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@mınxomaτ Sounds good, but I think the higher harmonics aren't loud enough, causing the sound to be muddy. The attacks are also strange - they sound too sharp for finger plucking, but not sharp enough for picking.
actually, should the KOTH inform bots of missed shots and successful shots?
I need help with this probably
@MartinEnder Thanks to you, I've started reading GPP and even the intro chapter is great.
> However, note that I’m not saying simple code takes less time to write. You’d think it would since you end up with less total code, but a good solution isn’t an accretion of code, it’s a distillation of it.
booting up factorio for the first time in a while
starting from the beginning
is there a factorio room?
@DestructibleWatermelon A quick search doesn't bring up any. Feel free to start one.
Is there a vr.se?
arqade would be the appropriate site right?
@ATaco Not that I know of, but I think questions about VR would be on-topic at several sites depending on the specific subject matter.
Hmm, I was just thinking as I'd like a community of fellow VR enthusiests.
Q: Hex Dump your Source Code

ATacoWhen code-golfing there will be times where you need a Hex Dump of your code, usually because you've used unprintable characters. So, why not make a program that Hex Dumps itself? The Challenge This challenge is to, given no input, output a Hex Dump of your source code in the following formatti...

I guess because it started with an F?
Yeah, SE's chat room topic-dupe check isn't all that good.
@DestructibleWatermelon what did you try to make?
ah, factorio
@ATaco xkcd oneboxes >.<
I care not for Autooneboxing
I trust nothing
@MartinEnder I've been reading through that book. It's really good.
Is there a way to adapt any of quantum physics to a discrete grid, say, the kind often found in KOTHs?
@PhiNotPi Hmm, that seems like a tall order. My sense of quantum physics is that it's almost intrinsically continuous.
any is pretty open though
I think it's possible... but I don't know how to do it. The configuration space is now discrete/finite.
That said, I'm sure you could work out a way to ahem quantize stuff...
"quantize"? wouldn't it 'quantumize"?
IS this for an upcoming KOTH?
@Pavel it can be, if you want.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No, quantize is the verb, quanta is the noun, and quantum is the adjective.
It sounds cool, but also like too much effort.
@PhiNotPi Perhaps you can use something like rasterization, but on the waveform function?
@PhiNotPi Trying to find a simpler example... this might be pretty complicated, but the basic idea behind how the photons in that experiment work is fairly easy
Each time light reflects off of a mirror it shifts about 90 degrees... if it's exactly out of phase in a particular direction, it's destructive interference, and no light gets through... though I don't have a really clear idea how to exploit this for a challenge
Probably can explain just that effect classically too, so probably a matter of opinion if it'd count as "QM"
You could move to 3d, full out do limited forms of QM with matrices, and, well, exclude 99% of participants
@El'endiaStarman my current best idea is to approximate it like that... have something that's not continuous but which looks like a rasterized wavefunction.
then, I can use the guiding equation to allow all particles to have a definite position at all times.
the result should be something that looks a lot like quantum physics, ideally allowing for something that looks like the double slip experiment to work.
Anyone have any UI feedback?
yes, you should have the percentage enabled on the top right. :P
@Downgoat What are you making?
It's kinda like a calendar but for managing fixed schedules (i.e. your school schedule)
make the times more prominent?
@Downgoat instead of start and end use -
oh good idea
–, not -
Ranges of numbers use en dash
Need to show day of the week and month/day at least
@HWalters At the top where it says "Today" it will say "Monday", "Tuesday", etc. when not on the current day
@Pavel oh yes, thanks :D
@Downgoat It would be nice to show day of the week even if it is today
Might have a daily schedule, look at it, and forget today's Thursday
@HWalters Agreed. Perhaps "Today (Sunday)" would be good for that purpose.
And for that matter, other days could be "Jan 16, 2017 (Monday)".
@El'endiaStarman Hm... okay, I'll try that out, but I'm afriad that much text won't fit in the title
and the actual number date under it
Wait, this is for repeating stuff, right?
small gray
Thursday's really important... when Thor gets mad that I missed something, it's painful
@Maltysen That isn't really applicable since it's more of a "week" calendar meaning you say every Monday I do A, B, and C. Every Tuesday I do D, C, and E, etc.
O_o apparently the iPhone simulator ran out of battery
@Downgoat Um...you mean the simulated iPhone ran out of battery? o.O
@El'endiaStarman yes
@Downgoat Well, props for realism, I guess?
How does that even work? Why would it simulate that?
I'm writing an interpreter for Shushi in java. Does anyone know how to build it so it can be called as Sushi [code] instead of java Sushi.jar [code]?
or shell script
Well, I need it to act like that when I give other people the interpreter.
When I installed python, it didn't ask me to execute alias python [whatever] in my console.
well you can give em a shell script
As you can see, I'm kind of new to this whole thing...
e.g. install.sh
@El'endiaStarman Actually that's pretty cool. Presumably it's for testing battery usage of apps.
time to make some actual factory production things in factorio
It's been a while since I did this
How's the Koth coming along?
ehhh, IDK
kind of nearly done
You could probably finish it up quickly and post it.
don't think I could
Still, wouldn't want that work to go to waste, right?
I'll finish it up some time
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Thanks for the accept.
Rolling in that sweet Arqade rep
If I actually bothered to answer questions there I could make some serious bank
1 hour later…
So after looking at this challenge I made a solution that simply displays an image using as few colours as possible as accurately as possible.
Bear, in only 8 colours.
Only 6 colours used for this.
I'll stop showing them off, but I'm fairly proud of this.
That's pretty cool.
They look a lot better when you remove the cell number restriction ;)
But it's nowhere near as interesting
what happens with only 2 colors?
Uh, hold on, I'm currently generating all images from 1 to 32 colours of 'fish'
lol "from 1 to 32" - the first should be pretty boring
I imagine it will be, but it's also, almost counterproductively, the fastest to generate.
It's just the Average Colour of the image.
Sadly it's not a valid contender for the challenge it was built for.
Because this doesn't make for a very good paint by numbers.
according to the url, its called "underwater world" ;P
I saved it as "fish.png"
@ATaco ...and another one pixel cell here...
Buckle up kids, this one'll take a while.
@ATaco well, not with just one color.
I added a version which, after working out the pallet, Gaussian blurs the image by a certain degree. Which although helps, does not solve the issue.
@ATaco You could look for relatively small cells surrounded by the same color to remove. That would lower the cell count (significantly?), but not really fix your problem
I just noticed the small "if" on her dress
Also, Cells don't exist in this algorithm.
@Pavel do you want to help with my koth?
Actually, gonna sleep in a few mins
1 hour later…
@Mego The frequency band is narrow by design. You can use something like the Swäzher Generator to add that and double the guitar in the mix. But I'm working on different emulations for plucking (with human-ish variations).
A Rainmeter plugin has been refusing to work. I think I've found the problem:
> DBUG (07:23:51.001) Torn paper\Weather\Weather.ini - [MeasureCurrent]: Fetching: http://xml.weather.com/weather/local/XXXXnnnn:1:XX?cc=*&unit=m&dayf=1
ERRO (07:23:54.616) Torn paper\Weather\Weather.ini - [MeasureCurrent]: RegExp matching error (-1)
I forgot the bots were supposed to have health and made them one hit kills...
Poor crowd, they had paid for it I guess.
I need to fix my code codez
@El'endiaStarman How cool is that?
Q: Neutralize an array

AdámTo neutralize an array, recursively replace all numbers (not digits!) with zeros and all characters (not strings!) with spaces. If your language contains a built-in which does all or most of this task, I would appreciate an additional alternative version without it. The shortest submission in e...

@Downgoat Add your own theme to your app instead of using the standard colours and stuff. Also port it to android since android > iOS
I think I have a challenge idea
Trick this syntax highlighter: tohtml.com
I'm thinking of posting this on main. Last comments?
@Qwerp-Derp That's not a self-contained challenge. It's more about poking that program than actually programming.
Haskell, 3 bytes: a$b. This should be "function a applied to b", so nothing fancy, but the highlighter paints $b in red for some reason.
Hmmm, what about an challenge where you have to recognise languages?
So if the first submission is in Python, it must recognise that the program itself is in Python, and print 1 because Python is the first language.
If the second program is in Ruby, then when it takes itself it outputs 2 because Ruby is the 2nd language, and it must return 1 when given the first submission as input.
You can repeat languages, so the next submission can be Python.
Whaddya think?
There's the Hello World quiz which is basically recognising languages
Q: Split arrays and programs in half

ZgarbIntroduction You have been tasked to write a program that splits a rectangular integer array evenly in half (for whatever reason). This task is computationally intensive, but luckily you have a dual-core machine to perform the calculations. To maximize the benefits of parallelism, you decide to ...

That could be interesting. I'm not sure about the language recognition part though. You could require that when answer i is given answer j <= i as input, it should print j.
So "answer chain self-recognition" or something.
Reminds me of the meta-regex chain.
nvm I misunderstood the problem
@Zgarb Yeah, it's kinda inspired off of that
But I like the answer recognition thing, what's wrong with it?
What should the first submissions's byte amount be limited to?
Hmm, nothing really, now that I think about it.
I was thinking like it starts off with 50 bytes, and then it multiplies by 1.1 every time a new submission is made.
I really don't know about the bounds...
Best to sandbox it and ask there.
Probably those people who have done answer chain challenges know better.
@Zgarb I think I may have hit another slump
Multiline inputs
What about them?
Actually no it should be fine
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

steenberghIt's time for a clock challenge I'd like you to build me a clock that displays time in this format: 18 ---------- 19 -------------------------------------------------- This displays '18:10'. The current hour and the next hour are shown at the front of the line, followed by a space and a numbe...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Qwerp-DerpDo you know that language? answer-chaining Task: Your challenge is, given previous submissions and itself as input, output the language that they're written in, in the following format: Say the first program is in Ruby. It must output 1, because Ruby is the 1st language used in this challenge....

The Chess SE chatroom's name is really bland
I suggest something like "The Chess Clock" or something like that
Or maybe some reference to tournaments (e.g. Tata, Bilbao)? IDK
Q: Matthew's return to PPCG

Matthew RohOnce upon a time, There was a lord of legendary questions, named Matthew (yep, thats me, and some of you may know me). Unfortunately, he was previously kicked out from PPCG because the lord of StackExchange, used "age restriction" on him. Now, he(I) is back, and about to give you a code golf qu...

@NewMainPosts What that is a bad challenge
I have another idea for how to do a quantum KOTH. What I can do is use the Feynman paths concept in order to determine the probability of any particular world.
@PhiNotPi Quantom KoTH? What? Tell me more.
Here's an incomplete idea for how it could work: each bot is a single particle, with the particles trapped in a box. Bots can decide to move their particle in multiple directions at once. Doing so "splits" the universe into multiple timelines, one for each of the movement options. Using the concept of Feynman paths, these multiple worlds can destructively/constructively interfere depending on the paths that the multiple copies take in the future.
Lets say that a bot "splits" the timeline, but later in time both copies arrive at the same grid square again (not necessarily concurrently). The interference is determined by how much time each copy took to arrive at the common destination.
If the particle's wavelength is X ticks, then constructive interference occurs when the two copies arrive close to a multiple of X ticks apart. Destructive if not.
This isn't exactly like "real" Feynman paths in which a particle takes all possible paths, but I think the bot's ability to control which paths it take can be really useful. As in, you would want to constructively interfere if winning, destructively interfere if losing.
In order to prune the number of parallel universes, an "observation" occurs whenever particles hit the side of the box.
I need to figure out a better way to handle entanglement though.... since the above idea could probably replicate the "normal" double slit experiment, but not most complicated versions (DCQE).
I don't know if there's a way to both prune (necessary for non-ridiculous execution times) and achieve all of quantum effects that I might want.
@KritixiLithos I need halp with linking files
@quartata lol welcome
I was tryign to add up my rep on that site, turns out a quarter of it is from edits alone
Q: Hidden Inversions (Cops' Thread)

Wheat WizardThis is a cops-and-robbers puzzle the robbers' thread can be found here. Your task will be two write two programs that are anagrams of each other and perform each others inverses. These programs may accept and output as many numbers1 as you wish. If you choose take numbers as character points ...

Q: Hidden Inversions (Robbers' Thread)

Wheat WizardThis is a cops-and-robbers puzzle the cops' thread can be found here Your task will be to find an anagram of the provided programs in the cops' thread that performs its proper inverse. Once you crack an answer post the solution as an answer below and notify the original answerer. You will be s...

It just occurred to me that autoresponders could be abused to generate massive spam traffic on GitHub with rouge mail servers. I wonder why that isn't already a problem.
@WheatWizard "You will then present one of the programs in the form of an answer with left inverse hidden for cops to find." You mean robbers?
@NathanMerrill yes sorry
(Nevermind that the roles are reversed anyways)
@Lynn haha your robber is so creative
was that intended or is there a real solution as well
Just finished assisting the assembly of an IKEA shelf
I wonder how they manage to make the instructions not vague at all
I was going to look up the meaning of vauge…
I mean, the spelling of the vowels are a bit unclear from the spoken word...
@flawr Huh, interesting. I wish they had pictures for the other examples though.
@El'endiaStarman Google it=)
OH NO!! it's a danger snek
@WheatWizard Do we have to use bijections on the integers? Can we also do something like "maps an odd integer to an even integer" / "maps an even integer to an odd integer"?
@El'endiaStarman run!
@WheatWizard your cops and robbers is pretty flawed tbh
nothing prevents me from making an invertible mapping that is identity everywhere
@mınxomaτ /r/TFTS has plenty of stories of Reply-All destroying company servers due to the autoresponder loops
except if hash(x) == some_hash it reverses the characters
and there'd be no way of breaking it
except breaking the hash function
@LegionMammal978 Not for me but that's because vague also exists in my native language
@orlp You have to have a solution in mind
@WheatWizard that's trivial with some extra comment characters or other wasted stuff
@Fatalize Brain: "Let's see, it's spoken 'vayg', I guess it would be spelled... 'vauge?'"
@orlp I'm not sure what you mean then
@orlp That's a weakness most/all CnRs have, though, and we haven't found a good way to prevent such solutions yet
@WheatWizard alright ill try to explain it differently
are you familiar with RSA?
I can make a large semiprime, and put it in my answer
@orlp The breaking solution would have to be an anagram
@LegionMammal978 and that's trivial
So the cop would also have to break the function
@flawr Oh neat. Pretty pictures!
So some brute-force code, perhaps?
Just take something sufficiently big so that you can't bruteforce it
But consensus has decided that hash functions are non-injective, anyway
@WheatWizard So you mean an injection on the integers?
@Fatalize As I said, the cop would also need the code
@LegionMammal978 that doesn't matter
you can use them as an oracle to create mappings
just about to launch my first rocket in factorio!
A: Different tasks, same characters

orlpPython, 88 87 bytes lambda n:[a for a in range(11*n)if any(a%b<1for b in range(2,a))][:3*n:3]#1,,,=====bd++ lambda n:[[a*b for b in range(1,n+1)]for a in range(1,n+1)]#,,::ybaaa(*i%n< =====2)d33f f=lambda n,a=1,b=1:a<n and f(n,b,a+b)or n==a#2eerrrfo::((**iii11[[aannn+ ]]y))%33gg f=lambda n,a...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

user2428118Detect Failing Castles ascii-art code-golf decision-problem One of the interesting aspects of gravity is that you can't just have stuff floating in midair. (As far as I know.) However, it seems not everyone at the Association of Random Castle Builders is aware of this fact, leading to castles ...

they are so expensive
look at this answer
it should show you why anagrams are trivial to make
@flawr Yes
@NathanMerrill Have you gotten the secret achievement yet?
And that's why points are awarded based on code size.
@Mego ???
@Mego I haven't launched it yet. Currently building at 51%
but I plan on it
There's a secret achievement in Factorio - So Long And Thanks For All The Fish
right :)
sounds like I should get this game
Its description isn't stated in-game or on Steam
wow spoilers (jk I don't care)
@PhiNotPi Yeah, I was just thinking "Yeah, it's not secret anymore, is it?". :P
Secret means it doesn't tell you how to get it, but you can still see it
From the Steam achievements page: i.imgur.com/1vRBhjG.png
@El'endiaStarman Now it would be very nice to have a way of making those pictures yourself ...
@El'endiaStarman thoughts on above description of a "quantum" KOTH (nevermind the fact that there's no goal yet)?
It's not "hidden", a word which here means "obscured from view until you stumble upon it yourself"
@PhiNotPi I'm not sure I have much to contribute since it seems like you know more about quantum physics than I do at this point. That said, simpler may be better here since simulating the whole of quantum mechanics (so to speak) would probably prove to be too complicated. A solid goal would actually probably help a lot here.
> it seems like you know more about quantum physics
I'm flying by the seat of my pants.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

izlinNumber that includes the amount of digits of itself code-golfnumber Create a number where each digit represents the amount of this digit the number itself contains. Maybe my english is too bad to describe it clearly so here is an example: 8000000010 explanation: 8 -> this number ...

So I have a few ideas for a goal... but not sure if any of them are interesting. First would be travelling around the box to collect randomly-dropped points or something. Alternatively, particles can attack/consume other particles somehow.
I think I could take any regular 2D KOTH idea and make it "quantum".
lambda n:pow(n,65537,349989508137990686900494933573623483035291692205674333155078631305‌​066978589842979253310133751827471598981395320543249919087607841437364350436375469‌​134193948688119158732169428919580120167096249261166012130246086608549378339093701‌​915259645798481190771082729278991747860909572953808785992075733404456109953245659‌​)
@PhiNotPi I think some of the difficulty here is that quantum physics and things that make choices or respond to stimuli are at totally different scales.
@KritixiLithos and use java? hahaha
@WheatWizard can you invert that?
@El'endiaStarman Yeah I agree, there needs to be some form of manipulation that normally wouldn't exist.
@orlp I’m very pleasantly surprised :) lambda x:x/(283795134*3783476/536866039202892) is intended
@Lynn but that's not correct
that returns floats
you didn't specify a domain, so your function will fail at some point
@orlp What does the 3rd argument in pow do?
Isn’t machine precision stuff usually ignored on this website?
@WheatWizard modulo
Otherwise every Lua/JavaScript answer ever is invalid
@Lynn not for when it matters with injective functions / inverses
@orlp Then its not a injective function. It can't be reversed
@WheatWizard it can
the domain is 0 up to but not including the large modulo
On a different topic, let's say I'm talking with someone who's in charge of some huge building with lots of corridors and turns inside it, and they lament that people get lost so often. I can say, "Well, it would probably help to put up more signs.". Note that that "it" in my sentence doesn't refer to anything. (At least, not that I can tell.) I was wondering if this sort of construct exists in German (@flawr) and French (@Fatalize) too.
@Lynn it would be fine if you just said "domain is <however long your floating point solution works>"
but that's a crucial hint that you can't leave out
"Well, [the action of putting up more signs] would probably help."
ah, that's better
Strange. I’ll keep it in mind. The floating point value there is exactly 2.0, but yeah, there’s unrepresentable ints and all.
@El'endiaStarman It would help -> Es würde helfen. Same concept.
@PhiNotPi Hmm, yeah, that makes sense.
In everyday communication that might sound a bit snarky though.
Although I agree that it is a weird grammar construct.
@orlp Do you have an intended solution?
err my small example was flawed
@WheatWizard yes
I didn't bother to make it an anagram
but I can just add comment characters to make it so
@Lynn Oooh, TIL!
@orlp Ok then you have a very nice submission
I don't see the problem
@El'endiaStarman Also: Syntactic expletive
the inverse is too long for this chat room
@orlp shouldn't the inverse have the exact same length? XD
m = 34998950813799068690049493357362348303529169220567433315507863130506697858984297‌​925331013375182747159898139532054324991908760784143736435043637546913419394868811‌​915873216942891958012016709624926116601213024608660854937833909370191525964579848‌​1190771082729278991747860909572953808785992075733404456109953245659
f=lambda n:pow(n,65537,m)
g=lambda n:pow(n,115970705993936337591454414719697385562268556509123454213584502760590727‌​483055833154781007134209459896600088206370709908035254770353446209531658905468943‌​573119328876501289647089636500991525353260043634463865383047533341342142405707990‌​384589913248350857446538034382007241614702728686553534332705801628565672193,m)
g is the inverse of f
And are they anagrams of eachotehr?
no, but that's trivial with comment characters
but seriously
try it in a python interpreter
if you want to find the inverse
you need to factor m
m is a 1024 bit semiprime
(obviously I have given you g here, so I can't reuse this m, but it takes no time at all to generate it)
@orlp Sounds like a good solution!
@WheatWizard I think does not apply if you have an additional winning criterion
@flawr Which question are you talking about?
It doesn't have another winning criterion
Yes, it does! A submission must be uncracked for a week.
@flawr a answer does not have to be safe to be a winning submission just un-cracked
@Qwerp-Derp What do you mean by linking files?
@WheatWizard What is the difference?
@flawr It takes a week to be safe.
So how would you write your winning criterion? If it is not "shortest answer wins", then it is not code-golf.
At least that was the consensus up to now as far as I am aware of.
I'm sure PPCG went out for maintenance for a few seconds...
just finished the game and got the lazy bastard achievement :P
Am I the only one who pronounces "regex" as "rejex"?
@KritixiLithos No, that is correct.
Google always<sup>citation needed</sup> knows what's right
No, I think it's incorrect, since regex is a portmanteau of regular and expression. Regular is pronounced with a hard g AFAIK.
@El'endiaStarman Yes it does, "ça aiderait" is similar
Also, Google pronounces it with a hard g: translate.google.com/#en/en/regular
A wordoid like regex (or regexp) can have a different common pronunciation regardless of the individual parts.
Not saying that one is more correct than the other, just that rejex isn't all that wrong.
Both pronounciations are reported on Wiktionary
I dunno, everyone I've heard says rejex except for this one person in SC class
I pronounce it Reg-ex because to me it's not even a proper word but rather the shortening of regular expression
I heard the hard g more when people refer to the object Regexp (mind the p).
> There can only be one!
is there an OEIS sequence for the number of sandpiles in S for a NxN grid?
(per Numberphile video)
A: Hidden Inversions (Cops' Thread)

orlpPython 2, 225 bytes #((()))****+,,---/000555666888;==oppppppqqqqqw~~ lambda n:pow(n,65537,9273089718324971160906816222280219512637222672577602579509954532420895497077475973192045191331307498433055746131266769952623190481881511473086869829441397) Domain of this function is [0, n), where n is th...

@WheatWizard there you go
by choosing primes p and q in a particular fashion I managed to re-use a lot of digits for the inverse, giving a reasonably small answer.
@flawr it is code golf. shortest answer wins, but being being uncracked is part of the eligibility criterion.
I've always used both the cnr and cg tags when the cops were scored by code golf.
@WheatWizard that said, I'd remove the code golf tag from the robbers thread, because robbers aren't scored by code size.
I didn't realize I put it on there, but it looks like flawr already took it off
@WheatWizard by the way
copy paste my python into an interpreter
and run the function on a number of your choice
@MartinEnder I disagree, we have in the past also removed code-golf tags from questions that used another criterion. Saying that a certain answer is not elligible would mean that we'd have to delete it.
post the result here
I guess it's a special kind of validity criterion that is not part of what an answer needs to satisfy in order to avoid deletion. But it's certainly not the winning criterion, because it doesn't let you order the answers.
@orlp 1072481365839645892
@WheatWizard which one did you choose btw
which answer
@orlp second one
the 64-bit one?
the 64 bit RSA
@WheatWizard your number was 56656
@MartinEnder Then you should probably add the code-golf tag to many of the past cops-and-robbers challenges.
probably. The order of the answers is determined exclusively by code size. Whereas cops-and-robbers doesn't indicate a winning criterion at all.
isn't a winning criterion at all, it just restricts competitiveness only to answers which have not been cracked for a specific time period (usually a week). Note that the cops thread must have a winning criterion, whereas the robbers thread can safely have only the tag, because it's basically just a list of cracked submissions of the cops thread.
@WheatWizard Is it okay if I have a function that takes in an int but returns a float? (but the float is guaranteed to have only a .0 at the end so it wouldn't be any different than the int)
@KritixiLithos Yes I am not concerned about data types as long as the actual numbers are all integers

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