Well 1 would be for a one-dimentional list, meaning it has a set of elements which do in a direction, 0 doesn't really have any dimensions. (That probably didn't make remote sense >_>)
According to C.H. Edwards' Advanced Calculus of Several Variables: The dimension of the subspace $V$ is defined to be the minimal number of vectors required to generate $V$ (pp. 4).
Then why does the $\mathbf{0}$ vector have dimension zero instead of one? Shouldn't it be true that only the empty...
> A friendly message from The Name of All that is Good and Holy: Hello! This is The Name of All that is Good and Holy. Before you think of making your own extension to this language, here's another idea for you to consider: Don't! For the love of me, please don't make another derivative of this language! Unless you have something truly new to contribute, it's been done a million times before and will probably make it worse than the original.
You have been assigned a task to write a program which takes a multigraph as its input and if it contains an Eularian circuit to return one. Otherwise, the program's behavior is undefined, according to the specifications you're handed by your boss.
However, you recently caught your ne...
@LuisMendo Ahh, I wish I had specific questions to ask you, instead of the problem just being… not knowing which bits of info in these PPTs is useful :(
It has to be useable in a polyglot challenge, it does not necesarilly have to be the best choice in a polyglot challenge. It can use all of unicode, but then it won't work with any languages that only support ASCII (of which there shouldn't be many)
In case you did not know we have contests here on the meta from time to time.
Before the hats are all packed up for another year, lets do something fun to make them last just a bit longer.
The objective of this contest to is model and render a hat (or more then one), but not just any hat, a ...
I need to match all of these opening tags:
<a href="foo">
But not these:
<br />
<hr class="foo" />
I came up with this and wanted to make sure I've got it right. I am only capturing the a-z.
<([a-z]+) *[^/]*?>
I believe it says:
Find a less-than, then
Find (and capture) a-z one or ...
suppose I have a function P that takes arguments x and f and applies f to x until f(x) has been seen before. (E.g., P(x = 3, f = x -> x % 2) would yield the steps [3, 1].) Suppose I have P(x, id) where id is the identity function. Should it return [x, x] or [x]?
@ConorO'Brien I know I've been bugging you a lot about cheddar stuff recently :P but do you have time to help me quickly just verify cheddar is working on windows?
okay. Well all you need to do is git clone --recursive https://github.com/cheddar-lang/Cheddar.git -b bindings, then go to cloned directory and just do npm install
You're a professional hacker and your boss Vladimir has just ordered you to help his favorite candidate to win the U.S. election. Your task is to alter the voting machines data to boost your candidate results.
Voting machines store voting results as two integers : the number of votes for your ca...
hmmm... I realize that I upvote a lot of things. Not upvoting something is worse than a downvote ("-5 rep" versus -2 rep), and it's free... I have solved the downvoting dilemma! @Geobits
@Pavel right, but he's concerned about the Q hitting HNQ, which it most certainly will
Balanced bases:
Balanced bases are essentially the same as normal bases, except that digits can be positive or negative, while in normal bases digits can only be positive.
From here on, balanced bases of base b may be represented as balb - so balanced base 4 = bal4.
In this challenge's definit...
Translate the WSF programming language to BF code.
All sequences of whitespace are interpreted as trits (trinary digits) with all other characters ignored/removed. The translation table is below:
WHITESPACE = " \t\n"
TRINARY = "012"
Then, the translated code is padded...