and confirm they're not malicious.
@Leaky @ATaco And even if they are malicious (not that they are; just example), what harm can they do, when they are running on the client side?
It used to be a popular vector for stealing passwords, so always be careful when installing userscripts.
@Arjun I can record your keystrokes
Okay! Now I fully understand it. It's way different than Cross Site Scripting. In XSS, the website gets harmed. And with malicious userscripts, the user gets harmed. Isn't it like this?
BTW, I just earned bronze badge in Codegolf!
Feeling quite happy!
Where is the verb form of "rendition"? I was about to say "... can be renditted as ..."
@Arjun They can read any part of your webpage, including forms that you've filled in, so they can steal passwords, replace download links with links to something malicious, and insert advertisements.
@LeakyNun "rendered"
@LeakyNun You speak Greek too?
@Arjun I don't
CMC: Determine if an array contains only 2's
Chat Mini Challange.
JavaScript : f=_=>_.every(c=>c==2)
Doesn't need to be named.
@ATaco Python: lambda a:a==[2]*len(a)
Python: lambda a:set(a)=={2}
@ATaco Do we get nested arrays as input as well?
Just numbers.
@KritixiLithos that can be another CMC
that could be a challenge on main too
@KritixiLithos you should post that after you checked for duplicates
Determine if an array in the form of [2,[2,2],2] only contains twos?
@ATaco yes
I was going to say 0's at first, but then you could easily just do `|\`
I'm not really a challenge poster
@KritixiLithos everything has the first time
Well if you won't, I will.
Because that sweet rep.
I agree
@LeakyNun technically I have already posted 5 challenges
@KritixiLithos f=_=>_.join''.split','.every(c=>c==2)
Python: f=lambda a:a or a[0]==2 and f(a[1:])
Replace ' with baxktick
@ATaco Total@Flatten@#==2*Length@#&
@KritixiLithos then post more
Replace ' with backtick
@KritixiLithos are you going to post it or not?
May I?
@ATaco et tu?
I already called it ;-;
Gonna start writting.
@Arjun fails for [2,2]
@ATaco remember to account for edge cases
tell me if you don't know what to put
I prefer to trust your judgment
@LeakyNun f=_=>_.join().split','.every(c=>c==2);
@ATaco Do note that this is a close challenge: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/113238/41805
Replace ' with backtick
@Arjun have you tested it for [2,2]?
Yup, works. The previous solution joined over "". This one does over comma
This solution is different than the previous one
I agree it's close, but it's a blacklist, this is a whitelist, it will require different solutions.
ATaco, Do it fast! My device's battery is draining!!!! I want to earn rep!!
@Arjun wow, that's nice
Very simple Challenge, doesn't need much writing.
@Phoenix should have been Total@(x=Flatten@#)==2*Length@x&
Actually it doesn't work at all
Gave me captcha! Wow!
lmao who saltvoted my Jelly answer
wait, @Arjun your answer is also saltvoted
serial voting 11
Yup, true
@ATaco Why is [[][]] truthy?
It doesn't contain anything not 2.
So I can't do that @ATaco?
Wow! That invalidates my answer! Oh!
Someone already did, so I suppose you can.
Okay then, I will post that answer now
Q: Determine if an Array contains something other than 2

ATacoTake an array which consists of numbers or arrays, output if it only contains 2s. Truthy Test Cases [2] [2,2] [[2],[2,2],2] [] [[],[]] Falsey Test Cases [1] [2,2,2,1] [[1,2],2] Standard Loopholes Are forbidden. Default IO rules apply. Code-golf, Fewest bytes wins!

Thanks nmp.
On the ball, as usual.
@ATaco you should have put [22] as a testcase.
Good point.
I've read that, in Python 3, one can replace 2 with 1 using ctypes.pythonapi. How?
@wizzwizz4 I don't know what pythonapi is but this works for me:
from ctypes import memmove
memmove(id(2), id(1), 2 .__sizeof__())
@feersum Thank you! :-)
@WheatWizard I think I've found the 25 byte solution
@Adnan ಠ_ಠ I see how that works, but it disapprove of it strongly.
wouldn't that end up looking like
when actually run from a terminal?
@numbermaniac depends on how you run it
If you echo the input into a file
and call py test.py < inputs
you get the correct result
that's a little dodgy though lol
code golf is dodgy
@ATaco Just to clarify, is my Retina submission valid? It outputs 0 for truthy testcases, but in Retina 0 is usually used to denote falsy values.
Seems like all my ambitions to earn some rep got drowned!
@ATaco fixed.
@LuisMendo using the input trick, I believe this should be the 32 byte solution: disp([e(1,input(103))*41 'gle'])
Code golf: if you do it right, you're doing it wrong.
whats the best way to not a boolean in python
and by best I mean golfiest
I presume Python doesn't have !
0**x is good if you don't have to parenthesize x.
it uses the word not instead
@feersum Thanks! Saved me a byte!
The things we do to our code to save one byte
@KritixiLithos the challenge has since been edited to clarify that I/O must be truthy/falsy
@MartinEnder Okay, I changed my answer now
Yay, 11 bytes
Now it's too similar to your answer, @MartinEnder I think you can replace [][,] with just \W
Is there languages which can output to build log(#pragma message on C++) other than C/C++?
'Cause I'm making a challenge about outputting hello world even before it runs
But sandbox the challenge first.
eh ok
@KritixiLithos ah, good point. Thanks.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SIGSEGVOutput "Hello, World!"... Even before it runs? code-golf Please note that this challenge only applies to languages that have a build stage and a build log. Output "Hello, World!" to the build log. The program may or may not be compiled successfully, the job is to just output "Hello, World!" so...

@Riley I updated the wording on this. is it better now?
In Python, if I have class B that inherits from class A, is there a way to take an object of type B and make a proxy object that calls A's version of any methods that are called on it?
Well of course there's a way, but a convenient or built-in way.
hmmm, what?
Concretely, I made a class that inherits from dict and overrides some methods, but I want to pass it into another class that expects a dict and have it call the standard dict methods instead of the overridden versions.
Q: Element of string at specified index

Leaky NunGiven a string s and a non-negative number n less than the length of s, output the character at the n-th position of s. 0-indexing and 1-indexing are allowed. For 1-indexing, n will be positive and less than or equal to the length of s. s will consist of printable characters only. Any reasonab...

@feersum why do you need to overload them in some contexts but not others?
Because I like to layer hacks onto hacks instead of fixing my code.
@LeakyNun Too trivial IMO
Who doesn't?
Dyalog does it in 1 byte
@KritixiLithos isn't trivial challenge what I post?
@KritixiLithos so does every other golflangs
Hey, why is there no reply button on my own messages?
@feersum Oh wait, this is exactly what super does!
Q: Element of string at specified index

Leaky NunGiven a string s and a non-negative number n less than the length of s, output the character at the n-th position of s. 0-indexing and 1-indexing are allowed. For 1-indexing, n will be positive and less than or equal to the length of s. s will consist of printable characters only. Any reasonab...

@LeakyNun Viewed 16 times, has 16 answers, and is in the HNQ-list.
@StewieGriffin 💁🏻‍
@Adnan Aaah. That's very clever!!
Q: Sigmafy this expression

Mr. XcoderFor those who didn't know, Sigma is a Greek letter which is heavily used in mathematics as the summation sign. Given a string representing an expression depending on k that we will denote E(k), compute the sum of the results for E(k), with each k in [1;5]. Concisely: An example of expression:...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayName the Baryons code-golf Challenge Given a quark composition of a particle as input, output the corresponding baryon's name. Quarks will be represented by a capital letter and antiquarks by a lowercase letter. The quarks may be in any order, not necessarily the order given below. Built-in...

A: Largest Number Printable

Simply Beautiful ArtMy score is approximately f(ω9835+9835,19670) where f(a,b) = f_a(b) in the fast growing hierarchy. Ruby: z=?♫.ord def f(a,b,c,d=a+a,y=?.ord)b<y?c<y?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,b-y,c)}&&a end f(z,z,z) https://repl.it/Hvr5/7 Note the unprintable character on the first line. https://tio.ru...

Still trying to figure out the problem with my code, but... I found out ?♫.ord = 9835
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen SMow a Rectangular Lawn code-golf ascii-art kolmogorov-complexity animation A lawn is defined as a rectangular field with of one character surrounded by two layers of visible whitespace. This means two lines above and twos lines below, and a two space padding on the left (the right has visible w...

2 hours later…
I got it to work!
def f(a,b,c,d=a+a,y=?.ord)(b<y)?(c<y)?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,b-y,c)}&&a end
stupid parenthesis
@SimplyBeautifulArt congratulations
Q: Why do we use non-linear mixed effect models for longitudinal data?

user69267I am currently writing a bachelor thesis in statistics. My data is longitudinal(and unbalanced), and the goal of the thesis is to find the best model of my data. When the data is plotted, it is higly non linear.. Until now, i have used the method of non-linear least squares(nls) and generalized l...

@Mego laughs evilly
@Mego you're free to ctrl+f5 and clear your cache and see my normal avatar image back :)
though it may change in the future. Again. Chaotically.
@LeakyNun =D
def f(a,b,c,d=a+a,y=?.ord)(b<y)?(c<y)?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,b-y,c)}&&a end
I need to trim this by like 2 or 3 characters if that's even possible
@LeakyNun could you respond to comments on your questions (or really anywhere) a bit less passive-aggressively, please?
@MartinEnder sure
A: Element of string at specified index

RosLuPAxiom, 1 byte . string.index is the value of string at index

@MartinEnder could you help me? I'm not very familiar with this sort of stuff.
@LeakyNun I believe we normally accept pre-defined operators in the same way we accept built-in functions that solve the problem.
@MartinEnder then why didn't you submit = for the CJam answer?
because I didn't think of it...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrCompute Area of Convex Hull of Roots of Polynomial code-golfpolynomialgeometry Given a nonzero polynomial with integer coefficients, find the area of the convex hull of the roots of the polynomial. Details The polynomial can be given in any reasonable format, e.g. as a list of coefficient. Th...

Any suggestions for killing a few hours?
learn juggling
...that don't involve having to get up from this chair?
Play Learn to Fly 2 and complete the game
Make a new language ;)
It usually takes me ~2 hours to do so
@LegionMammal978 rm -rf /laziness
Argh, I'd need to install Flash
@LegionMammal978 learn seated juggling with stationery.
Wait you don't have Flash? You need it!
Wait a second
@KritixiLithos Isn't it called "Learn 2 Fly"?
note the "2" instead of "to"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrRotate the Roots code-golfmathpolynomials Given a nonzero polynomial with integer coefficients and roots that are on the imaginary and on the real line, return another polynomial with the roots rotaded by 90 degrees. Details The polynomial can be given in any reasonable format, e.g. as a list...

My bowl of crackers is on Will Shortz's I Can KenKen!, which is on Roger T. Stevens' Fractal Programming in Turbo Pascal, which is on Simon Singh's Fermat's Enigma, which is on Michael Kay's XSLT Programmer's Reference, Second Edition, which is on a Logitech G35 surround sound headset quick-start guide, which is on top of an index card which reads:
> <Legion's name>'s Rainbow
Really light Grey
Outregously Grey
You guessed it Grey
Incredibly dark grey
Very grey
Wonder what that says about me
6 shades of grey and then 1 random black
CMC: Find the RGB codes for all seven of those colors ^^
Well, it can be controversial
> outregously
@LeakyNun Copied it letter-for-letter
I believe it was written while I was in the fifth grade
you've got both "grey" and "gray"
predominantly grey
you're from England? @LegionMammal978
@LeakyNun No
or he's just being weird
then why "grey"?
I didn't write it
I believe it was a friend
(Who I don't believe was from England either)
consensus where work is that grey is spelled with an E, and if you disagree, you will be flogged with an Oxford Dictionary until reaching enlightenment
I prefer græy
the y seems unnecessary in that case
@primo who pronounces ae /ei/?
@LeakyNun more of an ä really
Huh, ﷽ is a single character
Oh it looked longer in the textbox
@TuxCopter tHANKS
I don't really get this game
I've written a small script in the console
And have gotten nowhere after tens of thousands of simulated button presses
Because it needs a special argument to the increaseunits function to work
No, as in, I fire the click event of the "gain units" button
@TuxCopter It's really long on my machine
Depends on the font I guess
?﷽.ord = 65021
@TuxCopter Know any other long single characters?
The cuneiform characters are pretty big too
You know, I've been trying to read the TTF for the Ubuntu Mono font
To see exactly which characters aren't actually monospaced
@LegionMammal978 How could you not trust the font designers?
@wizzwizz4 Because many Unicode characters are wider/taller than one space and thus mess up the rest of the monospaced offsetting
Or take up less than one space
@LegionMammal978 Unicode is not a font. The font is monospace. Therefore all characters should be monospace.
Not only should they be monospace, they SHOULD be monospace.
@wizzwizz4 Yes, but many characters in the monospace font are not monospace and they mess up the monospacing
@LegionMammal978 So, the font designers are not worthy of trust? They're branding a non-monospace font as monospace.
@wizzwizz4 Things like the arabic ligature I posted earlier can't be reasonably monospaced
Which is the problem I'm facing
@TuxCopter You can try; mspaint can do it.
Oh, wait. You said "reasonably". Never mind.
Somehow I suspect I'll need to use the formatting to get anywhere at this point
@Riker You there?
CMC : Make a program that copies input string to clipboard
@Arjun Batch: clip.
Input given via redirection.
@wizzwizz4 Redirection?
Example: clip < everything.txt
Example: echo Hello, I'm in teh clipboardz | clip.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I was eating breakfast ;p
why is this a single character:
Why is Lambda Calculus Turing Complete?
@Riker non-printable chars are evil
this looks printable to me
@Riker I know what it is but firefox won't render it ;_;
@Riker bcuz ligatures
define "character"
so how's things here on ppcg?
ﷲ ﷳ
Leaky Nun is a terrorist confirmed
@JanDvorak i now how not to define a character: ﷽
@TuxCopter Ooooh! That can be controversial!
My sister thinks that she will get zapped by trying to charge a mower battery. Pls send help
Game: I have a function that takes a string with the characters A-D, and returns a Boolean. Identify what the function does by giving me strings
my browser refuses to render the first glyph
@JanDvorak It's the ligature "akbar"
and it's the last glyph technically
@NathanMerrill ABCD
Akbar was a Mughal Emperor who reigned over India
How come you know which glyph my browser doesn't render better than me? :-D
Lets move there
Make a different room

 Word gamez

Any word games are on topic
Anyone know where to find Ruby 1.8?
@NathanMerrill Reveal it!

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