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@ATaco feature-request: $ as shorthand for $1
@ГригорийПерельман That'd be, a pain to implement.
Replace (?<!\\)\$(?=\D) with $1 in the replacement part of pairs.
Can someone go over java lambda expressions? I'm unfamiliar with them and I've seen them often in golfing
please clarify your question
What is the syntax behind lambda expressions
@ГригорийПерельман Does not support named groups.
Oh right, forgot about those.
Are those just $NAME?
How do I test lambda expressions?
@MistahFiggins tio.run/nexus/…
You can really tell they weren't designed to be called directly.
(In the context of PPCG) if I want to use one inside the other (recursively), can I define a lambda expression inside a lambda expression, or do I have to name it outside?
Recursively calling lambdas? That's some spooky stuff m8.
How do you expect that to work?
Yeah you have to name it if you wan't that. But at that point you also have to include the type of the Lambda in your byte count, at which point you might as well use a normal function.
Yeah, I guess
I don't need any visibility keyword, do I? (e.g. public)
Actually, no, just tested, even giving it a names gives error: variable f might not have been initialized
@ГригорийПерельман Works just fine in Pip--the local variable f is a reference to the current function, so calling f recurses.
@MistahFiggins That's an example of a normal, non-lambda function, yes.
(Though I guess it's debatable whether {} functions in Pip should be called lambdas or anonymous functions--is there officially a distinction?)
@DLosc Some languages are awesome and have recursive Lambda calls. Java is not one of them.
s/ and have recursive Lambda calls// :P
TMK, Lambdas are usually only one expression.
@ГригорийПерельман :(
Slightly off-topic, if the term for proper python code is 'Pythonic', what's an equivalent term for Java?
That's boring. Using lambdas at all isn't javanic.
(That's my term, and I'm sticking with it)
in talk.tryitonline.net, 24 mins ago, by Dennis
i'll add it to the list.
ReRegex confirmed for TIO btw
(Apparantly said list has like 5 things on it tho)
I think he's really busy rn
Anybody in here know Mathematica?
@Arjun It looks like a complete rewrite to me. I don't know exactly what the policy is, but my instinct is to say that's too big of an edit from someone who's not the OP.
@DLosc I might know enough to help you out until Martin shows up.
@Arjun One alternative would be to copy what you've written into a Gist or Pastebin, and add a comment to the OP asking them to review it and see if they want to integrate it into the question.
@Arjun You might want to ping the original author (@DownChristopher) and ask for him to review it himself.
@DLosc What's your problem?
Alright, I wrote code that successfully parses 1+1, 1*1, and 1e1
@ATaco how do you do input in ReRegex?
@ГригорийПерельман How does one call a function (previously defined with f@m_:=) with a list of strings as argument? I tried f[{"...",".#.","..."}] and got some errors. (Running code here.)
@DLosc That's a private notebook, I can't see what's inside. Can you copy the relevant code here?
Currently, input is part of the code, See: ///
The Last Line of the code is the input.
@ГригорийПерельман Basically, I'm trying to test this answer.
@ATaco Ok. Would Hello World just look like x//Hello, World!
Which says it's "a function that takes and returns a list of strings."
///Hello, World! Is more correct.
@ГригорийПерельман Couldn't it just be Hello, World!
I don't actually know.
or does there have to be a /// somewhere?
@ATaco Why is that?
That Also works...
But it's so much more boring.
A / at the start of the code is trimmed (It just looks nice in some cases), and any pair at all is appreciated, so ///Hello, World!.
x//Hello, World! is slightly frowned upon, as it will remove all xs.
@DLosc What appears to be happening is that the function is attempting to get a char from a string in the same way you do it for an array, which is not a thing you can do.
Huh. So the answer is invalid?
I think what the solution author want you to do is give it a list of 1 character string lists.
@ATaco Ok, I see.
Yeah, except they gave a separate (shorter) solution for "If we're allowed to use arrays of characters."
Pretty sure the answer is invalid then.
Ask them to provide a an example of usage.
@DLosc If I someone edits his closed question, then does it get directly reopened or follows the same procedure of peer reviewing?
@ГригорийПерельман Yeah, I'll do that.
@Arjun I doubt that it gets directly reopened. It needs reopen votes for that.
Q: Need an algorithm or exact code

user222422Given a= 6, b = 13,(for example) How to change b= 6. a = 13 without third integer? I need an algorithm or code.

Okay. So all I have to do is simply ask him to view the proposed edit, edit the question accordingly if he thinks that doing so will be right. He will edit it. The edit will go through the same procedure, but this time there won't be any issues regarding the drastic amount of change made (Since OP can edit his question as much as he likes). Do I get it right?
Survey: which are you: Neutral, Chaotic, or Lawful?
@DestructibleLemon True Good
@ГригорийПерельман That's not a D&D alignment
@DestructibleLemon chaotic evil. Muhahahahaha.
@Arjun Yes, a challenge author can insta-accept a suggested edit.
@JanDvorak No one says Neutral Good though.
we aren't surveying good and evil
lawful, chaotic or neutral
Do you say Neutral Neutral?
Chaotic then. Chaotic good, I must say.
@ГригорийПерельман the middle column is neutral good, true neutral, neutral evil
Ahhh... Someone just approved it. However it still says [closed] on the question. Why so?
@Arjun Because it doesn't have 5 reopen votes yet?
@DestructibleLemon Strawpoll?
@ATaco created PR for input support, probably doesn't break it horribly but untested.
Ignore that, it doesn't work
@ГригорийПерельман How are those casted?
By people with more rep than you.
Do they appear in review queues?
But it says "0 questions` on then left side of "Reopen Votes".
Are you on mobile or something?
Yeah I am on mobile
*actually Tablet
Once you get 500 rep, you can cast open close votes. Right now there are 2 reopen votes
@ATaco added input properly in a PR
The reason it says 0 answers is because there arent any. It has nothing to do with open/close votes
I was referring to "0 questions" written to the left side of "Reopen Votes" section of Review Queues page.
oh, misread, sorry
No prob.
So, currently there are two votes for reopening. And when they get to five, the post will be reopened?
Then what's the purpose of having Reopen Votes Review Queue page?
not really sure TBH
I'm not too familiar with review queues
Is the count still on 2?
Could you please tell!
I'm not really sure which of chaotic neutral and lawful I am
Now it says in review queue that there is one post that requires reopen votes review!
Remember when a 11 line npm package broke the internet?
It was a year ago
@betseg No, actually.
Story time?
> The wording we used here was not perfect.
> We don’t mean to be a dick about it, but [...] our trademark lawyers are going to be banging on your door and taking down your accounts and stuff like that
The ppcg script is working again, yey~
@ГригорийПерельман I'm making a tutorial for Clojure, currently on "Hello, World!" bit
(princ "Hello, World!"), right?
(println "Hello, World!") would probs be better
You have to actually do quite a bit to get it up and running in a project
Is there a REPL?
Your tutorial should probably use that for the beginning part if there is.
@ГригорийПерельман Yeah, but I want them to get used to making projects
I barely use the REPL myself TBH
IDK, maybe I should
I almost never use the Python repl except to quickly test a feature, but it was really helpful when learning it.
That's true
Java has a REPL now. I't kind of amazing. (Not really, but then again this is my homepage rn)
How the JEP project lists contact addresses: jigsaw dash dev at openjdk dot java dot net
Hmmm, I already told them how to set up Leiningen
It's because email scrapers are dumb and spam filters haven't been invented yet
Which is a really popular Clojure management library
Why don't you add a section in at the start? First, explain what Polish Notation is, then what commands look like, then how to use the REPL, then how to build a complete "Hello, World!" project.
Should I teach them how to use the Clojure REPL for HW and then move on to project stuff?
I'm not sure, since I want to add other things like functions down the line
@ГригорийПерельман Ooh yeah, that's a good idea.
I would have to completely revamp my file format though
Probably not, just add a section at the start and moves some things back into it.
@ГригорийПерельман Do you want the repo?
I don't know Clojure, I can give you feedback on how understandable it is.
In your "What is clojure" section, you spend more words explaining what Java and JavaScript are for than what Clojure is for.
That's true
I should explain how Clojure is a general-purpose language
@Qwerp-Derp you shouldn't recommend using Sublime Text, a lot of people might be put off by the fact that it isn't free. The closest alternative is Lime Text, but that has to be built from source.
@ГригорийПерельман It's essentially free though, it's just a pain with popups
It's got really good support for Clojure IMO
I tried Atom, Sublime and IntelliJ for this, they all didn't work as well as Sublime IMO
Did you try Notepad++?
@ГригорийПерельман I did, not as good as Sublime still
You might want to try to make your tutorial not depend on the text editor being used. Just say something like "- A proper text editor for editing code. Sublime Text is recommended, but you can also use alternatives like Atom or Notepad++".
That's true
I'll make a short sub-tutorial for setting up Sublime
Wow, I realised there's a lot of stuff I can do better in my tutorial
Thanks for the tips @ГригорийПерельман!
BTW, when trying IntelliJ, which CLojure plugin did you use? There's one called Cursive which is supposedly better than the JetBrains one.
@ГригорийПерельман I used Cursive, not particularly good
I still personally like Sublime, I'm trying to mod Atom so that I like it
It's kind of a pain though
Cause on one hand, Sublime is really good for CLJ and CLJS, but bad IMO for web dev (HTML/CSS/JS)
But Atom is good for HTML/CSS/JS, but is extremely painful to set up for Clojure
I may end up making my own packages just to mod it enough
For WebDev I would suggest WebStorm
I also may need to slightly "overhaul" the highlighter to mod it properly
I'm a huge fan of JetBrains
@ГригорийПерельман It's really bulky though
I've already got PyCharm and IntelliJ
My plan for coding is Python = PyCharm, Java stuff = IntelliJ, everything else = one modded text editor
Do you use the JetBrains toolbox?
Currently "everything else" = Clojure / web dev
@ГригорийПерельман What is it?
It's a little tool that hosts all of the JetBrains tools you have access to, and also shows all of your projects made in JetBrains IDEs (and Visual Studio), as well as keeping everything updated.
Really convenient.
@ГригорийПерельман How many JetBrains IDEs do you have?
Another reason for not having a full blown IDE for web dev is because it's kinda overkill
I understand you need it for Python and Java
But for web dev it's honestly overkill IMO
CLion, IntelliJ Idea, PyCharm, RubyMine, Ryder. I don't actually use the last two, I just wanted to mess around.
It was one click, I figured why not.
@ГригорийПерельман I thought you used WebStorm as well, cause you recommended it to me
I guess not
I used to use npp, but now I use sublime
I just knew it was a thing that's probalby awesome because it's made by JetBrains.
I don't do anything web-related.
@ATaco Paid or free version?
Speaking of which, IntelliJ 2017.1 is finally out, I can stop worrying about my IDE breaking.
It adds Java 9, Regex Highlighting, and Emoji support.
@ГригорийПерельман You're missing out man
I've heard the horror stories, no thanks.
@ГригорийПерельман Front-end or back-end horror stories?
Or both?
I personally only do front-end, and I find it alright
Also, JavaScript hates me.
Backend though... that's a different story
@ГригорийПерельман There's plenty of alternatives to JS - TypeScript, CoffeeScript, ClojureScript, ES6 (I think that counts)...
I might try it sometime
The one thing in common with all 3 (4?) is that they all have "script" in their names
@ГригорийПерельман Try what?
I love jetbrains products.
Eh, I'll download Webstorm right now, see how it goes.
I use Rubymine daily, also Android Studio
I'm still not sure how they got Ryder on linux.
What is Ryder?
Q: Interpret DecimaF*ck

SIGSEGVDecimaF*ck is a BrainF*ck derivative. It consists of an integer (yes, only one) with no theoretical limits in size. Then, the integer is converted into binary. Then, the binary form of the integer is converted to BrainF*ck. Chart: | BF | DF | |> |000 | |< |001 | |+ |010 | |- |011 | ...

@Mendeleev .NET IDE
It's in Beta
For everything else I use vim, vim is a really nice text editor especially if modded (turns into an IDE with YCM)
.NET exists on Linux.
Hell, even Powershell exists on linux
Using it rn
Powershell is open source
ye ik
That's weird. I have a file called pwd in my $HOME directory
I got it from the AUR
You should really consider using Arch.
I just installed Web Storm in less than the time it's taking to update IntelliJ
@Qwerp-Derp free
Doesn't webstom come as a zip?
Also, I'm typing this from my bed. Yay bluetooth keyboards!
@ATaco Ayyy high five!
@Mendeleev Jetbrains Toolbox
@ATaco did you see my PR for ReRegex?
My dad joked that Polyglot mean that you swallow everything
ahh multilingual humor
Going to sleep now. Zzzzzz
anyone wanna try and solve the puzzle I made?
Which one
@ГригорийПерельман Yeah, I saw your PR, But I'm not pulling it right away.
Q: What does it want?

Destructible LemonSo, I found this image. I feel like it wants something You might wanna go ahead and download the image, because it will be useful to be able to scribble around on the image for counting and stuff. It won't mind What does this image want? P.S. The puzzle is all in the image. It knows to tell ...

Is it a melon and does it want to be destructed?
it is an image
I think the codegolf.se peeps might be good at solving it because it uses some maths that ppcgers are more likely to know than puzzlingers
Looking at the mail icon and the key, I'd guess it's something about cryptography
I'm not sure I should be telling you this...
has nothing to do with cryptography that I'm aware of
you found a nice coincidence there
Woah I thought cryptography as well
It's a reverse SHA :P
Reading Animal Farm right now
I'm trying to figure out how vim indent files work
@Qwerp-Derp Orwell is the good
@DestructibleLemon I've finished 1984 previously
They're both really good books
@DestructibleLemon Is that supposed to be a reference to the Yee meme?
not necessarily
@ГригорийПерельман It was accepted but it looks nice. I like it
@DestructibleLemon Yeah but if you skrew with settings the springs will literally break.
@Riker @Mego Thank you for the pings. @quartata I have, in fact, seen that video before, but it's great to watch it again. Thanks :D
I absolutely despise american conventions. Spent an hour wondering how my code could invent events happening at midnight, when all it was was my date formatter reading "12" as "00" because I used "hh" instead of "HH"…
@Fatalize How can it be an American convention when it was invented prior to America being a thought in a rosy-eyed idealist's mind?
In fact, America was late to the AM/PM party, mostly because it was late to the sovereign country party.
Conventions on the hh/HH
it would make sense that the ISO standard and most common way to denote time would be hh to match mm and ss
but nope
"HH" is 24-hour and "hh" is 12-hour, right?
Actually you can thank ISO C for that: %H:%M:%S is hh:mm:ss in strftime
If you're going to blame someone for inconsistency, at least blame the right entity
Q: The Tenacious Thai Calendar

MattIn the Thai calendar the year 2017 corresponds to 2560. The Thai calendar is always 543 years ahead of the Gregorian calendar. Observant coders will note that 2560 is equal to 2^9 * 5, in other words it has 10 prime factors. This will not happen again for another 896 years! We call a year tenac...

Grim non
Grin mon indeed
Except it's fatero non for me
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Element118Meta Code Golf kolmogorov-complexity code-challenge Late new year resolution: I'm finally cleaning up all my input and output files I used for code golf previously. Only problem is, I don't know which input and output files go to which code golf question on this site. All problems used in this ...

@Qwerp-Derp @ГригорийПерельман D: did someone say webdev is bad
@ASCII-only That wasn't me, I like web dev (only frontend though)
so which answer am I supposed to accept when lots are of length 2?
in code-golf
The first one
I will try to work out which that was. Thanks
That would be the 05AB1E answer
I'm shocked there are no length-1 answers though
@Qwerp-Derp 0/10 backend is good too
@ETHproductions Thanks
@ETHproductions True. For example: Implicit: parse STDIN into array of numbers, strings, and arrays
N Get the resulting parsed array.
x Sum.
the N seems something that could have been skipped
I was also surprised there wasn't a bash command :0
(that was the Japt answer)
@ASCII-only Ehhhhh I tried messing around with node.js, it was alright I guess
I like frontend more though
@Lembik You can skip using a variable, if you only want the first input. If input could have been given as an array, x would work for 1 byte
Apparently you can use Clojure for both frontend and backend
I'm sure the 05AB1E is the same
@Qwerp-Derp You can use pretty much any language for both
(darn enter button right next to my apostrophe)
@ASCII-only Python
@ETHproductions got you
@Qwerp-Derp Python has Skulpt and brython. Java has Java applets (though you might get trout-slapped for using 00s vulnerability-ridden tech).
@Mego Skulpt/Brython isn't perfect though, I tried jamming the Logicode interpreter in there, with no success
In Clojure all you have to do is make a CLJS file and use a library like Reagent, which uses React
Skulpt is pretty good. Brython has some problems with parts of the Python stdlib being missing
@ASCII-only ??? What's that for
@Qwerp-Derp Compiles Clojure to JS?
Also list of transpilers to JS here
@ASCII-only What's your point though
That you can use pretty much any language as frontend?
W e b A s s e m b l y
@ASCII-only True that
What I realised that I want to mean is that Clojure does it cleaner than Python
Technically Clojure is compiled yeah
@Qwerp-Derp Cleaner?
That's subjective
Uhhh let me bring up a sample
(ns temp.core
  (:require [reagent.core :as reagent])

(defn page []
   [:p "Hello, World!"]
    (for [a (range 4)]
     [:li a])]])
@ASCII-only How would you do HTML in Python?
@Qwerp-Derp I wouldn't? It's probably a bad idea
This is why Jinja/Mako/other templating engines exist
Even node needs Nunjucks
@ASCII-only What do you use for backend?
@Qwerp-Derp backend for what
Backend web dev
because JS is the best language
@ASCII-only Ayy
For some reason my friend disses me because I use node :(
He uses PHP
Which in my opinion is a badly designed language
PHP5 is not bad because object oriented languages are the best languages
But it's still PHP D:

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