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Nope, that doesn't fix it.
that seems to fix my budget :p
@Dennis please tell this to bank
Is there anyone that has mathematica that wouldn't mind testing a line of code for me?
@MöbiusChickenStrip Try it in Mathics
@Pavel Doesn't work
Ok, let me see.
That's it?
Ok, one sec
Oi, accidentally ran CountryData[], locked up my computer.
@MöbiusChickenStrip Yep, does in fact output an image.
The flag of Iceland?
Ok thanks a bunch
@Pavel my anger is down to a solid 7/10
Why do I need to know of this?
Mathmatica has a Builtin for Flags. Great.
There goes a bunch of "Draw the flag of X" challenges.
It has a builtin for everything you can look up in W|A
I think they added some in for W|A
Do they have a Builtin to Parse Brainfuck I wonder.
Yeah I'm working on a challenge to determine if a particular question on PPCG has a mathematica builtin answer
So, this isn't an ez rep grab for the flag challenges?
Probably wouldn't get me a lot of rep anyway
new function!
var doesMathmaticaHaveBuiltin()
return true;
a=>1 Golf'd
that is the full golf
Nah, needs to be a function.
RprogN can do it in 3 Bytes, { 1
Alternatively, ~{1
CMC: Write a function that returns true.
Brain-Flak 4: (())
When you want to swipe at a fly in front of your monitor, but doing so would knowck the computer case off the table
Java: public class a{public boolean b(){return true;}}
@ATaco Mathematica, 4 bytes: 1>0&
@ATaco you said function
@ATaco Grass 9: wWWWWwwww
Function is stored as b
Boolean b(){return 1>0;}
RProgN so far holds the top with { 1 due to shinanigains
can someone here validate me on sdf? my username is epictck
Best CMC ever
youtube.com/watch?v=wUb3TJRdKi0 for all of you aussies
Well, { 1, ~{1, (BACKTICK)1g
I don't actually think it's possible to make a function do anything in less than 3 bytes in RprogN
@BaldBantha I'm not sure what you mean
>Validation is basically designed to protect us from spammers. There are
ways you can get validated by an SDF member. For instance if you were a
student and your professor taught a class here on SDF you could gain
validation through that class.

If you were referred to SDF by a friend or a current SDF member, they may
be able to validate your new account for you. You can usually find SDF
regulars in either 'com' or 'irc'. Be sure to ask them to help you.
see sdf.org
Although { is a single byte useless function
and back to learning python
python is ez
I read a book once five years ago and picked it up for the first time this year without issues
Just need to SO occasionally.
It is EZ
Huh, PPCG's graduation anniversary is coming in less than a month
Just curious, how many sites are currently in the design backlog?
@LegionMammal978 Most up-to-date reference I could find: meta.stackexchange.com/a/290363/307833
We're second on the backlog, behind Anime, which has been graduated without a design for well over a year
Closer to 18 months, actually
CMC: solve TSP
In O(1)? ;P
@wat What's TSP?
@MistahFiggins yes
@Pavel google it
@wat "Thrift Savings Plan"
try again
traveling salesman problem
"Trisodium Phosphate"
Oh yeah, that.
I just spent a good 10 minutes wondering why vi wasn't working until I realized I wasn't in insert mode.
@Dennis exciting!
@Dennis Will score be upvotes or upvotes-downvotes?
@Pavel Usual pop con rules. I've edited the question to clarify.
my stats :(
looks like I'm not becoming an RO
I feel kind of bad for orlp. 0/-2 can't feel good.
@Pavel I mean it's not personal, just that he's not that active probably
I think that's probably it
Yeah, haven't seen him much.
Is it just me or are there votes randomly disappearing.
No it's not just you
At least, not as active right now, when people who are active now are voting
Oh, right.
Re Meta serial voting: during the "best of 2016" nominations I had my votes reversed three times
A friendly reminder: serial voting restrictions apply on meta as well, and may be triggered if you upvote too many nominations or downvote too many nominations in a short period of time. Make sure you check if any of your votes got reversed before the week is over. — Dennis ♦ 10 mins ago
@DJMcMayhem Wasn't that comment votes?
Yeah, but I upvoted the CW answers themselves
The winners are pretty much already solidified at this point.
Give it a day, at least
It's not even been 30 min yet
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Greg MartinWord search doomed to failure Inspired by this picture. Your job: to create a word search of given dimensions, containing three letters in equal proportions, which does not contain a target three-letter word. More specifically, choose a three-letter word (with three distinct letters) that you w...

Speaking of RO's, I haven't seen geobits in a while
Oh yeah, me neither.
@MistahFiggins nomination scores were enough
Yeah, I guess you're right. That would be a pretty good gauge
@NewSandboxedPosts I finally found "dog". Geez
I guess That means I found "god" too
most voters are gonna go by # chat messages
I go by a variety of reasons.
@PhiNotPi but you're higher than orlp
I hope it doesn't come to that though
@PhiNotPi Nah, most people will go by what they know of you from hanging around in TNB.
I agree. # of posts is mainly a tiebreaker for me
Though to be completely honest, I can't say that the results we're getting are at all surprising.
BTW, hows tetris going @PhiNotPi ?
I would have happily ran if I were nominated.
I was not nominated.
@MistahFiggins It's really not, I've been busy with school.
@ATaco Everyone but Mego was self-nominated
@ATaco self nominations are allowed
@PhiNotPi Ditto
I'm aware.
plus side is that I made 100s on the two exams I had last week
But I wasn't going to run if no-one thought I was worthy of a nomination.
Well, by that logic, DJMcMayhem shouldn't have run, and he's winning now.
@ATaco nobody thinks I'm worthy of a nomination and I still ran
And you're entitled to that, but I wasn't going to myself.
@PhiNotPi At least 3 people do
@Pavel it's perfectly valid to feel that way about yourself, even if you don't mind other users self nominating
TBH not really surprised by these results.
Besides, I have a job that I'm supposed to be doing.
I hope minxomat makes it most of all. The majority of the RO's are in US time zones. he'd fill in the gaps very nicely
@DJMcMayhem are you asking me to remove vote for you then? ;)
Seems like it he'll make it.
(although Mego is a robot that doesn't sleep, so maybe it doesn't matter then)
IMO Mego deserved the RO position most of all.
@DJMcMayhem penguin live in antartica and there is is like day for like 6 months
I honestly thought he was a RO a couple of weeks ago
Exactly, he's already managing everything to an extent.
@Downgoat So we'll never see him during our summer! D:
Nah, punguins never sleep
Nice pun!
Q: The Nineteenth Byte is getting more room owners. Cast your votes!

DennisThe Nineteenth Byte is getting three additional room owners. You've had one week to nominate others or yourself, and now it's time for the actual election. These are the nominees, in alphabetical order. DJMcMayhem chat profile | main profile | meta profile | nomination | vote here Mego chat p...

Is NMP that slow or does it feel like more time has passed now that everyone's talking about it?
Took 54 minutes. It's slow.
Hmm.... there's about 1.5 months until mod elections.
Too early to start a campaign?
@PhiNotPi o_O I don't think those happen at guaranteed times
Once annually, although I admit there's little reason to expect SE to be on time regarding anything PPCG.
@PhiNotPi gonna be honest, I don't feel you're active enough here to have likely chance of being elected >_>
You do contribute a lot of valuable things though so with more participation I may vote for you
@PhiNotPi They don't happen annually. Mod elections happen when activity spikes or a moderator retires.
@Dennis >_> I have been lied to
@Downgoat yeah I know <_<
Do they always happen when a mod retires? What if the other mods say they're fine?
It's ultimately up to the CMs.
If you guys wanted to, could you potentially hold a CM election at any point in time?
Hmm, if you have only one mod and (s)he retires, it is guaranteed that all the mods say they're fine.
I wish we could hold a CM election
(CM = an SE staff member)
Speaking of elections, fun fact: I have the 2nd highest candidate score out of all of PPCG (only behind Martin)
I'm really proud of that
you could probably win with that
@DJMcMayhem Penguin robot.
Totally off topic, some updates regarding quantum KOTH / quantum simulation: I have a moderately accurate quantum wavefunction simulator working, I just need to decide what I want to do with it.
By "moderate" I mean "not broken"
I'm glad that people think highly of me in regards to TNB. I make an effort to make good, positive contributions, help encourage others to do so also, and try to keep the amount of unwanted activity (i.e. noise) down.
@DJMcMayhem since 90% of users vote solely by candidate score it looks like you have good chance
@Dennis Since this election is official and sanctioned, could it get the featured tag?
@Mego Is your source code on github?
@Downgoat No, I don't have access to it :(
Otherwise I might make the sleep routines a bit more predictable and consistently-triggered
D: creators locked you out to avoid to changing source code to rule over humans?
See goats don't have this restriction
Goats run on BF, so the restriction isn't necessary
 chmod -R 777 /goats; chown -R goat:goats /goats
@Mego BF-based CPU can do everything your fancy x86 can do
It's also due to the fact that my code is a binary. The source code is stored in a secret vault under the South Pole.
I would've already looked, but it's locked with a fingerprint scanner, and flippers don't seem to be compatible.
@Downgoat Turing complete =/= can do anything. Lots of TC languages have different capabilities
Also, lol: "These aren't the droids you're looking for" - github.com/android
@Downgoat I'm sure that by the time we need a new moderator, Mego will have passed 20K and I will no longer be in second. : P
A TC language/system can solve any problem (in the mathematical sense) that any other TC language/system can solve. There's a distinction between solving a problem and having some feature. Smallfuck is TC, but can't read from STDIN or write to STDOUT.
STDIN and STDOUT is different level
im talking about CPU
@Mego How do you do things in it?
All you really need is TC ops on the bits flowing through logic board
@Pavel Hardcoding
But how do you see what it's calculated?
:35139999 just look carefully though likely memory address of output :P
@Mego We've discussed this and decided against it. The vast majority of users that participate in chat (or would if the noise level were lower) will see either the pinned message here or the meta thread itself, and these are the only users that should participate in the election.
@Dennis Ok, fair enough. I agree with that logic.
Not that we'll be able to keep it off hot meta posts anyway. >_>
Should we have not upvoted it?
Pointless. Answer upvotes also contribute to the hotness.
You could have pinned messages for every candidate, and held voting that way.
Actually, that sounds awful.
The only way to avoid hotness would have been to vote via comments, which has its upsides and downsides.
It probably would still have gotten hot
The main downside of the comment system (which the proposed star-voting system shares) is that approval voting is really not that great of a voting system. Range voting (which is what the current system is) is much better.
Yeah, agreed. I think it's as good as it could be.
And the main downside of answer voting is the serial voting reversal. Also, the full range is only available for users with at least 125 PPCG rep, but that could be a good thing or a bad thing.
125 PPCG rep is really easy to obtain - especially if you get the free 100 from the association bonus. We give out upvotes like candy. Without the assocation bonus, it would probably take a few days, which is not a downside here.
And there's nothing we can really do about the serial voting issue.
I'd expect everyone who would be affected by the election to have 125 rep.
The voting reversal is really annoying, but I don't think there's a better option.
Aside from a dedicated chat room with I want X to become a RO and I do not want X to become a RO messages, with X's score being the difference of the star counts (which is kinda convoluted), I can't think of other options.
I want Jon Skeet to be RO.
Offsite voting is a possibility, but then we lose either accountability (only registered users can vote) or anonymity
And both are pretty much deal breakers.
Surely cryptography has a solution!
How about we just make the voting process so complicated they nobody actually votes?
How about we just pit together the contenders in a game of BrainJoust
Or a good ol' fashioned CMC.
Well, we could hook up the signin system to the SE API and verify that the user a) has a PPCG account, and b) has at least 20 rep. But that's a pain.
So naturally I'm going to work on that as a pet project.
CMC: Write that system
Doesn't that sacrifice anonymity?
Sure, but there has to be a certain level of trust with any system
I'm pretty sure the solution has to involve pasting vast bit strings into the chat.
CMC: Given a text that contains CMC: `SOMETHING` , find and execute the SOMETHING
If it's open-source and open-data, and only stores hashed API keys, it would be trivial to verify that your vote was recorded correctly and that the API key was not being stored, but nigh impossible to view others' votes.
I give it 10 minutes before it borks for no reason.
@ATaco /CMC<CR>f dvgodG@"
Assuming "something" is vim code
@ATaco Pip, 25 bytes: aR`.*CMC: \`(.*)\`.*`{Vb}
Ugh. Any tips on formatting backticks?
I've got RProgN, 19 Bytes. 'CMC: `(.-)`' M do
I'm currently working on a solution with javac
You see, I never get to use any of the things RProgN does well.
Like what?
Not a lot.
Because ~ is needed at the start of basically any golf'd program.
Can't you add that implicitly then?
Sometimes I don't want that.
What does it do?
Zero Space Segment, the next word is executed individually.
So do is a function on its own, which is called. But ~do executes as d o
Although generally, for golfing, I need d o more than I need do
In a ZSS though, you can do 'do'gc, which will execute do, because it's "do" get_function call_function
Also alternatively, I could finish giving all functions a single byte solution, and remove the word functionality all together.
I am making an esolang called codons
Q: Is it within the Cantor set?

TheNumberOneThe Challenge For this challenge, you are supposed to determine if a given number is in the Cantor set. So first, let's define the Cantor set. First, start with the numbers between 0 and 1. Any numbers outside this range are not in the Cantor set. Now, let's divide the numbers into three equal ...

Q: Longest common substring in linear time

LembikThis challenge is about writing code to solve the following problem. Given two strings A and B, your code should output the start and end indices of a substring of A with the following properties. The substring of A should also match some substring of B. There should be no longer substring of ...

@NewMainPosts because of this challenge I was reading up on the Cantor set and TIL that every real number in [0, 2] can be written as the sum of two Cantor numbers
first game as vh I think
best game ever
I managed to deceive the vamp into helping me
and won for the town
Hello guys!
Who's on?
Dammit I posted another one of those messages again :(
Is "Who's on" equivalent in noise-terms to "Is anyone on"?
Why would it be dfferent, it's the same question
@Fatalize Well dammit :( I posted a noise message
Is it so hard to just start with what you want to say and see if people answer it?
@Fatalize This is what I don't understand. It's apparently so hard for so many people.
TBH I just want to start a conversation
Start a conversation by suggesting a topic. That's seems to be how humans work.
If you are deliberately trying to talk without having anything to talk about, that certainly sounds like noise...
Of course you could always talk about noise, since that's a very popular topic nowadays.
sigh Well fine... it might not be hard for you, but I'm still getting used to this, compared to my normal "chats". Jeez.
1984 is a pretty good book, has anyone else read it?
@Qwerp-Derp Turns out you started a conversation about starting conversations. Meta-conversation.
@Qwerp-Derp I haven't, but it's on my to-read list.
I've read Animal Farm.
I'm about halfway through 1984, and I'm thinking a lot about doublethink, it seems really scary if I'm perfectly honest
Has N-think for N > 2 been studied?
@feersum What would triplethink be?
I don't know, I haven't studied it yet.
Doublethink is having two conflicting ideals, so naturally triplethink would be having three, I guess.
Conjecture: For every N-think, the person has N conflicting ideals/beliefs in their mind.
CMC: Given the title of a Star Wars movie, output its episode number. For reference:
1 The Phantom Menace
2 Attack of the Clones
3 Revenge of the Sith
4 A New Hope
5 The Empire Strikes Back
6 Return of the Jedi
7 The Force Awakens
8 The Last Jedi
@DLosc "The Last Jedi"? Sounds foreboding.
I would've said "clichéd," but we'll see. ;)
Jedi is its own plural, right?
Yes, I believe so.
So there may be a fairly decent amount left for all we know.
"The Last [14,000] Jedi"
The EPA has downgraded the Jedi from Threatened to Endangered!
@DLosc Pip, 16 bytes: " PcnwErFL"@?a@4
Was kind of hoping for a regex golf solution, but "find an index at which the characters are all different" was much easier.
Incidentally, all Star Wars episode names so far start with T, A, or R.
(This even includes Rogue One and The Clone Wars, for that matter.)
@DLosc Python, 101 bytes: lambda s:s[0]=="A"and(s[1]==" "and 4or 2)or s[0]=="R"and(s[2]=="t"and 6or 3)or" P E FL".index(s[4])
Oh wait there's a simple index to check?
Didn't even look for that
Yep. :/
I think you can use find, right?
It's 15 in Actually: 4@E"PcnwErFL"íu
Yep, find works for 31
CMC: find a series of books or movies that doesn't have an index at which the characters are all different. :P
@DLosc Memento
Is that a series?
I guess Harry Potter movies sort of work, since "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part (1|2)" means the only possible index is -1, which has duplicates in "Sorceror's Stone"/"Goblet of Fire"/"Half-Blood Prince". But that feels pretty cheap.
@DLosc Of length 1 :P
@Mego Length 1 is not technically excluded by the wording but probably by the intent of the definition...
Well make it explicit :P
*a series of multiple books or movies
@Mego Incidentally: Python 2, 7 bytes: print 1
Actually, 1 byte: 1
3 hours ago, by Mego
So naturally I'm going to work on that as a pet project.
Read-only view of the project: preview.c9users.io/mego/ppcg-election-testbed
I'm going to move the eligibility checking to server-side once I actually start working on the project beyond a proof-of-concept
Q: please help me to code this one 2 dimensional

alex nagen2 dimensional -ask user to input 10 product names with price -count the number of inputted products - ask the user to search a product name and display the price - the program will exit if the user inputted "exit" in the product name -no duplicate product name

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinWindows copy file dialog This challenge is inspired by xkcd: Challenge: You'll simulate the copying a large file (1 Gigabyte). The transfer rate will vary between 10 kB/second to 100 MB/second. Your task is to output the time remaining of the file transfer. The output should look like: Time...

If anyone says I'm too savage, I'm only savage to the people who post really bad questions
If someone actually puts effort in, I'll be nicer, but that question is really trash if I'm perfectly honest
I'm not sure who created (collaborated on) the userscript, but I have a small update request...
@StewieGriffin That would be the gaot himself, Downgoat
Is it possible to make links more prominent? They're almost invisible (at least on my laptop).
@Downgoat ^^ .. Pretty please..?
@Qwerp-Derp, thanks :)
Very nice script by the way, I've been using it the last couple of weeks... It makes the site a lot better...
Rep on SO / PPCG: 11761 / 11761...
Whoa what, that's cool!
The Clojure docs on SO are horribly underdocumented... I'm doing stuff on it! Yay!
Sublime's Rainbowth is so cool :) the parens are all rainbow-coloured!
Reminds me of R#'s RegEx highlighting
user image
1 hour later…
@DLosc 34 in Retina: $|[ABFHJRSrw]|ed|i$|ak|ns|.(?=.*L) (definitely suboptimal)
Userscript bug? The link when hovering (and clicking) a "Show more comments" link is current_url/#.
wtf unicode
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TheLethalCoderGoodbye Cruel World! You are a developer and as a developer love learning new technologies, or you know are forced too. As you learn a new technology you always start with the typical Hello World! program. You learn a lot of new tech and so have grown tired of these programs. However, all hope ...

@NewSandboxedPosts Duplicate of one of the >9000 challenges which ask to print hello world without hello world
Q: Can you find the villain's password?

MasterzaghBackground You work for the police force as a programmer. A villain has planted a bomb in the city, luckily the police force has captured both him and the bomb. The bomb is really complicated to disarm, however it has a password input to disarm it. The villain, being cocky, has told you that t...

@Dennis You probably should have posted one or two of the nominations with your sock to prevent the serial voting junk
You'd think it would ignore posts with CW...
Hi all
anyone understand openmp?
I can't work out how to parallelize the outer loop (the one with counter) or bpaste.net/show/8223802ac8b1
any ideas very gratefully received
Used it 4 years ago for CNNs, can't remember any of it
@Fatalize that's slightly more than me then :)
#pragma omp parallel for looks promising but not sure how to get that work here
No one wants to answer my post codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/108798/… ;-;
@Pavel It's an interesting challenge, it's just pretty dang difficult.
On an unrelated note, today I learned that we have character U+1F403
Which one is that?
A water buffalo
It's apparently part of the zodiac used in Vietnam
Which I find really neat that we're like coming full circle back to pictograms in our language.
@AdmBorkBork related xkcd:
Yeah, and English is verbally inflected, not lexically, which is why it's things like "an hour" instead of "a hour" ...
tl;dr: English is weird
s/English is/natural languages are
Well, yeah, but English is weird-er weird
Nah, nothing can beat French
I mean the average word has 3 different definitions
@StewieGriffin I've been meaning to ask you, why is your parent picture with a "NO" symbol, but your PPCG picture without that?
@TuxCopter But in English you can have five 'and's in a row and have it make sense. Or an entire sentence of nothing but 'buffalo'.
ok I bow to the power of english
I grew up thinking English is simpler than Turkish. I still do.
Then Turkish is hell
That's not find ands in a row. It's and alternating with a string containing "and".
@feersum Verbally speaking.
"ememememememe" is a correct Turkish word.
What does it mean?
[to] my disability of sucking
It seems neural machine can't understand suffixes
Turkish, German, etc have more complicated words because of suffixes or joining words together
Also, English is golfier than Turkish :D
So I'm working on my quantum simulator, and I realized that I don't know how it works.
Do it with a quantum computer!
By that, I mean that I don't understand how my algorithm (with a complex arccos) gives correct numbers.
Is it OSS?

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