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I really threw myself off when I started learning German, and I started capitalizing every noun.
@WheatWizard Hey, Same!
> Internet Protoco (IP)l
From a test online that I'm taking.... :/
My CS teacher does this kind of thing way too often
@MistahFiggins once my CS teacher gave us a test and forgot to put the question and the answers >_>
his teacher?
My CS teacher chronically moves assignments back
He moved one back 3 weeks because no one had bothered to do it
If he had just moved it back a day, everyone would temporarily freak out and get it done, but all he did was give everyone time to procrastinate
He also moved a unit test back 2 weeks
So: What languages have people that are currently here written? Out of curiosity.
@ATaco I wrote that fog one
the one that doesn't work 76% of the time for some of the funcs
I found a ham radio CW signal
But I don't know any Morse code :/
Wait, no, it's NFM
Some redneck-sounding guy talking about "nets"
idk what goes through ham radio operators' heads
@WheatWizard Cool! is input implicitly on the stack, and the stack implicitly outputs? And does it error on a dyad with only 1 thing on the stack?
but that one is less good
@MistahFiggins Yep, yep and no. There are implicit zeros on the stack
alright, but I assume they aren't affected by ? or !
@ATaco Help, Wardoq!, Bubblegum, ShapeScript/Changeling, Jelly/M, and Sesos.
@MistahFiggins yeah
Speaking of Changeling, We need another good "Write a language" challenge, perhaps one that doesn't require it to be unsolvably Turing complete.
I think we have an out of site one
@ATaco Hey
It's in my bookmarks, unsurprisingly
Oh right, that.
I already wrote Threead for that.
I haven't worked on mine yet
@ATaco do we really need a challenge?
just make one yourself
like: I will make a bunch of langs
Not particularly.
But I would like one.
@DestructibleLemon lol @ phigs
Speaking of langs
I need some help with Tomato
What'dya need?
BTW @Downgoat Your app crashes when you click on the pull requests tab of a repo
@ATaco I need to figure out how to implement the special operators that do something with the stack, and flow control
It's written in Ruby
hm, weird thought I fixed
@Downgoat Have you tested with empty repo?
> 1/1/2017 20:39:15 Downsheep Swisssheep Evil version of cheddargoat
@WheatWizard Aw, It's not on TIO...
@MistahFiggins I've used it in one answer once. There wouldn't be much of a point
Hey, it wouldn't be too hard to use it in this challenge
@MistahFiggins 6 bytes ::^~-&
Would :><^ work?
@MistahFiggins Yep I was just about to say that
Sometime I should (re-)start on Phigs.
@MistahFiggins I like this language already.
language design challenge: language where smileys aren't syntax but they appear often
@WheatWizard can I post?
@MistahFiggins Be my guest. I'm happy for someone else to use my language.
With Credit, I rarely see answers in any of the languages I've written.
Then again, It's poorly documented.
That is the main problem
@ATaco I would be using the hell out of TacO if I could get a command list
I have the opposite problem; I love making specifications but I hate writing computer code
Oh, that's not hard to write.
It's all in Functions.lua anyway.
What's a good python ide?
@HelkaHomba I use pycharm but I never did I big search for the best one
so that'd be a start
@Mendeleev I think it should work, I have very few implicitly unwrapped optionals
Readme now contains a function list.
Good luck writing in a language that takes 29 bytes to do %2.
@MistahFiggins Way to be Wise :p
wait, so, for the golflang time capsule
Will people have to create a polyglot with all of these?
Seems impossible with e.g. WSF, Tomato, and SpaceChem
Not all of them, but as many as possible.
Oh, that's how scoring?
@HelkaHomba yeh
@MistahFiggins The TIO for wise is live now thanks to Dennis.
Apparently my glue gun gets hot enough to extrude PLA O_o
@WheatWizard Yay! Thanks @Dennis
If only I had some 3mm PLA...
I could basically use it as one of those 3D printer pens. Sadly all I have is 1.75 mm
@WheatWizard uh oh...
it prints 0 every time for me, no matter what
even the code :
Ah, command line arguments
It does not do that for my local copy
Yes, Input is STDIN.
There should be inplicit input at the beginning of the program, correct @WheatWizard?
@MistahFiggins yes
AFAIK there is no "take input" command
@Dennis would you like me to make the option to take input from a file?
I'm piping input. I have no idea why that wouldn't work.
I don't think I've had this problem before.
@Mego you here?
What's up?
if Windows simply pipes commands to the processor, then wouldn't windows executables be trivially different to linux executables?
I have implemented BigInteger scale Randomization for RProgN2.
Which was annoying, because BigIntegers don't like being random.
I'm rather proud of my system.
@NathanMerrill That's not what I said at all. Windows loads executables and libraries in memory for the processor to execute. The format of the executables differs between Windows and Linux because Windows and Linux load executables and libraries differently.
I'm still not sure how those differences would make that big of a difference
but ok :)
like, you could have different libraries?
Different libraries, yes. Also different library formats, different linking methods, different memory layouts, etc
so, if you compiled a program, one for linux, the other for windows, you'd essentially find large chunks of the program that are identical
chunks where you are doing a bunch of cpu calculations
Possibly, depends on the compiler(s) used
right. Assuming the same compiler with the same flags :)
but even that depends on implementation
If you use gcc-mingw for Windows and gcc for Linux on the same machine, you'd probably end up with executables that are very similar, aside from the format
@NathanMerrill Wine is actually mostly a shim that interprets Windows executable formats and translates library calls.
doesn't that mean you could write some sort of program that converts exe files into linux executables?
All the CPU instructions stay the same.
@NathanMerrill Wine.
I don't mean Wine, because that's at runtime
For example, here's what a HW executable looks like on Linux: tio.run/nexus/…
I mean you could "recompile" a program into linux
@NathanMerrill Theoretically, yes. Realistically, no.
ok. good to know. Thanks!
The amount of time and work it would take to convert a Windows executable more complicated than HW to an ELF would greatly dwarf the time needed to go buy a second computer, download and install Linux, install gcc, copy the program over, and compile it.
Once Visual Studio finally finishes loading, I'll show you what a Windows HW exe looks like
@Mego What's with the piles of zeros?
@Mendeleev I dunno. Probably padding for some reason.
The best answer I can come up with is "because the compiler said so"
I'll use this for reference for Linux instead, because VC++
This is what it looks like when compiled with VC++
And for the sake of completeness, this is the output from gcc on cygwin
@Mego Why is there XML embedded in your hello world executable
Because Windows
I swear I can hear a sigh of relief from my computer when I close Visual Studio
@WheatWizard Time to answer a bunch of questions with Wise that were never meant to happen
@MistahFiggins Good luck! Wise is pretty bad even at things that involve bitwise manipulations.
So be it
@Mego Why not use mingw and gcc?
Also Mistah, the TacO readMe now has a command list.
There aren't a lot of commands.
@ATaco Yay!
HMU if there's anything that doesn't make sense.
Alright, will do
@MistahFiggins By the way here is addition in Wise. Its about the most complicated program I've ever written in Wise.
This is the most complicated thing I've written in TacO.
I'm just amazed it actually works.
@Mendeleev I don't have mingw installed and I don't care to install it for only this
@Mego Oh
hey I found my bones file with the amulet of life saving!
goddamn hobbits
@DestructibleLemon You should really consider whether or not your messages will be relevant or interesting to anyone else before sending them. TNB is not a place to dump your stream of consciousness.
@WheatWizard What's the easiest way to subtract 1?
@Mego people seemed kinda interested when I posted the part when I died with the bones file character
Still, a little context would help. Nethack?
@WheatWizard Is there a quine yet?
Nope, I started but I never got around to finishing it
@Mego fwiw @DestructibleLemon I play nethack daily, and I still get tired of the chatter. TNB just isn't the right place, sorry man. No offense intended.
@WheatWizard Multiplication: [?:[?~-!-~]|!-~]|
Wait no
Is there a way to switch the top 2 elements?
@MistahFiggins well this works but its really long
OH I'm dumb, this can be done real easily
@MistahFiggins Here's one that isn't utter trash
That's a lot better
Another one that is the exact same length
In fact they are anagrams
"?!" -> ""
Good point
Maybe we/you should compile some of these on the github page
Good idea. I'll start the wiki
@MistahFiggins Here is the wiki. Feel free to contribute.
I should make a golflang someday. Perl no longer does its thing in modern codegolf questions
@WheatWizard How do I contribute to the wiki?
"Negativize" that's called negate
@MistahFiggins you need to be a collaborator I think
@WheatWizard How does - work on a stack consisting of 1010?
Also BTW Wise looks really cool :)
@ГригорийПерельман This animation is amazing youtu.be/ddJiP3jRVJ8
Music is cool too
10 imaginary internet points if someone can prove TacO TC or not
Humans are bounded storage machines, and certainly not Turing complete
Nope, but that's not required by the definition of Turing complete
A program must be able to run for an arbitrarily long time that is not limited
Q: Decide what option to choose

DarkMatterMattThis is not code golf! Simple and clear answers win :) I have a program that needs to decide what Check to do. I want to make it as efficient as possible, but readability is more important. Each check has a countdown to 0. When the countdown hits 0, the check is due. Rules: A-Checks should...

@ATaco isn't that the same as infinite?
Yes it is required. A TC language must not always halt.
A TC program must be able to solve any Computable Algorithm
Then again, the official definition is, "able to simulate a single tape Turing machine"
@NewMainPosts Is this some kind of elaborate "program this for me"?
If the halting problem is solvable in your language, it's not Turing complete. The halting problem is trivial if your language can't even loop forever.
@TidB seems to me. Voted too broad. I admire the audacity, though.
Besides, "clean and readable code" is not an objective winning criterion.
I voted off topic: No objective winning criteria.
@ГригорийПерельман midnight dark souls was a really bad idea
Now I really can't sleep :p
Next area tho
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ais523Efficiently find the median Background Computer scientists have spent a long time looking into ways of sorting data faster. One of the known discoveries is that if you can use the actual values of the data, sorting can be faster than if you can only compare them. Finding the median of a list i...

Paused rn at bonfire
something something idle chatter
something something stream of conscioussness
@PhiNotPi Could you let me know some numbers? I would be interested in even unspectacular figures :)
@Riker did my message on the APL room ping you?
Does anyone here know VBA?
1 hour later…
Q: Which libraries for testing pseudo-random numbers generator?

user67254For research purposes we are coding a generator of pseudo-random numbers in a given range. Do you know of any recent tool/library for testing such sequences of numbers?

@DJMcMayhem This one is digital, FM-based. FM synthesis has a name for being difficult, but you can achieve great results
@Riker In Spain I have sometimes heard that, but it's very uncommon. And it's always pronounced Spanish-like (softer "g" than in English)
Q: Default I/O for audio?

SIGSEGVI am about to write a challenge about Text To Speech and 'Hello, World!'. But it would be crucial to know what I/O types works. Could you construct the consensus for it?

@xnor Sometimes I give up and try to use every single thing in Prelude. ^^;
shows a b == show a++b is probably worth being in Tips. I’ve seen it before in old solutions of henkma’s.
I'm really proud of my Wise thing :)
1 hour later…
Q: sum of 2<sup>Pi</sup> mod 1000000007 for all i where P<sub>i</sub> is sum of numbers in ith subset of a set X

DivyanshuI am stuck on a problem in which I have to print sum of 2Pi mod 1000000007 for all i where Pi is sum of numbers in ith subset of a set X. Length of set can be upto 100000. Value of element in the range [0,1012]. Here's the link of the Problem. Problem Statement I could not find any approach ...

@Lembik for example, I conjecture that
  1  0  1  0  0
  1  1  0  1  0
  0  1  1  0  1
  1  0  1  1  0
with a ratio of 1.25 is the largest ratio achievable for a matrix in which each column differs from the previous column by the same amount (in this case, 3 bits are flipped and 1 bit stays the same).
I've also looked at matrices where the last several bits of the first column, and the first several bits of the last column, are 0s.
  1  0  1  1  1  0  0  0  0
  1  1  0  1  1  1  0  0  0
  0  1  1  0  1  1  1  0  0
  0  0  1  1  0  1  1  1  0
  0  0  0  1  1  0  1  1  1
  0  0  0  0  1  1  0  1  1
(ratio 1.5, best I've found although I didn't search too hard)
Whenever I set additional restrictions, the ratios decrease dramatically, in some cases, they appear to peak early on and then decrease for larger column sizes.
I've also looked at symmetrical matrices that are near-URAs, best ratio I've found is:
  0  0  0  1  1  0  1  0  1  1  0  0  0
  5  2  2  2  1  2  1  1  2  1  2  2  2
 1.3333333333333333  1  7
  0  1  0  1  1  0  0  0
  1  0  1  0  1  1  0  0
  1  1  0  1  0  1  1  0
  0  1  1  0  1  0  1  1
  0  0  1  1  0  1  0  1
  0  0  0  1  1  0  1  0
Followed in second place by this much larger matrix:
  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  1  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  1  0  0  0  1  0
 15  8  7  7  8  8  8  8  7  8  7  7  7  8  7  7  8  7  7  7  8  7  8  8  8  8  7  7  8
 1.3076923076923077  1  27
  0  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  1  0  0  0  1  0
  0  0  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  1  0  0  0  1
  1  0  0  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  1  0  0  0
  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  1  0  0
  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  1  0
  1  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  1
@DestructibleLemon There's a significant difference between directly addressing one user and referencing a previous conversation, and simply outputting whatever happens to be at the forefront of your mind into chat. Making specific complaints would be far more useful than petulant passive-aggressive messages.
@NathanMerrill (discussing what you mean by encoding input is probably easier here than in the comments)
I assume you're asking about how I construct the feature vector given to the MLP? In that case yes I should probably explain that (though it's a pretty direct way)
sure? Its been long enough since I've used ML that my terminology is gone :)
you have a bunch of input nodes
I'm asking how you convert the test case into the input nodes
Yeah yeah that's it
I'm writing it up but basically I construct a 76 elems vector
where the first 64 elems are the cells and the last 12 are each type of piece
also, can say how odd it is that I've gotten 3 answers in the past hour, despite getting no activity for basically the first 24 hours :P
(I'm exaggerating a bit, but I went to bed with the question unanswered, and woke up to a bunch of activity, so it feels that way)
Well it takes more times than other challenges to tackle it
It's the same as the trivial challenges (they get all initial answers at the same time), but with a half a day overhead :p
@Fatalize oh, also, as a tip: did you see in my question that I'm using 10% of all board states?
I'd highly recommend training your NN on the first 80% of the data (of each color)
as opposed to a random 80%
because some test cases use the same game
I'm not sure I understand why that would change much
It may be identifying the games
Boards from the same game are consecutive in the data?
I intentionally made it that way for this very reason
I'll see about that
CMC: When your input is 2, output "xy". When your input is 3, output "xyz". When your input is 4, output "wxyz". You may use all-uppercase instead.
I also would not be opposed to giving out my generation program so you can generate your own
@isaacg hey, did you see my efficient computation algorithm? did you have a similar one when you made the challenge?
@JanDvorak Python, 36 bytes: lambda x:"wxyz"[x*(x<4)-x+(x<4):x+1] (there's got to be a better way)
@NathanMerrill It does seem to make a significant difference (for the worse), but since the dataset is already fairly small I'm not sure whether this is due to the fact that the first games are less representative than others or if it really mostly learns the games sequence
How many different games are there in total in the data?
(I get about 91.73% on all data if I use 80% for training and 63.74% on the remaining 20% of test data when I select data in order instead of randomly)
@Fatalize there are 2600 games
(compared to 94.5% and 77.08% with random selection)
oh, wait
my 2600 is wrong
because that includes ties
1354 white wins vs 760 black wins
So roughly 3 boards per game
this goes too far IMO
half my screen is filled with this obnoxious ad
(Also is that intentional that there are more white wins?)
no, that's just the data
A naïve algorithm would achieve better than average by always saying white wins
@Fatalize white has an advantage is chess
I was honestly surprised when I found that
that's well-known
that's why the stronger player plays black
but 1354 vs 760?
that's almost double the wins
oh that's an anomaly for sure
ok, so in my second set of data, I have 3946 white wins vs 2696 black wins
so, not as drastic, but still pretty drastic
@NathanMerrill You can extend your edit to "If you're using a machine learning model" rather than a NN, because that "problem" would stay true for other algorithms like SVMs
It's not that much of a problem that there are significantly more white wins than black as long as the test cases you use have a similar distribution to this
If you test answers on a set that has significantly more black wins than white wins then that's a bit of a problem because that means the original set you provide is not representative of the test data
white vs. black matters much more for high-level players
60% is a pretty ridiculous advantage
(note y-axis scale)
Has there never been attempts to balance that back like in Go?
e.g. allow two pawn moves for black, or forbid white from moving his first pawn 2 cells as first move?
I guess it might balance it too much the other way around
I mean
consider that in high level most games end in ties
But what you suggest is that if it doesn't, then most games end with white winning
@MistahFiggins You can clone it on the side and make a pull request.
@Fatalize I'm going to add a bunch more test cases
ok, I found a huge database. It apparently contains 2.2 million games
That might too extreme in that case, I don't want to have my PC working for 2 weeks :p
oh, I won't use it for my final test case
but if you don't want that much data, then don't use it :P
oh yeah, this file is huge
Oh no ;_; 2 year PPCG consecutive streak broke :'(
You sanity is saved
Q: Can a language's True/False be used in place of their values in a sequence?

mbomb007I'm asking this to find a consensus on whether it's okay for an answer to use True or False in place of the language's corresponding integer values -- as output in a sequence, for example. So if the challenge is to output the Fibonacci sequence forever, and your output is False, True, True, 2, ...

I've processed 16% of all games :)
Q: I need help to divide my program into threads and assign threads to processors i don't know codes and also other stuff in discription

Moiz Farooquicreated a large array of random integers and calculated sum and average of odd integers between 25 and 75 (inclusive). So far the program is running but the result its giving is too long in other words its showing every addition and average step individually how can i displayed the result after a...

@PhiNotPi what's the white line in the middle?
Can one actually earn epic on the meta?
@Downgoat that's the measured value, grey is a confidence interval of some kind.
@WheatWizard I've gotten mortarboard, so I assume it's possible. Just not easy
@LuisMendo huh, cool
is there an easy way to get the favicon for a site?
It's usually http(s)://root.url/favicon.ico, but not always
hm, thanks
that works
So for PPCG it's https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/favicon.ico
Which actually redirects elsewhere, but close enough :P

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