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@AdmBorkBork Thanks!
Pytek needs it for compiling threads to WebWorkers
since apparently whoever made WebWorkers decided it would be hilarious if they stripped out every important part of threads then introduce them later as separate proposals
Threading? We don't need no stinking threading!
Boggles the mind.
WebWorkers are truly useless without a way of sharing state.
Barbaric. What is this, DOS 2?
Looks like emscripten is waiting on it too.
They have all the code for compiling pthreads but they've been waiting 2 years for this to reach stage 4. I feel so bad for them
@MatthewRoh I have no clue what you just said. Please try to fix your grammar...
@quartata if you're attempting to use stage 4 es2017 proposal you'll be waiting 2 more years just about. Is there no other way
It might be more like 1 year since Node and Safari have it already. But yeah.
Aww yiss Safari supports something :')
Well Safari Technical Preview I think.
Q: True and false and true

Kushal BhabraChallenge is to write a function which outputs truth or false value alternately each time you call it. No input. It can start with either true or false.

Chrome Safari and Firefox all have it but they need a flag which makes it useless. only Node and STP have it on by default if I'm reading this right
@flawr hmmmmm
@Mendeleev Really doesn't matter, but unless you're nuking a drive you want to lose data on, you shouldn't format the disk yet
Could anyone make a profile iframe userscript
@Riker they want someone to do their work for them without giving us a full list of what they're expecting.
for changing things in profile like '[iframe google.com]'; to an iframe to google
well yeah
@ThomasWard I'm used to that much from family IT
this is why I'm not sure whether I want to go into tech as a job
@MatthewRoh ......????
@Riker umm, so making profile utilities (like GoL in the profile) is too hard, and limited
@MatthewRoh uhm...
we have a few problems here, @MatthewRoh
what would the iframe contain?
(1) iframes will break most things
@Riker whatever link they put in
the whole page of google.com? that's freaking massive
but we have an XSS risk
and CSRF, and a risk of the X-Content-Origin headers and such exploding
@Riker probably a jsfiddle embed
@MatthewRoh you want a virus? this is how you get a virus
not to mention a conflict with X-Frame-Options
@Riker ...oh.
there's a lot of reasons you should NOT use iFrames
@ThomasWard and it's not clear whether it would support theoretically every wobsite or just big ones, like google, wikipedia, etc.
@MatthewRoh I mean, your browser normally warns you if you try to load a page that it detects contains a malicious script
but I don't know if the same precautions apply to iframes
and then you run into the fact that many sites only let X-Frame-Options from the SAMEORIGIN (domain) so they can't open the iframe
it just fails
and the iframe way doesn't?
@Riker depends on the browser, OS, and configured items.
hm, ok
btw the only site I need in the iframe is jsfiddle, so yeah
@MatthewRoh TL;DR: bad idea. probably not possible in the way you're expecting anyway, and wouldn't even work on most browser/OS pairs
@Riker oh. then we need another way
but.. how?
you don't?
also, JS fiddle code can be run in the browser itself
it's just JS and HTML
it's on the jsfiddle page
"how to embed"
the 'iframe' embed there is permitted, but I would not be using a userscript to render that here
never here in chat - too many security risks, errors with headers, browser security, clickjacking risk, cross-site scripting risk, etc.
all the same reasons that iframes aren't permitted in posts on the sites themselves except through specific types of embeds.
(I have a 3-day rant on Ask Ubuntu Meta somewhere about why iframes are bad...)
@AdmBorkBork I added a picture example to my challenge. Does this make it more clear?
also, I'm not sure what he means by embed. would the script just make [iframe jsfiddle.com/xxxx] look like jsfiddle? or would it replace that with HTML at time of the edit profile submission, just making it easier to put in the iframe
@Riker he'd want it to replace the HTML, but I'm not sure even that is permitted.
there's probably a special plugin somewhere that permits jsfiddle
or special code, but not a pure iFrame function
@Poke Yeah, that picture helps a lot
@ThomasWard ah
@MatthewRoh Here, I made you a basic building block for a GoL banner: gist.github.com/anonymous/f779de840e511d8468c99ba7c0150e17. This one will issue three "pixels" (actually lightweight spaceships separated by 60 generation steps) every 20.5 pixels (=1320 gen steps). Yeah, that half pixel is strange, but feel free to waste some time tuning it more finely.
@Riker that's a Meta.SE ore Meta.codegolf queston though
@DJMcMayhem MS Word .docx file editing capabilities
Idk, how complicated are they?
The newer .docx format is an open standard based on XML
I don't know why you'd want to edit a layout-and-graphic-rich document like a Word document in a text editor, though.
ISO/IEC 29500
because I need to submit essays in docx file format
but I'm perfectly fine with all times new roman 12pt font, so the styling doesn't really matter to me
@DJMcMayhem pretty complicated
LibreOffice can read/write docx
I mean I can open them in vim, but it's a giant mess of xml
a sort of xml parser that just gives me the raw text would be nice
lol found this:
sigh forgot github oneboxes don't exist
Huh, that's kinda interesting.
yeah, though it's a libreoffice plugin to emulate vim rather than the reverse <shrug>
last actual commit was 2 years ago :/
if I knew vba then I'd take a shot at adding more commands
yeah but it's still there
the readme even says the owner stopped working on it
VBA isn't too bad, you just pseudo-camelCase everything
yah but I don't know it yet :P and using a mac doesn't give me many chances to learn it
that's true
Do you have Pages? That has support for .docx
I do have pages but I don't like it much
and my original goal was to practice my vim by editing essays in vim
You could just learn the format like if you were writing in LaTeX, and just edit the .docx as plaintext
I don't use latex, eli5?
btw, Such applications like office online exists
I was looking for a vim-style editor for .docx files
@Riker Super markdown for mathy stuff
@AdmBorkBork ah, I see what you mean now
@DJM oh I know what latex is, I just didn't get what he meant by learnign the format
Like coding HTML without a WYSIWYG editor
Hmm, the WYSIWYG way is [insert 'very' 50 times] hard cause console doesnt have varying font sizes
yeah, makes sense now
It's possible, but ya know
Its haaaard.
what console are you referring to?
@Riker Standards, including linux consoles and cmd
.... for editing html?
WYSIWYG is "What You See Is What You Get" -- it's a graphical editor style
(and gnome)
@AdmBorkBork ik
ah, I see what you mean now. also, are you sure?
most decent terminals can change font size
So, I'm not sure why "The WYSIWYG way is hard because the console doesn't have varying font sizes"
The console is not a WYSIWYG editor
I think because the text is too small for him to read easily, he can't edit good
@Riker varying font sizes in one same console
ah, I see what you mean
Isn't a docx just a bunch of zipped xml files
<shrug> tha'ts what editors are for
@Men yes
@Mendeleev true
but the document.xml file is a mess
> men
@Riker True, maybe they made programs golf XML and it went horribly.
@Riker It looks like you just pinged Male adults in general. :P
I'm not using the browser version of chat so I can't reply to things
also no autocomplete of usernames
so I'm just using 3 letter pings when I can
Huh? I'm on mobile and it totally autocompletes names
but @Men, the first bit of document.xml (of an essay I wrote) is <w:document xmlns:wpc="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingCanvas" xmlns:mo="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/mac/office/2008/main" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"
@Riker Mobile? Or, are you using a very different custom made chat client?
quill's websocket chat
@Riker That makes sense
and gotham is beautiful for this, makes messages a very nice sea green/teal
yeah, it's quite nice
If I make one I'm not making like that
this is in my terminal fwiw
Do pings work well? (Receiving them, that is)
Yeah, whatever
ping me and I'll screenshot
not scrolling up to find my most recent ping
@Riker test
@Riker No
There ya go... 3 OF THEM?
4 actually, sending pic
@Riker Much ping, such wow
@Riker Five I believe.
six now
@ThomasWard editing pings are illegal
sigh the one problem is that this doesn't clear pings when I send a message
@MatthewRoh blue nicks mean edits :).
so imma have like 17 pings from my last hour or so of chatting when I next open chat :P
oooh do I win also
@Riker Have you tried jQuery?
this runs node actually, so not that far off ;P
@DJMcMayhem Isn't jQuery mostly for compatibility
According to the chattiquette:
> Avoid repeatedly editing messages that contain pings.
@MatthewRoh repeatedly
a single edit doesn't break anything, once.
also @DJM fwiw, this is what replies look like:
But i don't usually edit pings :)
goes back to perusing the questions list
yeah, this was an acceptable ping edit. I don't even get that much of a notification at pings, just another line of text
it's not a really loud bong sound anymore
hm, is the ping sound more of a "beep" or "bong"
it's kinda like a mix of a thunk and a bong IMO
@Riker bing
@Riker There's a special name for that, but I won't say it here.
also, it's a pain that this thing doesn't show msg ids
@MatthewRoh No, it doesn't open a search engine.
but has commands for starring and replying to msgs
Well, atleast it's not 'bleet'
but they take msg ids which I don't know :P
@fəˈnɛtɪk I was afraid of that reply..
ok, just opened ppcg main, 23 pings
@Riker Huh. Too bad it didn't show which message I replied to
yeah, it doesn't show that either :/
i've been meaning to edit code + make a PR, haven't had time
Is there a way to embed sites without iframes
define embed
@MatthewRoh Define 'embed' in specific terms.
html5 has <video> elements
and explain where you are trying to embed them.
He is trying to embed code in his profile
@fəˈnɛtɪk yup
yeah we know but define "embed"
@MatthewRoh you mean your profile on the site?
you can't.
does it have to be runnable with a big red button?
it's not permitted in the SE code base.
and yeah, SE blocks most code in profiles iirc
best you can do is images I think.
some widgets still work iirc
the quartata lookalike had a GoL thing in his
kevin workman or something iirc
And that was literally all images
(And links)
@Riker Can you use super diamond powers from the terminal?
nvm not him, but somebody with a glider
edits and deletes yes iirc
but pinning, moving, and mass-deletes no
i.e. no command to do that
I'm not immune to rate limiting either :P
@Riker then use lynx :P
doesn't support JS
oh ok
why would i use that?
Is there a reason to use a console for chat?
@Riker Why would you not?
yeah, parental units checking my history 24/7
so I use incognito a lot, but for chat I use this more
because I have to log in again every time with incog
Ok then
well, I'm out for now, see y'all! stuff to do irl
Would your parents object to chat?
mostly just any cursewords/rude things
I just hide everything as a passive-agressive protest
because I'm on the comp so much, they get confused when all they can find is the occansional SE main access
Do they know you're a mod?
@Mat also, I thought you meant lynx for chat. I do use lynx sometimes for ppcg main, not often though (if that's what you're asking)
nope, they don't know about my diamond. doesn't really matter, as veg.se is pretty quiet anyway. I try to check as often as I can, but it doesn't really matter if I don't make it for a day
I mean there's 2 other mods, one with 3 diamonds total
but seriously, I have to leave now, see y'all
btw I gtg too
L8r bois
I can also chat without entering the room sometimes, because the thingy is buggy :p
Q: Editing a Post to get Publicity

SparklePonyWhen I create a post, and it does not get any, or little, response, I make a small edit, like adding a space where no one will notice it, to make it re-appear on the front page. Is this okay?

@Riker Use elinks, it's a lot better.
DAE get this?
I can access it just fine
@ATaco in TacO, is there a way to convert from a string to an ASCII list (or something similar)?
@Mendeleev What ancient version of Chrome are you using
To answer your question that doesn't work over http:, need https:
@Mendeleev there's a nifty button called "Nuke Cache"
explode your cache and start over
since i think you have infinite redirection evils in place.
@Riker BTW, I explained it here if you're curious.
@quartata chrome 56
@DJMcMayhem :o reading
@DJMcMayhem Don't you mean ROT13?
Hahaha, yep
you actually found a use for ex mode :P
and isn't ex only V's great grandfather?
ex -> vi -> vim -> V
V(im\?)\? Stack Exchange
A regex to match V, Vi and Vim
@Riker ex -> vi -> vim -> neovim -> V
@KritixiLithos Thanks, good catch
ah, forgot neovim
btw, does anybody here have an aquarium? just curious
@KritixiLithos Invalid. You want either V\(im\?\)\? or \vV(im?)?
Gah, vim regex is weird
ELI5 vim regex vs normal regex?
I don't think it's possible to explain that to a five year old
Vim regex is a nuisance
I wish there was a plugin for PCRE
I don't think it's weird at all, but it's also the only one I know
\( and no reluctant quantifiers
Does reluctant == non-greedy?
.\{-} will match any character as few times as possible
Or .{-} if you've got magic on
Is that new
or have I been literally using gimped Vim regex knowledge for years
It's been around for as long as I've known about vim
Which is like a year or two
@quartata you have been literally using gimped Vim regex knowledge for at least a year
I don't think it's new. It's been around for at least 8 years
OK, it doesn't seem to work the way I want it to. Phew.
Oh wait nevermind I had /g on
Well shit.
I'm literally having flashbacks of all the times in my life when I had to drop to a shell and use Perl to do basic regex tasks
I'm counting the minutes I've wasted
How could I have possibly not known this
I have 3 different vim books
@quartata you might want to seek medical attention if your mental state interferes with your daily senses. Unless you mean normal dreams?
I think my only explanation is the Mandela effect -- I must be from a parallel universe where Vim didn't have reluctant quantifiers
@JanDvorak No I'm pretty sure I've become mentally unhinged
Oh, like Berenstein Bears
@AdmBorkBork Exactly
It was definitely stein
@quartata I sometimes think that I have travelled across parallel universes because past events sometimes repeat themselves
@quartata I ran into this one the other day, and can't believe that movie doesn't exist.
I swear I watched both Sinbad and Shaq in genie movies.
pretty cool
This was in like the heyday of duplicate movies. You had Antz and Bug's Life, Armageddon and Deep Impact, Babe and Gordy, Volcano and Dante's Peak, Powder and Phenomenon, Tombstone and Wyatt Earp ... I'm sure I'm missing some.
@DJMcMayhem's prolly already seen it, but @AdmBorkBork:
I'm a Hanzo main
Actually trying to migrate to Zenyatta
Roadhog for life
@AdmBorkBork lol
@AdmBorkBork do eet
the little I have played of overwatch tells me that zenyatta is best hero
@Riker Hahahahaha, that is incredible
I love it
you haven't seen it? lol
it's funny tho ya
Can confirm. Is accurate.
Hanzo's really not that bad though. Just fun to mock
A friend of mine told me he's a Torbjörn main just so that he can watch Netflix while playing. Facepalm
I routinely watch Muselk on YouTube
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SparklePonyFind a Four Leaf Clover! Since today is St. Patrick's day, you will try to find a four leaf clover. And because you don't want to sit in the grass and sort by hand, you will write some code to do it for you. Your challenge: write a program that output the coordinate location of the following ch...

He has a song he made up (to the tune of "I'm a Lumberjack")
> I'm a Torbjorn / and I'm OK / I sit on me a-- / and do nothing all day
One of his plays of the game is him just emote sitting on a ledge, standing up to press Q (to activate ultimate), and then sitting back down
Hahaha, yeah that's what most Torb POTG are like
I potentially killed one tab in my browser.
Apparently running code that generates a 120k by 120k matrix is not good
@DJMcMayhem hahaha
@fəˈnɛtɪk Hmm yeah, 14.4 billion array items is a lot for JS to handle
I'm surprised I can still use my other tabs even though it is frozen
I can't even kill the tab
Really? What browser are you on?
I actually don't think it even reached the part where it should be generating the array
Oh, nice. Firefox recently added a feature where you can "use" other tabs while one is frozen, but you can't interact with the actual page (yet)
But at least the whole browser isn't frozen
probably froze up when comparing 120k 6 length arrays to one another
what's it doing, sorting them?
Hmm. For the "Challenge that Bytes" challenge, it seems kinda cheaty to use PowerShell's inherent case-insensitivity. $args|sort and SORT ($ARGS) are both groovy.
join the arrays then compare the strings
"compare" like compare each one to each other one, or compare each of them to a specific string?
It is this code running with input=6
compare to each other one

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