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This increments a number by 1.
but does it work with negatives? :3
It only supports positive Integers.
But, it supports positive Integers of any accuracy.
I feel a different word than "tapped" should have been used in this title .-. confirmed, accepted...
ahem, java BigInteger
It's a lib, not a necessary function.
Also, your CMC didn't specify number type, I assumed Unsigned Arbitrary Precision Integer.
Golfing language design question: When converting an array to a string via an instruction (i.e. S), is it best to include brackets around arrays, or quotes around strings, or both, or neither?
depends on what your golfing language is designed for
@ETHproductions For crayon neither
@ETHproductions neither. use a repr command for the former
@Okx Crayon, so outputting ASCII-art
You don't really need quotes/brackets for a golflang
it's probably best to squash the array together with newlines (or sometimes nothing at all) to output it
Hmm, that makes sense. I suppose the next question then is: include something between items (comma, space, newline, etc.) or not?
Yes you can, I don't know how it looks atm though
@ETHproductions I'd say no
probably just add a command to do it
is your language stack based?
I'm still waiting for a language that's more competitive against Jelly.
then you'd probably do something like J<char>
so if you have an array on the stack
to join it with , and print
you'd do J,
could save one character instead of pushing a character and joining
maybe a 1-char join by newline option too
@ATaco 05ab1e is probably the best candidate atm, Ohm might be one to watch though
RProgN bundles it up into a neat (1, 2, 3), unless you use ., then it's either 123 or 1 2 3 where " " is above the stack on the reg stack.
@Okx That is a very good idea. Of course I already have a join command, but one that takes the next char as separator saves a byte if you know what the separator is
Any string above the stack on the reg stack will act as the joining string.
@ASCII-only Hmm, okay
I know how to beat jelly
redefine a byte to mean 16 bits
I can't find a wiki for rprogn2
There is none.
There's a github with very little documentation.
@Okx So the length of all Jelly programs would be cut in half? :P
I'm not good at writing documentation.
But I did add the --d flag, which kind of acts like an auto-documenter.
@ETHproductions ah
I don't think it's possible to redefine bytes in such a way that Jelly is longer but other languages aren't
how is jelly so gud doe
other than "If your language is Jelly, each bit is 1 byte"
Alternatively, you could just make a golfier language.
or we could ban jelly
I'm not sure what is even being asked here:
Q: Solve three variables equation

Dorian Input: None Output: Solution of the equation at 5 decimals e.g. if the solution is 1.000026, your solution should at least give 1.00003 Sources: https://twitter.com/ShareDVI/status/818071665993203714 https://twitter.com/qntm/status/839630424125095936 https://twitter.com/bydorian/statu...

nah, no need to make a language
solution of what equation? The solution of the mentioned equation is just 4
@ETHproductions what is that even
looks like a kongloverofwefowiejfwoijef whatever spelling that is question to me
I added a joke answer, will probably delete it :P
for once though it's an attempt by a user who's already posted answers to post a challenge
A: Solve three variables equation

Okx05AB1E, 1 byte 4 Yep, 4 is the solution to the equation. What did you expect?

An equation isn't just the right half.
It asks for the solution of the equation
Q: Solve three variables equation

Dorian Input: None Output: Solution of the equation at 5 decimals e.g. if the solution is 1.000026, your solution should at least give 1.00003 Sources: https://twitter.com/ShareDVI/status/818071665993203714 https://twitter.com/qntm/status/839630424125095936 https://twitter.com/bydorian/statu...

It's obvious that's not what the person wants.
True, but it's not obvious what they do want
If they're looking for solutions for each of the three variables, I'm pretty sure there are an infinitude
why has the question got no downvotes yet
Could you please post the equation without the obnoxious fruits? — xnor 1 min ago
He asks the output should be the: "Solution of the equation"
It's essentially asking; "Given a simultaneous equation of three variables, calculate the three variables."
Calling the fruits a, b, and c, and assuming b = c, Wolfram|Alpha says that there's a solution for every non-zero value of a
So I'd assume that without b = c, there's infinite solutions for every non-zero value of a
@ATaco Anyway... So the default way of printing the array is separated by newlines, but you also have a function that pretty-prints it, and a join-by-whatever function?
I'd guess an integer solution is implied, and there is only one
how would one even go about solving that...
@HelkaHomba But the OP expects us to round decimals
@ConorO'Brien not certain but Diophantine equations might be involved
@ASCII-only But the OP seems to have a sketchy understanding of the problem and what they want from the challenge. Do they just want the solution to that picture or are they really trying to make it into a challenge?
I'd wager the former
it looks like they want us to calculate it, but he doesn't realise we can just hardcode the output
I think the tweets they linked to are what threw them off
"This guy used code to solve an equation, that sounds like a good code-golf challenge"
@ETHproductions Default is pretty-print, join by newline and such are part of the join operator.
@ATaco Oh, OK. I didn't realize the last backtick was actually marking the newline as a char literal
Yeah, ` is the Char literal operator.
What's the ‌`x on the first line for then?
Well, (1 2 3) is the stack literal, `x pushes the char x and = sets x to the stack, so that we can reuse it for those test cases.
Oh, got it
Is .p "print with separator", or is . a join command?
. is the join operator, p is the print.
Single byte commands.
Mm-hmm. The reason I ask is just because . marks a 2-byte command in many golfing langs, including Crayon
Unless it's part of a number, obviously
and in J, but backwards
. is the Concatenate Command, which happens to work like that on stacks.
Ah, cool
In retrospect I have no idea why I chose q for Crayon's print command instead of p or similar
I'll think about whether the default separator should be a newline or the empty string. It'll make a large difference for saving a byte or two when drawing ASCII-art, after all
I'd say newline, personally.,
just make two different commands?
if it's so important, why not have both?
I've only got 127 124 single-byte commands atm, approximately 118 of which are currently planned to be used, so I must choose wisely
What "super power" would you want the most? - strawpoll.me/12491757
@HelkaHomba you forgot superpower: being a goat
I thought that was a curse /s
I'm sorry, 112 assigned commands, plus 6 unassigned commands, plus 6 unassigned bytes, plus 3 two-byte chars
I assume being able to move at light speed doesn't come with the problems of moving at light speed?
@ConorO'Brien nah
You had me at "move in 4 spatial dimensions"
@ATaco No. Assume 99.99% c I guess
@ETHproductions seem redundant if world is 3 dimension
@ETHproductions ISO-437 is a pretty good encoding
@HelkaHomba how about arbitrarily close to c
Am I capable of stopping before I hit a wall at $0.9999×C$?
@HelkaHomba So basically you still burn up if moving in an atmosphere, and time passes like a million times faster for you?
@Downgoat you can think that, but me, eth, and someone else will be in the 4d clubhouse
@Okx The encoding is set up currently to work with UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, or whatever else uses the ASCII charset for bytes 00-7E. That's why I only have 127 available bytes
(I suppose I could do \x7f too)
@ATaco yes...I guess
@HelkaHomba I am converting dirt to antimatter
anyway, logic was:
If you're happy for a reason, that reason can be taken from you. So be happy for no reason. https://t.co/t9hfhMY2no
be goat.
@ETHproductions ISO-437 uses all the bits possible, you should use that
I'm rocking with WIN-1252 for RProgN2.
@Okx But then I couldn't do this
@ASCII-only you can move slower if you want
@Okx those aren't elements
can I make an antimatter element though?
And lots of antimatter lying around would be dangerous...
carbon -> anticarbon
i could sell it to cern
i'm sure they'd be happy
I have thought about using a dedicated 256-byte charset though, and I haven't reached a definite conclusion, but the plan is to just use the first 128 bytes for now
it's valued at 70 trillion per gram
@HelkaHomba Still moving at faster than like 100mph there would be too much friction
@ETHproductions D:
@HelkaHomba wait in this option: "Be able to transmute one element of your choice to another (but only those two, only one way)"
does the element stay in a bond if it was in one (or can we choose that too)?
@Okx Frankly they'd probably try to kidnap you for study :P
@Downgoat I'd say no
I'd just say I have it from my 'master'
and try and give them loads of info on my 'master' but they'll never find them
because they don't exist
@ASCII-only :O ok then this is great
@Downgoat why
CO2, change C -> O. Get O2, and fix pollution forever
oxygen is very likely to bond to other oxygen
oxygen is very reactive
isn't O2 gas inert tho/not reactive
@Downgoat I'd assume it forms a molecule because O2 is stable
@ConorO'Brien Yeah but not the O that was transmuted from C
@ConorO'Brien yeah, but if it seperates into three Os then they can bond to form O2
If I turn Uranium to Hydrogen do I cause an explosion due to the massive change in energy?
@ATaco I'd assume no
No fun.
O2 is just plain air oxygen
tbh I'd just choose O -> Au
No, N -> Au
It's like asking "If I turn Hydrogen to Oganesson do I cause an implosion due to the massive change in energy"
@Downgoat Let's say only elements in their monoatomic state can be transmuted and everything still follows conservation of energy
The Air is ~70% N2
right but I can generate O from plants >_>
@ATaco But remember gases are way less dense than solids
@HelkaHomba to be fair transmuting element violates conversation energy
maybe the energy appears in some poor (designated) old lady's house
@ConorO'Brien And you'll eventually make all living things extinct :(
Nitrogen -> Oxygen. Take me to mars and I am your oxygen producer
Density doesn't matter here, Volume does.
Mars it 2% nitrogen
Just transmute Si -> Au
@ConorO'Brien O is much less common then O2 I think
@Downgoat but O2 isn't an element
@ConorO'Brien I'm reffering to monoatomic oxygen as that is the only type that can be transmuted according to Helka's new rule
C -> H, to use it on smoke to make more fire. Be the FLAME THROWER.
nvm, I'd do Sn to element 0 :P
@ConorO'Brien Yeah but if mass is created where does the energy needed come from
@ASCII-only magic
@ConorO'Brien i.e. a neutron? :P
@ConorO'Brien So if mass is destroyed the energy goes to some old lady's house but if it's created it comes from magic?
Magic is technology that we do not understand yet
@Okx I believe the quote was "sufficiently advanced technology seems like magic", not the other way around
That's backwards.
Magic can still be magic.
@ASCII-only or old lady's purses, idk
@ASCII-only I meant that the mass would not change. 1kg of N becomes 1kg of Au. 1000 atoms of N become fewer atoms of Au
can we have an arbitrary chemical equation? if so, I'll just do Au -> 2Au + Anti-Au. Because that's how chemistry works amirite
@ConorO'Brien I can make up my own quotes, yo
@HelkaHomba Oh then where would the excess neutrons go
idk >.< it all gets converted to energy then back to matter
@ConorO'Brien Nothing -> Au + Anti-Au
No it wouldn't we still have our 1Au, but it's just that 1Au = 1Au + 1Au - 1Anti-Au
@ASCII-only true
I'd do N -> Fr
totally didn't search most valuable element
H -> Os
I like mAss
@Okx Why not Fe, it's so much more common on Earth
robbin-hood style: Au -> O2
@ASCII-only Most Fe is deep in earth's core difficult to access
Fr's more valuable
@Riker self-induced vomit, 201
@Okx No I mean there's way less N than e.g. Si
alternative super powers. I've at one point or another wanted one of these >_>
N is in the air, I don't even need to try to get it
also a lot of n is bonded in n2
Plus if you drain too much N the concentration of O will get too high and any fire will become dangerous
Also, insects are big enough as is
@ConorO'Brien 3 would make you the most money by far
If only from solving P=NP
@quartata I think you'd need to think about solution and it just makes it into code for you
A little more disappointing.
@ConorO'Brien To do with the writing code one, can I think of the fastest code and also the shortest code for something on... say... codegolf.stackexchange.com
@ConorO'Brien in last one, would phone and computer still work
#3 is the best if i had #3 VSL would be finished by now
@Downgoat anything on your person
So #4 is basically Time Stop, correct?
@ConorO'Brien so this mean I can like rob store and nobody knows
but if light doesn't change, your eyes won't be able perceive anything
@Downgoat well yeah but I wouldn't suggest it
too late, already robbed goat store
@Okx that would stop your body from "functioning" I suppose
> you cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but you can affect any item that is not in another creature’s possession.
Oh cool the four new elements got their official names
So it couldn't be held by anyone
wait what couldn't? Are we talking about the goat
for #3, you can think of a task, and that task will be written in a language of your choice, assuming it is possible. (E.g. no file reading in vanilla BF)
@ConorO'Brien So I think "gitgoat" and boom, gitgoat app is made?
@Riker what is this
Q: Converting rational numbers to an “alien” data format

JDługoszFor a story I'm writing, I needed to convert 101⅐ (101 + 1/7 if that doesn’t show up for you) into base 47. Expressing an integer in some base brings back memories of first learning how to program back in the days of 8-bit systems; it’s a fairly easy exercise. Doing a floating-point format is a...

awwww yissss, made filter button for GitGoat in only 3 hour
@Downgoat what is gitgoat
@Downgoat well, all the general parts that you think about, yeah
@Downgoat also pls go to vsl chat
@ASCII-only An iOS GitHub client that is amazing and great and does all things
wait is vsl alive again
yes, we beg you to help contribute
I have 4 languages currently in design, why not!
link to room? @ASCII-only
I might get T-shirt printed at end for everyone who help
speaking of which I need to do that for cheddar
anybody have any experience writing a binary file?
I'm wanting to serialize some data. However, there are a couple of restrictions:
1. Binary not text (File size matters)
2. Can be readable/writable in any language (so no built-in serializers)
3. Can be extended (My data includes lists and dictionaries of other objects)
so, with my built-in serializer, how do you deal with an arbitrary amount of data?
(more or less, how do you delimit the data?)
@NathanMerrill When you say binary, do you mean something such as an executable, image, etc., or just arbitrary binary data
arbitrary binary data
I mean, its defined by me
Like, in my programming language, I'll have a well defined IR
but that's just the layout of the object
@NathanMerrill I would say choose two high code points such as 254 & 255, as most executables don't have that high code points. Use that to delimit data, replacing existing 255s with 254 255, and 254s with 254 254
or you could always store length of the header
e.g. d<NULL><header> would be for a header of 100 bytes (d is code point 100)
@riker when did you become a ♦?
:O @Riker congrats on mod!!!
@Riker When were you a mod?
@CheckOutTomato he became one om vegetarianism.SE
I found a standardized way of doing it
@NathanMerrill Protobuf is cool. I've heard from Google engineers that almost every Google product uses it internally.
I totally forgot to run on LL :(
@Downgoat LL?
Lamguage learning
why do people use the term near infinite?
@CheckOutTomato today, around 10 am
@DestructibleWatermelon ^
@Downgoat thanks!
I was wondering whether I was just really unobservant..
looks like the meta post went up at 9 am today, so around then
@DestructibleWatermelon ... because it's near infinity?
@Riker nothing can be near infinity; it either is infinite, or it is finite and nowhere near close
hm true
@DestructibleWatermelon lol
so um, do you have all-holy mod-only powers to eleven messages into mod-ly goodness?
also: does anyone know if a middle name can be your given name?
@Riker elaborate? you mean being named john john doe?
@Downgoat looks like harry potter the goat
@Riker question: now that you are a mod, can you post lot of goat gif in here on my behalf and not get kicked for it :P
@Riker maybe I should have used one of those cgi gold stars
@DestructibleWatermelon apparently so
@ConorO'Brien isn't just thinking the program the hard part usually?
TIL: UIPopoverPresentationControllers, i.e. popovers cannot be dismissed in iPhone .___.
@DestructibleWatermelon right, but the implementation could be tedious
@NickClifford From what I've seen on this site, it's pretty awesome
@ConorO'Brien Thank you!
@ConorO'Brien kinda subpar superpower then
@DestructibleWatermelon think of a programming language specification. boom, programming language. Think of an app-- boom, app
@ConorO'Brien so thats what you mean
@DestructibleWatermelon I'm guessing it's usually shorthand for "finite, yet arbitrarily large"
yeah, but it's kind of dumb to say
also what even is "kind of"
@DestructibleWatermelon my name is [redacted] riker w., where riker is my middle name (pls no jokes about [redacted]). I was wondering whether I could put "Riker" as my given nam
@Riker Legally, or on SE?
no, for an application to a school
I was just wondering hte general def of "given name"
You could probably change your legal name to whatever you wanted, if you were old enough
@Riker That I don''t know
not yet :p but I'm plannign on ti
@MistahFiggins hm, okay
From wikipedia (so, ya know):
> In western cultures, people normally retain the same given name throughout their lives. However, in some cases these names may be changed by petitioning a court of law.
Emphasis mine
yeah, US 14 yo male here :P I'm planning on swapping my first two names later
@Riker won't they have access to any information about you that will your actual given name on it?
i dunno
like they get a transcript and be like hmmm we don't have any applicants named [redacted]
welp guess we'll throw it away
yeah, I've worried about that
but it's more of: I really prefer my middle name, so I'm probably just going to put that down <shrug>
You can always ask to be called a different name, even if it's not your legal one
I know someone who started using their middle as their first name/means of addressing them, I think they're only 14/15 or something
hm, okay
I've used it my whole life
Cool. Not sure how that went legally for her though
You could maybe even get it changed to your first name legally now(ish) with the help of your parents
<shrug> no clue
I'm content for right now though
@Riker I'd use my legal name. If you happen to meet the college application people you can explain you go by Riker
hm, okay
this is for a private highschool fwiw but probably same thing
I was about to say that
Or put name down as Billy "Riker" Bob or maybe Billy Jim Bob (goes by Riker).
hm, okay
Q: Is using an informal version of my name in professional contexts unprofessional?

SaladButtMy name is A but I go by B. The relation of A and B is like that of William and Bill, although non-obvious because the name comes from a non-English-language environment. A is formal and used for all official stuff (e.g. Passport, certificates of all sorts, state business) but I never would use i...

kinda sorta relevent:
22:47:16 { user/
δ ic "0?(1p):(2p)10."
22:48:29 { user/
δ ic "1?(1p):(2p)10."
22:48:32 { user/
(programming language preview)
> δ
10/10 for groundbreaking mathematical formula
lol thx it's just a shell prompt
nearley is best thing to happen to parsing
@ConorO'Brien I think you might also be interested: nearley.js.org it's really amazing JS parser gen
doesn't have weird problems like with LALR
It can even generate a random program which is super cool
it is like magic
This is best thing to happen to parsing
I am so excited rn <_>
this looks epic
it's even actively maintained
well looks like I've found next time waster
it's apparently even context sensitive

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