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oh, typo
@flawr really? no builtin square func? huh
@flawr wait, was that manual? lol
translate: mal
(from German) times
So, mal mal would be bad times?
polyglots ftw
@Riker :D
for later reference: automatic ones have 2 messages, the translation is it's own msg
@Riker that should return the product of 1,2,3,...,input Try it online!
hm, okay
translate: mal
(from Turkish) goods
translate fr: mal
(from German) fois
translate french: mal
that was german to french=)
oh, lol
@Riker afaik evil
traduis fr: mal
(de l'allemand): fois
fun fact: Turkish got the word for "German" from French, "Alman"
why not the other way around?
@DownWat no we know what it means
it was just trying to get from french
it shows as german
translate: mal
(from German) times
Also, what do you think of my new username?
@betseg there is actually a whole collection of german dialects (including some swiss german dialects) that are called alemannisch (see alemannic)
@Downgoat and @DownChristopher would probably appreciate it
(probably originates from the Alemannen tribe)
well the Turkish Language Institution says that the word is from French
I bet the french lied to them
@DownWat it's so overused now
@DownWat I don't think the goat really cares.
he just has it for a name, he didn't change it because of an overused joke
@DownWat Suggestion: Rename yourself to @UpTat
Another suggestion: UpOhm
you'd nee to delete the h to be consistent=)
but I like your thinking=)
@DownWat ಠ_ಠ
UpMho for 1/ohm?
That is too close to DownOhm
haha, pngif XD
.pngif is my new favorite file extension
CMC: Design a spec for an image format called PNGIF
@TuxCopter apng
add an f for tiff
no idea how to fit bmp
Also .svg
I think that's enough
Because gifvy?
I don't want those messages to end up in the trash ._.
@Mods trust us we are having thoughtful discussion here not spam 100% guarantee
@TuxCopter Isn't there a PNG format that specifies a sequence of images like a GIF?
Yea, it's APNG
3 mins ago, by betseg
@TuxCopter apng
Right. Well. That's what happens when I don't read the entire context.
Dang, I have a sad. My HNQ-bait subject line didn't pick up any fishes.
I don't think cheesing your wy to HNQ should be a goal.
I really want a popcorn popcon now...
@Pavel Well, of course not. But it's a fun experiment.
CMC: Make a popcon about popcorn that doesn't get closed.
> mini challenge
Not this one. It's a Chat Macro Challenge
CMC: determine if the program is being run with root permissions.
too many assumptions about the language and the operating system
@Pavel do you want a truthy/falsy value or two different outputs to determine?
@Pavel DOS BATCH, 7 bytes -- @echo 1
Bash, 5 bytes: id -u prints a 0 for root, another value for non-root
Chat macro challenge: write a macro that does ______
@Okx At least one unique output for either true or false, and anything else otherwise.
@PhiNotPi #define a(b)puts(b)
Made a C preprocessor macro that prints the input
@PhiNotPi #define a ______
Expads to ______, so I guess it "does" it
@PhiNotPi qq<C-w>v<C-w>n@qq@q
It's a vim macro that makes a fractal in your window
@DJMcMayhem thats actually cool
except it lags and stuff
Did you run it?
@DJMcMayhem That's awesome
Then after that, do qqqqq:q!<cr>@qq@q
How do I start vim without loading any plugins/previous work?
@Pavel vim -u NONE -i NONE
@DJMcMayhem its too fast :(
any way to slow it down?
what did it do
it's gone
@betseg Sure. qqqqq:q!<cr>gs@qq@q
it exited everything
got it
Screenshot for those who don't have vim/don't feel like testing it:
oic that's intended
Yeah, that's expected
That's what breaks the macro, otherwise it would run forever
Wait, you run Vim on Windows?
I run everything on windows
@DJMcMayhem cr?
what's that
@Riker enter
@Riker Carriage return
ie enter
Carriage return/enter
ninja'd and ninja'd again
Can someone smarter than me explain Jetbrains MPS? It seems super cool but I have no idea what it does.
@Pavel It seems like a framework to make DSLs
I don't know what a DSL is though
It's weird
Domain-Specific Language
> DSL may also refer to:
> Damn Small Linux, a very small Linux distribution
Thanks Wikipedia
woah, that website looks cool and opens fast
What website?
jetbrains mps
Like I said, it seems super cool
I wonder if I can make golfing langs with it.
I mean, yeah I probably can, I wonder if that will actually make it easier.
If there's a DSL close to your needs. Otherwise, the common one-identifier-per-char golf lang is probably easier to do from scratch.
Ok, so MPS allows you describe a language and it generates a transpiler from that language to JS/JVM. That's awesome.
We recently got a JetBrains license server license (no typo). Now everyone can use all the products. Specifically, CLion and Rider. So good.
Now they just need a Rust IDE.
Esolangs.org has an expired certificate, if anyone knows how to fix that.
Probably ais
But esolangs is not TLS by default.
@ComradeSparklePony no it doesn't?
@Riker Yes it does.
> This server could not prove that it is esolangs.org; its security certificate expired yesterday. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to Tuesday, April 11, 2017.
It's 10.15 pm here btw.
@mınxomaτ Related, Microsoft used to have a certification program for licensing. I don't think they do any longer.
@Riker You're not on the HTTPS site genius :P
yeah, that's what I mean
it's not a https for me
3 mins ago, by mınxomaτ
But esolangs is not TLS by default.
that redirects to the main thing for me
manually typing https:// in front of teh url I mean
@Riker Then why would you say it doesn't have an expired cert. You wouldn't know.
oh, true
I thought it didn't because it didn't error
but yeah, it doesn't confirm either
@Riker It confirms that you have a redirect that doesn't exist on the server.
There's no redirect on the SSL version.
maybe caching?
How the deuce do you actually view the certificate in Chrome? In IE it's as simple as right-click the padlock (or open padlock, if it's broken) and "View Certificate."
{ ~ }  » curl -I esolangs.org
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
More details here: curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html

{ ~ }  » curl -Ik esolangs.org
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: nginx/1.6.2
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 20:19:53 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 160
Location: esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page
Connection: keep-alive
Notice the 302 points at TLS, not non-TLS
When in doubt, curl :). No cache, no cookies.
@AdmBorkBork from the inspect menu
FFS, that's nice and buried.
Q: Maximum Move in a maze with given directions

sammyGiven a N*N maze, and string of N,E,W,S denoting positions to move to. I need to determine how many moves are possible in sequence out of a string (containing these 4 letters only). For eg- If string is NNN ,and I can only move 1 step up,that means answer for that cell is 1. If for another cell...

@AdmBorkBork yeah i really dislike the change
i guess they think more people might click in the url bar now that non-https is marked "Not Secure"
and viewing cert details will confuse the average user
some nonsense like that
@DownWat 10/10 quality username
CMC: find 3 numbers such that |(|a-b|-|b-c|)| = (a/b)/(b/c)) (or is it possible?) (or inverse of the right side) (see the message on Sandbox for $\LaTeX$)
@betseg Or just insert the $\LaTeX$ in here.
@Pavel some people dont use $\LaTeX$
@betseg Look at it, it's an image.
@betseg Wolfram alpha.
That's cheating
Also, I think you're supposed to solve over the Integers
huh, it returned nothing useful for me
forgot to add that they should be different :p
b=0.9999999... ;-)
then theyre the same?
I already solved it once, screw it.
Q: Charlie and the evil hyphen

rybo111Here's the phonetic alphabet: Alfa Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliett Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu In the fewest bytes possible: Remove the first letter of each word. Shuffle the word order. Someh...

0,4,2,6 works.
@Riker neither rim nor shot
0/7 can't hear a thing
The top 15 flaggers on PPCG:
Rank    User                Helpful Flags
1       ProgramFOX          440
2       Mego                382
3       Stewie Griffin      214
4       Erik the Outgolfer  161
5       DJMcMayhem          155
6       Martin Ender        146
7       Helka Homba         149
8       Peter Taylor        128
9       Flawr               114
10      Downgoat            111
11      mbomb007            111
12      Muddyfish           99
13      Gerry               94
14      Riker               88
15      msh210              84
@Mego ^ Just in case you wanted to see the rankings
That isn't at all what I expected the rankings to be
Everyone else is currently below 80
@Mego What were you expecting?
I think I have around 15
@DJMcMayhem I'm not sure, but not that :P
@DJMcMayhem what kind of flags does it include?
Any and all that are marked helpful
Didn't expect Martin to be up there, considering he can hammer things and not flag them.
Except for meta and chat flags I guess
@Pavel He was a very active user for a long time before mod-hood
I thought he was in the original PPCG mods before the first election.
Nope. The original are all no longer active
He was a pro-tem mod, but he was only appointed like a year or two before the end of beta
Dmkcee, Gnibbler, and Christ Jester Young
good night
@betseg g'night
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardBrainflak Multiplication Metagolf This question is a Brain-flak Birthday challenge and will be posted on April 27th Last summer we had the Brain-flak Integer Metagolf, and the answers it generated have been very useful to the Brain-Flak community since. The main thing that makes the Integer Me...

@DJMcMayhem Oh dang, I'm tied with Downgoat.
@mbomb007 brb fixing
I gotta fix that.
@DJMcMayhem What are the rankings for votes cast?
Also, I know that I'm ranked #2 for posts edited, so that'd be an interesting set of rankings to see, as well.
(Only Martin and I have the Copy Editor badge)
@mbomb007 That one actually has a ranking, so it's easier to find: codegolf.stackexchange.com/users?tab=Voters&filter=all
The other one had to be done manually
For whatever reason, this guy has no participation except for a ridiculous amount of votes:
101 1 2 4
And fanatic
Q: Cyclic Levenquine

ais523Background As most PPCG regulars will know, a quine is a program which outputs its own source code when run; and the Levenshtein distance between two strings is the minimum number of insertions, deletions, and edits needed to change one string into the other. In this challenge, we're combining t...

@DJMcMayhem Huh. I'm 37th.
@Mego Deleted, actually. Letting an underage participate is not the problem; storing their email address is.
@mbomb007 I'm 34th apparently
@NewMainPosts Maybe a solution in Headsecks would be possible?
Then you could encode its source and "increment" by 8 mod 256
@mbomb007 can it go forever? does unicode have some limitation?
> Additionally, at some point, the sequence of repeatedly running the program, running its output, running its output's output, etc. must eventually come back to the original program.
Also yes, Unicode doesn't have infinite characters
@Riker no it does not have to be TC, but be aware that if it isn't, it might not be able to compete in the randomly selected challenge
@Timtech @WheatWizard @Riker v
@mbomb007 REPL answers are allowed, but they're considered a separate language. — Dennis ♦ 3 mins ago
I'm not happy with that consensus (I've downvoted it myself), but it is what it is.
Feedback was requested on this month-old sandbox post earlier but it seems to have been overlooked. Thought I'd mention it since it sounds potentially interesting:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinSort a vector using the least amount of reversals optimization, code-challenge This is a code-challenge where the objective is to sort a vector into ascending order using the fewest operations. Your algorithm can only sort the vector using subvector reversals, but it can use other operations fo...

(and also sounds difficult to get right as a challenge, so more in need of feedback than average)
@Dennis I haven't voted in it because I'm torn. I don't want people to golf solely in REPL, but I also thing have REPL allows for some languages to "essentially" compete in otherwise hard challenges, such as questions
@Dennis out of interest, what's your personal opinion on the subject?
I also think that there's two different sorts of REPL answers:
* the answer is typed into the REPL, and it then does I/O the way a normal program would;
* the answer is typed into the REPL, returning to the REPL prompt; the user input is also then input at the REPL prompt (i.e. the answer changes the REPL into a solution to the challenge)
I'm not sure if we're drawing a distinction at the moment
@ais523 Hard to say. Some languages exist solely as REPLs, so we'd probably need an exception for those. But if a language can be invoked as a full program or supports functions, REPL answers in that language shouldn't be allowed imho.
hmm, there are edge cases even to that, like Prolog
luckily it supports functions
but it doesn't really support full programs; you can simulate them by writing custom initialisation code and then crashing the program during it, so that the REPL part of it never gets to run, but I'm not sure that counts
I won't pretend having the slightest clue about Prolog.
@ais523 At least swipl seems to support programs though. github.com/TryItOnline/arena-server/blob/master/wrappers/…
that appears to be a REPL: Try it online!
you can see that the input here is a Prolog program that calls a function, not something like a string or an integer
or I guess it's a REP, because it only runs the command specified, rather than asking for another
0																												'
0 '
Hmmm... it appears it is still possible to post new community ads for 2016
@0 ' we need those 2016 ads
@DJMcMayhem @BrainFlakUsers - I'm writing an article on brain-flak. How do I output something? >_> I tried running this, which of course outputted nothing.
What are you trying to output?
0																												'
0 '
@ConorO'Brien There is no explicit output functionality in Brain-Flak. At the end of the program execution all the contents of the active stack are printed starting at the top
({}) prints 0.
@ConorO'Brien Woah, cool! What are you writing it for?
Also, like others have said, to print something, push it onto the active stack
@Dennis Why exactly was I tagged in that? Just wondering
I think that all of my posted TI-Basic scripts are full programs
Because you cast one of the delete votes.
@Timtech follow the link Dennis is quoting
@0 ' so why doesn't my link work?
@DJMcMayhem the unofficial ppcg blog :P nothing too spectactular
@ConorO'Brien () does nothing on its own. A second () also does nothing, and the {} pops a value but because there is nothing on the stack it behaves as a no-op.
What are you trying to do?
just trying to get a feel for the language
the docs say each evaluate to 1 tho?
> These are concatenated together when they are evaluated. So if we had a '3' on top of the active stack, this snippet:


would evaluate to 1 + 1 + active.pop() which would evaluate to 5.
oh wait nvm
you need (...) to push
Yes. (), [], <...>, and [...] will not do anything on they are own
@ConorO'Brien They do. So the whole thing evaluates to 1 + 1 + pop() but then nothing is done with that value
ok, cool. thanks :D
oh >_>
I haven't been following the reddit lately
I haven't either
@ConorO'Brien Our favorite beginner's task for anyone learning Brain-Flak is to write a multiplication program.
oh geez... let me try addition first >_>
Addition is a good first
Counting from input to 0 is a good second
Multiplication is a good third
k, thanks! is there a brain-flak room?

 The Third Stack

A chat room for discussing the Brain-Flak programming language...

 The Third Stack

A chat room for discussing the Brain-Flak programming language...
hahaha awesome name
Thanks :D
It's inspired by this:
A: Tips for Golfing in Brain-Flak

Wheat WizardUse the Third Stack If you have read the title you might be a bit confused. Surely there are only two stacks in Brain-Flak? However I assure you that it exists and it is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful tool in writing and golfing Brain-Flak. What is the "Third Stack"? Eve...

I'm working on a service to provide SVG images based on Math.JS functions.
That's f(x)=pow(x,2)
@ATaco nice
huh cool
That's intentional, because adding a .svg causes problems.
maybe axis marks/scale would be nice
@ATaco trailing & is weird though, trim .svg off if it exists before passing to math.js
I just need to make it stop trying to parse the .svg, that's all.
I'm aware.
Wait what how did you get SE to display SVG
@Downgoat SE automatically oneboxes svg
O_o since when
@DJMcMayhem ok well my mind is basically broken after reading that
Does it make sense though?
I think one way that is more easily intuitive is The accumulator
I do think I understand it. Utilizing it is a whole different animal
So () increments The accumulator, and (...) returns The accumulator from the inside
The third stack is really a high level concept I would avoid thinking about it until you have mastered the basics.
sounds good lol
Which is why ((()()())()) would push 3, 4

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