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Wow, 7 minutes.
I doubt the tmp lang was already on there as I only used it a couple times and it's distinctly half-finished.
@TuxCopter To emulate variable bindings, you have to pass them as an argument to an anonymous function, since that's the only way to access a previously calculated value.
It's a pure functional language.
And if you need to access the nth character of a string, you don't.
Can anyone explain why you would use HttpClient vs HttpWebRequest vs WebRequest in c#? I'm trying to figure out the main differences
@confusedandamused HttpClient is a client class that sends HttpWebRequests. WebRequest is a superclass of HttpWebRequest - there's also FileWebRequest (for file:// URIs) and FtpWebRequest (for FTP requests).
Holy cow. That answer-chaining polyglot now has C as well.
If Dennis sees the CPU usage generated by the compiler for Templates Considered Harmful, he's going to regret adding it.
@AdmBorkBork C and C++?
back-to-back, even
There are a lot of ways to do it.
It's even possible to polyglot different C compilers without using the preprocessor.
I feel really bad about adding V so early on. The interpreter is horrendously slow and it's screwing everyone over
@DJMcMayhem Well make it faster! :P
I can't. :/
Maybe there are some settings I could play with tough
You should totally report this issue to Vim developers.
The age of robots is coming and text editors need to be ready for them.
It's actually neovim
@orlp Your hypercube challenge hurts my brain.
printf("%d\n", ([](int args[]){return (args[(1 - 1)] + args[(1 - 1)]);})({1}));
Why isn't this working
@Mego Thanks mego! Just looking into web services now :)
Glad to help
@feersum For TMP, would it be possible to add a method of embedding Sts in Sts such that the St contents are inserted at that point? For example, in Hello World, instead of using 32, I want to be able to use SP.
@AdmBorkBork why?
@Mego I guess SP could be defined to some magic number outside the range of char, which is then substituted with 32 somehow.
@orlp I try to visualize it in my head.
Is anyone else having issues with TIO? Everything is timing out for me
What am I saying. It could be defined to 32.
Maybe it's Templates Considered Harmful absorbing all the computrons.
@feersum That's not exactly what I meant. For another example, St<'f','o',St<'o','b','a'>,'r'> should evaluate to "foobar"
@Mego No, you can't have a template argument that can be both a type and an integral value.
Does anyone else read "Automate your first grade counting exercise" as "Automate your first (grade counting) exercise" rather than "Automate your (first grade) counting exercise" or is it just me?
It's not just you, I thought the same thing
@feersum Hmm. Yeah, that's a problem. It could be resolved by using std::string instead of char, but then you lose the nice ability to use ordinals.
This user has 75 posts in 16 days. o_O
@Mego std::string can in no way at all be used in template metaprogramming. It's a class that allocates heap data.
Oh, right. Gah. C++ makes everything difficult.
I know quite a bit about C++ and template metaprogramming
what are you trying to solve?
Nothing really, just discussing.
@DJMcMayhem is it bad I assumed it was kenorb
@orlp I think they're discussing Templates Considered Harmful?
Is it just me or did TIO get a bunch of new esolangs in the past few hours?
@Pavel ask @Dennis
I don't think two qualifies as a bunch.
Ok, just a bunch I hadn't noticed before.
am I really that weird for refusing to post OEIS links, formulas, algorithms, etc for my challenges?
everytime I do it I get a bunch of commenters asking for those resources
I intend for my challenges to actually be a challenge
it's not a challenge to plug the sequence into oeis yourself
it's just tedious
@orlp Lots of people come here for the challenge of golfing their code, not the challenge of figuring out what their code should do.
@orlp There's no need to spoon-feed people everything they're going to need to solve a challenge, but if there's a formula on OEIS that pretty much solves the problem, you might as well include a link.
@Poke I'm an admin but I have no control over the hardware, all my powers work via the site interface so they don't work when the site's down
(this is much the same concept as Dennis not being able to do anything about Stack Exchange going down, when it goes down)
They don't need Dennis for that, they get Jon Skeet to do it.
Do you happen to know what is going on?
@orlp Maybe we need a meta post to discuss this, since I'm also often unsure how much help to give.
@xnor I don't really agree
I think some people would have more fun figuring stuff out, but i worry the less mathematically inclined people will feel exlcluded.
I think challenge authors should be free to decide in how much/little help they want to give
I'm looking only for personal guidance, not a site policy.
Plus, once the first good answer has been posted, the cat's out of the bag anyway.
let me check the logs of Esolang's chat channel
> <int-e> The VM hosting the wiki seems to be down... fizzie might know more, but perhaps it needs divine intervention from Gregor :/
@Dennis sometimes
> <fizzie> I don't really have any visibility to the hosting provider, so yes, I think a Gregorvention is required. Or maybe it just comes back up naturally.
but oftentimes I see that it takes a bit longer for the first answer to pop up
but quite often
during that time people have found independent methods
I think the hypercube one isn't going to have a nice formula, which is good, but I'd complain a bit about Dennis's alternating power-of-two fibonacci one.
wow, Gregor actually turned up too, he's hardly ever there
so when other people finish their answers there are multiple methods
so it must be quite a major issue
@xnor just so I'm not mistaken about this
it's possible to evaluate the integral so that you're 100% certain that the digits you've acquire are correct, right?
I'm not trying to make an impossible challenge here
anyway, it seems that Gregor decided that he doesn't have permissions to fix the issue either
@orlp yes, absolutely
so he's gone and contacted the owner of the physical machine to ask what's going on
(that was my goal with the challenge)
(to force people to come up with numerically correct integration for this integral)
there's a bunch of interesting identities on that mathworld page
i think this challenge is fine because there's no nice formula, and so it looks like you have to do something complex that can be optimized
@orlp it's always possible to be certain that the first n digits of an answer to that sort of problem are correct, unless the digit after is 0 or 9
@orlp i think the requirement on certainty will likely move answers though to iterating over all pairs of point in a finite mesh, unless intergration allows a nice formula
One day a Novice came to the Master.
 "Master," he said, "How is it that I may become a Writer of Programs?".
 The Master looked solemnly at the Novice.
 "Have you in your possession a Compiler of Source Code?" the Master asked.
 "No," replied the Novice. The Master sent the Novice on a quest to the Store of Software.
 Many hours later the Novice returned.
 "Master," he said, "How is it that I may become a Writer of Programs?".
 The Master looked solemnly at the Novice.
 "Have you in your possession a Compiler of Source Code?" the Master asked.
@xnor That would be fine too
@Pavel a link would suffice
That takes up my entire screen
It collapses large block though
Yeah but many brow- That
And... just as I tried to delete it it timed out.
Sorry about that.
Dec 24 '16 at 17:23, by DJMcMayhem
I think for me, a good rule of thumb is that if I'm on chat, I'm probably on mobile.
I thought it collapsed it on mobile too.
Yeah, but small screens
Ruby... why isn't .. an operator with a method? You're making my life hard
@Pavel It does, I just think large text blocks/oneboxes are kinda unnecessary
@Cyoce Use python
Although it's definitely worse on mobile because there's no scrollbar
@Pavel Eww. And Python doesn't have __range__ either iirc?
@Cyoce what's wrong with Python?
It has range(n,m)
Or [n..m]
@Pavel Ruby has n..m, it just can't be overridden by the class of n like other operators can
Oh, yeah, I don't think python has that.
@orlp its syntax is too verbose for an interpreted, dynamic-typed language, among other things...
@Cyoce huh
It's not all that verbose. Besides, have you seen perl? That stuff's messy.
the only unnecessarily verbose part I can think of in Python is self. in classes
and that's precisely due to being such a dynamic language
Also global vars.
those are intentionally verbose
because mutable globals are a code smell
A method can't say foobar=5 if foobar is global, it has to say global foobar;foobar=5
I virtually never use global
@orlp __add__ and the like are annoying, half its operators are English words, and (unrelated) it doesn't have a built-in regex type without an ugly import and sticking re and r"..." into everything
you don't need the r
r is raw string
it's helpful for regex but not needed iirc
you don't need it but it sure is helpful
@Cyoce __add__ is again due to the dynamic nature of Python
It's even uglier to use it without r
still verbose either way >_>
@Pavel Of course it can say foobar=5, it just won't modify the global variable. That is what's supposed to happen.
I haven't even heard of r"".
the fact that its operators are English
@Cyoce what would oyu suggest doing instead?
actually reduces verbosity
raw backslashes?
what is faster to type, and or &&?
equally fast imo
@orlp I don't have a problem with operator overloading, but __add__ is unnecessarily verbose. Ruby just lets you do def + (other)
yeah, that would be nice
@Riker /regex/.match
I'll concede that Python's regex library sucks though
I don't think it should be a builtin type
That it does.
def __add__(self, other):
but the library could've been so much better
like whenever I use it I end up looking things up
because it's... weird
I think Java's regex support is actually exactly what anyone could have wanted.
waffles are gut
I might have read something though
We all know have no idea what happened here
I don't, I've been trying to install Acrobat Reader and it keeps erroring on me.
Apparently it relies on a package that's uninstallable.
that's your problem
@MistahFiggins --- is the markdown for strikethrough on SE chat
What should I use for PDFs?
@Pavel don't
The last usable version of Acrobat Reader was 9 or something. It got worse with every subsequent release.
@DJMcMayhem >_> a warning about the content of the link would have been appreciated. it's rather gruesome
I have to open PDF's somehow.
Also, according to the wine blog, it says it supports office 2013 now, but the installer tells me my Windows is too outdated >_>
@Riker Must be really fun for the people on the outsides...
did you watch til the end?
Yea, was unexpected
by definition
@ConorO'Brien ._. sorry
Given an array of non-negative integers, determine if exactly one of the elements is greater than 0.
isn't that "determine if the length is 1"?
Sorry, I meant non-negative
Silly brain
distinct ints?
Not necessarily
compare the sum to the max
if you have short built ins
@orlp Is there any bound on the input? For a large input, the output is a large float which cannot have 5 digits of accuracy because of float precision.
Crap, you're right
maybe check if the # of positives is a certain number, given as input
@orlp one would need to use some infinite precision datatype or somehow generate digits
How about check if every element is either zero or equal to the number of non-zero elements?
@xnor if your answer fails due to floating point overflow it's forgiven
@DJMcMayhem hm
(as a rule of thumb for my challenges, if you solve a discrete problem with floating point numbers and your answer fails because of it, it's not allowed, but if the problem itself is continuous in nature and calls for floating point it's allowed)
e.g. if I ask you for the floored square root of an integer then int(n**0.5) is wrong, but if I ask you for the average of two real numbers (a + b)/2 is fine even though a+b might overflow
I once tried to check if something was a power of two with (int)Math.log(a,2)==Math.log(a,2) (or something like that, I don't remember how log works in java)
@DJMcMayhem long solution, still golfing: def f(x):y=filter(lambda n:n!=0,x);print len(y)==y[0]
@Pavel n&(n-1)
or n&~-n
Which would give 0 if it's a power of 2, correct?
@Pavel yep
although it also gives 0 for 0
@Riker lambda n:n
oh true
No, even better: int
@DJMcMayhem huh
@DJMcMayhem true
lambda x:len(filter(int,x))==max(x)
@DJMcMayhem what exactly is the challenge now
you posed two
I wanna do smth
n->{int a=0;for(int i:n)a+=(i==0)?0:1;return a==1;}
@orlp the second
@Riker I outgolfed you by 18 bytes. :P
Wait mine is invalid
And so is yours
@DJMcMayhem is not correct
@DJMcMayhem what's wrong with it
lambda l:set(l)<={0,sum(map(bool,l))}
damnit orlp
42 bytes
@Riker [0, 2, 1] should be false
only 5 longer htan orlp
@DJMcMayhem ah I see
CMC: ->s,t,u{s.gsub t,u}
@wat what is gsub?
what language is this?
in your favorite language
that's no way to ask a challenge
this is ruby
n->{n.removeAll(0);return n.length()==1;}
I think that's how removeAll works.
@Pavel [2, 2] is supposed to be true
:35159784 no, because of the potential zeroes
oh i see
Eh? What's the challenge?
irb(main):001:0> ->s,t,u{s.gsub t,u}["Hello world", " ", "watwatwat"]
=> "Hellowatwatwatworld"
CMC (by DjMcMayhem): Check if every element is either zero or equal to the number of non-zero elements
eh nope
sec, fixing my answer
[0, 0, 2, 0, 2] is false
n->{n.removeAll(0);for(int j:n)if(j==n.length())return 1<0;return 1>0;}
lambda l:set(l)=={sum(map(bool,l))}
@DJMcMayhem the CMC can be simplified actually
Check if every element is either zero or equal to the number of non-zero elements
Oh yeah
Wait no
0 =/= 2
consider [0, 0, 0, 0]
every element is equal to the number of non-zero elements
Consider [0,1]
Do you mean "Check if every non zero element is equal to the number of non-zero elements?"
oh wait my earlier answer wasn't wrong
zz I'm confusing myself
lambda l:set(l)<={0,sum(map(bool,l))}
That feels waayyy too long.
@feersum I'm a bit confused, why can an arbitrarily small value change the value of the first 5 decimal digits if we round first?
@orlp .999985000000001 or .999984999999999 would have different values after rounding to 5 places.
My chem teacher is insane
@ChristopherPeart What did he/she/they/whatever do?
@feersum right
Guys, my desktop borked. It's showing a bunch of random colors, and changes in response to me moving windows around. Any ideas?
@Pavel install arch linux
Why would I do that?
because it's cool
You keep saying that, but I've yet to hear one reason.
It has a very large potential for customization (you build out your system the way you want it to be) and also there's a huge software repository called the AUR
@wat I can create a bootable USB myself, thanks.
@Pavel D:
I mean, really, how many people have bought that?
Ok, uninstalling the NVidia driver and grabbing an open-source one fixed the background issue, but it didn't remove NVidia settings
@wat he had us make a explosive on our desks no goggles then we went to the parking lot and made loud noise by blowing up the explosive my ears were ringing. Then we played catch with fire balls made of tee shirt and lighter fluid
@ChristopherPeart You have an awesome teacher.

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