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@Downgoat how do I make it so that npm install also installs the necessary packages? (How do I edit package.json)
npm install --save?
no, I'm making a package
npm init?
doesn't add dependencies
Oh you want it to look at your source and determine all the dependencies?
That's not a trivial task, I wasn't aware of a command that did something like that.
no, I want to manually add my dependencies to package.json >_>
I just don't know how to do that
that's the --save flag that I stated in the first place. As in npm install --save express (downloads express and writes it as a dependency in package.json)
thanks :D
--save-dev writes the installed modules to devDependencies instead of dependencies, btw
what does devDependencies do?
quite literally, development dependencies. Ones that aren't needed unless you're attempting to develop on the package
So say you publish your package and another developer downloads it. If they run npm install, it won't install devDependencies unless you specify --dev
Could a mod close/lock the nominations post pretty please?
Solution: elect Downgoat as mod so he can close/lock question :P
You didn't even run in the RO election
@Pavel Why should I run when I can sit in my comfy chair
So then you don't have to die of diabetes
I dunno if goats get diabetes
Anyone wanna play Minecraft on a new, vanilla server?
can you make server offline? :3
I could
@Downgoat evidently, they do
@HelkaHomba that sounds kinda fun
@PatrickRoberts type 1 is genetic, not applicable here
@HelkaHomba Will join if made offline
I'll join either way, assuming you post the IP/domain here
define "offline"?
"offline" means you don't have to have a validated mojang account to play on it
wait since when did this happen
I've been out of the MC loop for so long
offline has been around forever, but they've subsequently made it more difficult to play minecraft in offline mode
@ConorO'Brien As in you don't need a legit MC account to play. I'll make it offline and unwhitelisted but if there's major problems (i.e. jerks/trolls) I would make it online+whitelisted
@ConorO'Brien I think last time I played this game was like 3-4 years ago :P
@HelkaHomba IP?
@Downgoat Type 1 diabetes is called "genetic", though it's not necessarily acquired hereditarily. There's a lot of ongoing research into the ways it can be acquired, and thus potential cures/preventative measures.
1.11.2 right?
@ConorO'Brien that is version it installed for me
@Downgoat Still setting it up. Few mins
ok cool
@ConorO'Brien yes
cool, thanks
@ConorO'Brien Porpoisal: for your shunting-yard implementation. Perhaps use symbols instead of magic strings
@Downgoat magic strings?
like magic numbers, but strings. e.g. "left" and "right"
oh, like Symbol("left")?
then have ShuntingYard.LEFT
instead you could do enum with symbols as I've described here </shameless self promotion>
@ConorO'Brien yeah
Time to golf with command blocks...
@Downgoat yeah, I like that post. :D
:D glad you liked it :D
I was going to write a series on writing fast JS code but I forgot...
Though now since I've done digging I should do an article on special V8 debugging features
e.g. natives syntax allows you to do %<some special internal function> which is cool
My advice for fast code is avoid function calls as much as possible, and use TypedArrays as much as possible. Oh, and try to keep the amount of variable declarations per scope to a minimum.
oh I mean like internal optimization
(In JavaScript)
e.g. V8 GC optimizations. using stuff like %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall etc.
For me, trying to understand V8 is like trying to make the day come when you finally get your letter from Hogwarts.
@PatrickRoberts What's so hard to understand about vegetable juice?
@PatrickRoberts just send your owl
The really sad part about V8 is it is used in so much of the web and yet an astonishingly large portion of it's code is undocumented and uncommented
@Downgoat V8's code, or code written for V8?
V8's code
I'm just really bad at learning anything that has bad or no documentation, personally. It takes me hours, if not days, going through just a couple thousand lines of code to get a grasp of what's going on.
I'm thinking of adding a license to my github things now
If I have to read code without documentation, my eyes gloss over
Open PPCG Minecraft 1.11.2 Server IP:
and it'll be an open source license because open source is fun and good
which one should I use?
And I fail to extract any information from said code
@DestructibleWatermelon MIT?
@DestructibleWatermelon GNU GPL
It's one of the ones GitHub can generate automatically
> Symbol.for("foo")
> Symbol.for("bar")
> %SymbolRegistry()
{ for: { foo: Symbol(foo), bar: Symbol(bar) },
  for_api: {},
  keyFor: {},
  private_api: {} }
huh cool
GNU GPL is terrible unless you're one of those people who sleep with a katana under your pillow to fight off commercial assassins
(too lazy to find relevant xkcd)
@ConorO'Brien IP
@HelkaHomba thanks :D
@DestructibleWatermelon tl;dr GNU GPL requires anything that implements your source code also be GNU GPL, source code and software is freely available.
@Pavel what if they just made a short version of it without all the parts saying why each part is included
The GPL forces anyone who wants to create a work that uses GPL software to license it under the GPL. In trying to be open-source, it actually closes off rights.
I was thinking of something
MIT license if you want it to be open source but without the GPL restriction.
MIT is much better in that aspect - all it requires is that any derivative works must be available under the MIT license (but allow other licenses to be used in addition), that source code is freely available, and that attribution is given.
@Mego It could be worse. Could be QPL.
I was thinking of a license where you can do what you want with it, but if what you have done with the source does not qualify as fair use an obvious attribution must be made or something
The worst FOSS license ever made.
@mınxomaτ Haven't heard of that one
Well Cursive is a massive failure, I'm back to using Nightcode for Clojure
The Q Public License (QPL) is a non-copyleft license, created by Trolltech for its free edition of the Qt. It was used until Qt 3.0, as Trolltech toolkit version 4.0 was released under GPL version 2. It fails the Debian Free Software Guidelines, used by several Linux distributions, though it qualifies for the Free Software Foundation's Free Software Definition; however, it is not compatible with the FSF's GNU General Public License, meaning that products derived from code under both the GPL and the QPL cannot be redistributed. == History == KDE, a desktop environment for Linux, is based on Qt....
I'm not familiar with it. What's so bad about it?
slightly confused over difference between gpl and mit, if they both require the license to be the same license
@Mego Are you talking to me or minxomat?
Aren't they all open-source licenses? I don't see the difference between them TBH
@mınxomaτ What's the best open-source license IYO?
@DestructibleWatermelon They don't. MIT can be relicensed under any other compatible license, even GPL.
@Qwerp-Derp MIT.
It's also the most widely adopted.
@mınxomaτ meaning...
I'm confused
Does anyone use IYO?
Personally I prefer GPL, but then I sleep with katanas under my bad.
@mınxomaτ what does compatible mean
@DestructibleWatermelon I don't know how to make that clearer.
A compatible license is one whose terms don't conflict
@mınxomaτ That page turns out to be very uninformative as to what the license actually specifies.
QPL is basically a last-word license. Anyone that builds something on top of the program is basically working for the original developer for free.
it is trolltech
So it's for people who think they are BDFLs
In short: You cannot and must not publish any modified version of the original software. You are only allowed to publish .patch files. Changes must be contributed back to the original, and the original only.
so the license basically says you may work for them for free...
It's a bit condescending, really
say I wanted to make my own open source license
how should I go about that?
You don't. Just how you don't create your own crypto.
um, that seems rather different
Unless you are a team of talented lawyers and software experts, you don't create your own software license
End license
Unless you have a committee of international lawyers, that's not going to happen.
Or if you really don't care what other people do with your software
But in that case CC-0 it and move on
I mean, it wouldn't be too hard to just modify the MIT license slightly
There is no such thing as a "slight" modification in legal contracts.
@mınxomaτ can't fit crypto <200 words
That's really irrelevant.
@mınxomaτ well, lets say I didn't want people to sell my product
2 mins ago, by Pavel
If you're interested in software licenses, Law.SE and OS.SE are good resources
I just remove the part that says you may sell, then add a part that says you may not
@DestructibleWatermelon That's not how FOSS licenses work.
I know
it was an example
I wouldn't do that probably
I think you are thinking of "shared source". Which is awful, and legally questionable at best.
well, I wouldn't actually do that
why does it annoy me that the mit license is like a cheating quine?
MS-RL and MS-PL prevent people from "just" selling your product without modifications, if your product exhibits enough ubiquity to be considered a trademark.
I'm not actually doing that
You asked, that's why I'm answering you.
I'm thinking that someone has to make obvious attribution if the remixed product does not qualify for fair use
it was a bad example
and I probably could have been clearer
Fair use varies wildly from country to country. Your license would be several dozen pages long, containing many exceptions.
I could just specifically refer to one fair use document
maybe the one that applies in iceland for fun
That document in turn references legal constructs only applicable to Iceland. That's not how law works.
What exactly are you trying to achieve?
what is a legal construct
@Pavel I'm not sure
now I'm just kind of curious
@DestructibleWatermelon You are not going to learn what takes many years of education and training in a few chat messages. Any summary wouldn't do the subject justice (no pun intented)
Like, people get Ph.D.s in this.
@Pavel but then again, you can also get a phd in Church Music :P
This is a good, albeit a bit outdated, starting place: oreilly.com/openbook/osfreesoft/book/index.html. This covers maybe .2% of the subject
how hard would it be to add a part to the MIT license that requires that derivative works must provide attribution to the work being derived?
@Pavel Actually no. The rough equivalent of a Ph.D. in law is the D.J.S. (Doctor of Juridical Science) degree.
@DestructibleWatermelon What? That is the license.
now I'm getting very confused
I am very confuse right now
Every time you use or modify (or relicense) MIT software, you need to provide a full copy of the license and all original copyright notices.
yeah ok MIT license is good
I thought the license only needed the derivative to include the MIT license and the disclaimer?
@mınxomaτ this says something like that?
@DestructibleWatermelon You are confusing copyright and licensing here.

<MIT Fulltext>
(c) everything by minx omat (2010 - 2016)


<MIT Fulltext>
(c) those parts by minx omat (2010 - 2016)
(c) this addition by D. Watermelon (2017)
excerpt from book you linked
> The first of these two conditions is almost universal in open source licensing and
serves the straightforward and necessary purpose of alerting future users of the work
of the restrictions on it. (Copyright laws used to require that copyrighted works carry
an explicit notice in published forms to receive copyright protection.) The second of
the two conditions provides the warranty disclaimer described in the previous chapter.
> require that copyrighted works carry an explicit notice in published forms to receive copyright protection
it doesn't mention attribution?
Uh yes.
this keeps getting more and more confusing
Not really, no
the explicit notice refers to the license on the product, how does this relate to attribution?
You cannot undo copyright. It's intrinsic to everything you create. A license is nothing more than the statement: "You person X, I permit you to use my creation, that I have the sole copyright to, under these terms".
No, the explicit notice is the copyright notice.
It tells you who you are agreeing on the contract (license) with.
yes, but where does it mention attribution anyway
What you call attribution is the copyright notice.
You cannot redistribute MIT software without reproducing all copyright notices, because otherwise you would imply that you are the sole holder of all copyrights, which is copyright infringement.
Dennis: Ok, I've tested TIO's caching, it seems to be working, here's a test link, I'll push it to main if no one spots an error.
Me within minutes: I ran some invalid python code and it gave the me the results of the Bash `date` command.
You should really read up on licensing: choosealicense.com/licenses/mit
in talk.tryitonline.net, 11 mins ago, by Dennis
I'll just blame this on gremlins and we shall never speak of it again.
ok now I understand
I was just thinking
about fair use, and how derivative works on movies and stuff is allowed by default
except when the original work belongs to a big company apparently
Derivatives works are never allowed by default.
fair use or something
Not-big companies can't be bothered to sue
All rights reserved is the default.
fair use applies does it not?
Fair use doesn't concern derivative works.
Like, if anyone ever violates you license, will you do something about it?
It will literally cost you more to file the suit than you will get back in damages.
Fair use is for educational or cultural contexts, using small parts of the original work.
Fair use is inconsistent across the world. Copyright is an almost universal concept.
king.com is pretty much the worst when it comes to trademark law and that stuff
why does the legal system suck so much?
Originally it didn't suck, so people abused it.
It doesn't suck. Just like medical fields, it requires education to understand, while pointless bashing is easy.
I'm not referring to the annoyance I just experienced
I'm referring to the fact that king.com can send a notice for someone making a game called bubblies
King is a UK company. US trademark law is almost the complete opposite of that of the UK, or the rest of the world really.
and that person has to have a campaign to get enough money to defend or something
Really? What separates it?
In the US, you can't "trademark" anything. Something either is a trademark or it isn't. The UK (and the rest of the EU) allows you to register anything as a trademark that you can get past the trademark office.
US trademarks can be pretty common words, while EU trademarks must be at least somewhat specific and unique.
everything is confusing me right now
tl;dr use MIT
I would have thought you would need to apply for trademarks if they were common words?
@DestructibleWatermelon You don't get to choose if you have a trademark or not in the US. It automatically is or isn't. You can wave the rights that come with it though.
Registering a trademark doesn't give you any additional protection. You can sue people for infringement even if the mark isn't registred.
Then it comes down to the judge if the mark really counts as a trademark. But that's decided on a case-by-case basis.
Does anyone know Reagent here?
I need halp as to why this doesn't work
its pretty dumb that a company can go around harassing small companies for using the word saga
It's not completely restrictive. For example, if your trademark is a common word, if someone makes an unrelated product that uses the same name but is clearly different, you won't get sued. For example, you can call your grocery store chain 'Apple' safely, but if you try to release a tablet called 'Apple', there's going to be trouble.
@DestructibleWatermelon Didn't they lose that suit?
Well yes. That's what mark categories are for. These are standardized, thank god.
@Pavel either way, it isn't easy for a smaller company to muster the money to defend
thanks for hosting
hosting what?
Helka, hosted minecraft server
You should have pinged them, that was pretty no-context
my bad, the server just closed so I wasn't really thinking of making it contextual
@Doorknob @Dennis When is the post for the RO election coming up?
@PatrickRoberts Back up now
oh I thought you were done for the night xD
@HelkaHomba is there a room for the server to discuss?
You could repurpose the one for the TF2 server
@PatrickRoberts That's Conor. Server will be online at all times (assuming no issues) even if I'm not on
oh wow, okay
@Pavel We haven't set a date yet.
@Dennis are you as good at Minecraft as you are at codegolf?
I have no idea. I never played Minecraft.
It's pretty good when you have friends over but I find it pretty boring to play by meself, or even on a server unless I have Discord up.
@Dennis Minecraft is the best golfing language.
@Sp3000 @Mego @quartata @PhiNotPi @Pietu1998 etc. You may be interested in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52643/open-ppcg-minecraft-server
darn unresponsive jquery scripts
Windows' new directory and file size format is a bit confusing.
I've never seen that interface
What is the 'Easier Vectorization' thing doing there?
That's the Intel XE Cluster installer.
Oh, I thought that was part of Windows, and was a little scared.
That'd be pretty awesome. Windows 10 Dev edition. VS + Parallel XE. One can dream.
Is is feasible to do a "screen upgrade" of my laptop, from 1280x800 to 1440x900?
The laptop comes in these two resolutions
I found the replacement panel on Amazon already
It's possible
Ignore the text though, I have read in many places that they are completely interchangeable
But you will definitely void your warranty, and you might permanently damage your laptop.
It would be simpler and cheaper to just buy a new laptop
1. What warranty? I bought this from the school district.
Laptops simply were not built for upgradeability.
Assuming that something goes wrong while trying to do the replacement (spoiler alert: it will)
@Pavel Not anymore anyway
2. Cheaper? How? I can't imagine getting a better laptop than this for <$80
@wat If this is a school computer, you should most certainly not do anything to it.
3. This is an incredibly upgradeable laptop. For reference, let me find a picture of the back case
I still have a 2009 Aspire where the CPU, GPU, RAM and HDD are all upgrade-able. A simple PCMCIA card even added two USB 3.0 ports.
@Pavel You misunderstand me. This is surplus that I bought at one of their surplus sales.
The back cover comes off with one screw. The hard drive comes out with one screw as well.
The hard drive's little bracket thing coes off with one screw.
The hard drive is always easily replaceable on any computer, the RAM is usually too. However every other component is likely welded in place.
The CPU can be easily interchanged by just removing one screw, taking off hte cooler (4 screws), releasing the PGA socket, slotting in the new one, then reversing the steps.
That's actually pretty neat.
It is
This is one of the most upgradeable laptops I've owned.
You can try to replace the screen if you want, but unless it's designed in a way that it too is upgradeable, you are likely to destroy the laptop. It's probably not worth it.
@Pavel You'd be surprised. I once had a laptop that didn't have a removable cover on top of the hard drive or the RAM. Complete disassembly was required to get to either of them.
There are actually gaming laptops with MXM GPUs and desktop CPUs that are insanely expensive but even more upgradeable.
@Pavel I have successfully removed the screen unit from this laptop once.
Granted, it was quite old, so that was probably a factor
I don't think that replacing it would damage it too much.
Then you know what you're doing, and can go ahead.
Also, this laptop screen is also extremely easy to take off (4-5ish screws and the cable). I've even used it without a screen before (basically in the style of old home computers that were housed in a keyboard)
Personally, what I did is bought a monitor and connected it via HDMI. Plugged in a mouse and keyboard, boom, neat two-monitor set up. Unplug everything, boom, portable.
Programming on that laptop was always an adventure. I had a very weird bug happen in a program that I spent hours trying to track down. Upon further inspection, the bug was caused by one of the RAM sticks coming loose.
These things are basically tanks as well, I've heard stories of them being dropped down stares and completely surviving. (they have accelerometers in the HDD bay)
Is it a thinkpad?
@Pavel yeah but even if it's portable, I would want a higher screen resolution
@Pavel No. Thinkpads are actually a pain to take apart.
This is a Dell Latitude E6410.
I know, I have three bricked thinkpads.
But thinkpads are the ones that I think of that have the 'indestructible' property.
Picture of the back removed: (Pulled off a website)
Like, you could drive over a ThinkPad in a truck and the hard drive would survive.
You could drop it out of a 4th story window, and only need to replace the screen.
I cannot believe that, because I dropped a T61, the audio stopped working, and the hard drive crashed
@DestructibleWatermelon ?
IDK, my friend has only tested floor 4
The Panasonic Toughbook line is supposedly extremely resiliant to damage
I've never owned one, so I can't speak for the accuracy of that claim
<insert glasses pun here>
also, would it be feasible to replace a keyboard iwth a back lit model, such as this
(The keyboard slides out with, you guessed it, two screws. I've done it before)
Apparently, ThinkPads are used by Nasa in space.
@Pavel so if something breaks, they have to remove 200 screws and they get lost in weightlessness?
ThinkPads have been tested to survive being run over by a truck, getting dropped out of fourth-story windows, being fully submerged in water and being rapidly frozen and reheated.
The point is that it won't break.
@Pavel Components fail randomly
@Pavel Mine broke
My Wi-Fi card burned out a few weeks ago.
I had to order a new one to replace it. I got an upgraded version which supports 802.11ac
At least the older large laptops. The netbooks are flimsy AF, those can collectively go to hell.
What do you think about W530

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