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Does anyone here know Perl?
s/know/use No one truly konws Perl.
@WheatWizard a bit
@WheatWizard I know some perl
Probably not enough to help though.
only people like tails from anagol truly know perl
@Pavel except for ton hospel
What does the program @! do?
also teebee, ton and mitchs
> The only way to determine wether or not a string is valid Perl is to run it.
It is valid perl (I have run it)
pretty sure it's just a weirdly named array variable?
@ASCII-only That's what I thought. Notepad++ doesn't highlight it, but that doesn't mean much.
pretty sure it isn't initialized
but yeah anything starting with @ is an array, anything starting with $ is a scalar (not an array)
So it is essentially a noop on its own?
@Downgoat right now we're trying not to add any more names for people who already have at least 1
How does one go about changing one's username on the chat profile?
@1000000000 change username on one account -> change parent user
@1000000000 go to your chat profile and change your parent account
your chat profile username is the username of the parent acconut
i.e. PPCG, SO, arqade, etc
0 '
0 '
@ASCII-only @Riker Thanks
@0' nice username
@0' 0/10 the derivative of 0 is just 0
I can't imagine I'll remember that name.
Too long.
CMC: given an integer n, generate a triangle of n. For n = 5, the output might look like this:
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
does there need to be a space
0 '
0 '
@ConorO'Brien I believe it is the username with the lowest lexicographical ordering possible on SE
@ASCII-only yes. but it can also be a 2d list/array, optionally 0 padded to the right
@ConorO'Brien Can it be a 1D array with zeros padding?
@WheatWizard sure
RProgN2, 8 Bytes. R{1\Rp};
Input in the header because IO is currently improperly implemented.
@ConorO'Brien <s>05AB1E, 4 bytes </s> Doesn't output the last row
That doesn't output the last row.
@ConorO'Brien what about n=10
rip python's range function
something like
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
rip Charcoal
why? lol
@ATaco also that's in reverse >_>
Well that's a bug with my Range function.
Good to know that exists.
Oh, I forgot to actually implement \ .
That could cause it.
@ConorO'Brien Brain-Flak 84 bytes
;_; i'll have to make it noncompeting
As do I...
But I can do it in 4 bytes theoretically.
i can do it in 15 bytes theoretically
I actually like that solution, very simple.
#S is the "Stackify" function, \ puts that function under the input, and S then stackifies. So the input is converted to a stack with each value being converted to a stack.
wait nvm 17 bytes i'm getting my own builtins confused tio.run/nexus/charcoal#AS4A0f//…
about calesyta: here is the esolangs wiki page, i think anyone with a wiki page for their submission should add it there
I wrote a program to generate tie knots, given some parameters.
I'm able to specify the desired basic look / size of the knot, and it will generate a list of options.
example output:
{[L, R, L, C, R, C, L, C, R, L, C, U] w:11 sy:-1 sh:2 tw:0 (-1 2 -2, 1 2 2 | -1 -1 1)->(eld) cm:8}
represents the following knot:
@PhiNotPi Now go make it a challenge.
@PhiNotPi define "basic look"? how do you feed in that input
@Riker There's four main categories of knots depending on how the topmost layers are arranged. But I can also specify the desired "complexity" of the face of the knot, measured by the number of pieces of fabric which are visible.
oh cool
There are also several other mathematical properties that are filtered for, such as left-right symmetry (so both halves of the knot are equal size) as well as getting the width-height ratio in an acceptable range.
oh nice
The numbers in the output give a pretty good prediction of what the knot will look like.
Q: {java} Create a program that asks a user for their Name, Address, and Phone Number

arnold jayeolaPart 1: Create a program that asks a user for their Name, Address, and Phone Number. Format all of this information (using the right data types, don’t forget things like Zip Code) and output it in an organized manner. Part 2: Now we want to calculate the grade that person has in a class. The cl...

Q: What criteria must a programming language fit?

Dave JonesOn the default loopholes there is an answer that forbids making languages that are made specifically for a challenge. This is definitely a good idea. However, there are loopholes even to this. A user could create programming languages designed for a tag, trivializing many challenges. I believe th...

Q: Meta radiation hardener

ais523Background On this site, we occasionally have questions requiring programs to be "radiation hardened"; this means that the program has to be able to survive the deletion of one or more bytes, no matter which bytes are deleted. As is common for tasks that frequently get set in programming challe...

we need new avocado juic challeng
No we do not.
60% of the list! admittedly, it required some favorable randomness, but even so, one image can say a lot
Take that CodeReview!
and this is despite me not even trying to hit HNQ over the last couple of days; I've just been sitting back and enjoying the ride, getting more and more scared as it goes
Wait, are those all yours?
no, only one is
I have three challenges there at the moment though
Still pretty good!
yes, this is a community effort
someone joined the site to upvote one of my answers, I think that's worthy enough
Wait, do you use Goat's userscript? Shouldn't the icons be the fancy ones, and not the design-less ones?
although my proudest achievement of the last 24 minutes is the 5-char Turing-complete subset of JavaScript; that was a community effort too
but it's been widely competed
Oh yeah, I was there.
and I don't use any userscripts, it's just that none of the sites on that HNQ minilist have designs
D: Why don't you use the Design Script?
I do all my PPCGing in incognito mode, I don't run it in my primary browser
installing a userscript every time would take far too long
Wait, why do you need incognito for PPCG?
Does knuth up arrow notation apply as same with hyperoperation
hyperoperation has + and *
knuth up arrow doesnt
Any feedback on this prototype-UI?
@Pavel it creates accounts for you (and thus tracks you) even when you're logged out, I find that fairly disturbing
> foked from
If you're in chrome, you can just enable extensions in incognito in the settings.
@Downgoat Also you could change 'code' to 'repos'
@MatthewRoh That's not how this works.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

haykamFree the Prisoners code-golf Your task is to free a few prisoners. Here they are, in their cells: [sad] [shame] [cops] Rules, explained They have to be specifically freed using whitespace as replacement for each replaced letter, and then place the words to the right of the string, with an...

Those are the official terms used by GitHub
ok then
but "foked from" is a bit awkward
@Downgoat Seems good, I think you should make a tab for the repo's wiki.
@MatthewRoh That is also the proper terminology.
@Pavel wiki or README?
huh? why?
isnt "forked from" correct?
Oh, I misread
@MatthewRoh I think he's reffering to the "Also you could change 'code' to 'repos'"
Like three times
does the name/fork seem clickable when you see it?
I mean, people seeing the word 'fok' in goathub is a bit awkward
no android app ;_;
@Downgoat The wiki, I don't feel that the README deserves it's own tab, you can just do the same as GitHub where it's shown below all the files (Maybe scroll it independently from the rest of the screen, in it's own box).
@Downgoat Very.
@Pavel yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Wiki might come later, that'll require some page stripping
Search bar.
It needs a search bar.
I'm trying to create a minimal version that I can start distributing for beta testing
@Pavel I have one of those for personal repos. Search API limitations are tight though. Only like 20 req/hr IIRC
Downgoat why do you have something called "PPCG design" that thing will never happen
No Windows Phone version?
@Downgoat droid?
@ChristopherPeart It's a userscript
@Pavel it was a joke
@ChristopherPeart what do you mean by "droid?"?
@Downgoat android
what about android?
@Pavel my dad went to the google Pixel for the appstore
@Downgoat will you support it
@DJMcMayhem can I have hex as my username?
@MartinEnder Kind of a retina feature request: that $* work with capture groups as operands, e.g. $1$*$2 or something
I am considering it but iOS is priority, so will do that first
@ConorO'Brien more golfy: $1*2
I came up with a solution where you can make it for Windows Phone and not waste your time completely. You can make it a Windows Store app, and make it compatible for both.
@Pavel hahahahaha windows phone
nice one
@Downgoat Windows phones are nice!
@Downgoat but then that would mean 2 repeated $1 times
Like legit
They are actually super nice
@ConorO'Brien oh crap whoops
Amazing phones, zero app support.
I will earn $0 for making windows phone app
no one will buy :(
Microsoft gives you money every time someone downloads your app
Even if it's free
wait what
brb targeting windows phone
Discalimer: May or may not be 1/1000th of a cent per download
As long as I can develop for both android & windows phone at once I am OK with distributing
@ConorO'Brien what sucks is the phones are very very nice
@Pavel They are 100 goats on my farm so that is 0.1 cents :D
Well, I'd download it.
@Downgoat how much will the app cost?
@ChristopherPeart So is my wish to buy a pygmy goat but it's not going to happen either
@ChristopherPeart None but push notifications require a server, for this I am offering two cases: 1) use my server for some cheap price of like $.99 2) server will be open source so you can download from github and deploy yourself
@Downgoat cool
If you do android I would try it
Actually, strictly speaking you don't get paid every time someone downloads, but every time someone views an ad on it.
Which is almost the same thing, there really are no free windows phone apps without ads and a 99 cent microtransaction to turn them off.
I would like to add ads to my app but that would be very annoying
If they only exist on the WP version, if the alternative is the WP version not existing, I will bloody well pay those 99 cents to turn them off.
@Downgoat what language are you writing DownGit in?
Is everyone going to use their own name for GitGoat... :P
iirc Android want you to use Java, and WP requires .net
oh god .net
@Downgoat GitGoat is the official name? Yasss
I want to change to GoatHub but too late
will try to do refactor after I don't do CS HW
actually can someone who knows Java help me with it
Sure, I know Java. (Not Swift tho)
GoatHub would be cool
I know java
GoatHub sounds like a fetish subsection of pornhub... sorry...
@Pavel I have been saying this for so long!
no one has noticed
Wut, when?
Feb 17 at 3:41, by quartata
GoatHub. Duh.
read next few messages after linked one
What was the issue with downgit?
@Pavel ok who starred this
We had a DNA simulator, but not an animated one?
I'm doing some work on my koth, but I'm still trying to figure out how muddyfish's thing works
You should try pinging @muddyfish ^
How does one remove all whitespace from input in jelly?
well, I'm sure he will wake up and help me out
please help troubleshoot my mopidy issue
INFO     Disabled extension material-webclient: Dependency The 'setuptools' distribution was not found and is required by wifi not found
INFO     Disabled extension alarmclock: Dependency The 'setuptools' distribution was not found and is required by the application not found
INFO     Disabled extension gmusic: Dependency The 'setuptools' distribution was not found and is required by the application not found
install setuptools and also get wifi
$ sudo -H pip install setuptools
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in ./.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=16.8 in ./.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from setuptools)
Requirement already satisfied: appdirs>=1.4.0 in ./.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from setuptools)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.6.0 in ./.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from setuptools)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing in ./.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from packaging>=16.8->setuptools)
sucks to be you I guess
@DJMcMayhem @Riker In The Peoples Python can you please swap me with wheat for __import__?
dammit, this going to need a lot of rewriting I think. I need to rewrite how the player interacts with the controller
and then a fair amount of code depends on how it is currently written
can I just ask the players not to modify their own health?
@wat fun fact, @Riker needs to do a bit of code revisions for "The People's Python" :P
Guys, for a koth can I rely on the bot classes not modifying one of their stats?
as in healing itself
@ThomasWard aaaaahhhh, code reviewer! :P
@DestructibleWatermelon You can declare it as a private variable in the superclass.
This isn't a java question is it
doesn't private mean only the bot itself can access it
@Downgoat not my fault @Riker got up and dropped it into CR :P
and so is the exact opposite of what I want?
You can add public getHealth() { return health; }
why would all my bots share the same amount of health
It's not static
also is python
Well then.
also I want my controller to edit the stuff out of class scope probably
@Downgoat though this is not ultimately what drew me to this room, of course, it's an interesting coincidence i'm the only reply to @Riker's inquiry. :P
In that case, it's enough to specify that bots may not modify their own HP directly.
hey @ThomasWard why did you decline my flag
laughs evilly and disappears into the shadowy mists again
holy shit 5 pings
@wat alright... puts on mod hat, and picks up the diamond-fueled phaser rifle]
@wat rule #1 of chat flagging: don't abuse the chat flags for nonsense crap like "come back"
@wat no
rule #2: What you flagged, in my opinion, toes on the border of 'nsfw' but doesn't pass into the realm of really being NSFW to the point I'd squish it
ask wheat
cc @WheatWizard
ok, I see
@ThomasWard yep will do tommorrow
@Downgoat because I actually wrote not shit code
and wanted it to be even less not-shit
@ThomasWard thanks for the answer btw
my code is incredibly bad
@Riker how? it's tagged [python]? :P
@DestructibleWatermelon Submit it to CR
oh shnap
the burn is strong
oh snap
I have been roasted
just like [burn redacted it was too strong]
Sometimes I think that I wouldn't be good at obfuscating code, because I wouldn't where to start. Then I remember what my code looks like
well night guys imma go to sleep now up early tomorrow
@Riker most important is replace literal_eval with a JSON load instead.
I'm gonna trust people don't heal themselves
unless you want to introduce evil EVIL code injection risks of chaos and despair
@ThomasWard yeah thanks
@Riker okay now we've crossed a line... :'(
:( sorry
:P it's okay
does curry even get roasted?
@DestructibleWatermelon no clue
I don't think it does
you can roast curried meats. I've done it...
... accidentally.
I do not talk about the cat stew we goats eat on the farm so... :P
it's Rightgoats fault...
this is why he has no friends
wait a minute
who is rightgoat?
@DestructibleWatermelon Downgoat, but from the alternate universe that I opened a time-space interdimensional bridge to.
that was you??
@Downgoat it's fun messing with Dark Chaos powers.
Unfortunately, not being careful enough means there's evil like dimensional portals that appear randomly. Trying to fix that... :)
But who is this Leftgoat I heard about?
someone should make a koth involving goats with different polarities
actually I'm starting to think I should have a class
that holds an object from the player created class
@Riker Ask me what? I can't follow the conversation
@wat problem is obvious
what is it
> sudo -H pip install setuptools
you are using python
I did not write the application
@Downgoat Kek.
@Downgoat don't diss Python - some of the most important things of eternity are in Python
including SmokeDetector :P
What's that?
@ThomasWard python semantic are OK but whoever came up with syntax was on LSD
spam detector
i prefer ruby
@Downgoat ok what
@Downgoat you're thinking BrainF*ck, not Python :P
BF barely even have semantic ._.
We should all just use J#.
BF writers were on LSD + Ecstasy when they wrote it according to what I heard
Nevermind, I installed python-setuptools from repos instead of pip and the problem went away.
Fun Fact: I was eating goldfish when making cheddar
I told my friend about Cheddar. He's making something called BeanScript now, which will supposedly be better.
Last time I checked in on him, he was trying to parse complete function calls with Java regex >_>
@Downgoat wat
did you cook them first?
I didn't think anyone ate goldfish...
@Pavel ... what a weenie
oh some guy made a language --> I can make a better one
(I'm kind of helping him, one of the projects we can do for our CS class is to implement a programming language)
@DestructibleWatermelon if there's nothing else to eat, anything tossed into a fryer is decent heh
I'm a bit disappointed downgoat is min instead of reversed.
Except I have no idea how that's supposed to work.
how many languages are there that are named after java/javascript puns
@Dennis leftgoat should be reversed
@Pavel you have awesome CS class
we here make BankAccountTester
what would rightgoat be then?
@Downgoat Wouldn't that be upgoat?
@Downgoat BTW, do you mind if I steal some of your source code? I have no idea how to write a proper parser >_>
@Pavel I'd like to see the teacher's face if the result is anything like Jelly or Half-Broken Car in Heavy Traffic.
I suppose I could submit Sushi.
@Dennis @1000000000 did a good deal of his work for his algorithms class in Brain-Flak
Imagine a 2d language actually used for professional code because it is actually useful...
what exactly is an algorithms class?
solution: make a 2D language (any quality is acceptable), but then give it the best scientific computing library ever.
@DestructibleWatermelon Its a University course required for computer science majors that teaches people how to write code that doesn't have a ridiculous order notation.
@PhiNotPi So, transpiles to/from Mathematica?
you know, a lot of my more recent code has had terrible order notation. Specifically Turtlèd code
the square number generator is ridiculous I think
or maybe my interpreter is just crap
your interp. is failing, that's always the reason.
I think it'd still take a while anyway
yeah, its definitely pretty bad with how it uses strings when it could use numbers, but still
my code is pretty hard to read. the spaces are each made up of a list, with two lists in it and a bool, which says whether there is a flag. the lists have the amount of each team in it and if any on a team is holding the flag
this is why I must work on this alone
and also for the sake of your own sanity you may not look at the source code anymore
Submit it to CR
and prepare for a reaming :P
no, even though the people on CR suck
I do not hate them that much
@Pavel steal source code from where?
It is OK if you link to author and source
The GitHub repo, but it was mostly a joke.
I'm using Java, not Node, so it won't be too helpful.
example of a function from the code
def has_enemy(space, team):
    if not is_wall(space):
        index = 0 if (team == 1) else 1
        return space[index][0] > 0
I've been looking through though, just seeing how everything is put together.
I have an awful feeling my koth is always going to be way too slow
and that I won't be able to speed it up
but code review
also their heads might asplode
That's the point
This is a clever plot to drive them all insane as revenge for them getting a design before us.
this code could be a memetic hazard SCP
SO is "Make me code" and CR is "Fix my code", whats the difference?
@DJMcMayhem me hasattr plz
betseg hasattr
@MatthewRoh Neither is true. "Fix my code" in on topic in SO, but not CR. "Make me code" isn't on topic anywhere.
Q: Html beginner needs help here

Kazem JalabiHello guys since two weeks I had started to learn html as the first step for me to learn coding and I love it but right now im facing a few problems and I will Mention one for now and I hope I will get some helpful advises and sources to learn faster and of course the answer of my question ::: Ok...

so on that post he was just asking a very basic HTML question (He thought he was on stackoverflow not CG).. I almost Answered the question explaining how the HTML tags worked with just a paragraph or two and then titled my answer:
#English, 832 bytes
HTML is not easy to get wrong, unless you're on IE I suppose.

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