> This server could not prove that it is esolangs.org; its security certificate expired yesterday. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to Tuesday, April 11, 2017.
How the deuce do you actually view the certificate in Chrome? In IE it's as simple as right-click the padlock (or open padlock, if it's broken) and "View Certificate."
Given a N*N maze, and string of N,E,W,S denoting positions to move to. I need to determine how many moves are possible in sequence out of a string (containing these 4 letters only).
For eg- If string is NNN ,and I can only move 1 step up,that means answer for that cell is 1. If for another cell...
CMC: find 3 numbers such that |(|a-b|-|b-c|)| = (a/b)/(b/c)) (or is it possible?) (or inverse of the right side) (see the message on Sandbox for $\LaTeX$)
Here's the phonetic alphabet:
In the fewest bytes possible:
Remove the first letter of each word.
Shuffle the word order.
Brainflak Multiplication Metagolf
This question is a Brain-flak Birthday challenge and will be posted on April 27th
Last summer we had the Brain-flak Integer Metagolf, and the answers it generated have been very useful to the Brain-Flak community since. The main thing that makes the Integer Me...
As most PPCG regulars will know, a quine is a program which outputs its own source code when run; and the Levenshtein distance between two strings is the minimum number of insertions, deletions, and edits needed to change one string into the other. In this challenge, we're combining t...
> Additionally, at some point, the sequence of repeatedly running the program, running its output, running its output's output, etc. must eventually come back to the original program.
Also yes, Unicode doesn't have infinite characters
Feedback was requested on this month-old sandbox post earlier but it seems to have been overlooked. Thought I'd mention it since it sounds potentially interesting:
Sort a vector using the least amount of reversals
optimization, code-challenge
This is a code-challenge where the objective is to sort a vector into ascending order using the fewest operations. Your algorithm can only sort the vector using subvector reversals, but it can use other operations fo...
(and also sounds difficult to get right as a challenge, so more in need of feedback than average)
@Dennis I haven't voted in it because I'm torn. I don't want people to golf solely in REPL, but I also thing have REPL allows for some languages to "essentially" compete in otherwise hard challenges, such as restricted-source questions
@Dennis out of interest, what's your personal opinion on the subject?
I also think that there's two different sorts of REPL answers:
* the answer is typed into the REPL, and it then does I/O the way a normal program would; * the answer is typed into the REPL, returning to the REPL prompt; the user input is also then input at the REPL prompt (i.e. the answer changes the REPL into a solution to the challenge)
I'm not sure if we're drawing a distinction at the moment
@ais523 Hard to say. Some languages exist solely as REPLs, so we'd probably need an exception for those. But if a language can be invoked as a full program or supports functions, REPL answers in that language shouldn't be allowed imho.
hmm, there are edge cases even to that, like Prolog
luckily it supports functions
but it doesn't really support full programs; you can simulate them by writing custom initialisation code and then crashing the program during it, so that the REPL part of it never gets to run, but I'm not sure that counts
@DJMcMayhem @BrainFlakUsers - I'm writing an article on brain-flak. How do I output something? >_> I tried running this, which of course outputted nothing.
@ConorO'Brien There is no explicit output functionality in Brain-Flak. At the end of the program execution all the contents of the active stack are printed starting at the top
@ConorO'Brien () does nothing on its own. A second () also does nothing, and the {} pops a value but because there is nothing on the stack it behaves as a no-op.
Use the Third Stack
If you have read the title you might be a bit confused. Surely there are only two stacks in Brain-Flak? However I assure you that it exists and it is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful tool in writing and golfing Brain-Flak.
What is the "Third Stack"?