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If anyone wants to work on that
It is most the way to the mod the floats challange
You can probably omit a lot of the ³s
@AdmBorkBork Actually they can, provided they are the owner or they have a diamond.
But generally no.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mike BufardeciChew it up, Spit it out Challenge Bubblegum is a language developed to win at trivial Kolmogorov complexity challenges. In this challenge, you will be given an input and must return the shortest Bubblegum code that returns that output. All the information about Bubblegum that you'll need can be...

How long does it take until community protects a question? codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/111174/32686 has 6 deleted answers
6 or 8 iirc
I couldn't protect it, I think it needs to be at least 2d old.
ah that's prolly it
Although I don't think mods are subject to that :)
mods are majik
Does unprotecting questions count as activity?
I can just look can't I?
@muddyfish Yep, same for protecting. Both bump the question because they count as an edit.
It would be nice to have a bot that routinely unprotects questions community protects
Okay, what the heck? I think questions are protected for a reason, not to be randomly unprotected by a bot. Oh, you mean Community, with an upppercase C.
@Mego they're not in the list though and I just unprotected a bunch
@EriktheOutgolfer Lots of our old challenges get autoprotected and it's our policy to in general unprotect them again
@EriktheOutgolfer That's not a "vote" to delete, that's a delete action.
A: Improve election schedule with respect to the questionnaire

Grace NoteWe've functionally implemented this into our election workflow now. In conjunction with a smoother system internally for actually scheduling elections, the new election flow works as follows: Week 1: Someone on the Community Growth team will schedule the election to begin the following week (if ...

What? Nomination phase extended if N+1 candidates haven't nominated? I thought that, since N candidates have nominated, they automatically be mods. People who should not be mods be demodded afterwards. At least from my POV, that extension is a bit too much.
@EriktheOutgolfer What's the harm in extending the nominations phase to ensure a good pool of candidates?
I guess that if there are definitely no more candidates the elections will go on forever. Also, why do N+1 candidates ensure a good pool? Just because the 3 best get to be mods doesn't mean that they are actually good enough IMO.
CMC: create a program which runs continuously until another instance of it is executed. (Assume that no other programs with the same name as your program exist)
@muddyfish Strange. Maybe it only bumps them when Community does it
@EriktheOutgolfer That's not at all how it will work. If there are not at least N+1 candidates for the N slots, nominations are extended for a week. The process does not repeat.
@Pavel while((gps|?{$_.Name-like'*powershell*'}).count-eq1){}
Oh, I thought that Week 3 meant to be recursive.
@AdmBorkBork That runs continuously until any PowerShell program is started
@EriktheOutgolfer No, that would be terrible
@WheatWizard questions yeah
@Mego Is that a problem? Maybe I misunderstood what assume that no other programs with the same name as your program exist.
@Riker uhhh, no
Oh, meaning that no other programs named "foo.ps1" exist.
Questions need -3 before you can VTD, answers need -1
You can't assume your program's interpreter doesn't exist.
@AdmBorkBork Yeah, it's supposed to be "loop indefinitely until another copy of your program is run"
Q: Code Golfing in high school computer science club?

MindstormscreatorThis is not a code golf challenge. So, at my high school, we're starting a new computer science club, and personally I'd like it to be more than just writing Java stuff (AP Comp Sci curriculum). How would I introduce code golf to everybody and make challenges? Should I conduct research on code-g...

I voted to delete that, it still had +3 score
When the second instance is run, you have to make sure that the second instance lives as the first one dies.
@Riker Why does that have 4 reopen votes?
@KritixiLithos Because people use reopen votes incorrectly
no clue
4 reopen votes but 2 delete votes? I choose not to involve there...
that's why I wanted to delete it anyway
OK it got deleted.
That's the second time in 2 days it's been deleted.
We were in exactly the same position yesterday, and the question got deleted and undeleted (and now deleted again)
@EriktheOutgolfer it'll just get undeletd again prolly
@ETHproductions ye
Maybe we can ask Dennis to hammer it close?
Yeah, I tossed the last delete vote on it. It's definitely not on-topic for main or meta, and no amount of editing could keep the intent and make it on topic
I wonder why there's no limit for casting delete votes?
If there's a delete/undelete/close/reopen war going on, flag it for mod attention
if you VTC, and then it's ROed, you can't re-close it
(idk if mods can but they prolly can hammer)
can you VTD something more than once?
but for delete votes, that's not a thing
Should I post my CMC as a proper challenge?
@muddyfish yes
@Riker that seems wrong
as long as it's finished being deleted and then undeleted
Irrelevant, but what happens when you win a CnR?
@Pavel Probably in the Sandbox first
@KritixiLithos Stack Exchange doesn't allow counter-voting, so if more than 5 people want something open and more than 5 people want it closed, it will close and then reopen, rather than the reopen voters being able to stop the close vote in its tracks
@KritixiLithos nothing
@muddyfish well I mean let's say 3 people delete it, then 3 more people undelete it. the same 3 people who deleted it the first time can do it again
not that 1 non-mod person can singlehandedly delete it
occasionally you'll get an accepted answer tick, but normally there's no consequence
OK, how did a question from 2012 create so much controversy???
@Riker I knew what you meant but it still seems wrong
yeah it's weird af
I'm planning on making a meta post about it later
definitely worth a meta post, I'd say
uh shit I misclicked
I just reopened it even though it's deleted
@EriktheOutgolfer I believe its tags were edited as part of a site-wide project to tag (most) questions with
@EriktheOutgolfer it came up in the reopen queue yesterday
@ETHproductions yeah, taht's what it was
and I accidentally just reopened it even though it's deleted
And there was a chat conversation exactly like this one
So now it's open but deleted...
how does that work?
I think a mod hammer-closed and then hammer-opened it.
@Riker Or, it was you who re-opened it.
ye sorry >_>
but on the bright side TIL you can reopen and close deleted things
I'm not sure how you can accidentally click two buttons in succession
Well, as long as it's deleted it's closed anyway
@Riker you can't close them
Q: Anagram Quines (Cops' Thread)

Wheat WizardThis is a cops-and-robbers challenge the Robbers' Thread can be found here Your challenge is to write a program that outputs an anagram of its source code. For example the following Python program, print`'print*2``'*2` prints 'print*2``print*2``' which has all of the same characters as it...

Q: Anagram Quines (Robbers' Thread)

Wheat WizardThis is a cops-and-robbers challenge the Robbers' Thread can be found here Your challenge, as robbers is to take outputs from the cops' thread and find anagrams of the output that when run as a program output the original output provided. The winner will be the person with the most valid cracks...

@muddyfish Really? It still looks like I can
@ETHproductions I can open the dialogue but when I click the close button it tells me it's now deleted
Oh, OK. I didn't want to go that far just in case it still worked
@muddyfish yeah, I just tried it myself
Tried it myself with a valid close reason too. You can't close it.
Pet peeve #54: questions with a title in the format "How (noun) was (verb)ed?"
"Pet peeve"?
thing they really hate that is more or less unique to them
It's one of the weirder phrases in English
Q: Can we make delete votes work the same as close votes?

RikerNormally, if users A, B, C, D, and E close a question, and V, W, X, Y, and Z reopen it again, A can't vote to close again (same for the rest of the original closers). However, with delete votes, you can vote again: (I blacked out all the names except mine, just in case somebody doesn't want t...

@ais523 just made one
@Riker That's really interesting, I never knew that
yeah, I just learned about it after having deleted that post twice ;P
@DJMcMayhem the main reason I think it should be fixed is for consistency, though delete warring is also a factor
(personally, I don't think it's worth deleting but since I've already voted to undelete, I won't bother again, it's not worth a war)
but I think for the most part, moderators can step in to stop/prevent delete warring
has the post been modflagged yet?
at least nobody's said they have, but tbf that doesn't mean it hasn't been
now I'm wondering if this counts as a wheelwar
one of the rarest and most dramatic events on Wikipedia; it involves two or more admins using their administrative tools to cancel out each others' actions repeatedly
yeah, I figured out what you meant
on Stack Exchange, what counts as an admin action is fairly blurry
@ais523 I'd say no
I guess it'd have to go up to the diamond level to have similar impact
it's a delete war maybe, but not a wheelwar
@ais523 yeah
I think this question should be closed for primarily opinion based
too broad?
@ais523 don't wheelwars generally have some reprocussions for the involved parties?
^^ Indeed
@muddyfish Indeed, go for a VTC.
@EriktheOutgolfer ooh thanks tha'ts pretty cool
@quartata do you happen to have babel installed
TIL the no hypen does that
@muddyfish It's not opinion-based. It's not asking for opinions. It's simply asking for sources. However, too broad is appropriate.
@Riker almost always, someone is getting in serious trouble, and often everyone involved :-D
the problem is that if you step in, then you're part of the wheelwar yourself
@Mego <shrug> already closed now and it's not really worth the effort to reopen/close for the right reason
But it is worth the effort to consider the close reasons and choose the best one before slapping the button
yeah :/
@Mego don't you have a codegolf gold? why didn't your vote hammer it closed?
@Mego I asked in chat didn't I and I got an opinion
@Riker that only works for dupes
oh TI-remembered that
@muddyfish That was directed towards the ones who chose opinion-based
Hey, C++ question. My code for reference. If "Engine" has many functions that I need to pass to Table, which approach is better (assuming static is OK). The approach I used with Engine::f1 or Engine::f2?
@Riker "TI-remembered" – the newest graphing calculator in succession to the TI-nspire series. Get it for only 499 avocads!
t->registerFunction("f1", std::bind(&Engine::f1, this));
t->registerFunction("f2", &Engine::f2);
Also, I've said this before but C++ is stupid. That right there took me hours to figure out
@DJMcMayhem ^^ this?
There's just way too many hidden pitfalls
@Mego I think that both reasons are valid. Asking for recommendations qualifies for being opinion-based IMO.
@KritixiLithos *avodads
but lol
@Riker Yeah. fn needs to be static or passed with bind, either one
@DJMcMayhem I'd say f2, just because it's cleaner, but idk much C/C++
@Riker *Advocads
also @DJMcMayhem looks like you can vtd any closed question
regardless of score
@Riker: this is true, but the higher the score, the more delete votes it needs
@Riker Ooooh, it's old and closed or new closed and -3
@ais523 oh TIL
this mechanism is added so that the community can delete highly upvoted, offtopic posts without needing a diamond mod involved
@DJMcMayhem idk maybe
but it can need something like 15 delete votes in extreme cases
> Because delete-voting requires that a question be closed first, you'd need a fresh set of close-voters to even have a chance at casting a second delete vote on a re-opened question.
@ais523 TIL
Definitely. I frequently have to wait for homework questions to get to -3 before I can VTD them
@ais523 Are you sure? I wasn't aware that more than 5 were ever needed
no, not sure, but 5 seems too low
that happens if the total score of the question, and its highest-scoring answer, is 200 or more
@Dennis Out of curiosity, does TIO handle newlines and carriage returns differently?
What's the difference?
Aren't they both 0x0a?
one is a newline and the other is a weird thing windows attaches to a newline
@KritixiLithos no
CR is 0x0D
No, carriage returns are 0x0D
\r is also the general escape for a carriage return
CRs are only in windows, right?
For some reason, Windows does CRLF instead of just LF
@KritixiLithos and old macs yah
@BusinessCat yeah
Then what about vim's <cr> and \r ?
LF is the newline though, same code point
@KritixiLithos it's borked on macs?
CR/LF made sense back in the old mechanical typewriter days
It's really annoying because CJam crashes if it encounters a carriage return :P
@JanDvorak yeah, and eveyrbody knows MS DOS runs on typewriters
you'd issue the carriage (the thing carrying the paper) to move to the far right - which takes longer than typing a letter - and while it's moving, it also shifts the paper one line (which is fast and hence issued second)
> The current winner is DJMcMayhem's Unspecified language answer at 254 bytes
> I doubt this will win for brevity, but it'll be a pain to crack, so it's still worth making.
it's winning for brevity so far :P (though tbf there's only 2 answers)
And one of them is brain-flak :P
I came up with a short V answer, but it'll probably ridiculously easy to crack. Should I post it as an answer or a CMC?
answer, IMO
@DJMcMayhem Would almost work in Carrot, except for the caret and the # and $
even if it gets cracked quickly, it may not
$ ls -l node_modules | grep babel | wc -l
@DJMcMayhem TIO itself has no problem distinguishing between linefeeds and carriage returns. Sadly, browsers tend to "normalize" the content of textareas. At least Chrome converts all newlines – LF, CR, or CR+LF – into a single linefeed character.
What the hell do these things even do why do I have 14 versions of babel
@Riker There's two distinct characters. Even people who don't know the language everyone should be able to get it in less than five minutes by just rearranging chars
I don't have left-pad. Dodged that bullet.
@DJMcMayhem lol
Well I think I'll just go ahead and nuke this directory. What a waste of space.
388 MB.
rip babel
@quartata hahaha
I mean I literally have more node modules than CPAN modules
And I use Perl every day
@Riker things working OK for you?
working on a welsh translation now
just the json for assignments.txt
I'd have golfed your program, but for the purposes of CR, whitespace and stuff is useful lol
I don't think I've committed the reviewed code to the github yet either
@ThomasWard ye lol
@Riker For what?
imma take a break in a moment and play some tf2
@ETHproductions peoples python but with welsh instead of names
because why not
@ETHproductions since Riker has been introduced to JSON instead of ast.literal_eval lol... he has to have some fun with using JSON instead.
$ perldoc perllocal | grep "installed into" | wc -l
I wish you could modify how JS works, it would be much fun
I wish you could modify the behaviour of operators on custom objects/classes in JavaScript
when will the results from se survey 2017 be released? :D
I wish JS regex was better
@Luke Yes, that specifically
In what way is it bad, @KritixiLithos?
The best you can do is redefine the .valueOf and .toString functions
@Luke It is limited. For example, it doesn't have lookbehinds
Although in ES6 you also have MyClass.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive]
@ETHproductions You have not lived until you've experienced Lisp or Smalltalk or Tcl or Perl self-modification
@ETHproductions, did you see the explanation to my cubix answer? Should I change anything about it? I'm worried it's a bit too long, since trying to edit the post in the app crashes it...
I have not yet, I'll go right now
A: Expand Exponentiation

LukeCubix, 238 234 217 151 110 100 bytes Saved 14 bytes thanks to ETHProductions u'^.:s+.;;;\-?W?rsos\(rrOIO:ur>'=o;^u.;;.>$.vUo^'rsu1;;@!\q?s*su;;IOu*+qU../;(*\(s.;<..r:''uq....qu\ Expanded: u ' ^ . : s + . ; ; ; \ - ? W ? r s o s \ ( r r O I O...

You might want to say "The question mark shows the no-ops the IP will visit...". At first I thought you meant every position it visits
I'll keep that in mind, as I don't have access to a PC right now
@WheatWizard :O have I started a trend? :)
That one looks harder though
@DJMcMayhem I think it is
Well, I just posted the first actually short answer
@DJMcMayhem -1 not an Actually answer
@DJMcMayhem Regex?
How the devil does that Brain-Flak solution have more } than {? I thought it needed to be balanced?
@Luke In step 1, you could stress that *(; is useless but saves 10 bytes, and there's a spot in step 2 where you say B instead of Q
Other than that though, everything looks great
@AdmBorkBork I was wondering the same...
@AdmBorkBork Because my fat fingers typed wrong...
@AdmBorkBork looks like it was a typo. They just edited it
Holy cow pings
@KritixiLithos A little bit perhaps
Ah, the newline comes after the regex
And it might end in something like ./&
Ooh, a ^V
But as far as I can see, there is no deleting or cutting, so it must mean that you are outputting the unprintables
Well there isn't really an option to use but not output the unprintables
Well yeah
Wait, the ÿ must be some implicit ending trickery
No trickery allowed, this is a civilized coding site :P
Aargh, I'm so sleepy. Must... crack...
It's nice to not be the only V user anymore.
CMC: crack this mini cop (V): 333ááá
Wow, almost every program in the Japt showcase could have several bytes golfed off with modern features... Makes me consider a complete rewrite
@DJMcMayhem I thought the same about Brachylog but now ais523 beats me in every challenge :(
> áááááááááááááááááááááááááá...ááááááááááááááááááááááÿ
Well then
Oh, it's 3á33áá
Yup. :)
Maybe I should do some reading and figure out what that does :P
No way, I was thinking about just the same thing but then thought that was the wrong output :P
@ETHproductions Translation "3 times, append a 3. 3 times, append an 'á'"
Oh my gosh, I just found a shorter extensible quine! That's gonna be extremely useful!
Oh cool. That explains the original output then (along with something I heard about ÿ and implicit ending hint hint)
Now in hindisght it's really obvious
@ETHproductions áááÿ
TIL you can reopen a deleted question. o_O
Whoop, whoop. I'm excited. Managed to squeak smaller than hardcoding the coffee cup.
And you can vote to delete twice. That isn't possible with close votes...
> You hear a distant squeak
Thank-you for the pity star, whoever got my Fonz reference.
I didn't get the reference, I just thought it was a nice "rick-roll"
I didn't get the reference. I thought you were answering a V CMC
Well, it outputs áÿ, which outputs ÿ, which outputs
@DJMcMayhem Argh, I just realized the characters in your unspecified cop aren't in order. Is that just 0b0c0a or are there more of these lovely surprises?
@Dennis uhh, that wasn't intentional
Windows being dumb?
Alright, so should I fix my answer or will you fix yours?
Wth, there's no 0D
Yeah, you removed CR, didn't you?
No, I removed LF
At least I thought I did
It isn't possible to use 0x0D on TIO.
I've deleted my crack for now. Let me know what you decide.
@Dennis Huh, it looks like my cop was accidentally much harder than I intended. That's definitely the order but I have no clue why
Welp, I fixed it.
Should I post my original code?
@ThomasWard will do in a bit need to finish math test first
@DJMcMayhem Sure.
@Dennis done
@DJMcMayhem Um, that gives an entirely different output.
Uhhh, no it doesn't
According to the console in Chrome, the result begins with \x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x00\x0B\x0C\x0A\x0E\x0F.
I don't see any nulls
I get the same in Firefox
Is it possible that this is a TIO issue with \x0A and \x0D?
I'm checking.
Btw, any idea why V uses only 2% of the available CPU time?
No clue
@DJMcMayhem ¬<c-a> outputs nothing on my machine
Can't convince V to produce raw bytes as output, but the control characters are visibily different.
Fine, I'll just delete it
Nooo! My crack!
Well I'd love to keep it, but I honestly don't even know what's wrong
@Dennis Out-of-context quote of the day.
I'm going to unstar that so hard...
@KritixiLithos trailing newline? That would screw with it
@DJMcMayhem If it works on Windows, no reason to delete it.
Gah, the newline strike back
@Dennis It doesn't, I was using TIO
I was hexdumping my output by pasting it into the code box and running it to see what V thought it was
In any case, I think my crack makes your cop valid, even if the intended solution didn't work.

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