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Open Source Software
yeah, give me a sec
so is 'mememememe' apparently
@Riker woah that's totally wrong
"-me-" is disability. "-me" is like "-ing" in English. "-(e)m" is "my" in English. " -e" is "to" in English. Combine all of those and you get beautiful words!
Still working on python
@PhiNotPi Were you slightly inebriated when you coded it?
@AdmBorkBork this is possible with all language
5 "et" in a row don't mean anything in French
Valid JS
The longest it works in Turkish is 3 words: "Müdür müdür müdür?"
And "buffalo" would have to be conjugated differently if it was a verb
@betseg Which means?
@betseg what's that mean?
"C'est beaucoup de vide entre Ce et et et et et Ça"
ooh ninja'd
"Is the principal a principal? "
your word for principal is the same as "is he"?
I think Turkish don't have an explicit 'is'
@quartata What? In that sentence, "buffalo" is the verb.
@AdmBorkBork in other languages he means
It's a very esoteric exemplification of English's odder aspects, it's hardly a reasonably representation for the language as a whole
@Riker Oh. Durr. Right. I knew that. :-/
@AdmBorkBork I know. In a language that was actually inflected the verb version would look different from the noun version
@TuxCopter yup. The suffix -dir is "is", but i can be i, ı, u, ü. Mi(ı,u,ü) is question thing.
So you are having a debate on English
Whelp that sounds hard bye
@ChristopherPeart Happens more often than you'd think.
@Riker vebsite vebsite vebsite vebsite vebsite
Just having inflections doesn't mean two different forms can't have the same spelling.
@Riker Aaaargh!!!!!11!!!111!1!! No more mêmes
@KritixiLithos I'm curious if Tux segfaults when parsing our french
Brains can't segmSegmentation fault (core dumped)
Can you stop with this noise
Heh. Mine is in FrFaute de segmentation (Cœur déversé)
It is a silly debate/ talk / spam
what's a better topic? it's not drowning out anythign
With all the segfaults, I think chat will become quiet pretty quickly
Better topic is the creation of a code golf language using fullstack JS
I knew betseg and Tux were rogue AIs
What's fullstack JS?
@BusinessCat I'm an android and tux is a penguin
@AdmBorkBork It's JS + CommonJS + Webify + Babel + NPM + Yawn + AngularJS + jQuery
+ some other things
Holy dang.
All JS
There is (was?) Node OS. I wonder how things are going there.
Seems to be going nicely
that sounds like a very bad idea
Hm, 1.0.0-rc3 is out apparently.
@Riker I agree
that's almost as bad as server-side js
Talking about esolangs written on top of js, I am rewriting Carrot (the online interpreter is not updated yet). What do you guys think?
what about it?
The language
Node OS seems like maybe the most useless OS ever.
@KritixiLithos I don't get how it works. Any examples would be nice.
oh yeah, I probably should get to that
pyg = 'ay'

original = raw_input('Enter a word:')

if len(original) > 0 and original.isalpha():

    word = original.lower()
    new_word = word + word[0] + pyg
    new_word = new_word[1:len(new_word)]
    print new_word
    print 'empty'
pig latin converter
@ChristopherPeart A) Your else block is hit if the input string contains non alphabetical characters, meaning it will give a not helpful error message. B) After word = original.lower(), you never use original again, why instantiate a new variable?
It was a project on codeacademy so it had to be like that
I fixed a few redundancies
Has anybody made code-golf-friendlier-C via a small library and/or header that could help it be more like the 'cheater' languages while still being C?
@Extrarius As far as I know, no.
Think anybody would be interested in using such a thing?
Suffering through a ~13 hr course on python so I can write my language
Cuz I don't know many languages well and the only language I really know is Processing.js and it is not even a true language
It depends on what sorta features you mean. Just shortening function names isn't really fun (which I learnt while making my own language)
@ChristopherPeart It is a true language
Really? YES! HHAAAAAHAAAA (Just won a old argument)
@ChristopherPeart why are you using Python2?
@ChristopherPeart My best language is Processing :)
@Pavel that is what codeacademy uses
@Extrarius Given the rules on the site, you'd need to write an interpreter or compiler that incorporates those shortenings. If you just have a #include at the top and another header that's sitting alongside the file, you'd need to include the bytecount of the header file, too.
!(w=input().lower()).isalpha()and print("empty")and print(w[1:]+w[0]+"ay")
I don't remember if bitwise and works on Booleans in python
So could be golfed more
Wait, that doesn't work
Print doesn't return which is annoying.
@Extrarius You could make a wrapper for C that prepends a bunch of #defines and #includes, publish it, and call it it's own implementation, which would technically be valid.
Imma go blow stuff up for school
Like legit blow up
I did this, and wondered why python2 didn't work, then noticed that Python 2 outputs to stderr tio.run/nexus/…
Python 2, why ;_;
Is there any way to escape all instances of the escape character in a string in javascript?
Greetings, Nineteenth Byte
@KritixiLithos Processing is a cool language
Greetings, ckjbgames
It is soooo amazing at graphics
@KritixiLithos You made any cool GIFs with Processing
@betseg Hello
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienDetect skewed exponential sequences decision-problem code-golf Observe the following sequence: 1 3 9 54 162 729 2187 6561 19683 We can see that this is equivalent to: 1 * 1 1 * 3 1 * 9 2 * 27 2 * 81 3 * 243 3 * 729 3 * 2187 3 * 6561 The sequence on the right is the first 9 ...

What have you made?
^^ 5 circles rotating inside of each other. The lines being drawn are the centres of those circles
I got tired of writing descriptions for commits in my dot files, so I started using Rick and Morty quotes instead
I also added a bunch of ridiculous tags like , , and
My last few commit messages were stuff like "please work" and "help" since git almost ruined everything
@DJMcMayhem dot files?
Yeah, like vimrc/bashrc/i3 config stuff
I just realised, I can add topics to git repo descriptions now
But most of it's vim because I don't use Linux as often anymore
@DJMcMayhem Ok, that meant nothing to me.
@Pavel what OS and editor do you use?
Well, I switched to Ubuntu from Windows yesterday.
Oh. You should look into bashrc then
I've mostly been using Nano
Because I can't figure out vim and emacs doesn't have a version that runs directly in terminal.
You can run vimtutor to learn vim
Basically dotfiles are configuration files that certain programs (vim, bash etc.) Always read before starting, and when you put a lot of time into customizing them it's nice to save the settings so you can use them again later
@KritixiLithos I think they just added that today. I've been having a lot of fun with it
I was changing all my dotfiles last year, but I think I found my sweet spot - I haven't changed them much since october.
Currently I'm the only person with a repo tagged
So, bashrc is essentially the settings file for bash?
Pretty much. If you're on Ubuntu, you should already have one
I'm actually on my phone now, so I'll have to mess around later.
I think you have to source .bashrc in your .bash_profile in order for it to be called whenever you open your terminal
I wonder if I can configure it to prepend sudo to everything so I don't have to type it out each time.
@KritixiLithos no, it automatically loads. (It doesn't in osx apparently ._.)
@KritixiLithos No, that's just because osx is dumb
@Pavel don't ._.
@Pavel you can do sudo su but that's a terrible idea
Why? No one else uses the computer.
@DJMcMayhem Grrr... I probably should get Ubuntu
@Doorknob That was beautiful
So you can get Ubuntu just by installing it on your computer that is running any OS?
@KritixiLithos You put the image onto a usb and boot from the USB.
sudo su vs sudo -i?
What do su and -i do?
@Pavel that has nothing to do with it. It's irrelevant anyway since you'll need to enter your password for sudo su
@Pavel What do you mean by image?
@Pavel man su and man sudo
@KritixiLithos .iso
Disk image file
@Doorknob do you know where the rest of the software monk stories can be found?
Can you switch back to the original OS after getting Ubuntu?
@DJMcMayhem I can't do that right now, and besides, I recall from xkcd that the man page for sudo is some obscene monstrosity.
@KritixiLithos You can dual boot.
@DJMcMayhem My personal favorite is The Codeless Code, but they're all over the internet.
@KritixiLithos You can create a separate partition for Ubuntu, I believe OSX and Linux filesystems are compatible so you can access all files from either OS.
@Pavel it's not, that was tar
@DJMcMayhem Master Foo is also quite a popular one.
@DJMcMayhem sudoers
Fun fact: mantar is mushroom/fungus in Turkish.
@Doorknob cool, thanks
My favorite has got to be encapsulation
@Doorknob I like the morals behind Master Foo's stories
Ok, so su log me in as superuser. Do I manually exit su mode, or does it exit when I close the terminal?
GUI-programmer goes over my head. Anyone willing to explain it to me?
@DJMcMayhem The master is using various gestures to accomplish his task, as in a UI, which are difficult to understand. It would have been easier for the programmer to understand what the master was doing if he explicitly stated it, as in a terminal.
> In my youth, those who followed the Great Way of Unix used software that was simple and unaffected, like ed and mailx. Today, they use vim and mutt
I bet you all feel old now :P
I usually feel old when I'm chatting in this room.
@AdmBorkBork How many bits does it take to represent your age
I used ed once. I couldn't exit it because q doesn't do anything when you have unsaved work, not even an indication that that is the case.
@Poke 100011
Your age is represented in over 100 thousand bits? :P
Remove one zero and that's my age
Well there you go. I was going to say if it's greater than 6, you might be old
(Is it sad that I launched TIO and typed in [convert]::ToString(35,2) rather than doing the binary calculation in my head? lol)
The sad part is that your resorted to powershell over a superior language like Java but I guess some things can't be helped.
My age has 4 bits
>>> bin(35)
@KritixiLithos are you 15?
I'm 0x10 years old
@betseg you make me feel old
@orlp I'm not that old :)
You should add a "0x" in there before you get reported :P
@KritixiLithos Wait really? I thought you were like 20-some
@DJMcMayhem lel
> A broken mirror never reflects again
@DJMcMayhem done thx
Yeah, I was a bit confused.
@DJMcMayhem Haha, I never knew I behaved so maturely
I wonder if anyone in here needs 7 bits
8 bits is practically impossible
No one alive is over 115
The world record is 123 iirc
I think most people here have 5 or 4 bits
Probably mostly 5
The current oldest living person is 117
According to Wikipedia
I guess I have outdated info.
Which makes sense.
I'd say here is mostly 5 bits people.
Yeah, I'm 5 bits
I suppose some people would be 6 bits, but those are like 'nam vets of computing.
That doesn't really say a lot. 5 bits can mean anything from "highschool" to "Married with 4 kids"
From back before even vi was a thing.
@DJMcMayhem Well, that's what you get with exponential growth.
Got a buddy who is turning 32 soon. It's going to be his 6-bit birthday. Should plan an airsoft event or something...
paintball is more fun IMO
7 bits is almost at the was around before the computer
@DJMcMayhem I thought you were referring to the "over 100 thousand" and was confused
because you'd either mean "10 thousand" or "10"
and I'm fairly certain you are neither
My first programming experience was when I was five, programming BASIC on a Commodore VIC-20. I still have it, too, but I haven't turned it on in over two decades.
I think Dennis once said he was around before Unicode was a thing?
No, I meant I'm 10011 and Timmy said he's 100011
Actually, Unicode is more recent than I thought.
4 bit people were all born in this century, hmmm
@Pavel when did Unicode become a thing?
I wasn't even around before Windows 95
@DJMcMayhem yeah I understood that later
@betseg 1980, widely implemented around 1987
@betseg 1991
Just take the average Google is always right ^
Welp, I was wrong.
There aren't a lot of people around my age in here. There's plenty of "geezers" (jk) and tons of high-schoolers, but not very many 18-22 ish
good point
Yeah, 1991 is not a long time ago.
At least, not as vocal about their age
I'm 22
Probably cause they're all busy with college lol
I'm the only kid who's at my age in my class, everyone else is older than me
Was anyone around before unix, I wonder?
@DJMcMayhem I'm 18
version 1 was 1991 but there was also unicode88 in 1988
And I should be busy working
@Pavel no, unix is widely regarded as the start of the universe by scientists
Iirc Lynn is 20
Maybe it's just confirmation bias
I'm 21.
Probably confirmation bias.
@orlp no, the universe is widely regarded as unix by scientists
@orlp Unix was November 1971, Unix Epoch is January 1970.
Is anyone on this site older than the UNIX epoch?
@Pavel That was just when scientists discovered that the universe was Unix
My dad is older than UNIX.
That probably doesn't count since he doesn't use this site
I think most people in here have a dad older than unix
My grandparents are older than UNIX
@BusinessCat My dad is on the site and is older than the epoch
@Pavel 2012 - 1970 = 42
the mayans were right
@muddyfish really? Profile link?
holy shit that got stars fast
I watched it go from 1 to 4 without ever hitting 2 or 3
I wonder if there is a correlation between star patterns and age
My friend's dad is older than BASIC.
@DJMcMayhem I'd rather not but he should be fairly obvious given that he's been in this chatroom before
We come to him for stories, he tells them in the stereotypical 'nam vet voice.
@Riker Including an in-group reference, a media-publicised misconception and 42 in a message together is sure to get stars.
good point
Also, providing how-to-get-stars guides also works.
should I add "HL3 confirmed", just for good measure?
(If anyone stars that, they'll lose starring privileges.)
But why is the 2012 funny?
@muddyfish I have no clue how I'd look for him. Oh well
Is he a regular?
@DJMcMayhem engage in typical stalker behaviour
@Pavel It was a the world is going to end thing
Oh yeah...
@DJMcMayhem no. He's got about 116 rep here
@Pavel The Mayan calendar ended in 2012. Probably because they decided to stop there, like we often stop at 3000.
(all on my questions if you care to stalk further)
The Tao gave birth to machine language. Machine language gave birth to the assembler.

The assembler gave birth to the compiler. Now there are ten thousand languages.

Each language has its purpose, however humble. Each language expresses the Yin and Yang of software. Each language has its place within the Tao.

But do not program in COBOL if you can avoid it.
@muddyfish ooh, huge hint! I'm gonna find him now
From The Tao of Programming, by Canonical
A: What is your best programmer joke?

mkClarkA Cobol programmer made so much money doing Y2K remediation that he was able to have himself cryogenically frozen when he died. One day in the future, he was unexpectedly resurrected. When he asked why he was unfrozen, he was told: "It's the year 9999 - and you know Cobol"

@BusinessCat COBOL and Y2K was before I gained consciousness, so I don't really get it.
@DJMcMayhem for reference: users with 116 rep are on this page codegolf.stackexchange.com/…
@muddyfish Haha! I found him!
how do you know it's the right person?
Your dad has the same first name as I do
@DJMcMayhem it's fairly obvious isn't it
Well once you find the right post it is
@Pavel Way back when, computers had (very) limited memory. To shortcut some of that, they just used two-digit years (and it was obvious that 63 meant 1963). Well, that would break when Y2K hit, because 00 would be interpreted as 1900 and not 2000.
oh yeah found him I think
I know that, but what does COBOL have to do with it?
Nobody knows COBOL and they have to update the legacy code
You would be surprised how many big commercial applications still run on COBOL, FORTRAN, and the like. They just sit in their mainframe, quietly humming away and processing the data.
Or "mainframe" as the case may be.
> 🎵 It could have borked it all. (Trolling in the deep.) 🎵
Heck, my entire years of university (early 2000s), the "web-enabled" class registration program was an HTML front-end over a CGI that ran calls to, I think, a FORTRAN mainframe backend.
Seriously I don't get the joke pls help
think the whole world integer overflowing
But why COBOL?
because it was common back then
@AdmBorkBork I presume that they now have a mobile app that interfaces with a Sharepoint server that runs a backend call to a HTA that loads an ActiveX object to make a XMLHttpRequest to the HTML front-end over a CGI that once ran calls to a FORTRAN mainframe backend.
no, it's just server-side node.js now
But why COBOL and not another language that was common back then?
@Pavel Because COBOL was both common and hideous, presumably.
@wizzwizz4 Probably.
COBOL gets picked on in the same way that JavaScript gets picked on.
It's just a meme.
I mean, Lisp, ALGOL, APL ... those were all (roughly) the same time period.
Huh, the pattern we have now would indicate people would have been picking on SQL.
@Pavel Yeah, but not in quite the same way.
Well, but COBOL has been picked on almost its entire existence. It was designed for "business" and not for "computer science" and so academia looked down on it from its inception.
I see.
Well, it looks like something that I never will need or want to know. On the other hand, I once said that about C.
On the gripping hand, if you do learn COBOL, and can translate COBOL to a newer paradigm, you can make a bunch of money.
@Pavel You will probably never want to know it... and hopefully you won't need to...
Speaking of old languages... codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/44381/31716
There's some COBOL on there iirc
Speaking of old languages:
How did I not see that coming? :P
@DJMcMayhem How did it take me so long to post that?
Haha, timely plug.
irb(main):001:0> :+/[1,2,3]
=> 6
We have success!
@Cyoce What language is that?
@Pavel Ruby
That seems needlessly complicated to add 1, 2, and 3.
That :+/ looks strangely J-like
Not if [1,2,3] aren't hard-coded
@DJMcMayhem That's kind of the intent
(coming from someone who knows zero J)
@Pavel Not really; it's expanding an array too.
Whait, is irb(main):001:0> REPL prompt or part of the code?
REPL prompt
Ok, that makes sense now.
e.g. :+/(:to_i*gets.split(',')) to add a list of numbers given as input
(* is map)
@Cyoce Like Python.
@wizzwizz4 How so?
@Cyoce func(*iterable).
@wizzwizz4 Ah. Ruby has those too, and that's not what I'm referring to. I mean func*iterable == iterable.map(&func) with what I'm working on
@Cyoce ... Wha... Ruby is great! :-)
@wizzwizz4 Standard Ruby doesn't do that with *, but allowing me to define that is what makes Ruby so great
And with func/iterable == iterable.inject(&func), we can rewrite :+/(:to_i*gets.split(',')) to the equivalent (but longer) gets.split(',').map(&:to_i).inject(:+)
I recognize some of those words.
There are only 2 kinds of SQL developers:
Those who know how COUNT() treats NULLs
Those who don't
Those who don't care
@wizzwizz4 In python that's map(func, iterable)
@Pavel i don't think it counts nulls
Q: Drawing Mountain Ranges Catalan Number Problem

Cem AytekinI want to print those mountains in HTML page.( Not in Console) I try to use the discussed code as follows : F=n=>{ m = n+n outer: for (i=1; i < 1<<m; i+=2) { o=[] l=0; p=1; for (j = 1; j <1<<m; j+=j,p++) { if (i&j) { q=o[n-l]||[] q[p]=1; o[n-l]=q ++l;...

CMC: write a snippet that increments the current cell by 60 in stackcats
So far I've implemented / (reduce), * (map), ~ (reverse arguments), ^ (call with single argument - not sure if this is the right symbol but it has the right precedence), & (alias to method, e.g. 1&:+ is increment), and | (composition). What else should I add?
@MöbiusChickenStrip just looked at the writeup for stackcats for the first time and it seems impressively difficult to write in
@Poke It is, but its also really fun
not sure where to begin
@MöbiusChickenStrip yeah but you're you, you have a knack for coding in insane languages ;)
!- increments the current cell by one
@Riker I wouldn't say I have a knack, but rather too much time :)
Don't we all? Why else would we be code golfing?
@DJMcMayhem because it's fun even if you don't have the knack?
Damn. 35 errors because of one missing semicolon.
Uh oh, Esolangs seems to be down.
That's got to be a record or something
@Dennis @ais523 you're an admin on there, yeah?
@DJMcMayhem I'm not sure the root cause, but this error is the biggest I've ever seen.
My language produces bigger errors than your language. Way bigger.
Whoops, wrong link.
Hm, it's not on TIO
@AdmBorkBork 90% of the small stack traces I encounter are only small because someone caught, didn't do anything relevant, and threw.
Which resets the stack trace
Interesting. See, I'm coming from a largely non-programming background, so I don't really know what things look like as a developer.
@TuxCopter Check again.
Not sure if Tux missed it, or Dennis is just that fast ...
Dennis is that fast
how do one even program in tmp
Q: Average distance of two points in unit n-dimensional hypercube

orlpAn easy way to understand the unit n-dimensional hypercube is to consider the region of space in n dimensions that you can get if every coordinate component lies in [0, 1]. So for one dimension it's the line segment from 0 to 1, for two dimensions it's the square with corners (0, 0) and (1, 1), e...

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