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I mean
You're going to be doing that yourself
I don't think LLVM does fields like that, it just aligns the types for you
@Mego The wall of text is a bit difficult to parse. You should break it into sections or remove information about PPCG defaults.
LLVM is more or less a more precise way of expressing C concepts.
Ok, It's not that hard, but I'm impatient.
actually the implementation notes on the shatner page on esolangs is wrong
With a few extra features to support garbage collection and various optimizations.
I think I might make an interpreter for shatner++ or something
@feersum well I mean there is always pre-processor hacks :P
@Phoenix There's only two links to PPCG policies, because they are very relevant, and the rules are broken up into relevant bullet points, not as a giant wall of text.
or can someone think of a better name? maybe shatner. upgraded
llvm probably also has preprocessor too though
@Downgoat No...
@DestructibleLemon Stewart
@feersum oh no D:
Because the upgrade to Shatner is Stewart
Well we should be clear what we're talking about.
I'm talking about LLVM IR.
If you talk about the whole LLVM project, there are C and C++ compilers so yes, there's a C preprocessor in there.
idk maybe I should decide later. basically I just want ascii i/o
@feersum can you tell me what difference between prefix & prologue is? They both seem to just put bytes before the function
@Downgoat I'm not familiar with these... what are you looking at?
how should I delimit things? with commas still but commas are escaped? or should I use an escaped comma? or would a 2 byte char just work better?
or maybe just an unprintable
favourite two byte unicode anyone?
yeah no
is that not one byte?
also i think ¢ might be good
It's two bytes if you use UTF-16
U+0000 encoded in MUTF-8, C0 80
@ais523 For your bounty does post dating the challenge mean implementation or specification?
@WheatWizard Implementation, languages are defined by their implementation
Ok I would like confirmation from the person in charge of the bounty.
@WheatWizard PPCG rules say the implementation counts; note that it's only the language the solution that's written in that has to predate the challenge (the language you implement can postdate the challenge)
I thought the language implemented must postdate the challenge
I'm willing to be lenient in cases where an implementation existed but was corrupted in some easily fixable way, as that situation's come up at least twice now (in one case I was able to fix it using a different interpreter, but not in the other)
@WheatWizard nah, it's may, not must
Thanks for clarifying/ sorry for misunderstanding
I am hoping to implement mini-flak in brain-flak
although in most cases you'll want to change the language's syntax anyway to make it easier to parse
(thus leading to a smaller result)
miniflak in brainflak sounds like it'd be pretty impressive; it's not really what I had in mind for this bounty but it might be worth a different one
Changing syntax so I don't have to deal with ascii would be really helpful
The bounty has piqued my interested, whether or not I win is not terribly important. I'm not very big on rep.
right, I thought the question was a really good one, so when I remembered it existed, I went and drew more attention to it
err, did you put the reply mark on the right post?
the bounty'd question is this one; if you're asking for a link to something else you'll have to clarify
Thanks to your bounty I actually found out that an older answer I had was not invalid, so thanks for that.
@ais523 yeah i was asking for a link to the question but remembered it was bountied so it would have been easy to find anyway
hmm what would be the easiest TC language to implement?
Minsky machine is an easy one
to me the difficult part of question is about finding the language that can be implemented in the golfiest way, rather than necessarily the actual implementation
and apparently so is rule 110
my Perl → Three Star Programmer answer was trivial to write the Perl for; getting my head around Three Star Programmer was rather harder
actually, I should put out a word of caution for rule 110 and the 2,3 Turing machine; they both require an infinitely long program to be Turing complete
(at least, are believed to; it's possible they could be Turing complete with a finitely long program but that hasn't been proven)
Something more than a repeating pattern in the cells?
in terms of easiest TC languages to implement, tag and cyclic tag seem to work best IME in very low-level languages; Fractran is good if you have arbitrary-precision arithmetic; Thue in languages that are good at string handling
I was just told it needed to be arbitrarily large. Now I need to break out the paper again and find out for myself
@feersum yep; rule 110 requires a repeating pattern that changes to a fixed region then to a different repeating pattern; with the 2,3 machine it doesn't even repeat (it's a pattern that can be mechanically genereated in a fairly simple way but it isn't repeating)
in esolangs.org's chat, we talk about "sequential tag" sometimes, which is the language that both those constructions implement
it's like cyclic tag but it doesn't repeat the program; rather, the program is infinitely long
so no sort of loop is required
Seems like obvious cheating to me.
Question: what's a notation to describe an N-dimentional array with elements of type T?
anyway, I never published the final version of the 2,3 Turing machine paper because this sort of infinite program falls into a grey area in the definition of Turing completeness, and the exact sort of Turing completeness in use was never fully defined
@Downgoat T + [] n times?
@Downgoat in what language? normally it'd be something like T[x][y][z] with N sets of brackets, or alternatively something like [[[T]]] again with N sets of brackets
I am just reffering to a general notation to refer to an array where the number of dimensions is unknown
perhaps if you want to emphasize that the array is hypercube-shaped rather than ragged, you'd do something like T[,,,]
ah, I'm not sure if many languages have that
@ais523 *cuboid
err, right, hypercuboid
@Downgoat Why would you need that
Well, C arrays are like that.
in an earlier version of a golfing language I was working on I used the notation {T} for an unknown number of nested list wrappers around a T, but realised that that wasn't very useful as it made too much of a hole in the type system
(meaning that type inference became less useful)
so instead I'm just using special cases for [T] and [[T]]
@Downgoat Tensor<T, N> :P
I never realized how difficult writing thread-safe code was until now >_<
actually if I do spawn two node processes and share an object between them, do I need to worry about thread safety?
@Downgoat I don't think the object is actually shared
It's just passed meaning a thread doesn't change the object in the other thread
Does Python do multithreading?
It has threads, but only one can run at a time.
@HyperNeutrino D: You've found my alter ego!
CMC: How many lines of AST do you think this generates:
public class Int: Comparable {
    public static func ==(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Bool internal
    public static func >(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Bool internal
    public static func <(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Bool internal

    public static func +(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int internal
    public static func -(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int internal
    public static func /(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int internal
    public static func *(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int internal
    public static func %(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int internal
Let's have a contest to see who can generate more LLVM IR from, say, 100 characters :P
is generating LLVM which only uses embedded ASM and a whole bunch of mov instructions valid?
@Downgoat as in nodes? 582 literal nodes, around 800 total maybe?
@DJMcMayhem Yes. I have found your sock at last :D :P
have we had a challenge for solving a kenken puzzle? I couldn't find anything via search
Q: A program that forgets itself

ais523Background While a program is running on a computer, the computer needs to keep track of that program somehow, typically by either copying or mapping the compiled form of the program into memory. (Even interpreted languages do this; a few primitive languages work with source code directly, but i...

@ais523 What do you mean by a concatenative language?
@ASCII-only answer is 11K lines
@feersum it doesn't matter for the question, but the standard definition is "concatenation of programs is composition of functions", and a notable subset of concatenative languages is those for which commands operate via changing the state of the program's data (usually a stack) and then being forgotten, and loops are done via combinators (basically, making additional copies of the code and then running the extras)
examples include Forth, Joy, Underload, and 7
Oh, OK.
I was also wondering if someone made something like /// with but regexes, so the whole program can be deleted in 1 command.
I think /// is a language in which commands delete themselves as they run (although it isn't technically concatenative, the implementation uses similar principles)
Should I repost the deleted answer from codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/118435/… ? It would be legal if I posted it, right?
Also if you do want to allow solutions that aren't machine code, the 31 arbitrary bytes requirement would make it impossible for a lot of languages.
why? they aren't inspected during the execution of the program
I should perhaps make it clear that the bytes in question don't need to pass a loading/verification stage
with any possible value
Arbitarry bytes usually won't compile.
If they can really be anything.
If you try to put them in a string, there can be a delimeter, etc.
these are arbitrary bytes in the image, not in the program
like, the assumption is that the program contains a hardcoded string or the like
and then someone goes and edits the executable/bytecode to change the bytes in question
That contradicts your spec.
> the best possible score on this challenge will be 32 bytes
You don't have to have 31 bytes in the source code to have them in the image.
@quintopia You might want to ask mbomb007
Oh wait no, you created the algorithm.
Never mind then...
@feersum oh, good point, the clarification there is wrong
@HyperNeutrino My only question was whether it was deleted because it was plagiarized, or if it was deleted because it was illegal for other reasons.
(This is definitely making some sort of point about the Sandbox; the challenge was sandboxed for almost a month, with no feedback other than a single upvote, and then the feedback comes once it's posted.)
Does anyone remember enough of the name of the challenge about prepending four spaces to each line of the input that I can search for it?
@quintopia Hm. You may want to open a meta discussion about it.
@HyperNeutrino Seems like overkill? I figured someone here would know...
@quintopia this one?
(ninja'd) >_>
Q: Create a codeblock tool

Papayaman1000When using Markup, like on the SE network, an indentation of four spaces before a line of text denotes it as part of a code block, as I hope you know. If you don't, here's an example (with . representing a space): ....Code ....More code results in Code More code The problem is, when you copy...

I didn't search by name, I searched for Emacs answers written by me
because I remembered I only had one, and it was on that challenge
I just looked up "codeblock"
@quintopia probably, yeah. good idea to see here first, and if someone can give you an answer here, great.
@ais523 Hmm, next time I would recommend bumping it a bit. You only had one revision and people might think something untouched for a week or a month in abandoned.
why would I edit it if there's no feedback? edits are normally made in response to feedback
To make it sort at the top.
@ais523 ty
aren't edits purely to bump a post against the rules?
also, on the Sandbox, it would be fairly problematic to bump posts as that would create a huge amount of churn; there are pages and pages of posts that could do with more feedback
There's been a meta post about it, and it is discouraged.
I don't know about rules; usually it's in bad form but if you have no feedback for a week it seems justified to me.
But must of those posts have been more ore less forgotten by their authors.
If you are actively working to get it posted, it could help.
@HyperNeutrino I searched "code block" in two separate words and "block" itself. :P
Ah. :P lol
Q: What should be the process for updating an established consensus?

ais523There's many cases in which someone has a question about what site policy should be, people come up with suggestions, and one of them becomes highly popular and thus is treated as a rule. So far, everything's working to plan. Sometimes, it eventually turns out that one of these rules has issues,...

Q: Generating a soccer team!

nfn neilGenerate the following soccer team ASCII art with the least number of bytes possible. |.| |.| |.| |.| |.| |.| |.| |.| ]^[ ]^[ ]^[ ]^[ ]^[ ]^[ ]^[ ]^[ /~`-'~\ /~`-'~\ /~`-'~\ /~`-'~\ /~`-'~\ /~`-'~\ /~`-'~\ ...

CMC: remove all whitespace from a string (to include \r\n\f\t\v and space)
@ConorO'Brien Pyth, 2 bytes: sc
CMC: keep only the said whitespace
Pyth, 8 bytes: s:Q"\s"1
@ConorO'Brien What are \f and \v ?
@ConorO'Brien Carrot 11 bytes, #^//\S/gS""
@ConorO'Brien Carrot 11 bytes #^//\s/gS""
@ConorO'Brien APL: '\S'⎕R''
@ConorO'Brien APL: '\s'⎕R''
What regex engine does APL use, or is it a custom one?
@KritixiLithos PCRE.
@KritixiLithos However, it is made much more powerful by the right operand to ⎕R and ⎕S.
For the lengthen character runs challenge, I got 18 bytes, but now by using ⎕R I get 15 bytes
@KritixiLithos What is it?
I'm trying to get rid of the A: A,.⍴∪⊣A←(1++/)¨∪=⊂
@KritixiLithos ((1++/)¨∪=⊂),.⍴∪?
that's pretty neat
@KritixiLithos Shorten by swapping arguments and breaking the 1+ out of the parens: ∪,.⍴⍨1+(+/¨∪=⊂)
If I have a numerator and denominator that can be evaluated to any precision is it possible to calculate the precision needed to get a result of precision n (precision in this case meaning number of digits after the decimal point)
@KritixiLithos If you use the atop operator from AGL, ä, you can save another byte: ∪,.⍴⍨1+∪+/¨ä=⊂
@Adám In my first attempt, I also tried to keep the 1+ out of the parens, but that gave some errors about there not being arguments
@KritixiLithos Well, a downside of APL's and J's three-three trains is that you'll run into stuff like that. K only has two-trains.
have you ever been bothered by proposing a way for someone to substantially shorten a code golf entry and having the suggestion ignored entirely?
@quintopia Yeah. I am.
@quintopia well you can always post as another answer
@KritixiLithos An entirely different approach: t\⍨1+1,2≠/t←⍞
@KritixiLithos Which, with AGL can be shortened to ⊢è⍨1+1,2≠/⊢ since è just stands for \.
@ASCII-only just to copy someone else's answer with a bit of extra golfing done to it? kind of a waste.
@quintopia well imo if you "substantially shorten" then it's a lot of extra golfing
@quintopia Yeah, and seems unsportsmanlike.
@ASCII-only Is going from 4 to 3 substantial?
@Adám Yes
@Adám Thanks for your suggestions. I will try to get AGL first before posting my answer
Apparantly Ubuntu has a package called wamerican-insane, which is a wordlist.
@KritixiLithos Just add ⎕FIX'file:///opt/agl/AGL.dyalog' to the Header in TIO.
It does not appear to be useful.
@ASCII-only Sometimes just one change can remove a surprising number of bytes without changing the algorithm at all
@quintopia Still, if they ignore it then it should be fine as long as you provide attribution
@ASCII-only Right, and in worse case, if they complain, you can always delete your answer.
Q: Fewer coders means easier communication means faster coding means…

AdámMy father who was a really good APLer and taught me all the basics of APL (and much more), passed away on this day, five years ago. In preparation for 50 Years of APL, I found this patent letter (translated for the convenience of those who do not read Danish) for a handwritten logo. It explains a...

I did a little something for my phone's homescreen
> barring any uncontrollable accidents like cosmic rays twiddling bits
@KritixiLithos It happens. Not often, but it happens.
@Mego I'd need to see the test cases to give feedback. Is the idea that they are long enough that you can do some fingerprinting on the inputs? I think that could be interesting.
@Mego can't I just build an arbitrarily large dict?
@xnor I was going to aim more for a wider breadth of test cases - a lot of them will be pulled from existing challenges. Some will be long, some will be short, most will be somewhere in between (10-20 cases). The main things I wanted feedback on are whether or not it's a good idea for a challenge, and what kinds of test cases should be included.
@LeakyNun Sure, but that's not going to score very well.
@Mego oh
@Mego you'll reveal them before the challenge is live, right?
@xnor That's the plan
I don't think there's any real detriment to having the scoring cases public
yes, i agree
Sometimes it makes sense to not have them public, but not here
I'll also include the standard disclaimer of "I reserve the right to change the scoring cases if it is necessary"
i think it would be thematic if people optimize for the test cases of optimizing for tests cases :)
Sure, but that may not be a good thing :P
Also it's loophole abuse
my first thought is to basically use a hash table for the inputs, and optimizing for its size seems interesting
for outputs though, i don't see anything better than outputting or compressing them, which I don't find as interesting
@Mego I don't get the scoring
"Your score will be equal to the sum of the byte counts of all outputs for the test cases."
"The output program must consistently and deterministically produce the correct output for each input."
That wording is unclear. It's the sum of the byte counts of the programs that are generated.
So all answers need to be programs that print the correct outputs for all inputs
but the score is the sum of bytes of the output strings?!
Nope. See what I said above.
From the specs I thought we were supposed to print a single program
No, you write a program that takes a set of input->output pairs as input and outputs a program that, when given an input from that set, outputs the corresponding output
Well yes
@EriktheOutgolfer how did you generate your compressed string?
So you output "a program", not "programs"
@LeakyNun .d('fewer').d(' coder').s('s').d(' means').d(' easier').d(' communication').d(' means').d(' faster').d(' coding').d(' means') (I have shortened the method names)
So you are outputting a single program for each set of input->output pairs, but there are going to be multiple sets of input->output pairs, and your score is the sum of the byte counts of the programs you output for those sets.
oh I see
@EriktheOutgolfer oh... I used .d(' code').s('rs') lol
You have shortened the method names too, right?
Yeah, it makes generating those easier.
@EriktheOutgolfer no i haven't
@Fatalize Do you have any suggestions for how I could make that clearer?
Put the scoring in its own paragraph after the test cases
Yoiu're talking about the scoring but it's in a group of many different rules so it doesn't stand out, and it talks about adding programs even though you didn't define the test cases
and in fact, I wouldn't call them test cases, because they're different from test cases in other challenges
I'll work on that wording when I'm less sleepy
@LeakyNun You're taking the fewer coders quite literally.
@Adám lol
@LeakyNun If you want to beat vim, you can try ><> and output the string using just >o<
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayCalculate the value of ζ(s) code-golf math Challenge Given an integer, s, as input where s>=1 output the value of ζ(s) (Where ζ(x) represents the Riemann Zeta Function). Further information ζ(s) is defined as: You should output your answer to a precision of 3 decimal places. If the answer...

ah, that's what you meant by "Wolfram Language support" in the chatroom
The syntax is different so technically it's not the Wolfram Language, plus it's a pain to implement the arbitrary precision things, but when the core features are done it will be worth it
Also yay Charcoal is finally less than 50% the length of the MATL solution
2 hours later…
@Mego does Actually need a range(len(a)) command? Jelly has J and Pyth has U... Actually can have r
@LeakyNun That's a good idea. I'll add it to the list of features to implement. If you want, you can create an issue on GitHub so it's harder for me to forget
@Mego can I PR instead?
@LeakyNun Sure
@Mego 1 failed check :o
Yeah that's the coverage check
It's mad because you didn't add a unit test
@Mego lemme add...
there are no tests for r??
There should be
@Mego I can't find any
They're rolled into other tests in test_list_methods
@Mego no functions allowed in lists?
Oh yeah, lists get eval'd by ast.literal_eval, so Actually function literals can't be pushed to lists like that. Part of that big refactoring project I keep talking about is making it possible to do stuff like that.
CMC: "foobar" becomes:
Pretty sure we've had that as a challenge
@Mego I'm trying to find that as well
@LeakyNun How is it kolmog complexity?
@KritixiLithos performs Jedi mind trick
@Mego the closest I've found is this
@LeakyNun This is what I was thinking of
for n in range(l):
@Mego still not dup though
@wizzwizz4 multi-line messages are borked. Just drop the reply
Introducing a parameter doesn't make it very different for most submissions to that challenge
@Mego it's only a CMC.
And I'm only giving you a hard time :P
I can see that
@wizzwizz4 byte-count?
@wizzwizz4 Python, 51 bytes:
for n in range(len(s)):print(s[n:]+s[:n])
@LeakyNun 58.
Python, 47:
f=lambda h,t='':list(h)and[h+t]+f(h[1:],t+h[0])
@feersum I didn't say list of strings are allowed
What do you want?
@feersum '\n.join(listofstrings)`.
@feersum and if list of strings is allowed: 44 bytes:
lambda s:[s[n:]+s[:n]for n in range(len(s))]
Jelly, 5 bytes: ṙJ’$Y
Pyth, 6 bytes: j.<LQU
@wizzwizz4 this is getting boring, do you have another language?
My solution is actually shorter with newline-joined.
f=lambda h,t='':h and h+t+'\n'+f(h[1:],t+h[0])
@feersum nice
@LeakyNun I don't.
@LeakyNun Good point.
Actually, 10 bytes: ;l⌠;./Σ⌡nX
@LeakyNun I... don't remember writing that.
@LeakyNun Ok all of that is really not necessary
@Mego sorry
@Fatalize bonjour, I was about to write in Brachylog but maybe you want to do this
@LeakyNun Don't give away that you're a sockpuppet. :-)
hmm hi
do what?
@Fatalize my CMC above
V, 14 bytes, ÄòÙx$p|jlxkòdk
It surely can be golfed further
@LeakyNun 10 bytes
About to start some maintenance work on our network. Risky for chat service, even if no user impact is planned.
Just a warning.
@Fatalize how to golf it?
It's done. No impact seen.
That was anticlimatic
At least chat didn't go down.
Q: Determine the busiest time

Hyper NeutrinoThis challenge was greatly inspired by this Stack Overflow post. Challenge Given a bunch of clients in terms of when they enter a room and when they exit it, determine the period(s) of time when the room has a maximum number of people. The time resolution should be to the minute. For example, ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

L3viathanToday in the YOLD The Discordian calendar is an alternative calendar used by Discordians. The discordian year has 5 seasons, each lasting 73 days: Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Bureaucracy, and The Aftermath. The discordian week has 5 days: Sweetmorn, Boomtime, Pungenday, Prickle-Prickle, and Set...

Did we have a challenge expressing list of numbers as ranges?
e.g. [1,2,3,7,8,9] becomes [[1,3],[7,9]]
not sure
@LeakyNun Yes, very recently
Could somebody bother to give me a link?
@LeakyNun Ah, no I meant one on SO
@L3viathan never mind
Q: Make text triangle waves

ChristopherI was messing around on my 'ol TI-84 CE and made a program that produced this output (it was actually bigger but that is not the point): * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... I evolved it to take input text and make the triangle waves out of that. The final step was to also ta...

I have a 100 rep bounty on that. Currently I have no answers I would give it to. I would like to see come esolangs answering such a BF Brain-Flak and so on.
You are a monster. You pinged me and removed your message.
Haha, sorry, I decided afterwards that I'm not going to try it in BF because I'm not going to finish in 3 days.
I'm going to try it using ><> if possible.
@HyperNeutrino :( I am sad now
That would be cool
I mean, mostly getting it up to the number and back down is the hardest.
English is like a ghoti in water does not work anymore
It is now: English is like a `><>` in water
@HyperNeutrino uhh have you tried <> to move the pointer?
The print part could just be [.>][<]>
Wait, I think actually...
@Christopher Do you know of a way of making TIO get input as decimal rather than codepoint?
Also, how would I take input for the string to repeat?
If you're talking about BF, that's just how BF works, the , command pushes the code point of the input character
Oh okay. But is there a way to make TIO act otherwise? I don't want to be using test cases of like 32, I want to test it with 4 or something.
@Christopher Can I take the number of characters in the string as input at some point?
(your string is still in the memory)
Oh wait I just remembered that , will return 0 after all of the characters are used up.
My bad, thanks!
@LeakyNun Hmm... the output is 1
As in 0x01 I got 0x00
nvm, I think I messed up something
This sounds like material for a challenge
@trichoplax go ahead
I mentioned it in here so I wouldn't have to :P
If no one else does I may at some point
I have a queue of sandbox posts that need my attention first...
stackoverflow.com/posts/5503190/revisions community does that? or is it an anonymous edit?
Q: Ring me when our cup noodles are ready

Felipe Nardi BatistaRing me when our cup noodles are ready I'm currently cooking us some cup noodles, but we're really sleepy at the moment. They'll be finished in 50 seconds from now, can you wake me up then? Problem: Write a program or function that waits 50 seconds of busy waiting (so that you too doesn't slee...

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone
@Katenkyo it is nice to see you again
@LeakyNun Thank you! You're part of the reason I'm back ^^
How are you doing?
i'm doing great
Is it me, or does the chat has far less activity than when I left? :°
Maybe it's the timezone problem
Well, maybe, but didn't remember it was so calm at that hour
I should just ask for all my answers to be locked and abandon this account.
@totallyhuman to possess is satisfying; to let go is wise
@totallyhuman You should now aim to count the highest possible
CMC: add a caret below every 0
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Comrade SparklePonyIs the line closed? Given input consisting of only whitespace characters and -/\|, tell if the line created by -\/| is closed. For this challenge, \ points one character up and to the left, as well as one character down and to the right. / points up and to the right, and down and to the left. |...

example input: 1320484701
example output:
   ^    ^
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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