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There's a tool to build the graphs.
f(x)=log2(x) doesn't work :(
ok so does anyone else just rm -rf a github repo that you cloned if you made a mistake in git
@ConorO'Brien are you familar with git reflog
I know git commit -am, and I know git fetch is better than git pull. And git add. Other than that, it seems that I'm the git here >_>
oh and checkout
I was just trying to do log2(x), and i'm rather confused as to why it doesn't.
log(2,4) works.
But log(2,x) does nothing.
@ConorO'Brien ok well if you ever make a mistake. type git reflog, look for the commit that looks right. copy the 7-char SHA on the left, and do git reset --hard <sha goes here>
10/10 works everytime
but cd .. && rm -rf <dir> && git clone <repo> is so much easier
@ConorO'Brien technically above is less commands
@ATaco what about log(x, 2)
yeah but this is shorter and I have the git clone command a few keypress away (up a few times)
It seems to have stopped serving images.
@ConorO'Brien actually longer by 7 chars
Oh gosh it supports Recursion.
@ATaco haha
cd ..<Enter>rm -rf bra<tab><enter><up><up><up><up><up><enter>
24 actions
git reflog<Enter><Point><Click><Drag><Ctrl+C><Focus>git reset --hard <Ctrl+V><Enter>
35 actions
hey, adding to bash history is cheating! :P
I use windows
oh, I thought you were using git bash
@ATaco well of course, JS doesn't have two-argument log
Turns out if f(xmin) is nan, it just breaks.
Also if any f(x) is NaN, undefined or Infinity I think
Contains an invalid value.
log(x, 2) should work now
feature request: multiple graphs
feature request: 3D graphing
Possible, right now I want to make it so you can do g(x)=1 f(x)=2*g(x)
And 3D Graphing's a bit harder.
@ATaco split by semicolons
Or I can just split by newlines.
@ATaco that works too
@ATaco pls do testing on a separate server?
I don't have a separate server setup.
I'll unbreak it in a moment.
All fixed, you can now define multiple functions and things.
Result is taken from f(x) for now, not the last line.
Now it loads any function with the name f1, f2, f99, etc.
We should probably take this to the sandbox.
@ASCII-only Graphs now use different coloured lines for different functions.
I'm going to add support for Polar Graphs.
I added support for Polar Graphs, functions labeled p... where ... is a number will be drawn as a polar graph.
@Riker In addition to 2^, you can use U
wait, what?
didn't work for me
oh, I had a trailing space
@DownWat yessssssss I like the name
@LuisMendo aha! thank you matl is amazing
A: Calculate a square and a square root!

RikerJolf and MATL, 1 byte U Square root in Jolf, square in MATL. Try it online! (MATL) Jolf interpreter (doesn't work in chrome, FF does though)

@Riker Huh! we have a winner :-)
@LuisMendo right now I'm testing every single edge case I can
and appreciating JS (what jolf is written in) has many weird borks, but exponents aren't one of them
In the TIO link, maybe use a non-integer value, to prove it works not just for integers
will do
Q: Hexadecimal to Binary

Hashim KayaniConvert a hexadecimal number (of any size) into a binary number. Input The POSITIVE hexadecimal number with the 0x in the beginning. If the input isn't a valid hexadecimal number, the output should be 0. Output The hexadecimal converted to binary. Winning Original Code-Golf Rules, Lowest...

So apparently Math.js is mostly TC.
Would anyone randomly happen to know if someone's packaged the Ubuntu cursors for Fedora?
the answer is no in my case, btw, but that should be somewhat clear from the silence
@LuisMendo matl is cp437/ascii right
It's a shame, the Ubuntu cursors are beautiful.
And the one that come with Fedora are... not.
@Riker Just ASCII
@Pavel I guess we have different definitions of "beautiful" :P
I've switched to the El Capitan pack someone made.
@Downgoat You do Graphic Design right? Take a look at a-ta.co Got any idea where and how I'd put a "Projects" link in there?
@ATaco Suggestion: make the definitions in a slightly lighter, color, something like #333
also I reccomend getting rid of the gradient background
Solid White or a soft Gray, would you recommend?
@ATaco A solid white imo
make the <ol>s also have a font weight of 400
Yeah, Tried them out.
@Downgoat is like the graphic design god
Damn you're good at this.
Q: Random Insult Generator

Papayaman1000I got bored today. An hour later, I made a little JS function that generates random insults based around a certain structure. (It's hosted here, by the way, though beware it's VERY vulgar and inappropriate, and the page is a bland jerry-rigged layout meant for pushing it in a hurry.) Here's said...

@ATaco I recommend below the dictionary definition thing you put a rounded rectangle with a transparent background, and a border of an accent color (make the text the same color as border too)
Alright, Let me have a stab at that.
r/place final canvas, deep dreamed
@Riker Whoa nelly
also is that a capybara at the top
10/10 looks great sans-serifified :P
@ATaco max theta for polar
it does actually
@Riker That's terrifying
yes actually
that capybara is going to haunt my dreams
@Downgoat What font is that?
@Riker compression or does it just look jpegy?
@ATaco default sans-serif
I think tha'ts the deep dream taking forever for big pics
probably helvetica neue or san fransisco for me
so the OP on reddit used a smaller one
@Pavel Deep Dream does that
Hey guys I need to learn SQL
Someone ask a quetsion about the chat room statistics
@feersum how many times have I said "goats > sheep"
what are the users which have said "sheep.*better.*goats"
need information for educational purposes
@feersum What is the message with the most stars (well, we all know which one it is), and how many stars does it have
What is the total number of stars each person has
@feersum What is the mean and standard deviation for the number of stars on a starred post for a given person?
What is the median amount of stars for messages with > 1 stars
@ASCII-only Really, what is it?
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
106 currently
I just noticed that Geobits appears to be missing
Alright, with the help of Downgoat I think it looks much nicer now.
@ATaco clicks projects
Although actually clicking the Projects button just takes you to projects written in rather large LaTeX.
sees SVG
The default behaviour for the site is still to just MathJax it.
That's also why the Favicon is favicon.ico rendered as MathJax.
19 mins ago, by ASCII-only
@ATaco max theta for polar
Also min theta
Hold up.
@feersum aNd?
@ASCII-only ? :P
I heard SQL keywords are case insensitive, so it seemed ilke a great place to express my individuality.
@ATaco I noticed the feature change so that the preview box is invisible when the chatbox is empty ^_^
@HyperNeutrino It was by request.
@ATaco I see. By whom?
@HyperNeutrino Two people, If I recall, Pavel was one of them.
@ATaco Okay. I see. Yeah, I find these userscripts really useful. Thanks. (and thanks to node.js :P)
I got bored so I made a cyclic tag machine in minecraft
@ATaco reccomendation: set <ol> and the button font weight to 300
@Downgoat Made the change, didn't seem to do anything.
@ASCII-only Added, refresh the page. min and max theta are multiples of $\tau$
@ATaco ok, thanks!
@ATaco Add roboto to CSS: @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,700'); and set that as font, that should work
Use Wingdings
:D :D :D
Ooo, that does work.
@ASCII-only is this donut edible
@ASCII-only That's pretty darn cool.
@ASCII-only WAT how does that work?
@HyperNeutrino Read the function
@HyperNeutrino Ask @DownWat for all "wat" related inquiries :P
radius = 3sin(1.05x)+6 from 0 to 20 tau
@Downgoat Who is @DownWat?
@ATaco Yeah, I have no life and write a program to draw that on my calculator
@HyperNeutrino Wat, Dmitry, Mendeleev, Check Out Tomato, Alt-F4, and something else I can't remember
Oh it's that guy.
@Downgoat *Mendeleev, Check Out Tomato
@ATaco parametric equations (not that urgent though)
Does anyone know how to switch from Wayland to xorg on Fedora?
@ASCII-only can i be granted write access to VSL :P
@ASCII-only I have no idea what that is.
@ASCII-only I don't seem to get the from 0 to 20 part...
@ATaco basically a function where x and y are in terms of theta
NVM figured it out
@HyperNeutrino $\theta$ min and max should be 0 and 20. If you can't see those options, refresh.
@HyperNeutrino that's the limits for x (btw it's 20 tau not 20)
@ATaco Oh lol I'm using desmos to try to graph it
anyway i gotta go now it's almost midnight here. :P. cya o/
@HyperNeutrino Desmos can't go up to 40pi though, it only goes up to 12pi :(
In mathematics, parametric equations define a group of quantities as functions of one or more independent variables called parameters. Parametric equations are commonly used to express the coordinates of the points that make up a geometric object such as a curve or surface, in which case the equations are collectively called a parametric representation or parameterization of the object. For example, the equations x = cos ...
Apparently too many people rendering a big graph at the same time is no bueno.
@ATaco reccomendation: to button add transition: 0.3s all ease-out; and then do background: #0099FF; color: white; to hover state
@Downgoat That looks pretty nice.
@Downgoat Do you have a paypal I can dump a donation in when I have money in my account again..?
@ATaco I do not have paypal, but I do take tin cans :P
> Due to a recent server migration, the database is under maintenance, so queries will not currently work. This should be resolved before too long.
Has that been there for a while?
@ATaco omg yiss thank you good sir
@Downgoat :O do you have a bookmarklet with javascript:3dprint(selectedImage)
Only 93 on the most-starred message, DB needs an update :)
@ASCII-only no, it is toolbar extension instead
@feersum sELECT * fROM dATA.uSERS wHERE nAME lIKE 'pAUL%';
@ATaco strings are case sensitive, so are table names and column names
Well clearly he's named his Database this way too.
Switching up the column name case WFM.
@feersum oh, never mind then, so it's just strings
How to punctuate?
1. Jerry's is my favorite deli, a great place with delicious cold cuts.
2. Jerry's is my favorite deli; a great place with delicious cold cuts.
3. Jerry's is my favorite deli. A great place with delicious cold cuts. (fragment)
4. Jerry's is my favorite deli. It's a great place with delicious cold cuts.
1, 2 has a non-independent clause, 4 is less golfy + more and shorter sentences
@HelkaHomba 1 is still incorrect I think
2 and 4 are correct
1 is fine.
i would say 2 but I dunno what non independent clause is
@Downgoat Means you can't have it in a sentence by itself
idk what it's actually called
@Downgoat That's what I thought. 2 seems like how you would say it but I'm never sure about ;'s
Commas separate parts of compound sentences. Compound sentences are multiple independent clauses joined by conjunctions. "a great place with delicious cold cuts" is a dependent clause, so it would be joined with a semicolon.
@Mego hmm wikipedia says a semicolon is also used between two independent clauses
I see it as like the comma in "This is my cat, Bruce."
That's how I use them
I've always heard that semicolon clauses should be valid sentences too.
@feersum I don't think that's always necessary
@ASCII-only Sure, if you're not using a comma + conjunction.
Q: Hello world that handles errors

ais523Write a program or function with the following functionality: The program/function first attempts to write the string Hello, world! to the standard output stream. (No other forms of output are acceptable for this challenge, as the focus is very much on the I/O rather than the trivial behaviour ...

anyone in here know anything about 05AB1E?
@ThomasWard a bit
because i am pretty certain this answer is not a valid one - doesn't match the testcases
so a competing answer is needed :P
i am blind lol
they just didn't update their try it online link
which made it look like it didn't work
disregard me :)
@ThomasWard I read that as "I am blini"
@feersum isn't that ambiguous?
Can someone explain why this query doesn't work?
The 2nd column is intended to be the most recent name used by the user with the given amount of stars, but it's getting other random usernames.
@feersum Read the giant red text
> Due to a recent server migration, the database is under maintenance, so queries will not currently work. This should be resolved before too long.
Correctly written queries work. It is that mine contains a mistake.
@feersum Shouldn't you join user_id to user_id?
@ASCII-only What does that do?
@feersum wait nvm
@ASCII-only It isn't. Each row should be a different user but there are multiple Geobitses.
Same with the 2nd one.
What I want to know is: how is my query being interpreted?
hmm wait this is weird
Style guide idea: SQL keywords should be alternating case with first letter capital, and functions alternating case with first letter lower.
@feersum well for one you're comparing DB id to SE chat user id
That's it, thanks!
Now my stars per user works.
@feersum :O Alex has the most stars by far even though he's been away for ages
Who are these people
> undergroundmonorail
@DownWat Wait, you haven't ever seen him in chat?
int fprintf ( FILE * stream, const char * format, ... ); but int fputs ( const char * str, FILE * stream );
Why ._.
@betseg the first one because varargs makes sense immediately after the format string, the second one i have absolutely no idea
Let's play Jeopardy
The second one is file puts, not format puts
@ATaco but why is file puts not int fputs(stream, str) to comply with fprintf? fprintf is also file printf
@betseg Because it's evil.
Plagueis is the new Rickroll?
The dimensions of that image is 6325 x 2667
For giving names to expressions, SQL has <expression> AS <name>, and <name> AS <expression> ...
@ASCII-only no
MathJax != LaTeX
Also, careful with the wise, it's fairly large and easy to spam.
Everyone keeps calling it LaTeX so I assumed
MathJax is a Subset of $\LaTeX$
Does all the math typesetting, none of the document typsetting.
$\textsf{Actual practical typesetting with MathJax? I doubt it.}$
$\textsf{I'm going to start posting all of my messages like this}^{\textsf{not really}}$
Remember, not everyone uses the MathJax Userscript, I recommend you imagify it when possible.
If you're running my userscripts, you can start it with a /


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
:36661926 Come to the Sandbox
Ninja'd :p
I can't ping @DownWat into the sandbox...
@ATaco Click username -> invite to sandbox
@ASCII-only Thanks
What's the SQL equivalent of let x = <expr> in <expression that depends on x>?
I tried WITH, but it wouldn't let me nest them.
@feersum well you can use declare name typeand set name = value
it's a bit verbose though
@feersum do you need to nest them? is it possible to chain them?
I don't know what distinction you're drawing.
This should work:
I mean like Y depends on X, Z depends on Y
with x as expression,
with y as expressionDependingOnX,
with z as expressionDependingOnY
I tried that but it didn't let the with expressions depend on each other.
@feersum hmm, would you mind linking to the query?
@StewieGriffin As far as I can tell, the catch block doesn't get executed if the fd is closed or otherwise unwritable. tio.run/nexus/…
@ASCII-only ppcg.starmaninnovations.com/tnbde/#TpVCThroUZ is what I'm working on so far
(results on Windows may vary)
@feersum that says SELECT * from "transcriptAnalyzer_user" where id = 46 for me, is there one with a WITH statement (doesn't have to work)
OK, that link was not what I wanted.
Permalink button doesn't work.
Whatever, I'll dump it in TNB
WITH SE_Chat_ID_to_search AS ( SELECT
169713   -- your query here

internal_id as (
   SELECT max(id)
   FROM "transcriptAnalyzer_user"
   WHERE uid = (SELECT * from SE_Chat_ID_to_search)

--WITH num_starred, sum_stars as

SELECT sum(stars), COUNT(*)
FROM "transcriptAnalyzer_message"
WHERE id = internal_id AND stars > 0

Why do so many of you insist on being down-something? With my browser spanning only over the left half of the monitor (as it usually is), all I see is Down and a 16x16 pixel silhouette of an upside-down animal...
@Dennis Because originality /s
@Dennis It started unsurprisingly as a temporary joke on DownGoat's name, using the online Downgoatifier. However, like many jokes, this one didn't stop when it probably should have.
@Dennis there's only 3 people afaik
@DownWat That's a lot of people to get mixed up
also I made mine in GIMP, Downgoatifier didn't work for me
@DownWat Three people right now, yes.
@Dennis No, three people at all. There's @Downgoat, @DownChristopher, and @DownWat (me)
Yes, right now. There used to be others.
@Dennis Eh? I didn't see
There used to be DownPavel
@Dennis As far as I can see, you're calling disp, not fprintf?
Pretty sure we had DownTaco, DownPavel, DownKritixi, and others that I can't remember
I was never a DownKritixi
I would never want to ruin my avatar :P
I thought I remembered that one, but I wasn't too sure about it
@DownWat Those pings are really unnecessary
@Mego sorry
@KritixiLithos What's with the huge amount of rooms you're in?
You think that's a huge amount? Look at quartata
@DownWat I favourited them all at some point (but some may be frozen atm)
@KritixiLithos ah
@KritixiLithos oh, just remembered something, ty for learning Charcoal
It's really competitive against V
@StewieGriffin Yes, the challenge asks us to write to STDOUT. I tried with fprintf(1,s) as well though.
Charcoal usually takes the lead in "natural" challenges
because it has direction
25 messages moved to Vim-golf
Hi, and sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find any resources on this:
How does the encoding for golfing languages like Jelly or MATL work, i.e. how are all characters always just one byte? I see it's assumed to use SBCS, but wouldn't that require a different encoding every time? Charcoal, for instance, uses a static custom code page, but that's obviously not possible with the huge amount of different characters (commands) in some other langs.
@CedricReichenbach It depends on the language, but most of them use a custom SBCS. (Jelly and charcoal for example do this)
MATL in particular actually just uses ASCII
Are there any languages in particular that you see that can't fit all of the commands in a single static encoding?
sandbox link?
Other languages don't have a custom encoding, but use an existing encoding that fits all of the various commands (for example, V in Latin1, and seriously and 05AB1E in cp437)
@DJMcMayhem Ah, thanks for the clarification. I was probably confused by the fact that TIO doesn't seem to count them properly. For instance these characters outside of the language should then be counted differently, but are just assumed to be 1 byte as well: tio.run/nexus/jelly#@394yeFth/f8///fGAA
Yes, TIO counts chars instead when it's SBCS because it's simpler
But I guess it's just undefined for those characters
but technically if you use symbols outside the code page, then the accepted bytes count is to use UTF-8 instead
@CedricReichenbach Ahh, yeah that would make sense. I think that's because TIO has very little knowledge of encodings, so it either counts UTF-8 or just counts chars, probably depending on the language. Iirc, some of them take a hexdump and correctly byte count that
I found out how to send a blank message
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

izlinSwipe over the keyboard code-golf (I'm not a native speaker so any good alternative for swipe is highly appreciated) You have a keyboard in front of you and you swipe over the keyboard from left to right with your whole hand. Your task is to simulate the output. The keyboard is represented wi...

^A blank message: The trick is the U+202E

My blank message is @ASCII-only.
Not blank
@feersum Next step: for every user id who has a starred message in this room, output the mean and stddev of the star counts for that user. Sort results by mean descending, stddev ascending.
You mean stddev as the tie break if the two means are exactly equal?
@feersum yeah
Code Bowling Idea:

Program, A, which outputs an output, B.

Output, B, can also be compiled as a program and will output, A (the original program)

And A ≠ B

I get a sense of deja vu
I get a sense of astrangefeelingofwantingtomakeajavascriptsechatbot
@SIGSEGV Why, there are already plenty of those
@SIGSEGV ... They're all in JS
then why not
Not all chatbots are made in JS
@SIGSEGV Here's one JS bot: github.com/ETHproductions/SE-chatbot
btw zalgo is in python
And my WIP chatbot is (at least the logic of it is) in 6502 assembly
I didn't expect it to just click the sayit button
Q: Bowling a "Siamese Quine"

Albert Renshaw🙗 Code Bowling 🙑  code-bowling A Quine is a program whose output is itself (i.e. its own source). Siamese-twins are conjoined twins forming one person, though the individuals are still unique people. I'll define Siamese-Quine for a program whose output is another, different, program. That o...

@SIGSEGV that's entirely how TacoBot works, too

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