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Overload the operator and have it be dependent upon the left and right hand operands
Then it's golfier. ;-)
Currently / returns a floating if either of operands is a floating, otherwise integer. (// returns always integer).
int / int => int
int / float => float
float / int => float
float / float => float
(for example)
^ That is how it works
Well, there ya go.
But /= doesn't work like that, currently, as it only depends on the left operand.
any / any => float
any // any => int
I think I'll do as Mego suggests. It seems rational.
lol pun
And then a /= b is the same as a = a / b.
It's how Python 3 does it, so of course it's rational :P
I forgot that I had overloaded / for strings.
! x := "a b c"
! x /= " "
! print x
[a, b, c]
Well, I think that doesn't hurt.
@fergusq is the prompt !?
@betseg Yes.
@Fatalize I'm not entirely sure that I understand your question. Is the wording of the first paragraph confusing?
@DownChristopher Please don't be annoying. If you want to test chat features, there's a Sandbox room.
Ok sorry.
Answering an old challenge is kinda odd
Hey guys! Would you like to get this post reopened : codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/113726/… . Thanks!
@Arjun The challenge looks opened, it just has a low score.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenInteger-Digits of the Arithmetic-Tables code-golfarithmeticintegernumber Challenge: Output the 'integer-digits' of one of the following six arithmetic-tables based on the input: - addition (+); - subtraction (-); - multiplication (*); - division (/); - exponentiation (^); - modulo operation (%...

Oh, nvm, I see it was just reopened.
Good morning everyone!
Good afternoon!
good odd-afternoon-morning-hybrid
I was going to say 11:35 is not morning
Ok, well strictly speaking it's 8:30 here. Which may or not fall under your definition of morning. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@DownChristopher It's certainly not post meridiem, so that means it's still morning.
It's 9:37 here. That's still morning, just not super early
How do you know? @AdmBorkBork
So does morning continue until noon?
@DownChristopher meridiem is 12:00, no?
@betseg Yes
morning starts when I wake up, afternoon starts when I eat lunch :P
Like, 1 AM isn't post meridiem, but I woudn't call it morning.
Sure it is.
Poll: how many scripts that you've written for personal use do you have on your computer ?
@ConorO'Brien how to apply that when you wake at 13:00 ?
> It's High Noon somewhere in the world
@NathanMerrill a lot
@NathanMerrill Personal use, or scripts that I personally use for work?
@Rod same rules apply. it's still morning :P
@AdmBorkBork as long as you've written it, and you haven't shared it. Doesn't matter what the script's purpose is
@NathanMerrill 2. One launches steam under wine, the second reinstalls steam when it borks.
> morning

1. The part of the day from dawn to noon.
I'll see you tomorrow morning.
2. The part of the day between midnight and noon.
one o'clock in the morning (1 am)
@betseg care to explain what they are for?
Both of which probabably should have been a set-alias command in my .bashrc, but I couldn't get it to work.
@NathanMerrill Somewhere north of 75 but fewer than 100
really? most of them for work?
@NathanMerrill a lot, to quick update projects to servers, to sync srvs / dbs, to recompile projects, to start programs with env. variable, all to be used on work
@NathanMerrill Across my desktop and laptop, and ignoring the fact that my computer just killed itself? Like 3 or 4
@DJMcMayhem what do they do?
@NathanMerrill Yeah. Finding a user in AD based on SID, getting an export CSV of mailboxes by total size, searching for individual user permissions in the Public Folder hierarchy, etc.
Oh right, and a third one that runs apt update && apt upgrade
@NathanMerrill one of them sets up conky for i3bar (which i dont use anymore, i use gnome now), another one sets up Xorg for i3 (which i dont use anymore), other one manages the systemd-boot config files (i had 3 OSes installed), other one removes powerline symbols from zsh variables if i opened the shell in a virtual terminal
That's not counting any of my golfing-related scripts
those are the ones i remember
The rules of internet time are that it's always morning when someone comes online, and it's always night when someone leaves
That makes snes
I am just going to leave that
@NathanMerrill Agh, it's hard to remember. One of them moves and renames a newly built DLL into my Python folders and launches Python. One of them is for translating .avi files into gifs for my Vim answers. And then I know I've got a few other ones somewhere
And I've also got my massive .vimrc which isn't really a script, but I kinda feel like it should count somehow
@DownChristopher the word you're looking for is a snaek
I also have scripts for launching specific versions of PowerShell with specific modules imported, so that I can just double-click and connect to a particular server with the right commands pre-loaded.
survey results: If you write a lot of scripts, you probably administer a server or some corporate environment.
New challenge up!
Q: Balance the Brackets

Григорий ПерельманYour objective: Given a string of brackets, output the minimum Damerau-Levenshtein Distance required to turn the input string into a string where the brackets are balanced. Input The input string will only contain brackets and no other characters, that is, it is a combination of any of the cha...

@betseg No snes
Wow, that was amazing timing
@Mego in that case... Good night at 10 AM!
@TuxCopter No
I nearly pinged DJMcMayhem that he might be intrested in the new challenge, then I realized he's right there >_>
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

dzaimaPrint the periodic table kolmogorov-complexitycode-golf Your job is to print this text: _____ _____ | 1 | ...

BTW, does everyone here know about the PPCG Challenge-Writing Contest?
If you're going to do a community event, you should post about it on meta
Meta gets a lot more visibility than chat
> Go away or I will replace you with a simple shell script.
Yeah but it needs to be a bit smaller
does ^^ mean? :O
^^^^ what?
Q: New challange variant "Scored Code Golf"

Down ChristopherI have a new idea for code-golf challenges, scored code golf would be used for multi part challenges that correspond and the score adds up. This would allow for linking different challenge types together. I need help knowing if this is a good/bad idea and ideas for rules. The real problem is you...

As meta bot is not posting this :P
@betseg That's a derisive statement meaning that someone is being annoying, and their role is simple enough that a shell script could replace them
@DownChristopher Is that not code-challenge?
i have no idea how to write that meta post about the contest
@ГригорийПерельман I have no idea.
I feel like any way I could phrase it is only like two lines long, which doesn't seem meta-post-worthy
@DownChristopher wait, so do you have an idea or not? Because it sounds like a "Make an idea for me"
the question is really hard to understand
@Mego i know, and according to @ NathanMerrill's survey server administrators use a lot of scripts, does that mean they made people lose jobs? :O :O :O
I have no idea what conclusion you're trying to draw, or how you would come to it
Q: Change text gravity like the 2048 puzzle

mbomb007In the game 2048, you have a grid, and you can move the elements in four directions. They all move in that direction as far as they can. For this challenge, you will be given a padded, square 2D string (either with newlines, or a list of strings), like so: ab cd e f ghij kl mno p q ...

Q: New challange variant "Scored Code Golf"

Down ChristopherI have a new idea for code-golf challenges, scored code golf would be used for multi part challenges that correspond and the score adds up. This would allow for linking different challenge types together. I need help knowing if this is a good/bad idea and ideas for rules. The real problem is you...

@NewMainPosts That moment when you remember a challenge you made a while back, look for it, then realize you never posted it.
@flawr can you confirm
@Mego Are you sure? Because I'm always a knight when someone comes online and mourning when someone leaves.
Why on earth would someone flag that
A flag? Seriously? Who flagged that
Because it was an absolutely godawful pun? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Absolutely godawful puns get stars, not flags
That's not what flags are for.
> garlicbreadmemes
that's dedication, folks
@Riker how much more prooof do you need that this guy is wrong i. All possible aspects?
Q: Make mathematics with minimal matchsticks

ais523Meta-background This was set as a question on Puzzling, and the instant reaction was "well, someone will just solve that by computer". There was a debate about just how complex a program to solve this would have to be. Well, "how complex does this program have to be" is pretty much the definitio...

Is this real
Is this just me or do you see an avocado too
Avocado emojis ftw!!
@NewMainPosts Oh cool, someone used my tag! :)
@SIGSEGV no it's not supported on most things yet
iirc ipads and iphones support it though
@Riker Right, my laptop is supported though but my android tablet is not
@Riker When you notice that every single piece of garlic bread is exactly the same image. It's photoshopped
I see it just fine on Android 7
my both devices support it \o/
But I also see mod diamonds in red which is obnoxious
@DJMcMayhem Agreed
I used to have an emoji addon for Chrome, but I hated the red diamonds.
Having an emoji in the browser address bar is ... weird.
Does it actually display as an emoji?
I hope all of our URLs don't look like that in the future.
also if a domain contains an emoji it turns into punycode
emojipedia.org/search/?q=clock Clock emojis? 24 of them? Oh yas clock challenge inbound XD
There's already been a couple based on those
aww darnit
but is there an actual "show time of day rounded to nearest half hour using emojis"?
What kind of meta tag do I use for announcing an event?
@Laikoni Which extension do you use?
@ArtOfCode Thanks
☀ <= Awfully looks like a minesweeper mine for me
Hey guys! Don't you think that this question, having been edited with fewer and better specs, should be upvoted to get it out of the abyss it is in currently!
Q: Return the clock emoji closest to the current time when run

MohsenI can have a large if/else condition for each 30 minutes but I'm looking for more math and Unicode based solution. Here are clock emojis: 🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕛🕜🕝🕞🕟🕠🕡🕢🕣🕤🕥🕦🕧. If you lack proper rendering support, you can see them below (they're not in the same order and they may loo...

@Arjun Yeah probably. I improved and applied the edit.
@ГригорийПерельман The dark theme is FT DeepDark for Firefox, however I don't think this alters the way emojis are displayed.
@ГригорийПерельман If you're on mobile, you probably don't need an extension, right?
Right, but I'm not on mobile.
I removed the one I was using after I found an XSS vulnerability (since fixed). chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/1?m=32894960#32894960
Q: Announcing the PPCG Challenge-Writing Competition!

Григорий ПерельманMost of us, I'm sure, come to this site either to solve delightfully tricky programming puzzles, or to see what insane golfs other members of our community have written. However, now we ackgnowledge the creative brilliance of those that come here to write those challenges that we've collectivel...

in Challenge-Writing Contest, 53 secs ago, by Martin Ender
Also why is everyone talking about good challenge writers and no invited (or even mentioned) @Zgarb? :(
17 hours ago, by DJMcMayhem
@HelkaHomba If your goal is to include the statistical top challengers, you'd have to make sure to also include doorknob, Joe Z, and zgarb too
Joe Z. is the one who wrote the most upvoted unanswered challenge right? (the Tetris one)
although that sounds like you just listed those because of the quantity of challenges they posted :P
@HyperNeutrino as well as the most upvoted challenge
I mean... Yeah kinda? I think Quantity and quality are both extremely important
@MartinEnder Oh cool, I should go check that out sometime. I've always wondered what the most upvoted challenge was.
In my head at least, the total votes is the most important statistic. That way really good challenges as well as regularly producing decent ones is rewarded
^ Top challengers
Unfortunately that doesn't include other challenge types. That would probably need a SEDE or something.
the score difference between me and Zgarb is depressing
Why is that?
The score difference between you and Helka Homba is... high.
Theres a big difference between you and Helka too
actually, if you look at the score/questions ratio it's quite similar
Ah, that's what you meant
@DJMcMayhem because, imho the quality of my challenges is no where near Zgarb's
How do we contact zgarb if we can't ping him in chat?
Hmm, actually I average higher scores then Zgarb too
If you ping him he'll get an inbox notification on from any Stack Exchange Network site, unless he turned those off (I don't know if you can).
@ГригорийПерельман I already pinged him into the challenge writing room
I average 23, you and Helka both average 30, doorknob averages 19 and zgarb 18
I thought you could only ping people in a room that they've been in in the last two weeks
@ГригорийПерельман unless you're a mod
Ah, I see.
Oh, codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/11896/… CC @StewieGriffin @xnor @Adnan @PhiNotPi @LuisMendo @Dennis
Woooow. @LuisMendo averages 27. That's pretty impressive
My average is about 10 ;_;
@MartinEnder Can you also ping Joe Z. and Leaky Nun then?
Leaky nun won't participate. I know that much ;_;
Leaky Nun hasn't even been on main for months.
@MartinEnder I think yours is skewed because you have the "Hello World" challenge.
Context for new users/those who weren't around when Leaky was:
Aug 31 '16 at 16:29, by Leaky Nun
I really don't want to do this
@AdmBorkBork ah true, that accounts for quite a lot
I have an average of 13 ;P
:P Only one challenge? :P
I average 16, if you don't count my second challenge ever I average around 20
@AdmBorkBork without that, the average drops from 30 to 28. still 1.5 times zgarb's.
@MistahFiggins i have exactly double your average :P link
This site mainly has 4 types of people (IMHO): Challengers, Answerers, Lurkers, and Trolls. I was originally mostly a lurker, and then I became an answerer, then a challenger for a bit, and then an answerer again. I (hopefully) haven't been a troll.
@betseg lol
@MartinEnder Well, at least it makes up some of the difference.
Do we have a lot of trolls?
no rounding on our averages
@ГригорийПерельман Actually Joe hasn't been on main (or chat) either since the beginning of the year, so I won't bother him either, I think.
@HyperNeutrino I'm an answerer
I suppose Dennis exhibits troll-ness whenever he outgolfs you by all the bytes
@HyperNeutrino That's kindof a weird categorization because 1) there's a lot of overlap (some people are answerers and challengers) and 2) I don't think there are enough trolls to warrant having their own category
There are very very few people who only write challenges
@DJMcMayhem Nor should they be encouraged by having their own category :P
@HyperNeutrino What exactly do you mean by troll though?
Saying Hey, you can write challenges, answer them, lurk or troll! All valid options is a terrible idea
What do they do?
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion, often for the troll's amusement. This sense of both the noun and the verb "troll" is associated with Internet discourse, but also has been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with...
But how does one troll on PPCG?
@DJMcMayhem I have three times as many solutions as challenges, but they're all for trivial things like "I was around when I new language was created and sniped Hello World and Add Two Numbers". I firmly consider myself a challenge-writer.
I mean, avocad and all.
I'm interested in seeing what languages you all use on a "daily" basis.
@MistahFiggins Well, our moderators are pretty awesome, so generally you don't notice the trolls a whole lot. Once someone trolls more than once or twice, they'll probably get suspended/reprimanded. They're (unfortunately) more visible in chat.
Hopefully I can help with that though.
Now you can!
must... resist... urge... to spam avocads...
@DJMcMayhem Ok, it is quite inaccurate, but like it's just a general categorization; there is an overlap between answerers and challengers.
Since we're on the topic, I'm genuinely curious. How do you feel the general atmosphere of TNB has been since Me, Mego, and Minxomat were added? Is the quality of conversation improving? Are obnoxious users being handled appropriately and quickly? Are RO's being too strict, not strict enough, just right, etc.?
I'd love to hear your thoughts
@DJMcMayhem I feel like it's getting better
although It's hard for me to judge how it was before, I haven't experienced it very much
@DJMcMayhem Personally, I haven't noticed too much of a change, but I have noticed a few positive changes. I occasionally see some trolls, but they usually disappear a few minutes later, so definitely I have noticed some positive changes. I feel like there have been quite a few improvements.
I've only been active in chat for a bit, so I wasn't really active before you three were added, but back then I noticed a lot more conversations that I think should have been dealt with the way they are efficiently dealt with now.
after you asked that i just want to post "(removed)" now
@betseg Glad I was not the only one. Hah.
can someone send me the link to the userscripts?
@DJMcMayhem I haven't thought about the quality of conversation since you three started. That's a good thing.
^^ Very valid point, if I think about the quality it's usually pretty bad.
@Downgoat i clicked the button on the chrome's address bar that says "load unsafe scripts" and script is now loaded wow
@Riker Yep, I had to wait 7 months for my application request to get processed. After it was accepted, I sent in my application, but did not get an answer yet. So until I get a real friend some shady internet chats will have to suffice. But at this point I'm considering writing a revocation petition, but I did not get the permit yet to request the corresponding forms.
@MistahFiggins nevermind
Wait, where is the auto-graduation userscript?
@flawr ah okay
@Riker. might be slightly exaggerated, but many things work about like that here...
Oh, now you got a dot in the end of your name
btw where did you find that comment?=)
@Riley That's a good way of putting it. And I'm happy to hear it :)
@flawr yes it's a test
thanks for reminding me
what did you want to test?
@flawr askreddit, for "Whats a dead give-away that someone is American?"
@flawr whether mods are exempt from the 30 day name change rule
answer is yes aparently
@Riker. link?
I think it's been deleted now fwiw, but you can still view it
omg :D
lol though
@Riker. Well, most of the game is dodging, so I can see how that would work.
and parrying
On youtube . and , go to the next and previous frame
@TuxCopter thanks!
@TuxCopter Also, left-arrow / right-arrow go backward/forward 5 seconds, and 0 through 9 go to x0% (e.g., 6 goes to 60%) of the video
j/l goes ± 10 sec and k stops/plays the video when something else is clicked
Those are some pretty cool shortcuts. I already knew about 1-9 and left/right.
@MartinEnder I would have but he's not pingable :(
@DJMcMayhem :-) Is that votes per challenge? I didn't know it was that high
@ГригорийПерельман I like the idea. I would only suggest that the number X of hours be rather large, of the order of a few days (unless that goes agains the spirit of the challenge). People may have commitments or deadlines that prevent them from preparing the challenge in a short time
@TuxCopter Looks like they go to the next second not the next frame. But thanks! I didn't know either
Oh right
Meh the comment lied
Anyway it's still useful
^^^ Posted in the appropriate room
@mbomb007 o toggles captions
what should stitching photographs of different heights do? should it pad with transparent pixels to the larger height, crop to the lower height, or something else?
@ConorO'Brien that was a response specifically to "tbh, only Helka is "good" at challenge writing" ;)
@MartinEnder o
has zgarb done anything recently?
> Last seen 1 hour ago
he also posted a quetsion 4 days ago :P
Q: Raise a single number

ZgarbIntroduction Suppose you want to compute the tail maxima of a list of numbers, that is, the maximum of each nonempty suffix. One way to do it is to repeatedly choose one number and replace it by a higher number occurring after it, until this is not possible anymore. In this challenge, your task ...

@ConorO'Brien not as much, although there was a challenge a couple of days ago
yeah that
I think he's busy with Husk
Did ArtOfCode get a new profile pic?
Haskell-based golfing language
@ГригорийПерельман he's had it for a while
@Riker oh, I haven't seen this one
@HelkaHomba cool
@Riker What other games would be hard with a steering wheel controller?
any fps
@mbomb007 skyrim
@mbomb007 TIS-100
@Riker That's what my first thought was.
@mbomb007 golfing programs
@mbomb007 hide and seek
@betseg lol
You must vroom vroom as you go to your hiding place!
@MartinEnder hmm, that game looks pretty interesting
@mbomb007 Dungeons and Dragons
I am at my internship (yay)
Currencly writing a Rails app to handle the education technology management and viewing
@mbomb007 nethack
mainly because I think you can't fit that many buttons on a single controller
@Riker LOL. Maybe you need to have the D-pad cycle through the commands
OH WAIT, steering cycles through the commands!
Q: Indexize a number

DopappGiven a string of digits or an integer as input, you will have to indexize it. This is how you modify the input. We will use 30043376111 as an example: First, find sum the indices of each occurrence of the respective digits: 0: 1 + 2 = 3 1: 8 + 9 + 10 = 27 3: 0 + 4 + 5 = 9 4: 3 6: 7 7: 6 T...

Q: Tiling the unit square

user1502040Background By expanding and cancelling terms, it is easy to show the following identity: However, it is an open problem whether all 1/n-by-1/(n+1) rectangles can tile the unit square. The Task Your program should take a positive integer N as input in any convenient manner, and pack all 1/n-...

I was just reading The most realistic developer in fiction and I was glad when I found out that Felicity Smoak from Arrow was one of the most annoying and the least realistic people who have been chosen. In the Flash, she said something like: "I am the world's fastest hacker"
Yay I just got reviewer!
Your second one though
Q: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

programmer5000This challenge is inspired by Robert Frost's famous poem: The road not taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair,...

@NewMainPosts I have that poem memorized haha
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SparklePonyConcatenate Numbers! So Exciting! Your task: given an integer n output all the numbers up to n concatenated into a single number. But you need to do that for every number up to n as well. Concatenation: sticking digits together. For example, the numbers 1 and 1 concatenated would be 11. Stand...

@Martin that challenge my interest you, i sense regex
@NewSandboxedPosts Naive approach: Try it online!
Q: How much time is remaining?

JoshThe Program You are given two strings, A and B. A is the current position at which your timer is at, and B is the position at which your timer will stop. Both strings are in the format m:ss. You must write a program that determines the amount of time left which should also be formatted in m:ss. ...

Make SQL challange dupe?
> Error: The Permalink could not be decoded
Fixed it
@DJMcMayhem How does it work?
@DownChristopher Make SQL?
I think it may be a bit much
@DownChristopher Yes it is
I did limit it to a few items
Having multiple challenges in one post is also bad.
It is a 3 part challenge that is why i did it
I can change that
@DownChristopher It's also very poorly specified, it should be completely self-contained hopefully with examples.
@DownChristopher Yeah, split it up.
@ГригорийПерельман Ok this is version one
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SparklePonyGolf an Ungolfer! Your task: given golfed code of a specified language, ungolf it. Input and output should be as a string, through the standard methods. For example, if a program were given the C++ code: #include <iostream> int main(){std::cout<<"Hello World!";} It might output: #include <...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Down ChristopherChallenge Two of Three: Make SQL You must write a basic SQL environment. You may not use ANY SQL libraries and this must be good original code. You score one point per visible upvote Select, From, Where, and, or, update, and insert SQL Cheat sheet Rules Just the Standard I/O and Challenge ...

Oh, I'm dumb. This version is way more straightforward
@ГригорийПерельман Just a sec, I'll write up an explanation
@ГригорийПерельман Explanation
Always happy to explain V stuff
Do you think my bracket-balancing challenge is too hard?
CMC: output Hello, World! to any port on localhost

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