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It's interesting how many sites have "magic numbers" passed as URL parameters.
It's almost as though people want to be not paid to change them.
do you have an example
Q: Its Raining in terminal!

hashcode55Challenge Description You have to show a simulation of rain in terminal. In the example given below its adding 100 raindrops at random coordinates, waiting for 0.2 seconds and then redrawing again until the given time expires. Any character can be used for representing the raindrop. Parameter...

what the heck
@Poke Yup.
Star it if you thought that was interesting.
Share it (with your URL instead, if you like!) if you want to troll.
Wait what
stupid ads...
that's so insecure...
Why are they all pointing towards retrocomputing?
this is why i use an adblocker
@KritixiLithos look at the "ref" query param
@wizzwizz4 That's hilarious.
The thought occurs that with 4 RO's being chosen, and only 4 nominations, it's likely everyone who runs just wins. There should be some threshold that must be reached, and if 4 people don't reach it, we don't get 4 new ROs.
I'm sure there will be a few more nominations
@Pavel i don't think anyone confirmed 4 would be chosen
or that any would, tbh
I guess that's up to the current mods.
Well, I know they are discussing it
2 hours ago, by Dennis
@DJMcMayhem True. I'll consult the others.
Geobits should nominate himself, so the rest of us can downvote him.
@Pavel The nomination post has only been up for a few hours. Give it time - I'm sure we'll have more than 4 nominations.
i'd probably nominate geobits but i assume he'd decline
Geobits is already a RO
I use floating point numbers so rarely in Brachylog that I just now realized that all my exp/ln/cos/sin/tan/acos/asin/atan/cosh/sinh/tanh/acosh/asinh/atanh builtins don't actually work
@BusinessCat for real?
news to me
A: Should we have additional room owners?

DennisWe agree with your concerns and that having additional room owners would help covering both time zones and the volume of posted messages. Effective immediately, we've appointed the following users as room owners of The Nineteenth Byte. Let us thank them for volunteering, and may the odds ...

so he is
well i guess i'm wrong on 2 accounts
didn't remember his name in blue
Room owners don't have blue names - their names are italicized
Only diamond moderators have blue names
well maybe that's why i didn't notice
El'Endia was blue.
Isn't he just an RO?
@Pavel Elendia is a diamond moderator on Christianity
Being a moderator on one site means you're a moderator for all of SE chat
@Mego I'm pretty sure it's just Christianity.*SE*, unless he got promoted big time ;)
@mınxomaτ You didn't hear? :P
My ultimate dream with chat is to make TNB the standard for acceptable chat behavior. If we can define a solid chatiquette, enforce it fairly, and show that it works, I would love for it to become the model for the rest of the network. Then, we could actually use chat flags to deal with unacceptable behavior that isn't spam or offensive.
Isn't it statistically extremely unlikely that something at the edge of a spectrum (TNB being one of the most active rooms) becomes the standard for anything?
Just kidding, I agree.
TNB is one of the most active rooms, which is why we're dealing with these problems, more so than other rooms on the network. If we can solve them, then the solution can work across the entire network.
AFAIK not even SO rooms are more active. SO chat in general is pretty bad.
SO chat is a lot less active than SE chat because it's on a separate server
I don't think whatever works here could ever work for the entire network.
@Pavel JavaScript room is way more active
SO may be the most popular site on the network, but it is considerably less popular than the rest of the network combined.
A: Print number triangle

Moreno VBA 1 Byte Sub Triangulo() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim n As Long n = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Dame el numero", Type:=1) For i = 1 To n For j = 1 To i Debug.Print j Next j Next i End Sub

Often, I'll leave for 5 minutes, come back with 20 messages here, and more like 60 in JavaScript
I don't think the user intends to answer seriously...
Voting to delete
what would be an appropriate flag for that?
@mınxomaτ I think it could. General rules like "don't disrupt conversations" are a good thing to have network-wide. IMO, that falls under Be Nice.
@TrojanByAccident Custom mod flag
Some other rooms have a vastly different idea of what that means and will probably not react well if someone tries to take that away.
@Mego Thanks. I was just about to link to that. meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/8750/34718
@Mego k
@mbomb007 lol
> or, in general, writing code that Code Review would like.
@mınxomaτ That looks really cool
@mınxomaτ "Room culture" is not an excuse for otherwise-unacceptable behavior. If the SE overlords choose to set stronger network-wide rules on acceptable behavior in chat, chat rooms will have to fall in line.
I know.
@Mego I first read that as "fall in love"
But the idea of "interrupting conversations" is absolutely room-dependent. Maybe even more dependent on size than topic.
@mbomb007 "You'll love these 11 new rules. Number 2 is totally crazy!".
@Poke The current ROs are also visible on the "Info" link in the upper-right of the room.
if randall munroe vanished off the face of the planet but had a decently-sized comic queue, how long do you think it would take for us to notice?
i'm asking for a friend
@GabrielBenamy 1789 comics. Or thereabouts.
@GabrielBenamy What if Randall Munroe...
@wizzwizz4 it "updated" briefly in december of last year but it was taken down before I got to read it because it wasn't done yet, and it hasn't been updated since.
@GabrielBenamy Hmm...
Why's the site down?
What site?
what-if isn't down, the article that got posted prematurely was.
/the site/whatif.xkcd.com/s
> 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
Still down...
it's what-if not whatif
Is that a troll DNS record?
Fun fact: Use xkcd.net to browse xkcd.com with the wrong SSL cert.
@mınxomaτ Ooh! :-)
Sounds fun.
why does French have so many articles and gendered things
@wat Why doesn't English?
@wizzwizz4 simpler i guess
although modern English is derived partially from Norman French (I think)
@wat Except it's a Germanic language...
It's really quite strange.
@wizzwizz4 yeah it's sort of a mixture
i guess
We should scrap it.
We're programmers; we'll think of something better.
from now on, only messages in esperanto will be acknowledged by TNB
@GabrielBenamy And Lojban.
(For the bots among us.)
what about ido?
@wizzwizz4 Mi bedaŭras, mi ne komprenas vin
... And I suppose English too, for the humans... But as little as possible.
lol i like the fish picture
@wat It's the right one.
@wizzwizz4 No, it's actually just the previous record. It should still be working though.
@wizzwizz4 ?
I knew the answer
@mınxomaτ It is.
I'm still getting a 503
@mınxomaτ what-if.xkcd.com
@wizzwizz4 That is not what I'm talking about.
@mınxomaτ Oh.
What are you getting a 503 on?
The no-dash URL.
You know that Millions of People are Cancelling Their Netflix Account page that's at the top of the starboard right now? Turns out you can inject whatever into the page
@StevenH. Look at the starboard.
Safe Web Dev 101: Don't do that
@mınxomaτ The no-dash URL doesn't work.
I don't know why; perhaps it never did.
I mean, you don't just link someone somewhere else
@wizzwizz4 That's what I literally just said. You should click the reply link on my message.
12 mins ago, by wizzwizz4
Is that a troll DNS record?
4 mins ago, by mınxomaτ
@wizzwizz4 No, it's actually just the previous record. It should still be working though.
@StevenH. Your code injection is nothing compared to the shittyness of MSEDGE, which just displays literally Hi, The Nineteenth Byte!/click" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
@GabrielBenamy That's why I provided it.
@GabrielBenamy Won't even load
@Pavel you've got a dialog box to deal with
@GabrielBenamy What is that supposed to do? It just prints the code, nothing is executed.
Oh, sorry @Pavel add a < to the end of the ref param to get rid of the /click, etc
@mınxomaτ it inserts a script tag that pops up an alert window with he word "loser" inside it. for every link.
Not for me
My friend figured out that schoology, the website my school uses, is subject to xss. He could have displayed whatever he wanted onto every persons homepage, but he was a nice person and just told schoology about it... in a way.
@GabrielBenamy Nope. Because there are no links anymore.
You've invalidated the HTML
it worked for me, at least.
@GabrielBenamy Browser?
It worked for me too, but only on page load
This is how it looks like in chrome.
@GabrielBenamy You should've added a <a href=" to the end.
That'll fix the problem.
@wizzwizz4 Nope. Still no alert box when I click a link. I just opens "thisurl.com/click".
@muddyfish Nope, nothing.
It doesn't work in opera
Nothing so far did anything on my end. It just opens howfinancedaily.com/click in a new tab.
@mınxomaτ What browser are you on?
Chrome contains a XSS reflector blocker.
> jquery
So none of this will work.
ok i'm done
Chrome blocks these types of "attacks" by default.
Default implies you can disable it?
That's actually a really good feature
Default doesn't imply anything.
E.g. "working" is a default condition for Chrome. You can change that. With a hammer for example.
'default' usually applies to settings
adios, I'm heading home and straight to bed.
@wizzwizz4 So, I've checked the server. xkcd.com recently switched over to Fastly as a CDN. The old "unprotected" nginx server is deprecated, which is where the old "whatif." domain points.
I just published my programming language npmjs.com/package/bean-js
I tested it on a few production minified files (like jquery) and it compresses the byte count by around 15% beyond what minification can do. Unfortunately for golfed ES6 submissions though, I found out it tends to make the byte count around 10 bytes larger because of the constant overhead.
You should make a language for the time capsule (or submit that one, possibly)
I'm still working on the gh-pages fork to make a public test suite for the language
J / Jelly users, the gauntlet is thrown. I'm expecting scores of at least 4000.
@MistahFiggins for the first field on that link, do I just put chat.stackexchange.com/users/137752?
@PatrickRoberts You could just put "Patrick Roberts (137752)"
here is what other people wrote, for reference.
@PeterTaylor That's really impressive. Well done.
Anyone have a template handy for a test suite HTML document where I can just paste my interpreter?
@PeterTaylor Daaaaaamn that's impressive
@StevenH. did you not read the context of that chat message? i think we discussed that, haha
@wat Same with Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Greek, ...
@wat Because why not
Someone here: "let's stop talking about politics, it's off-topic and annoying. "
Reaction: "yeah, alright"
Essentially me in javascript room: "Can we stop talking about politics? It's off-topic, controversial, and annoying."
Reaction: "there's no topic for this room" "politics is fine" "any other topic that can be disagreed on is also controversial" etc
@Poke Reading the context only told me that it put in the website, and the only comment about the possibility of XSS is your "That's so insecure...". Figured I should point it out more explicitly.
fair enough
@TrojanByAccident Link? I can get Undo to smite them with cleansing holy fire
@quartata lol I guess you can have the link
Oh that's not quite as bad as you made it sound.
I assumed they were fighting which would go against the new politics Meta SE policy not just being off topic
@mınxomaτ that's why my xkcd reader didn't work
@Fatalize @LuisMendo Would you mind getting nominated as a TNB room owner or even nominating yourself? (I think you both would fit timezone wise.)

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