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You can do some cool things with it
Processing is amazing
@El'endiaStarman lol
Can we take this to the Sandbox?
^ Yes please.
Wait, I'm a mod. I can just move it there.
16 messages moved to Sandbox
Q: Stealth pinging, version 2

TùxCräftîñgWhen a link contains a ping, the ping is effective. Example: Pings should be ineffective when in the url of a link.

Thanks for raising it on Meta.
> That horrifying moment when you're looking around for a mod, and realize you are a mod. So need an older mod. Someone successfully modding. A moddier mod.
It's funny that every link-ping issues are raised by a PPCG user
We're good at finding and poking loopholes.
A: Ignore chat pings found in links

SockHere is a probable solution to your feature-request Instead of completely disabling the stealth-ping feature on chat, the users should have the ability to choose whether or not they want the stealth-ping to affect them or not. This means that all stealth-pings will appear to users (you can see w...

We're good at breakin.... yeah, what Starman said.
I will never forget this ^
You posted it on your sock account so if it don't end well you don't get the downvotes?
Yeah but also I only stealth-pinged from my Sock account, not my real account
@TimmyD A mod that doesn't hate. Yes.
1 hour ago, by zyabin101
I'm leaving PPCG forever. Goodbye.
I know. I couldn't resist answering that message.
With something useless?
@zyabin101 First off i would like to point out that the joke went so far over your head it's not even funny
Secondly can you stop twisting other messages to inject your own rants into discussions? That's really the main issue.
Has anyone here ever seen the spindle galaxy?
@flawr yeah, the transcript + the flags coming in explained what had happened
@flawr ooo
@flawr looks like the Sombrero Galaxy
^ sombrero galaxy
Looks almost like an explosion, so it might be the Samsung Galaxy.
@Geobits burn
I hear burns are frequent, yes :P
the sombrero galaxy exploded before it was cool
I'm getting somewhat tired of seeing this:
> You are challenged by Team Skull Grunt!
Is this Gen 7?
I know that fighting gajillions of grunts is par for the course in the main story, but ugh...
Talking about Halo?
Nope, Pokemon
@Geobits I think the various Gen 3 grunt grindings were far worse
Haha, yeah, at least there's only one "team" in this one.
@El'endiaStarman Is Halo without grunt birthday party mode even Halo?
I just wish they'd vary it up a bit. I can only kill so many of the same low-power craps before getting tired of it. I'll never get why the grunts seem to have no more than three or four different pokes in all the games.
Wow, such horrible translation.
Which raises the question... what is it supposed to say?
"Don't come back". Meaning 10/10 translation, grammar 2/10
That's still pretty rude
And I'm not sure who you're saying it too
@flawr Oh yeah, I remember reading that a while ago. Pretty cool stuff.
@Pavel I think you typoed the last one, it should be обратнo not обратнa?
It should
7 mins ago, by Pavel
@El'endiaStarman Bye! Have a great time! И не приходи обратна.
@Pavel yeah, that's why. google translate gives "And do not come back" for the обратнo, so the grammar is your fault.
@El'endiaStarman I got that, but I don't know why they said it to you. You didn't say you were leaving or anything
Yes he did
Context ftw -_-
Wait no that was zyabin
@DJMcMayhem do you mean "he didn't say he was leaving"?
1 hour ago, by El'endia Starman
@NathanMerrill ...speaking of which, I should probably get back to work.
el'endia did, a long time before your message
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yeah, I thought he was referring to that.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ no.
@Pavel Oh
@DJMcMayhem yeah, I got confused too >_> I just woke up
@Pavel Even so, still really rude.
It is rude, but I can't say I disagree. I'm sick and tired of noise and artificial drama.
Let's all just be happy with what limited time we have with our short human-lives instead of creating drama
How did I fall for that?
I'm honestly not sure
I even failed the first try and had to edit
@KritixiLithos I'm so glad I got suspicious and didn't click. :P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I fell for that too
It doesn't matter how many times people do or don't fall for it. Easterly's never gonna give it up.
^ he's got it right
@Geobits Dang, you are on a (Rick)roll today.
@El'endiaStarman tbf there's nothing really wrong with rickrolls, it's only the annoyance at being repeatedly linked to them by the trolls of the internet
@TimmyD Well I'm round again, so that helps. Skulls don't roll as well.
@TimmyD can we re-ban puns now
You're calling yourself a troll?
eh, on the days when I'm on pain meds yeah
twisted my ankle
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Sluggish? Check. Avoids sunlight? Check. Yeah, could be troll or pain meds, either one.
When did geobits change his profile pic to a downvote?
It's always been a downvote.
It was always a downvote, the skull was just a hat
he was always a downvote
Triple ninja'd
Since he was a wee laddy
@VoteToClose much fizzbuzz such quality wow
@Downgoat Doesn't "wat" literally mean temple in Thai?
@wat Yes
@TuxCopter k
@VoteToClose I'm not seeing any hooks into Spring or Hibernate. Clearly not enterprise-y enough.
This is the first time I've come across geobits on mobile
I've only seen him with the hat before
Sounds like it's your lucky day.
@Pavel he's trolling btw
it was a halloween avatar dennis liked, so he kept it for a while
I'm not the one on pain meds ;)
It was supposed to be more a reference to 1984 than a troll, but whatever you want to call it :P
This is actually my first stack exchange winter bash. It was rather confusing at first.
Mine too
I disconnected myself from SE completely last winter.
Try increaseUnits(amount, "Click")
@TuxCopter nah
I'm okay with this
Also, before I did the JS things, I did this:
tell application "System Events"
	delay 5
	set y to 1
	repeat while y is not 500
		key code 36
		delay 0.01
		set y to y + 1
	end repeat
end tell
It neeever knew... >:D
@VoteToClose Haha, you got the computer to click for you?
@VoteToClose You can win the game in a few seconds if you really wanted to...
@El'endiaStarman Yup. c:
Technically, it was hitting "Enter" on the button, but yeah.
Oh yeah, key code 36.
Past 500, my system events began to clog up and my browser crashed :|
@HelkaHomba Wow, that is a lot of status badges.
I'm impressed.
I just downloaded an auto clicker.
Then I cheated about a googol to make sure didn't miss anything.
@VoteToClose yeah, it seems only to detect using setInterval
it caught me cheating really fast when I did that, but increaseUnits(10e100) just gave me NaN iirc
function (){var r=arguments.length<=0||void 0===arguments[0]?1:arguments[0],i=arguments.length<=1||void 0===arguments[1]?"Cheating":arguments[1];e.unit.inc(r*t.all(n),!0,i),"Cheating"===i&&e.achieve("
That is the function for increaseUnits, you can see there is a cheat checker in the function itself
increaseUnits(amount, "Click") fake a click
you don't need "click" there
Yes, otherwise it goes in Cheating
At a moment you unlock a pie graph of what comes your units
increaseUnits without the Click argument go into the Cheating section
@TuxCopter yeah, I know
Is it jQuery?
Better than jQuery
> The Onion
America's Finest Open Source Repos.
It makes fart noises when you scroll
It is the best JS library on the internet.
Yup. @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ is right.
That doesn't seem hard to implement by yourself
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Do you suppose they use multi-layer architecture?
I think got all the achievements (discluding the "cheater" one)
I don't know what they are?
🍣 interpreter now has functions. Still has fifty billion style warnings
bah, I pretty much have a KoTH written, but I've lost all will to post it
I don't really think its that interesting of a KoTH, and I don't want to run it a gazillion times
Maybe I'll figure out how classes work so all the python programmers stop laughing at me, but functions I'd say are enough of an accomplishment for one day.
wait, you wrote a parser for functions?
@NathanMerrill I don't mind running it, if you want to post it?
its not just running it: there are surely bugs, and its not really a challenge I'm proud of
its a Mafia implementation
Good to hear you're not proud of implementing Mafias
@NathanMerrill oh, I see
the only reason I finished it is because it was a good reason to implement Roles into my KoTHComm
No, the interpreter now has uses functions in its own code.
@Pavel please use the freaking reply button it's really annoying to see out of context messages
also, does anyone know if nesting a function definition inside another function definition is "pythonic" or not?
CMC: Scroll to the end of this page
If it works it's pythonic
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I think I've heard it isn't, but I've done it myself and I think it's useful sometimes. The key issue is that the inner function is re-defined every time you call the outer function.
Idk what you're talking about
@TuxCopter *sees URL* Yeah, no thanks.
def f(x,y,z):
    def g(a,b):
        return a*b*z
    return g(x,y)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ that sounds like a bad idea to me
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You mean a closure?
that's a simplified example
@quartata no
it just has a helper function, defined in the main function, that uses a variable that's from the main function's scope
@TuxCopter I opened that page and instantly was able to scroll no further down.
that doesn't look/sound right to me
@TuxCopter I scrolled to the end
hm I need a longer text
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That's still a closure.
wait, I thought closures were functions that returned another function
like: (from google)
def makeInc(x):
  def inc(y):
     # x is "closed" in the definition of inc
     return y + x

 return inc

inc5 = makeInc(5)
inc5(10) # returns 15
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No that's a higher-order function.
A closure just means a function inside another function's scope.
well it seems to be pythonic
@quartata and they are good, right?
I suspect a top-level function is better in your case.
It's pythonic iff it works.
no it's really not
Sure it is
@Pavel Hah, no. And I say this as someone who's been working with Python for 8 years.
I can write some pythonic code that doesn't work prolly
@Pavel If it works then it's pythonic?
@El'endiaStarman he means "it has to work if it's pythonic", not "if it works then it's pythonic"
"pythonic" rhymes with "demonic". Coincidence? or not?
I mean, if you want to list out all IPv4 addresses, explicitly, with one per line...that'd work, but it's definitely not Pythonic. (Or good in any language, for that matter.)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The "iff" (if and only if) goes both ways.
My dishwasher works but it's not Pythonic
iff it works and is actually written in python
I thought the pytho-people were sticklers for "pretty"? :P
Does anyone else here use Duolingo?
I'm a stickler for not getting stack traces, and not much else.
@flawr I've tried it out, but it wasn't my cup of tea.
@flawr yeah, I've tried it
what about it?
@flawr what language are you trying to learn?
@Geobits before they see PPCG
@flawr I used to use it
@Geobits ta tasse de thé
user image
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Sure. PPCG beats that out of people in any language.
This should be correct, shouldn't it? XD
I think my country has been roasted
can somebody call the ambulance now
@KritixiLithos @betseg @Pavel And now
still it's already scrolled
@flawr bwahaha
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ wat
@TuxCopter I reached the end
What is your monitor size
The div should be at 1e7px
I used js
@flawr ahahahaha
@TuxCopter Cmd+Down-arrow and I'm instantly at the bottom.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Try ctrl+f5
you still have the cached version
Now I know who is speaking french here:)
@TuxCopter nothing, I dont' have windows
@TuxCopter Also, there's no cookie. You lied.
@El'endiaStarman evil laugh
cmd-f5 turns on voiceover
@flawr Ce n'est certainement pas moi
the bane of my existence
and option/cntrl don't do anything
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Ah well
@Geobits And it shows
and my monitor is 18" iirc
Clear your cache for this site so
it's a laptop though
You can just use js to stop the scrolling
You can stop it by closing the tab, too.
@TuxCopter oh, cleared my cache and I'm at the bottom lol
it's not hard
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ uh
it's as bad as RES's infinitescroll, if you move fast enough you hit the bottom
Nope, when you scroll it move a div at 1e7 + scroll px
well I hit the bottom so
I'd beg to differ
ya borked something methinks
Q: 2D Maze Minus 1D

H WaltersThis challenge is about converting 2D mazes into 1D mazes. Overview +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | | |A| | B| A B + + + + +-+-+ + + + + +-+-+ \ | | | | | | | | | \ | +-+-+ +-+-+ + +-+-+ +-+-+ + \ | |...

I can also use the scrollbar.
@TuxCopter no it's evil
it speaks everything aloud
@TuxCopter I just scrolled down the legit way
On my phone
@El'endiaStarman The scrollbar borks if I use it on my firefox
@Pavel Your phone probably don't support the JS property used
@TuxCopter Which one is correct: Nous avons des beaux enfants. - Nous avons de beaux enfants.
there's your problem
@NewMainPosts Fancy.
@flawr The latter
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Same thing in Chrome
It still took a while
@TuxCopter Would you mind explaining why?
@flawr idk why but the latter is correct
haha ok, thanks anyway!
@TuxCopter I want my cookie
I scrolled legit
give teh cookiez
@Pavel 🍪
We all want cookies
Don't actually dump a bunch of cookie emoji, starman will get mad at you.
Yes but if you scrolled legit 1e7 pixels down you have your cookie
I actually thought SE added some sort of featured user thing for a moment:
It's just Geobit's avatar rotated 180 degrees
Why is that ad upside down?
@Geobits Don't worry, it is only rotated by 60°.
(Neither °C nor °F.)
What is that in radians kelvin?
pi/3 K
@flawr not centered or aligned if rotated 60°
Tau/6 you mean
@betseg Yes it really isn't designed well.
Nobody ever means that :P
@Geobits I'll have you know that there are several tens of mathematicians that prefer tau
@flawr no
@betseg sure.

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