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@TuxCopter Firefox?
most browsers are in C++ for speed
chrome is c++ too
and all chromium based browsers
Does anyone know what the period two quine question is? My search ability is too poor to find it
most games are in Unity but plenty use Unreal Engine
Finally found that program I wrote in C# that lists all the words in dictionary.reference.com!
As it turns out, I had named the project Testing
I have tons of files named "test", "testing", "trials" and some fewer ones called "testingg", "testin", "trialss"
@KritixiLithos :
$ ls test*
test      test.asm    test.cpp   test.js   test.pdf  test.sh
test1.gs  test.aux    test.cs    test.kim  test.php  test.svg
test2.gs  test.benul  test.dot   test.log  test.png  test.tds
test3.gs  test.bin    test.exe   test.m    test.py   test.tex
test4.gs  test.c      test.html  test.o    test.rb   test.txt
test.7z   test.cab    test.jpg   test_out  test.s    test.xml
"test.kim" what
@LegionMammal978 I am creating an app that will conjugate verbs using verbmaps.com by parsing the html using regex (gasp) and now there is this particular tense whose conjugation could never be found for any verb
@Fatalize .jong.un
$ cat test.kim
ctrl.goto A
Probably an esolang
But for some reason, it's an empty file
@LegionMammal978 Probably nulls
@KritixiLithos No, seriously, it's the empty file:
lm978@basement:~$ xxd test.benul
lm978@basement:~$ file test.benul
test.benul: empty
$ head test.tds
OUT 1;
SHF 8;
I believe it compiles into BF
for ext in {a..z}{a..z}{a..z}; do touch test.$ext; done
So, I am thinking about creating a golfing language.
@ckjbgames Welcome to PPCG: the land of esolangs
Q: Make my picture teasing!

FrédéricNothing inapropriate here. Summary The goal of this challenge is to create an undone image-version of a 15-puzzle, also called taquin in french (hence the tittle). Details: Given an input composed of : an image, an integer n, an other integer r, your programm, or function, or anything els...

@KritixiLithos I know, right
So, how would I make an interpreter for said golfing language?
That entirely depends on what kind of language you are thinking of
@Fatalize A stack-based language with prefix notation, kind of like Pyth or maybe MATL
Have you chosen the language the interpreter is going to be written in, or have you not decided that yet?
@KritixiLithos Python would be my go-to
@ckjbgames Pyth is prefix, MATL is postfix
+ 2 2 (Pyth) 2 2 + (MATL)
tfw 8 other rooms are all dead but ppcg somehow somehow has 2 new messages immediately after I open it
Carrot is infix-ish: ^F+2+2
@Riker Sometimes I've only been gone for a few minutes when 50 new messages appear
$ ls -l test* | wc -l
CMC: Create the shortest set of functions in Python such that they have a non-planar function dependency graph
@DJMcMayhem Which would be easier to parse?
@DJMcMayhem As in, prefix or postfix notation
postfix stack-based is really easy
@Fatalize Any tips?
@Frédéric Hi
@ckjbgames Hi ! :D
@DJMcMayhem Hello
@ckjbgames I have no idea. I've never written a parser for either
@DJMcMayhem I meant an interpreter
Also I need name ideas
Eh, same difference. A parser is a subset of an interpreter
@DJMcMayhem Thanks
V didn't need a parser, and brain-flak isn't really either (or even infix)
@DJMcMayhem Ok
@DJMcMayhem Who could tell me more
I'll tell you how Carrot works
@KritixiLithos Tell me
Pretty much anyone who's written one
@DJMcMayhem Thx
Just FYI, you don't need to ping on every message :P
Hey, I didn't ping on that one!
I am calling it Outgolf
So first, there's a variable/placeholder for every data type, so for arrays, there is stackA. Once the data type has been given a value, the program starts parsing operators (it parses left to right one-by-one in a loop). So say the operator is +, now the interpreter is aware of this and will be ready for some data on the next iteration. If the next character in the program is ", then the program will be set to creating a string (or as I call it, buildMode = "string").
The next characters will be added to the stringBuilder. Once the interpreter encounters a closing ", it will know that that's the end of the string value, and will pass the stringBuilder (which contains the value of the string itself) to a function that will decide what to do with it. In this case, Carrot will concatenate the stack with stringBuilder
Does that make sense?
@KritixiLithos Indeed!
I'm really tempted to ask the Arqade mods to rename this user to user11111. Only problem is the answer count. :-(
Such hyperlink
@KritixiLithos Fixed. :-/
@wizzwizz4 That's actually impressive. I've never seen a one-rep user with a gold before, let alone 1 rep, 1 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze
@DJMcMayhem The user's semi-active on SO; perhaps somebody could ask them to change the user themselves.
As long as they also post an answer on arqade :P
Much typo
Unaccepting because I want my reputation to still be 666. — tbodt Dec 1 '16 at 19:18
You should be able to burn a silver badge to turn your reputation score upside down.
That way, you could get 333 reputation for nothing.
i'd love having 18LE rep.
@betseg You wouldn't. It would be interpreted as Base 36 and converted.
That would give you slightly more than 3781 reputation.
I honestly don't even know how that would work. What is 23,854 upside down?
in Sandbox, 17 secs ago, by Chemobot
(づ๑ʖ๑)┛︵ ᘔƐ'85ᔭ
You know for something so widely used I can't believe how little documentation/good google results for problems GMP has.
@quartata same thing with v8 :P
A: Is there any GMP logarithm function?

Igor ChubinNo there is no such function in GMP. Only in MPFR.

are you kidding me right now
Now I remember why I don't bother with C for number crunching
This was supposed to take 5 minutes
Btw @quartata do you have benchmarks for interpreted pytek prime generation?
@Downgoat No because we broke a bunch of shit
Ask in like 2 months
A: Is there any GMP logarithm function?

matchesI know you didn't ask how to implement it, but... You can implement a rough one using the properties of logarithms: http://gnumbers.blogspot.com.au/2011/10/logarithm-of-large-number-it-is-not.html And the internals of the GMP library: https://gmplib.org/manual/Integer-Internals.html Here is my...

@Downgoat congrats!
@flawr i dunno how much you read r/writingprompts but this is glorious
that said, I have no freaking clue wtf the top comment is about o_O
CMC: The C++ Macro language is Turing Complete. Create a program that calculates if a number from 1-5000 is divisible by two at compile time
Take input from the input macro. Used like #define INPUT .... The size of the input macro is not counted in your bytecount
Program should output using stdout, but result must be calculated at compile time
GMP has #if ! defined(something)
is it different than ifndef?
The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
a c library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
@betseg You mean the the GNU's Not Unix Multiple Precision arithmetic library?
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ #define f !%2 should work?
@LegionMammal978 copied the name from its website
Wait no, operator precedence
@betseg Or should it be the GNU's Not Unix's Not Unix Multiple Precision arithmetic library?
@DJMcMayhem At compile time
@LegionMammal978 inb4 noise
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ inb4?
in before
@LegionMammal978 Don't you mean the RECURSION ERROR\nSegmentation Fault (core dumped)
I'm just making noise
@JanDvorak Please don't.
@El'endiaStarman left and others have been suspended over that.
wait, you get suspended for making trains in chat?
It's OK. But, in future...
@JanDvorak No. You get suspended for making noise that irritates people enough to take it to meta.
$ ./expand -r'GMP:GNU Multiple Precision arithmetic library' -r'GNU:GNU's Not Unix' GMP
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Even if all of your other contributions are useful and helpful.
@LegionMammal978 Ninja'd.
Well, I made it into a specification in the sandbox that's probably horribly incomplete like every other question I post meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/11601/41088
@wizzwizz4 I was just ./expanding on it
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ You can log stuff without any extensions from the C pre-processor.
@wizzwizz4 huh?
@wizzwizz4 do tell how
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ LOG.
Oh, wait... That's a macro.
Erm... I have it somewhere...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆCheck whether an integer is divisible by two in The C++ Preprocessor Language code-golf The C++ Macro Language is Turing Complete. Your task is to check whether an integer is divisible by two. You must support the integer numbers -2500 to 2500. You can support more if you wish, but it is not r...

the output could also be defined as the output of g++ -E -nostdinc file
Which clearly separates C++ from its preprocessor
Hey, on that link that proves it's turing complete, there are some resources for doing for loops, incrementing/decrmenting numbers and more at compile time
it's intermittenent
@Riker No worries, you have Stackexchange!
Reddit is intermittent now?
@JanDvorak Idk
Lemme check Reddit
@JanDvorak it's half and half
I refreshed twice to get the main page loading, and then every link I had to refresh 0-4 times
@Riker Works fine for me
maybe my area though, I live in a fairly densely populated area
In Python, how would I create a stack data type? I am working on a golfing language rn.
A good old resizable array works just fine as a stack
@JanDvorak Yes, but I was aiming to make a new data type with some more methods that are more stack-oriented.
You can certainly make a new class backed by an array
@JanDvorak That is what I was going to do
@ckjbgames Stacks only have push and pop (and optionally peek). Not a whole lot to add.
.append, .pop and [-1]
Well there are also all kinds of rotates
@Fatalize Oh, are we talking golfing language stack or actual stack
@quartata Okay. But how would I reference values within the array? Just good old self?
I just meant you don't really have to make a class.
@quartata K
I just wanted to know from the perspective of someone more knowledgeable than I am
@Riker its an awesome sub=)
how do I search for messages that end with "=)"?
in the TNBDE
hopefully with a user attached, my eventual goal is to check @flawr's proportion of ending his messages with '=)' vs other people
tfw you actually assume flawr said that just because it's "=)"
I have a regex to match email
Also matches domains such as .co.uk
doens't work
It doesn't match my email
@Riker It worked with Python regex...
No, it didn't.
not for all emails
@Riker Which ones did it not match
@Riker Lemme fix that
@JanDvorak oh true
the 4 limit is bad
[\w.+]+?@\w+(\.\w{2,})+ maybe?
How do you say any character except whitespace
@ckjbgames [^\W]
@Riker Thx
@Riker wrong
I did see \S somewhere
@JanDvorak hm ok then
@ckjbgames that one's correct
. is valid in email addresses, but it can't be the first character, the last character, or adjacent to the @
I made big changes to my sandbox challenge meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/11601/41088
@Riker You need a VPN/proxy?
Email addresses are actually really hard to parse with regex, they have a lot of wierd rules.
(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:
\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(
?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[
\t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\0
31]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\
](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Cool
@Riker Do I really always use that smiley??? :Ɑ
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ nah it's good
@flawr ......... by far yes
@flawr =) =)
@ckjbgames how fake=)
Here's a short regex that matches itself: *
@Riker If you need one, I'm running on Avery's VPN since my DNS suddenly borked by 100% yesterday. She's online now, I can have her invite you if you want
Okay so I've made some progress on GitHub app :D
Where would I find @Dennis at right now?
It's much faster than other public free VPNs
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ oh cool
I'm good for right now but thanks, if it still stays borked than I'll do it
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ it's not that, avery's would be perfect
@Riker as in?
openDNS is on my internet right now due to parents
so most public vpns are blocked
but this is a new one, am 90% sure it's not on the block list
right now I'm reset my DNS servers to and (both owned by google) so I can view most things
but for some reason reddit stays blocked
Yesterday I tried using google DNS but it weirdly failed
I asked her for advice through discord on tor
Internet is usually around 40 mpbs, with AvePN it's 15 mbps and with other services it's 11 mbps. The slowness is not noticeable for browsing
server's in france btw
@Pavel You can probably reduce the length with recursive groups
Golfing is left as an exercise for the reader
I get 12mbs as a high
And it would make the regex a lot clearer
Because in it current state it looks like perl code
Poor perl, little did the devs know it would become one of the first golf langs
@ATaco Well, it was intended to be terse
*Dev. And yes, I'm pretty sure Larry did.
I mean the only reason it was made was because sed wasn't doing what he needed
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ ah cool
fwiw avery used to be arda right
kk just checking
she's transgender :)
Suddenly, imgur, google, gmail, and more were all displaying HTTPS certificate mismatch errors. wgetting imgur got me opendns block page (under "photo sharing"), wgetting the others got the typical site
Soon, diging anything failed
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ iirc she was always genderfluid/queer, but idk just checking her current status
@Riker I guess
Who has tips for making a golfing language?
btw, being transgender in Turkey is not easy; not a single openly trans person has died of something that's not murder in Turkey. All are still living or murdered. And the only job they can find is prostitution (she stays closeted and plans to keep doing so)
@Riker Who?
(Well, she's asylum'ing into the US in a few months)
@ckjbgames don't think you know her, avery (formerly arda), been in chat a couple times
active on gaming.se
@Riker Username?
let's stop discussing somebody who isn't here now pls
Don't know them
@Riker Yes
TIL SSDs can start to fail after only 4 years
thanks apple
@Downgoat ?
"Not neccisarily for rick rolling"
Imagine if you used emojis
That would tick people off
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ ah cool thx
or just messages telling people there's no internet here and all the good things they could be doing if they had it
@TuxCopter uses
@Riker devil summoned
@Riker ?
using that script
Random, but I'm building an app with her.
What it does is; Some people like to take a photo of themselves every day and turn it into a video. Basically it helps you do that
@TuxCopter I have that memorized by heart
bit.ly/ppcgofficialsoundtrack is another fun one I've used in the past
because I can safely say it's not a rickroll
@TuxCopter never gonna give u up ;) never gonna let you dooown ;) never gonna turn aroound and desert yoooou
-1 too blatant
@ckjbgames you need to be sneaky...
im starting to think that @ Avery is really actually me and i have dissociative identity disorder or something. my irl name is arda, i live in turkey, and im scared to get out of the closet in turkey as a transgender. once i told that im homosexual here tho.
wait wtf
@betseg I'm getting her here so you can talk to her
@Riker I was complementing him on his rickroll
@Riker yup
@ckjbgames I attempted to rickroll you
you didn't notice it though
@Riker Attempted to rickrolled?
i don't grammar good
@betseg hi, me.
also > im scared to get out of the closet in turkey as a transgender.
why not make a mind virus like "the game" where you have to tell someone about the game AND recite the first one and a half verses of Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up
You shouldn't come open in turkey
@Avery ?
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ I hate you for making me lose the game
me is not good english
@betseg I have identity disorder too... sometimes I think I am human named vihan... but everyone know I'm goat named Downgoat
it's simply not worth it
also @Avery :thumbs-up: for that rickroll script
"The only job we can find is prostitution" youtube.com/watch?v=H18KLQJMreA
it's pissed 2 people off so far
Okay, I am actually good at English.
@Avery Stawp
@ckjbgames [](/fluttercry)
@Avery @betseg (I don't think anyone would've gotten that if you didn't link that)
@Avery Why
It looks like a string of random characters
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ probably
Your profile pick looks too much like Doorknob's <_<
@Avery ah lol
The general perception of my sexuality is so bad that I try not to mention it anywhere
@betseg if you want someone to talk lmk
it's too scary :(
@muddyfish :(
@Avery if i do i'll
@muddyfish iirc you're a furry, right? (picked that up from chat/profile pic)
nothing worng with that IMO
just for clarification
@betseg to talk with me go in front of a mirror
@Riker yes
ok jokes aside [email protected]
How have we drifted so far from code golf to sexual orientation?
@muddyfish :/ sorry that people don't like that
@Avery discord might be better for the both of y'all
@Riker furry isn't a sexuality :P
@ckjbgames no clue
@Avery no I don't like that look
@Riker Same here...
@Avery nice wobsite design btw
@muddyfish ah
@Riker stolen from html5up
@betseg same
(my suggestion to steal from html5up)
@muddyfish I'd be interested to know what your sexuality is, if you don't want to say it in chat iirc I'm still friends with you on steam
Pretty sure gender and sexuality isn't on-topic on TNB
prolly not
tnb is off topic
@Avery there's been a crackdown on on/off-topic chatter :/
half the time we don't talk about code golf
@Riker I know you are. I'll maybe consider it
ah kk
@TuxCopter I like how this has 5 stars on SE but didn't get github starred at all in last hour or so.
@Riker Off-topic chatter is allowed if it don't takes over on-topic chatter.
if you don't want to you don't have to, I don't mean to be rude
@TuxCopter <shrug>
If you post comics in this chat, I hope it's XKCD
@Avery stars

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