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sumFibs(n) -> red(《(n) ->
                     {n in [0 1]: 1
                     {#(n - 1) + #(n - 2)
                  》[to n] (a b) -> a + b)
But why are they so skinny?
How many bracket characters are there?
and where can I find them?
Any Haskell wizards around?
Just (), [], {} and 《》
Or like so other good replacement for the last one
I used to have <> as a pair but I figured it would be hard to parse
Since they're used quite often
sumFibs(n) -> red(«(n) ->
                     {n in [0 1]: 1
                     {#(n - 1) + #(n - 2)
                  »[to n] (a b) -> a + b)
Orrite I think I have it
That character is pretty good
Markdown uses backquotes for code formatting; however, when I'm talking in places which don't have a markup syntax, I tend to use «» to delimit code, because it's unambiguous around an ASCII language, widely supported, and easy to type
ooh, lots of brackets (sorta): ⌊ ⌋ ⌈ ⌉ ⌜⌝ ⸤ ⸥ ⸢ ⸣ ⟦ ⟧
oh, hmm, it does work
@ais523 «» is used for names of books and stuff in Chinese
just trying to write a backquote inside code quotes is hard (impossible?) on SE chat; backquote backslash backquote backquote is the most obvious method, but IIRC it doesn't work; testing now: `
and `\` would be a backslash?
apparently the chat is better at escaping than the main site :-P
@Qwerp-Derp they're quote marks in French, too (and the other way round, in German)
‹ › exists too
different from < >
@MistahFiggins Too similar to <>
I could use ⟦ ⟧, they look nice
But then I might need to define my own charpage for this
Or I could just say that those count as 1 byte
Yeah I'll use ⟦ ⟧
⟬ ⟭ ⦃ ⦄ ⦅ ⦆ ⦇ ⦈ ⦉ ⦊ are all similar
@MistahFiggins Nah the square bracket thingos look better
Wha? there are all sorts of brackets ⦕ ⦖ ⧼ ⧽ ❮ ❯
I agree
Or I can just have a normal [] thing which is defined by a function
That could be a sequence in my lang
how is this even a thing: ༼ ༽
So something like [(n)->n]
And that would be the sequence [0 1 2 3 4...]
This looks good too: 〖〗
«In russian, is used instead of quotation marks in every context when typing on a computer»
Chinese has both《》for texts and “” for speech
I feel like you could create super-mini-flak with all these brackets
A bracket is a tall punctuation mark typically used in matched pairs within text, to set apart or interject other text. Used unqualified, brackets refer to different types of brackets in different parts of the world and in different contexts. The matched pair may be described as opening and closing, or left and right symbols. Brackets include round brackets/parentheses, square brackets, curly brackets/braces, angle brackets, and various other pairs of symbols. In addition to referring to the class of all types of brackets, the unqualified word bracket is most commonly used to refer to a specific...
A list of a bunch
Even vertical ones: ⎴ ⎶ ⎵
@MistahFiggins Wouldn't be mini-flak then, would it?
Hugh Mungus-flak
imagine brainflak but as an actual language people use
in commercial projects
Who made brain-flak
DJMcMayhem, WheatWizard, and 1000000000
let me just write up a sample serious flak program or something
hmmmm, first new thing serious-flak (which is what it would be called) needs is functions
@DJMcMayhem Brainflak feature request: we found all the brackets, clearly additional functionality can be inserted.
but how would you store functions
nah it probably wasn't that great an idea
What is that?
No idea
True form of zalgo or something
What character sets can be replaced entirely?
Maybe we can have mini-flak, but change some stuff around, like for example change <...> to variable declaration
Or something like that
You guys want to work on some cool language together?
CMC: Find unicode character with highest genus. e.g. % scores 2
Variables can be vertical brackets since you can't really match them. Or make a 2d language. Both are fine.
@HelkaHomba probably some cuneiform or pictogram thing
ideograph I mean
@HelkaHomba Would that be a valid challenge? given a unicode character, output it's genus?
@HelkaHomba score: 112
@MistahFiggins Depends on the font and colors, but too many characters I'd say anyway.
I made Sandcastle, which is based off of sandpiles
@MistahFiggins But we have some stuff like that codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/35310/…
I might use it but it's really complicated to use
Cool to both of you
@betseg Did ya know your first golf question was mine
What character is that?
@MatthewRoh yep
I've just read
(I got a notification from your ping)
@MistahFiggins something related to unicode.org/cldr/utility/character.jsp?a=2593 ?
That's pretty nice, A great user's first golf question was mine
blushes great? umm
░▒▓( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@betseg no it is not
its less than that
I'll make a code language called "math"
genus is 45
in some of them I guess
"Math" has lots of mathematical functions, but lacks basic functions. kek
in the one here anyway
so, It'd be a challenge for people to use the language
@betseg sure
I need help making my language agnostic koth
> agnostic
@DestructibleWatermelon oops miscounted, but still, I count 66 with my font
I wonder how many characters, although not considered brackets, have mirror representations: ᢰ ᢱ ⇄ ⇆ ⇖ ⇗
@betseg I count 60
oops wrong
50 cause open genuses
84 if counted open ones, 66 if I don't. Fonts are weird.
open ones aren't genuses...
I'm fairly sure there is no such thing as an open genus
is it this? I count 45...
also genuses is not a thing
you don't count the genus of an object
you count what genus it is
What do you think about a programming language (esolang?) which has lots of mathematical functions but lacks some basic functions
> the value of an orientable surface's genus is equal to the number of "holes" it has
I'll call it "Math"
wouldn't it just be a lang thats annoying to use for printing?
@MistahFiggins ^^ 66 with my font
I only see 50 on mine
Guys, I'm solving a regex crossword rn, do any of the symbols in [#?]!*[:?;] mean anything special or is it just literally those characters to match.
Well, fak.
Do you think we can solve codegolf with "Math"?
I have no idea what it means
What any of the symbols stand for
I think it matches ; #:; :; #; but I know almost nothing about regex
@Pavel obviously they have to be special or what would the point of a crossword that tells you exactly the answer
see a regex tutorial
Ok, I know that []* are obviously special, but I'm not sure about the rest of them.
@Pavel Paste it into regex101.com
Oh, thanks!
kek cheats
The [] means one char from the groups and the * means 0 or more exclamation marks
@Pavel the length? three?
@Pavel They are not special in the way they are used in that particular regex
@HelkaHomba Does that mean ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‌​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‌​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‌​!!!!!!!? will match?
Assuming the !s are on the same line, yes, but you didn't have to spam so many to give an example :P
Ok, I knew that, but I thought ? was a special symbol
@MatthewRoh Yes, that would match. (But that might also qualify as chat noise) ((What SP said))
I guess not in this context
What does [NOTAD]* mean?
Any amount of times, N or O or T or A or D
? is usually, but remember that inside a character class [] what counts as special changes drastically
I'm doing regex crosswords
Yeah, me too
Dang they're hard af
@Pavel It can be used for non matching groups and non-greedy * and +, but yeah, not in []
Ok, ty
meaning of []+?
@MatthewRoh + is one or more times
@MatthewRoh No characters repeated 1 or more times. Meaningless I guess?
What [] does depends on which regex flavour you're using
I mean I know that there exist regex flavors that aren't PCRE, but I haven't heard of them.
.(.)\1 ._.
Any character, two of the same character, space, any character, literal _, any character
An example would be .NET, which is what Retina uses as backend. Then you have stuff like ECMAScript, Python, etc. which have slightly different implementations of regex.
@Pavel ignore the ._. kek
() make a capturing group, \ is a backreference. It matches exactly what the first capturing group matched.
Dang why are these so hard
They are even harder than code golf
Maybe I should make a question about regex crosswords
@Pavel Do you agree?
something is up with this regex crossword...
Seems intresting enough.
@MatthewRoh Probably
Automated regex crossword solver
That'd be great
Have fun golfing, use any regex flavor (for fairness)
but hard af
Brute force?
kek maybe
when you solve a regex crossword because you know what the message is
but those regex langs (what was its name?) will definitely be better
ah, retina, right
Not sure if dennis remembers me
IO would look like width, height, {regexes that match rows}, {regexes that match columns)
@Pavel like:
Presumable the regexes are String arrays
Q: Pen Pineapple Apple Pen... with your own pens, pineapples and apples

n4melyh4xorPrelude: This challenge is different from "another cat program". There's literal tons of different twists, why can't I have my own, people? Unique things: It isn't reading direct input to output. It is manipulating the string in a way that for sure isn't a straight-up cat. Challenge: Give...

I somehow read "pens" as "penis"
@DestructibleWatermelon Do you remember the ppcg podcast which had a big plan but never been recorded
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x614008fc, pid=1260, tid=0x00000224
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_101-b13) (build 1.8.0_101-b13)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (25.101-b13 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  [ig9icd32.dll+0x2508fc]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
Is that a segfault? I did not know that Java could segfault.
Would you spend $13000 on buying an exact replica of pewdiepie's PC
wat? no

Adam MiszczakToday I decided to continue working on a program that I had created for my Computer Science class. Upon running it, I am greeted with this in the console: # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00007ffeb23c7510, p...

it looks like graphics crashed
I guess. I spent some time trying to reproduce, was unable.
What's \W?
@Qwerp-Derp Non word characters.
Everything not in [a-zA-Z0-9_]
@BryanHarrington Since PC points to an invalid address, the closest frame should be retrieved from the stack. Top of stack usually holds the return address on a call. In this case it is 00007ffeb21675d7, which lies in the range of 0x00007ffeb2140000 - 0x00007ffeb2348000 belonging to C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll (see dynamic libraries section). — apangin Nov 23 '15 at 21:39
or maybe some other dll
@MatthewRoh Possibly, due to the greater fool theory
but probably not
if I had more money and I was older
I would say no because it is a replica
@Pavel Hahaha, that's awesome. Idk, maybe that can be a derivative
You should ask @WheatWizard about it, he'd love the idea
@DestructibleWatermelon Its the exact same thing tho
its not worth that much if it is a replica
actually if it is a perfect replica it could be considered art
yeah I'm not really an investor
"Perfect" hmm
@DestructibleWatermelon twitch.tv/maingear/v/116083215
@DestructibleWatermelon maingear.com/boutique/pc/… Buy it
why is this regex crossword answer not right
that moment when a regex crossword clue matches every string...
why are there so many nonclues?
I think this site doesn't work
wait nvm
but still why all the nonclues
now they aren't even trying to hide it
.*[GAF]* is equal to .*
um that doesn't look like a regex
It's syntactically valid regex in most flavours, if that's what you're concerned about
I was fairly sure brackets had to be matched
also there is a player regex called checkmate, atheists
and it involves chess pieces :P
Closing ] with no matching [ is a literal ] :P Ditto for }
well, I can tell you it didn't include a ]
Yeah, well ]* could be 0 ]s
I'll look back at the puzzle
regex y u so slow
Surely matching a single character against [0-9] isn't resource intensive.
I finally finished the interpreter for my programming language
@Sp3000 So ] == ]:P ?
@Sp3000 } == ] ?
Input is taken implicitly line-by-line in both a-z and A-Z, where a-z stores lines as string literals and A-Z attempts to parse each line as JSON, and uses that if successful. The entire input is also stored in _ as the array a-z and $ as the array A-Z with unsuccessful parses replaced with undefined
Also, output is implicitly printed by last statement unless the statement has a return value of undefined
Otherwise, it works exactly like JavaScript
the thing about regex crosswords is its really annoying when you take your time with it and it ends up wrong
@flawr So you want to nominate me simply because of a time zone? :p
TBH I would rather not be nominated
more regex crossword stuffups
tfw your code doesn't work because of one stupid mismatched parenthesis
Hah, been there
Is there a way to search for questions that are open to languages and versions created after the challenge?
Challenges such as Hello World are open to languages created after the challenge, but you can still post Beam answers in other challenges by marking your answer "non-competing" in the header
I knew about "non-competing", I was just wondering if there was a query for such challenges that are open.
What do you think about a programming language where it lacks basic functions but has tons of math functions
As crazy as... Matlab?
@MatthewRoh Haven't you already said this at least 5 times in the past 24 hours?
I think...?
@PatrickRoberts No. crazier than matlab.
iOS such evil
Yes, android is much better than iOS
iOS puts people in jail
jailbreaking takes hours
besides rooting android phones take seconds
but apple says they always make good stuff
is Jail "good stuff"
If you think jail is good stuff
I have an idea for a KotH question
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/107579/64499 Guys, do you think using external data should be banned?
@MatthewRoh I'm sure you can express your opinion without using offensive comparisons to conditions
I think so, but sometimes using offensive stuff is needed
Offensive phrasing is not welcome here
This chatroom has a "Be nice" policy ppcg.github.io/chatiquette
@LuisMendo Ok, too busy with MATLing?:)
@Fatalize The timezeone was only one of the criteria:)
@LuisMendo I actually thought you were in a different timezone o_O TIL
Should I make a question about being given the sequence, outputting the nearest sequence number on OEIS
For example if you input [1,2,3,4,5] it outputs A000027
btw hi flawr
And make it a where the winning criterion is the number of sequences you can handle
You'd have to define "nearest", but even then I don't see it as a particularly interesting challenge since it'll either be hard coding every sequence or just a web request
@Sp3000 I'll make them do a web request. you were exactly right.
http://oeis.org/search?fmt=text&q=[sequence-here] outputs text data of the search result
@flawr Yes, Spain is in the "wrong" time zone. I think it is to match with most of the rest of Europe
@LuisMendo I just looked it up and found a beautiful map, it seems most of europe is in the "wrong" timezone (compared to the longitude).
Yeah, but Spain is extra wrong.
Timezone anarchy in Nepal...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilFind square sum products integer math It's possible to find sets of three numbers whose product including their sum is a square number. Examples: (3 + 2 + 1) * 3 * 2 * 1 = 6² (3 + 3 + 2) * 3 * 3 * 2 = 12² (4 + 4 + 1) * 4 * 4 * 1 = 12² (9 + 8 + 1) * 9 * 8 * 1 = 36² (8 + 5 + 5) * 8 * 5 * 5 = 60²...

I went across a good topic for a question
Make a replica of QWOP
Hello TuxJet
The only QWOP question here is about making an AI
So making a replica of the game might be a good question
TuxBicycle -> TuxCar -> TuxCopter -> TuxDrone -> TuxJet -> TuxMissile -> TuxRocket -> TuxAntimatter
You'll probably need to define exactly what criteria to use to check that a submission counts as a replica
Good point
1 hour later…
@flawr Funny that China is in the same time zone all across
Let's see how Russia does with that...
This is amazing: shadertoy.com/view/4ttSWf
(if you can't run it, here's a video)
@mınxomaτ thanks for making my browser crash :D
My browser died too
@mınxomaτ Where can you see the actual source?
mine not :)
@flawr Well, right on the shadertoy page. I don't know what you mean.
Click "Buf A"
@mınxomaτ I see just 5 lines, is that everything?
The editor has tabs.
Hm I just get a red screen full of errors.
Let's try another browser=)
rip chrome
Runs fine in chrome for me. With an Intel HD on linux.
Weird, it crash FF but it works with Chrome
@mınxomaτ Really nice, it seems it's about 1000 lines of code, it is just amazing=) Reminds me of those demos where the goal was making awesome movies including sound with programs that were as small as possible=)
The demoscene is still alive and kicking. Revision is coming up again.
Wow, I didn't know this is still a thing!
It's growing in fact.
The Assembly Summer also has a demoscene area: assembly.org/summer15/demoscene
I have an idea for a challenge from a question on SO: Given a black and white image with blobs, draw the edges of the blobs. So this becomes something like this (but you can chose whether you want to draw the edges outside the blobs or inside the blobs)
The term you are looking for is edge detection
Given, your problem is far easier and objective than traditional edge detection
What do you mean by "traditional"?
Traditional edge detection doesn't detect anything, it simply applies a filter with blend control.
... what does that mean?
In real photographs, you don't have distinct edges. There could be a gradient that would be an edge, and you have multiple colors to deal with
@KritixiLithos Here's an explanation: youtu.be/03VykHAi_B4?t=235
@mınxomaτ Ah, that is indeed more difficult that what I was suggesting
That's much simpler.
It's a single condition for each pixel.
I wasn't going to post it anyways, I'm too lazy to work out the kinks of a challenge
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ can you help me out with nikto please?
It's on a indev page which needs credentials sent to a link as post before accessing, and I have no idea how to do that on nikto
@KritixiLithos I think many if not most languages do have built ins for various forms of edge detection.
@flawr ... Which set of languages are you talking about?
I know of many languages that do not have built-ins for any form of edge detection.
@wizzwizz4 Thinking of it, probably not most languages, but still a lot. But probably most langauges that have some scientific use.

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