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Does anyone program in common lisp a lot? I just got into CL from this answer and I'm having a lot of fun.
@ATaco : why not ?
@WheatWizard I think @DLosc and @Qwerp-Derp do
@user2284570 I use *nix and android soooo
and I have a vague idea, but it's best to be specific
@Riker : soo you don’t even now it is the format used by all main executables on Linux ?
Is *nix unix and linux or are there other things it can stand for.
@Riker Don't you use a Mac?
@Riker : it’s also the same for android since lollipop because of the ahead of time compilation change.
Just because Android uses Elf files does not mean you look inside them.
I generally don't go through my phone's binaries.
@Pavel : he just asked what it is. And don’t forget they are valid contests on this site with the elf format.
You know what, I still think it's incredibly boring, but I can't really say it's unclear, so sure. Reopen vote.
Regardless how valid the challenge is, as we've stated a few times now, "Write in this format" isn't a very good challenge.
It's not a good challenge, but it doesn't violate any rules or standards.
@Pavel : correct there’s the vote system for that, not the close vote one.
@Pavel I get a incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to Command (command being the class of the variable I tried to perform an assignment)
@ConorO'Brien Is that a compiler error or exception
But I think what it wants you to do is make an explicit cast.
@Pavel : thanks, but I maintain it’s harder than it looks.
@user2284570 Hard!=Interesting
Centering things vertically in CSS is also hard.
@Pavel : ok.
@Pavel I added an explicit cast, but got unreported exception InstantiationException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
@ConorO'Brien That is correct, there are like three exceptions you have to declare or catch.
@Pavel unix
@user2284570 I didn't mean "i have no clue halp me plz", I meant "you should specify that in the challenge"
I used to dual boot mint fwiw
and I don't know the specifics, but I know what it is, but obviously some people dont
Do you have a Windows license?
me? no
well, yes, but it's not mine, only my dad uses a windows
also, who voted to reopen this?
Q: Shortest ELF for "Hello world\n"?

Yauhen YakimovichIs it possible to write (pack) a shorter than 145 bytes version of a program with "Hello world" (plus new line) output if the length of the program is measured as a number of bytes in program's ELF (x86) representation? Reduction technique in mind is described here: http://timelessname.com/elfb...

it's a clear dupe
@betseg okay, I fixed bug, you can delete repo now
what kind of bug did you--nevermind, I don't wanna know
@Riker : I just thought it was as obvious as knowing what is a jpeg file if you have camera.
I know how a JPEG File looks under the hood, but that's just because I wanted to export a JPEG using lua.
@ATaco There's not a library for that?
Probably, but I code with the "libraries are for chumps" motto.
...lets see how long that lasts :)
> Don't reinvent the wheel
It's not a very good motto, but I've learnt a lot
oh, for learning purposes, its great.
but if you want to make anything permanent, libraries can surely write it better than you can
Generally if I'm doing anything I plan to show others, I use libraries
@user2284570 People are more intimate with their camera than their elf
@ConorO'Brien it wasn't too bad, just had forgot to update the username field (detailing which user's repos to list)
@Downgoat ohh ok
MCMC: Given N what is the total area covered by the circles (x, y, r) = (i, i, i) for i from 1 to N.
@HelkaHomba MCMC?
e.g. if N = 3, what's the area covered in the plane by disks (1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3)
That will be a lot harder than it seems
Yeah, not really so mini
CMC: Solve for N = 1 :p
@HelkaHomba Do you know the solution?
@WheatWizard no
Ok so its extra fun
@HelkaHomba I'm not great at math, but I'm pretty sure it's seven.
It should tend towards (3π/2+1)(r*r)
@WheatWizard wouldn't it be 3/4 pi?
No? I'm not sure why you say that.
perhaps I am misunderstanding the question
Oh yes I see
r^2 for the bottom left "square" then 0.75 pi*r^2 for the other 3 quadrants of the circle
you are correct
I must have mistyped. I thought you meant the entire thing would be 3/4 π.
@HelkaHomba (s=0;For[i=1,i<=#,i++,s+=Area@Circle[{0,0},i]];s)&
@WheatWizard Ah. No. I mean (3π/4+1)(r*r)
@Pavel That doesn't work. The circles intersect
@HelkaHomba Yes that is what I originally meant
@Pavel N = 3 looks like that ^^
If you could find the area left out along one axis it might be easy enough
is there a closed form for the area of sector from a given segment?
6 is the first circle to not intersect the first.
I'm trying to find a way to merge geometric objects in mathematica
Its the area of the slice minus the area of the triangle created by the slice
@HelkaHomba :)
Concerning posting, how to explain to stack exchange and Google recaptcha that I’m not a robot ?
The area covered would be (3*pi/4 + 1)*r^2 + pi/4 - 1 - 2*(area of pink stuff) but finding the area of the pink is tricky.
@ConorO'Brien In short $A=(\theta/2-\cos(\theta/2)\sin(\theta/2))r^2$
(read as LaTeX)
@user2284570 solve the captcha
Beat Dark Souls with keyboard controls
@Pavel According to Rashid it is a "great answer"
@user2284570 not really no
@HelkaHomba That is not Mathematica
Better yet, it's Javascript
I'm trying to make a Mathematica solution tho
@HelkaHomba : I say it think I’m a bot. It is constantly fetching me captcha to solve for 20mins.
@Pavel Keep calm and ask Martin.
Oh right, Marting isn't just a regex guru
@MartinEnder I need help, how do I overlap two geometric regions in Mathematica, into a format I can pass to Area?
I've been a bit (a lot) stuck on this.
@HelkaHomba certainly has a nice solution...
@Pavel I'd cool it with the caps...
I'm sorry
Not yet tested, one second
Does Geogebra do permalinks?
That did not work.
Mar 2 at 18:21, by Pavel
So I use Bing now
@MistahFiggins I tried Bing, and Google, and Yahoo
@HelkaHomba works now ^?
You could just do Area@RegionUnion@Table[Disk[{n,n},n],{n,#}]
@Pavel I mean, it should be right from what I understand of the code
@ConorO'Brien That guy's proportion-venn diagram is neat benfrederickson.com/venn-diagrams-with-d3.js
MCMC 2: Can the area of the union of two circles with integer centers and radii ever be an integer?
@HelkaHomba besides 0? :P
@MistahFiggins How would that work? (assuming the radii are positive)
Their intersection could be 0, sure
That's what I mean
But I asked for union
oh, gotcha. Thought you meant intersection
I'm guessing the answer is no since Pi is transcendental, but I'm not certain
You could try FindInstance in mathematica
Is jaywalking really legal in the UK? :o
I can understand it being illegal in cities, but on, say, rural streets, it doesn't make much sense to me
@HelkaHomba I hear people actually drive sanely there, so maybe it makes sense?
I jaywalk every day, but on a street where there is maybe a 45 second break in traffic
@HelkaHomba they don't have boston
when you see boston you understand why the us has so many weird traffic laws
source: been to boston many times, have family there, have gotten in accident 5/8 times
@Riker Aww, not 5/7?
@DJMcMayhem that would be 100%, not 62.5%
I apparently know 0/5 about Komodo dragons ._. (new Google doodle)
@Riker Is it a matter of complex streets? Because they couldn't be worse than much older british city's
Turns out the US-INTL keyboard was designed for ISO-8859-1, which is slightly different from WIN-1252, so I'm making my own keyboard to make up for the difference.
:35849715 I think you need to go to google.com rather than just a new tab
figured it out
I got 3/5
5/5, first try
I may literally know less about my operating system than we as a species know about the oceans, but at least I know about Komodo Dragons!
@CheckOutTomato remember when I borrowed your .vimrc? How do I toggle the sidebar that shows on my files.
.vimrc rule #1: Don't allow any lines you don't understand.
IMO, copying an entire vimrc over is never a good idea
I don't have enough Vim skill for me to notice anything wrong
And when I do get enough Vim skill, this will seem perfectly normal.
I have no dragon doodles ;_;
What day is it in where you live?
@Pavel I'm not sure if I get what you mean. I meant that you should write it yourself as you come across settings/mappings you like
It's monday here, but I didn't have the doodle yesterday either ;___;
@DJMcMayhem But I have all these cool plugins now
Then copy the ones you understand and like
Just out of curiosity, can I see the .vimrc in question? Is it online somewhere?
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, somewhere on Wat's website.
I'll put it here, one sec
set nocompatible

execute pathogen#infect('~/.vim/bundle/{}')
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
set tabstop=4
"set smarttab
set shiftwidth=4
set autoindent
"set expandtab
set number
set background=dark
colorscheme solarized
set mouse=a
set laststatus=2
set ttimeoutlen=50
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set ruler
set showcmd
set incsearch
set hlsearch
set cursorline
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
let g:airline_detect_paste=1
nmap <silent> <leader>t :NERDTreeTabsToggle<CR>
@DjMcMayhem ^
I should try out NERDtree sometime. I probably wouldn't keep it around very long, but given it's popularity and my vim-obsession, it's probably worthwhile to have at least tried
On the Movies & TV SE banner/logo what's the scene to the left of rafiki holding up simba? (movies.stackexchange.com)
@HelkaHomba Twin peaks, I'm pretty sure
Actually no, I'm positive
Ah. Yep. Thanks
@DJMcMayhem So, anything wrong with it?
np. It was purely a guess from the title, I haven't actually seen twin peaks (but I've heard many good things about it)
@Pavel Not anything in particular. Just that I think it's kinda silly to copy a bunch of settings you don't understand
@DJMcMayhem I do this with everything related to my computer. I search my problem, find a command that I didn't see before, dive into man pages, find another related program, go to its website, and eventually, wikipedia page of common misconceptions.
Well, I've looked through there, it mostly seems to be things I like.
Maybe there's a setting I don't know about that I would want, but I wouldn't have it anyway.
Hey, can I ask a random question? If you had the choice of playing The Last of Us or Arkham Knight, which would you rather play?
(Assuming you haven't played either)
@Pavel Part of it is that setting each setting yourself is a great way to become more familiar with vim. I've learned a ton from making my .vimrc
(Which is 371 lines ATM)
I expected it to be a monstrosity spanning megabytes.
If you include the plugins, it probably is
The Last of Us, because a) a friend plays it and says he liked it and b) I don't know anything about the latter
Can I look at it, for curiousity's sake?
@DJMcMayhem Does that include recieving hardware necessary to play said game?
If you already had the hardware and the games.
I'm going to have to with The Last of Us anyway, come to think of it.
Hmm. I'm leaning slightly towards TLU too. It's just hard to decide because of how much I've enjoyed the other arkham games.
@Pavel ^
I just realized that the only text editors on my computer that I don't use are Emacs and ed.
Oh I am dumb
I created another .vimrc for TTYs and aliased vim to use that .vimrc in TTYs without thinking I can check if I'm on a TTY.
It works, therefore it's fine.
Happy Birthday V! – http://codegolf.stackexchange.com - Thanks to @KritixiLithos for helping me out with this challenge! ... http://ow.ly/scU3509VFxx
Why did you ping me ;_;
Is there a way to launch a script without opening a terminal? I have a script to open Steam in Wine and I don't want to constatnly have a terminal window open just for it.
@KritixiLithos hahaha, did that actually ping you on Twitter?
Yeah, it appeared in my notifications
That's hilarious
> your password can't contain spaces
Twitter plz
Ew, spaces in passwords
That's why they're more secure!
But you're right, no reason to not allow them.
Hey pavel, did I show you RProgN 2's --d flag?
Wait, --d? Not -d?
Also, because -d or well -anything can be read as a negative number
I see.
Also, can't you space the commands like they appear on PPCG?
What do you mean?
Try it online! Works the same
You could make the flag go before the filename and ask Dennis to add interpreter flag support. Then you could allow RProgN2 to have proper ARGV support.
And then you could also have -d instead of --d
I could, but as flags aren't an advantage in golfing, I'm neglecting them a little. Also, the describe flag isn't designed to be an auto-explain generator, just say what all the functions do
@Pavel I know Clojure but not CL unfortunately
I'm making an esolang in Python 3.6 and I'm hoping Fedora switches to it before I finish the lang so TIO can run my lang
@betseg I think Dennis can do that for you anyway, manually install Python 3.6
Yey my new question is successful
@flawr I'm trying to understand what this is referring but I can't :(
@MatthewRoh Just before I read the "don't worry about exceptions" part, I was coming up with counterexamples like staff -> stafves and gaffe -> gafves. ;)
Huh. TIL that "rooves" may be an acceptable (though rare) plural for "roof," at least according to Wiktionary (which cites the 2005 OED). On the other hand, it's not an acceptable Scrabble word.
Going back to work after playing Zelda for 30h during the weekend is hard…
@Pavel in normal mode \t
@DLosc If thats the case it would clearly not be one of the inputs
@Pavel also try pressing control p
@MatthewRoh Re: my comment on the question--you may have misunderstood--I'm asking if the word o is a potential input. According to a very literal reading of rule 5, the plural would be os, since there is no consonant before the o.
Sorry--I don't see how that edit addresses my question?
btw 'roof' has two plural state thus not being one of the input
Will o be one of the inputs?
That's what I'm asking. Is it like "roof," a weird corner case that we don't have to handle?
Or if we do have to handle it, then should the output be os or oes?
@DLosc os
<consonant> + `o` => oes
<vowel or blank> + `o` => os
(Because, FYI...)
If thats the case it would not be input
it violates #5
Yeah. The standard plural is apparently o's, which doesn't fit the formula either.
@MatthewRoh Please update the question accordingly.
Challenge idea, make a program that needs admin access (sudo or UAC)
Oh wait
I just realized I'm on the hot network questions
Meta (from the Greek preposition and prefix meta- (μετά-) meaning "after", or "beyond") is a prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept, used to complete or add to the latter. == Original Greek meaning == In Greek, the prefix meta- is generally less esoteric than in English; Greek meta- is equivalent to the Latin words post- or ad-. The use of the prefix in this sense occurs occasionally in scientific English terms derived from Greek. For example: the term Metatheria (the name for the clade of marsupial mammals) uses the prefix meta- merely in the...
I just made another challenge
I get the feeling you're going to get a lot of variants of exec('su') or something
Any java programmers here?
I have a weird question
Just ask it
Is it possible to alter the Object superclass?
I suppose not, but why?
@Safirah As far as I know, not directly. You could possibly do some reflection shenanigans to load your own custom version of the Object superclass, but that would probably break a lot of things.
@Mego please elaborate a little more
@Safirah With Java's reflection utilities (specifically ClassLoader), you can do a lot of stuff that seems cool but will probably get you into trouble. Specifically, you can dynamically load classes at runtime, and with a bit of trickery, you can even reload classes that have already been loaded (this SO question is a good starting point).
However, trying to reload the Object class this way will probably have a lot of unintended consequences, due to the fact that every other loaded class will be affected by the change.
Q: Make a program which requests admin access

Matthew RohMake a program which requests admin access(sudo on Linux, User Account Control on Windows). Specs The method is your choice, but you may not make it malicious. For example, Your program may access admin-only folders, but it shall not delete any 'original' files and wreck the PC.

hi all
@Mego, but this is the kind of trouble that can be solved with a reinstalation of JDK?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinSave yourself! This challenge is inspired by the online game splix.io. The concept of the game is simple: You capture "land" by creating a closed loop around it using your "snake". You're vulnerable when catching land, because if anyone touches your snake you'll die. Note that people can touch y...

@Safirah Even simpler. That's the kind of trouble that can be solved by just terminating the process.
challenge question.. I want to write a challenge where you are given two English words of the same length and you have to find the shortest route to change one into the other by changing one letter at a time
the twist is that every intermediate string must be a real word too
@Mego really? Well, let's see what I can do. Thank you for your help
Now that I think about it, simply reloading the Object class by itself probably won't do anything (except affect classes (re)loaded in the future). You'd need to reload every class currently loaded (reloading the Object class might automatically cause that reload cascade, but I don't think it would). Then you'd almost certainly run into trouble.
Dynamically reloading one class is like playing with matches. Dynamically reloading the Object class is like playing with a flamethrower. And dynamically reloading every class is like playing with a flamethrower while soaked in gasoline and surrounded by a bunch of pyromaniacs with their own flamethrowers.
Was my question okay
@Mego would the terminate process still work?
@Safirah It should, unless you somehow make the JVM sentient and malicious.
@Lembik I wouldn't be surprised if that were already on the site - closest I could find was this one though from way back
@Sp3000 my slightly twist was going to be that the code can't assume a local dictionary. It has to access the web to get its words
@Lembik That's not really much of a twist...
wordlist = urlread('http://www.mieliestronk.com/corncob_lowercase.txt') and we're good to go.
@StewieGriffin right.. well and the question wasn't the same as the other one either
I want to delete my question and politely asked the answerers to delete their answers and... well, they didnt
@MatthewRoh If you think now that your challenge should be deleted, that's a sign that you didn't take enough time beforehand to consider the quality of your challenge. In short, you made your bed, so now you must sleep in it.
@Mego does that really refer to a messy bed or one made so badly it has nails sticking out of it?
@Lembik I guess it depends upon one's point of view
@Mego true
btw I still have 2 more topics left
Is there no way to bypass the java.lang.SecurityException?
1 hour later…
Cvte. Yet another phrase constrvcted to svm vp to 666.
Don't like.
CMC: convert from roman numerals while ignoring all invalid characters and treating "U" as "V".
BTW, Satan != Antichrist.
70 cows eat a grass field in 24 days. 30 cows eat in 60 days. How many cows would eat the field in 96 days? (Grasses do grow)
Plz halp
My maths teacher couldn't solve either
What is the model of grass growth?
^ and clarify 30 cows eat in 60 days. too
@JanDvorak unknown
Then it's unsolvable
Then there's too much unknown in the system
This should be solvable quite easily if you treat the lawn as a simple uniform heap of organic mush that increases by itself over time (dg/dt=C) and that a cow can eat a constant amount over time (dg/dt = D*[cows])
Differential is next year in our curriculum ;_;
oh.. sorry. I meant, grass = grass_0 + C * time - D * cows * time
@betseg Hmm... I'm guessing it is going to be <30 cows
No wai :o
@JanDvorak What is capital D?
It's a donstant cifferent from C
I see what you did there
I C what you did there*
@JanDvorak 0 = grass_0 + C * 24 - D * 70 * 24 and 0 = grass_0 + C * 60 - D * 30 * 60
Last one minus top one => 36 * C - 120 * D = 0
C = 10/3 D
> dg/dt=C, dg/dt=D*[cows]
So cows = 10/3?
no, the rate at which grass grows = 10/3 * how much each cow eats per day
Which would mean you need 10/3 cows to keep the grass grazed
But we can't solve it because we have two unknowns
You don't need to know how much a cow grazes
So 70 and 30 cows aren't enough information...
^ We need one more testcase
Closed as too broad
@fergusq How do you get lengths of arrays and strings in Röda?
@KritixiLithos Using the #-operator.
Additionally the strsize function returns the length of a string in bytes (UTF-8).
> We bring only the freshest CSS into your fridge*.
> *data charges may apply
this is what turns up in my sidebar these days
why does CSS need refrigerating now?
It's to keep it fresh for longer
ah, right
of course
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin EnderTerra Mystica Power Calculator code-golfarithmeticgame This challenge might need a better title... The boardgame Terra Mystica has some very interesting mechanics for one of the primary resources, power. Instead of gaining and spending units of power from a bank, each player starts the game wi...

@fergusq Ah, I see
How do you get the nth element of an array?
I'm dumb
@HelkaHomba nope your really really bad drivers
@fergusq is it not array[n-1]?
not sure which language we're talking about
roda, his lang
do we have a link to the docs somewhere
i think i found it on github
hmm looks like it's 0-indexed
although i suppose Kritixi could have been asking a question with 0-index in mind
the "zero-ith" element is in index zero, after all
it could also be he just did a stupid
@DJMcMayhem o_o your happy bday to V challenge is still on hnq
3 days later lol
Röda is zero-indexed, so array[n-1] more accurate
I'm still working on wishing V a happy birthday
@fergusq How do you get the nth char of a string? I am still trying to figure out how to convert a string to an array. print "string" | split("") works, but then I don't know how to get the nth element. Also a = "string" | split("") works, but a is given a string value instead of an array value
@KritixiLithos The split function returns the fragments of the string in the stream (like multiple return values). Also the separator must be given as a named argument: split(sep=""). To make an array, put braces around the function call: [push("string") | split(sep="")].
The latest version also includes the / operator that returns an array: "string"/""

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