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Not just "je suis", but "je suis ton" makes it sound like "just wheat", borrowing the "t" sound from "ton"
Mixing french and english LOL'ed me 😂
ಠ_ಠ Emojis shouldn't be used
@ConorO'Brien I didn't notice that, huh, it works even better now
@TuxCopter I'm not using them in most occasions. In fact, ಠ_ಠ shouldn't be used either. Oh shit I used it
ಠ_ಠ is a smiley. Smileys are ok. Emojis on the other hand are evil and should be avoided at all costs.
they're acceptable in the strictly mobile environment IMO
Oh wow there was a lot of RFCs today
@MartinEnder Does mathematica have an operator to "bind" an argument to a function? e.g. 3&+ in J, or, in pseudocode, bind[x, f] = lambda *args: f(x, *args)
@TuxCopter That's pretty normal
@SIGSEGV Well, the United States of America is the only country with "America" in its name.
guys pls
1 message moved to Trash
Let's not be hostile, please
that was hostile?
1 message moved to Trash
and you're Actually an RO? ( :p )
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

kyrillHow far is this list from sorted? Input: list of whitespace-separated base-10 integers (on stdin). Output: minimal count (base-10 integer) of numbers which have to be moved to a different position in order to sort the array (to stdout). Example List 0 1 2 4 5 6 3 9 7 8 becomes sorted by...

That's a bad pun
are there good puns?
Yes. That one was not one.
there are good puns?
Not sure why you asked twice
Objection: Asked and answered
different order --> different inflection
@Geobits overruled
I doubt that ;)
@Geobits Objection stands. Counsel will proceed to a different line of questioning.
good puns there are?
Alright if you're just going to keep repeating the same 4 words in different orders, I'm going to start trashing and kicking
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
I wasn't joking.
Okay, okay.
no jokes here sigh
Wait, there is Alt±F4 in the userlist? ಠ_ಠ
@SIGSEGV No, it's Alt-F4
btw it's Dmitry
Alt-F4: Quickest way to save your work
@Geobits It actually saves a lot of the time
@Geobits Ctrl-W completes your work in an instant ;)
But you have to answer yes on the dialog
@TheWanderer Jokes are fine. Taking something that wasn't really funny to begin with and running it into the ground isn't.
so no playing around?
There are a million examples today of how to do jokes well
Someone wants to be kicked, methinks.
@TheWanderer meanwhile there are jokes back here
I'll go to Android :p
Some people get a kick out of annoying others
I swear, this is like that scene in Zoolander
@Mego For example, the starboard?
"What do you mean? I just explained it to you!"
I forgot how seriously this chat takes itself
@TheWanderer Speaking of Android, do you know if Google Home is Android-based? It would make this thin I'm doing a bit easier if so.
it is
@TheWanderer What do you mean
well if you go to AUGR, you'll see we're literally singing "wat" :p
and if you go to Android, you'll see kittens and cursing
Flagged for bad joke
it's not a joke o_O
bad joke != offensive
it's what's happening
Question: how is UI?
Huh, I crashed my taskbar by playing with the date settings
@Downgoat halp how to short js pow
Why do I have two firefox processes? I thought it was supposed to use only one.
@ASCII-only use ES7
@ASCII-only 2<<n for pow(2,n)
:O chrome has es7
this is amazing
technically everything ES5 is also ES7 so if you support ES5 you have ES7 support
@Downgoat Huh? Not the other way? Was ES7 just bugfixes?
The thing is JavaScript still can't overload operators :(
very random thing to ask: anyone want to draw a ppcg logo on r/place?
Um how do I do Math.round golfily in JS
try |0
@ASCII-only parseInt(n+.5) umm this is longer darnit
@JanDvorak Isn't that more like Math.floor?
Yeah (n+.5)|0 works
(n+.5)|0 would be round then
Dammit ninja'd
Whew now my bluetooth keyboard sends a codeblock correctly
did @mendeleevlemon change his name again
Ok for anyone else who didn't realise it Mendeleev/wat/Dmitry is now @Alt-F4
@Alt-F4 I have begun work on my music
its in 5/4
@Alt-F4 Please stop changing your name. Pick a name and settle on it, please?
Yeah, like I'm settling on SIGSEGV. (uhh that was kind of a bad name wasn't it?)
0																											'
0 '
@Poke I forgot to inform you that I fixed the bug with my 1/x program. Thanks again for pointing it out.
@SIGSEGV Pfft of course you can with valueOf and toString magic
Are the videos here all squished for anyone else? aol.com/article/news/2017/04/01/…
Q: I give you Nth permutation, you give me N

kyrillInput: a sequence of uppercase letters (ASCII [65;90]) which is the Nth* lexicographical permutation of the multiset of its characters *permutations are numbered from 0 upwards Output: base-10 integer N Rulez There might be duplicates (that's how this challenge differs from this one) The c...

CMC: given lists A and B, randomly shuffle the elements of A with indices in B. You may assume that these indices are always in range.
e.g., A = 1 2 3 4 and B = 0 2, one possible output could be 3 2 1 4, the first and third elements were swapped randomly.
It is known that we can store data on DNAs, then when will DNAs be used for USB drives or such?
DNA digital data storage refers to any scheme to store digital data in the base sequence of DNA. This technology uses artificial DNA made using commercially available oligonucleotide synthesis machines for storage and DNA sequencing machines for retrieval. This type of storage system is more compact than current magnetic tape or hard drive storage systems due to the data density of the DNA. It also has the capability for longevity, as long as the DNA is held in cold, dry and dark conditions, as is shown by the study of woolly mammoth DNA from up to 60,000 years ago, and for resistance to obsolescence...
dammit android
> The method is however not ready for large-scale use, as it costs $7000 to synthesize 2 megabytes of data and another $2000 to read it.
Dammit it takes $9.72e+14 to use all of the storage
Q: Please how do I classify equilibrium points and sketch phase diagram

user67634Please how do you sketch the phase diagram and classify all equilibrium points of the system below?: x prime = -6y+2xy-8 y prime = y^2-x^2 I have found the critical points by setting each of x prime and y prime to be zero. Please what do I do next?

O_o Why am I above Dennis on Month league?
Also @dim and I have similar member time, @dim has more rep and I have more badges
Wait, @SorghumSorcerer how did you change your name again? o_O
@SIGSEGV 0 ' was an april fools joke but when I went to change it back I decided to make it a little different. This will likely last a day or two before I get bored and change it back to WheatWizard.
I mean, can't you change your name once in a month?
I believe you can change your name as oft as you wish
o_O really?
Oh wait I was wondering who 0 ' was
@ConorO'Brien :(
@SorghumSorcerer nice. i'll check it out
it looks like it's still failing for 1.0
1.00 works though >.>
Q: April Fools Day!

vikarjramunYour challenge is simple: write a program or function which appears to print the first ten numbers of any integer sequence (on OEIS, the answerer may choose which sequence), but instead prints the exact text: Happy April Fool's Day! if and only if it is run on April 1st of any year. Run on any...

nooooo they removed achievements in minecraft
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

H WaltersFactor Sort This challenge involves sorting positive integers based on a lexicographical ordering of their prime factorizations. Overview lexicographical sorting, used in dictionaries, applies lexicographical order which extends alphabetical order to words: a aa aaa aaron ab abandoned abc abe...

@SorghumSorcerer According to my (imperfect) memory, it's only possible to change your username more often than once in a certain time period (I don't remember how long it is and I don't care to find out with my account) if you change it on different sites and swap your parent account in chat.
For example, I could change my name to PythonIsTheBest on PPCG, and it would show up in chat. I then could change my name to JavaIsTheWorst on CR, and change my chat account's parent account to my CR account, which would cause chat to show my name as JavaIsTheWorst.
@Mego I just changed it on PPCG...
Bounties on reciprocal are now open
guys please check out my inventory system github.com/dkudriavtsev/inventory
submit pull requests!!
Why do you have a directory named bin which is filled with text files?
@Alt-F4 And conflict markers
Well taht's my two cents.
How did that happen??
@feersum What??
@feersum oh yeah the text files are shell scripts AFAIK
@feersum Wait, why are there conflict markers everywhere??? HELP ME PLEASE MY APPLICATION IS ERRORS NOW
Um, April Fool's I guess
Q: Regression Regression Score

koneru nikhilI was working on a dataset of 21 columns and 9800020 rows in Rstudio.While I am doing regression for each item in my dataset separately for few Items I got regression score close to zero which is good enough but few items it is deviating more than 40 I used various regression algorithms like SVM,...

oh man. my DAW randomly closed without saving ;_; muh work
@DestructibleLemon D:
Oh my god guys
stop flag spamming
well tfw you validate your own flag
modflag filed.
I don't think I've ever flagged chat messages, iirc
like misusing flags is punishable, isn't it?
it is
i wonder if there's any way to flag a flag or something like that
@HyperNeutrino mods can kick them
@Mego 30 days, IIRC and some people abuse thr reparenting trick. And are uncool.
(We just call the guy who does it in our room whatever we feel like calling him, or outdated nicks or... you get the idea)
Hmm, what should this music piece be called?
Oh, okay
@HyperNeutrino pray you do not find out. ;)
@JourneymanGeek I was responding to @SIGSEGV lol
You may find lego on your floor, and the doorknobs shifted an inch to the left...
@Alt-F4 what should i call my first song?
@HyperNeutrino also, you end up on santa's naughty list.
Like people who misuse sudo
@JourneymanGeek wait so sorry i have no idea what's going on :'P
Excellent. My work here is done.
ok then
@JourneymanGeek @Doorknobs?
reporting flag abuse is inappropriate?
I'm not going to say what I want to say because I'm sleepy and don't want to get in a fight with mods, but I simply disagree that this is a case that should've been declined.
@DestructibleLemon share snippet?
it's obviously an issue, to the level of mods' posts and "friendly" messages pointing out that that's wrong being flagged.
but then I'd need to save it first
@DestructibleLemon and?
ok exporting the beat
wait where should I upload it?
@Avery Was it serial flag abuse, or was it just a single post that had a misused flag on it?
@HyperNeutrino 3 messages were flagged
yesterday, by ArtOfCode
Stop using flags as jokes. No question. End of. Just stop. It's not funny for mods, nor for all the 10k users who end up seeing flags without any reason.
47 mins ago, by TheWanderer
stop flag spamming
52 mins ago, by Avery
what the fuck is wrong with you? why does one flag a message saying "don't misuse flags", by a mod?
and obviously it's a mod-acknowledged problem according to starlist and chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/36418298#36418298
> what the fuck is wrong with you?
> fuck
@SIGSEGV has a point actually
ugh, you're going to make me talk, won't you?
@Avery That flag may have been legitimate? Swearing?
@Alt-F4 it may be legitimate. I did vote towards it, even.
> offensive
49 mins ago, by Avery
well tfw you validate your own flag
@Avery Hm. So it definitely is an issue. Considering that the flags were all on messages telling people to stop flagging messages, I'd say it probably is an issue. But I would agree that the flag on swearing may have been legit.
i also agree :)
But the other two flags definitely do not belong.
that, however, doesn't explain why my modflag was denied
you know
I'm just going to leave
Yeah, the mods definitely should have taken a look at it.
K cya. o/
@HyperNeutrino well, that message means that they took a look and found the modflag unneeded.
@Avery True. But I mean they definitely should have treated it as an issue. And yeah, have a good day :)
@Avery I'm here. I had no clue what to do with the flag tho ;p
well I'm not sure if you viewed it, as modflags go to random network mods
@Alt-F4 thoughts?
@DestructibleLemon Icicle something
I'm making a website for my science assignment
Because I can
@DestructibleLemon definitely sounds icy/etc.
@Destructible What are you making/naming?
@Avery It goes out to all the mods
But I don't know you guys ;p
ah right you are from su
But I'm all over teh place, chatwise
@DestructibleLemon Cool. Can I listen to it? I might have an idea for a name. idk
Tarik, O or Kosong? Who knows.
@HyperNeutrino link is still there
So wait, is this chat mostly for PPCG or is it more general? I see a few PPCG people, an SU person, and an Arquade person
@Destructible Okay thanks
in case you can't tell it is 5/4
@HyperNeutrino Mostly PPCG
@Alt-F4 Okay. Yeah, because the description says "General discussion for PPCG"
@DestructibleLemon Yeah, I can tell. Sounds cool, I agree with Alt-F4, definitely sounds like some sort of thing related to ice or something along those lines.
the drum beat should be louder I think
@HyperNeutrino You yourself said it quite elegantly:
2 days ago, by HyperNeutrino
So wait, I just wanted to clarify exactly the purposes of this chat. When there's a discussion about the site, it's important and other chitchat should be left for later. When there isn't discussions about specific questions and other chitchat is fine. But never are unintelligible, offensive, derogatory, or otherwise not understandable messages allowed. Am I right?
People don't have to have their chat account tied to PPCG to chat here. They don't even need a PPCG account to chat here. Users are perfectly capable of having and contributing to PPCG-related conversations even if they don't have accounts.
@Mego Ooh thanks. You still remember that :D I feel acknowledged. :) And yeah, IIRC the name was given as a play on the name of the site, AFAIK.
Of course, they may not have as much to contribute as those of us who have invested a lot of time into PPCG, but everyone is welcome to have their voice heard, so long as they Be Nice.
@HyperNeutrino It's a bit sad that I remember the message but not who said it :P
@Mego wasn't it a meta answer?
I'm not sure what you mean? It was a chat message that received many stars, and a few of us ROs considered pinning it. I just linked it.
@Mego The naming one?
Now I definitely have no idea what you're talking about
@Alt-F4 I think he means the one he just blockquoted
@HyperNeutrino oh
@Mego Oh :P Random Question: how many people actually notice me around on PPCG? Just wondering, lol
@HyperNeutrino I'm also kind of a chat person ;p
@LegionMammal978 yeah I noticed that too. I don't know when tho
@JourneymanGeek What do you mean exactly by chat person? :P
@HyperNeutrino Honestly I don't usually pay much attention to the usernames on posts. I try to follow the "vote on the post, not on the user" philosophy. I'll only look at the username if I'm going to reference the user who posted it (i.e. "Dennis's post")
@Mego That's a good point, I usually look at the post, vote on it if I decide to, and then check the user name. Sometimes when I get bored I try to guess who wrote it before checking :P
@HyperNeutrino I hang out around fairly varied chats. So, if I'm here, it mainly means I'm curious
@JourneymanGeek Oh, okay, cool!
I hope you like this place :P It's pretty cool IMO
...I think I fixed inventory...
@Mego do people actually look at the username?
@Alt-F4 yes
Who are you?
I'm Dennis
Oh no, the fake sock train is coming and nobody's identity will be revealed any more!
@JanDvorak I'm Kazoo Kid Kazoo noise intensifies
I'm @AlexL
I am you
Yu is me.
When I am everyone and nobody is me, who is anyone anymore?
@HyperNeutrino me
So when I am everyone and nobody is me, Destructible Lemon is anyone.
reclines back triumphantly
But I am still everyone, so I am you and you are anyone, so I am anyone and everyone.
But I also specified that nobody is me so you can't be nobody, so you're not exactly anyone
@HyperNeutrino If nobody is me, am I nobody? It doesn't make sense at all!
@HyperNeutrino I said "reclines back triumphantly"!
Umm this is becoming noise
Yeah, we should probably stop now, or continue this "discussion" privately.
But @HyperNeutrino is everyone so he is becoming noise
I'm not becoming noise, I AM noise! Mwahahaha
I'm the anti-noise.
but isn't anti-noise also noise
No, I mean I'm going to start trashing this pseudo-philosophical nonsense if it continues
@HyperNeutrino Now even you are admitting it
Anti-noise is noise on its own, but when noise and anti-noise combine, it forms silence.
@SIGSEGV @Mego Yeah sorry, I kinda got carried away there. I should probably just go to sleep now anyway. :P
@Mego Now I am become anti-noise, the destroyer of nonsense.
If I cheer, will I get thrown out with the bathwater?
Wait, According to Wikipedia, 'noise' is unwanted sound. The chat is not sound, but text. Thus we are not creating noise. Oh my, I have gone too much into the definition of 'noise'.
@JanDvorak Why are you in the bath?
@SIGSEGV It's time for you to stop.
@Mego I just asked who ALT+F4 was, then ran like hell when I saw the avalanche coming
@JanDvorak Isn't it the old PPCG user wat? IIRC
My chat colorization userscript used to track that as a a side-effect, but it no longer keeps user colors constant.
Yep, wat -> Check Out Tomato -> Mendeleev -> MendeleevLemon -> Alt-F4
... oh. Thanks.
And dmitry k.... -> wat
(I don't remember what .... was)
Right, I couldn't remember before the duck
... Oh, so there weren't 3 different users. I thought wat, Check Out Tomato, and Mendeleev(Lemon)? were different users. ;_;
@DJMcMayhem Dmitry Kudriavtsev, according to his profile page.
@JanDvorak Oh, I didn't realize you were actually asking. I thought it was a joke because it came right after the discussion of whether or not people look at usernames
It was both :-(
All you did was light a match for illumination. You didn't know that it would ignite a dumpster fire.
Which would promptly result in the entire waste management facility exploding and cause a nearby forest fire.
All the while you'd be melodically insisting on your innocence in the arson
How do we check if a problem is P or NP? (or both)
@Mego You missed Dmitry Kudriavtsev
> @DJMcMayhem Dmitry Kudriavtsev, according to his profile page.
@SIGSEGV P = you find a polynomial time algorithm to solve it, possibly by reducing it to some other P problem
@HyperNeutrino sorry was scrolled up
oh lol :P
@SIGSEGV A decision problem is in P iff there is a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding it. A decision problem is in NP iff there is a polynomial-time algorithm for verifying solutions.
@JanDvorak What about NP?
@SIGSEGV If it's P, it's also NP. If it's not P, most likely it's NP or co-NP anyways.
If you want NP-complete, you reduce some other NP-complete problem to it and vice versa.
Hmm. Then if P=NP or not is not so obvious
P is a subset of NP. The big question in computer science is whether or not P is a proper subset of NP. In other words, are there NP problems that are not also P problems?
Surely the math guys would have known by now if it was obvious :-)
I'm in the P ≠ NP camp, mostly due to empirical evidence. I also suspect that P ≠ NP may be undecidable, but that's more of a gut feeling than anything.
I only wanted to know P and NP but it somehow goes far into PSPACE,NTIME,etc..
Yep. $NP \union co-NP$ covers a lot of the cases.
Did I get it right? I don't have the chatJax userscript
\union is highlighted in red
I have no idea
Hmm, Is Ruby on Rails NP, but not P?
I would just do NP ∪ co-NP
@JanDvorak It shows as plain text to me
@SIGSEGV That's not a meaningful question
@SIGSEGV Ruby on Rails is not a problem. It's a solution.
oh ok
@SIGSEGV The web dev framewok?
@JanDvorak Well that depends on whether you work with it or not :P
@Mego I work with it a lot. definitely a solution
@Alt-F4 Umm no
Q: Ruby on Rails (or Trackety Track)

GarethYou are Ruby, a railway engineer. Your task is to lay track in any given valley such that it visits every station (M). The amount of track laid is not important, but it must be laid in one continuous path which starts and ends at the valley entrance/exit point (>) and does not, at any point cross...

at least compared to PHP
I use plain Ruby heavily.
Oh, that one!!
@JanDvorak I do as well... probably not "heavily" but a little bit
@DJMcMayhem oh, this one. Yep, NP
I'm not positive that's what they meant though
But, Is it also P?
Just a guess
@SIGSEGV If I show it NP-C, will you consider it not P?
That one is probably NP-complete since it's closely related to the Traveling Salesman problem
@JanDvorak Ah well maybe
I'm not sure that laying the track makes much of a difference
You can reduce it to the non-intersecting path problem (self-plug incoming)
@Mego It looks like Traveling Salesman except it should output in ascii and it has unvisitable nodes
"self-plug" sounds dirty
I have the start of a decent melody for my song now @Alt-F4 @HyperNeutrino
I mean, just plug
@Alt-F4 It's not what's said that sounds dirty, it's how the reader interprets it that is. Unless you're talking about gardening.
@HyperNeutrino oh
@JanDvorak That's a very good interpretation
I leave it as an exercise for the reader how to convert NIP to ROR.
@DestructibleLemon Cool. Can I get an update link?
I only have the start of one :P
I didn't even consider the fact that it essentially had to be a planar graph, which solidifies my hunch that it was NP-complete
Oh :P
Should I link NIP from the question (in a comment)?
@ConorO'Brien you mean currying? Not really, although some built-ins can be curried out of the box by calling them with fewer arguments and you can do it yourself by returning a function.
@ArtOfCode They're not using them as jokes. Jokes are funny, flag abuse is not
Not every joke is funny
@JanDvorak like your life. hue hue hue hue hue
@DestructibleLemon xcode in nutshell
well, luckily I had saved it semi earlier and most of the work was just mucking around to figure out the best way anyway
@Downgoat hue hue hue hue hue hue
Q: Find number of integers smaller that N from a continuous stream

Surajeet BharatiInput A stream of Integers is the search space. At any point of time, you will be given an Input N (also integer). Output Count of integers that are smaller than N, at that point of time. Example at time t1: stream : 1, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7 input : 5 output : 4 at time t2:...

hmmm what license should this track have?
How do I have my thing be creative commons?

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