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They are pretty much the exact same except people switched to Gulp to confuse more people
Next time I'll roll a d4 to include Broccoli and makefiles
Another one. Apparently Ember uses it
I learned everything I know about frontend from iamdevelopr
So apparently in benchmark.js, the returned object with all the benchmark data has near useless stuff like standard deviation but lacks the goddamn time it took to complete the test
Seriously, what is it with JS and useless tools?
nvm shit joke
no really I want to join to join this koth and I don't know java...
@quartata yeah, I really hate this one tool called javascript
(jk, js isn't that bad)
tfw you misspell an intentional typo. It's iamdevloper
Couldn't remember which e is missing
@quartata this feeling was me 100% of the time
Is there a good way to import python classes for a koth like java does, or is subprocess.Popen work best?
also what should the chances of an attack succeeding be?
Oh, that gives me a good idea
what if instead of reloading, bots can "recalibrate" the weapon, so they can shoot endlessly, but the chance of hitting goes down, but can perform an action to increase the chance of hitting or something
Wait did I already make a chat room for this?
oh yeah, but nothing actually happened in it
What if I want to bring back a frozen room?
Ping a mod. They can freeze and unfreeze rooms.
Which is best mod to ping right now?
probably tricho
@trichoplax can you unfreeze a room please? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/48054/maze-battle-koth
Also anybody interested in helping me make this koth?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I did cast a close vote, to see if you get the hat for closing or for casting the vote.
Why didn't you retract it
@trichoplax Ummmm.... well at least most people don't know the actual meaning of "sanguine"
I do!
(----!) /s
> Numbers x undefined ops/sec
only in JS...
@Downgoat Huh?
I'm doing benchmarks for cheddar
turns out it's pretty fast
Oops... uh not in reply to that
Lua won't allow you to use a variable named 0d because it might be a number number 0d is never a valid number.
but the error
I'm guessing Numbers came from a bad toString
eval(tostring(n)) can never go wrong. Trust me.
ok. will try
@Downgoat Is it faster than CPython?
how fast is CPython?
only thing really slow about cheddar is bootup time
a lot faster than python
which will be fixed once I get snapshot stuffs
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ shit
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Are you thinking of cython?
CPython is the reference implementation of Python...
oh, sorry
thinking of cython
oh nevermind then
We should rename CPython Cobra
And it's slow as molasses thickened with cornstarch
Are there python benchmarks anywhere?
so slower than the feed bots?
@ATaco just curious, is there a reason why you're speaking completely in italics?
@ATaco cobra already lang
I don't speak in completely italics.
Just mostly
@Downgoat Rewrite your test code in Python and use timeit
@Downgoat What are you using to test? Primes?
@ATaco you need that taco hat man
There's a TACO HAT?!!
@quartata waaaaat
Test branch speed, esp. branch prediction failure!
No I just boot up cheddar and stream code to it and test how long it take to do a thing
I seem to have been lied to about the existence of a Taco Hat
Right but what code? Timing individual statements is useless
@ATaco secret hat
How do I acquire this Taco Hat and why don't I get one for being ATaco?
@quartata like how fast it take to do print 1
first responder this year is much harder from last years aud lang syne IIRC
That is totally useless :P
or how fast it take to do for (var i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) { print i }
@Downgoat mandlebrot?
that's popular for benchmarks
Or n-body.
@Downgoat Try generaring primes or something if you want an easy test. (no builtins obviously)
Do a lot of iterations to account for noise
I would like to remain in my bubble making myself think cheddar is fast
cool story bro
I'll do it myself here in a little bit
@DJMcMayhem ikr, it's really irritating sometimes though
On the bright side you'll probably be faster than Perl 6. Used to take 8 seconds to get primes up to 1000 (vs 45 ms in regular Perl)
I thnk they improved that a while back but don't know
primes in perl?
@Downgoat How do I update Cheddar?
@Downgoat Perl 6. It's 45 milliseconds in regular Perl.
request: code to prime generate that I can convert to cheddar
I installed Cheddar via NPM if it matters
npm update doesn't seem to do anything
And I'm guessing v1.0.0-beta.52 isn't the latest
npm update don't do anything
you gotta just reinstall
npm i -g cheddar-lang
@Downgoat What's reduce again?
@Dennis your avatar looks like a menacing shriner with a purple hat
or /
You don't have factorial so I have to do it myself
It's quite simple I mean 1|>n/(*)
@quartata wilsons?
I'm actually not sure if Cheddar can find the first 1000 prime numbers in rational amount of time
@DJMcMayhem whats the rules on input for vim? How do I take two inputs?
Though I mean it's not like you're gonna be cracking password with cheddar anyway
@Downgoat that's scary
@Maltysen :'(
@Maltysen Yes because I'm lazy
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:0
1 | for (var i := 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
there's no ++ it's += 1
@quartata trial division is actually shorter in python
why var, why :=, no ++
:= is type deduction
var == let also
btw there's actually docs on this stuff: docs.cheddar.vihan.org
var is required
I've got bad news: it's hanging after 23
that's probably JS
it went to Infinity I'm guessing
@Downgoat e23 shouldn't be infinity?
Python completed in 20 ms minus start up time
I. Am. Pootiscat!!!
wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
My only conclusion is that CPython is infinitely faster than Cheddar
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ needs more !s and bold for emphasis
I'll do trial division just to level the playing field :P
@Maltysen e23! maybe?
@Maltysen it varies. Generally just whatever is most convenient.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ :D 10/10 very emphatic
@ConorO'Brien no, 24! is e23
What challenge are you working on?
there we go
@DJMcMayhem nice hat

 Maze battle Koth

making a koth! Please halp
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ thanks, lol
@quartata any(n%i for i in range(2,n)) is trial division in python
@quartata can you send me your prime program
chat refereshify @trichoplax?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Response answer. ;P
@quartata btw for pytohn wilson did you use math.factorial?
@VoteToClose damn
@Maltysen Yes, which I know is cheating since it's done in C
@ConorO'Brien lgtm
@VoteToClose TBF that doesn't answer the question
"looks good to me"?
the question was "is it less than <x>"
@Downgoat Does Cheddar have multiple break or something like Python's else for loops?
@quartata still, reduce(lambda a,b:a*b, range(1,1001),1) finished instantly
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Done, but still looks the same to me (a hat with no avatar)
crap have CS final tomorrow brb need to study
@Maltysen I know I'm increasing the range
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ? No, the question asks how to test for the health of an entity.
@Downgoat naw you don't need to study just do cheese
@quartata break
> How to testfor if a mob has less than x health?
@ConorO'Brien true but java is weird
> I want it so when its health is less than x, or when it has lost a quarter of its health, something happens.
@Downgoat I know. I mean breaking out of more than one loop, or triggering code that only occurs on no break
@VoteToClose are you sure?
@Downgoat make java cheese
I'm confused
> puttingweirdthingsincoffee.files.wordpress.com
ewww lol
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ OK. I refreshed my chat page too, and now I see the top half of your cat avatar, and all of your hat. No idea why the bottom half of the avatar is missing - it's there on your profile
@trichoplax hm, okay
I see full avatar + hat for me
Question is gonna be like: "If I have superclass named 'Goat' and client class 'Dog', what expression do I put in method 'fly' to make 'Sheep' output the mass of the sun."
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Now I see the whole avatar
@quartata a return would work?
@VoteToClose do you see what I mean/
@Maltysen I'm doing it in one function in case the goat complains about function overhead
it's actually decent to drink/eat
it's like hot chocolate but not nasty
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yes, as it shows that they are attempting to test without the use of a scoreboard, which cannot be done. Thus, they need the assistance with the tracking of the stat, they demonstrate the range checking capability.
ಠ____ಠ WHAT
@VoteToClose oh true
maybe it's a cat thing
@DJMcMayhem can you verify this
@Downgoat I'm not sure "brb" and "need to study" belong in the same sentence :P
crap. I never left to study >_>
Verify what?
okay, going to study now
@Downgoat Bad news
@DJMcMayhem do you like hot chocolate?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You saw my comment too, right?
@ConorO'Brien imma guess this has to be a legit quine?
not just 1
It took Cheddar 11 seconds
@Maltysen as per quine defaults yes
@Downgoat Absolutely. Not as much as coffee though
@VoteToClose yeah, it was just my name being misleading
For up to 1000
@quartata o_O
Python did 10,000 in 160 milliseconds.
What's this about quines?
@Maltysen What were you doing in vim?
And 20 ms for 1000
@quartata 😏 is JS still the slowest language? :P
@DJMcMayhem trying the 121321432154321654321 challenge
@VoteToClose That tracks whatever is named EasterlyIrk, I meant that just as a placeholder, thanks for noticing that
0.146023 seconds to do first 1e6 primes in J
@Downgoat I factored out startup just to be considerate.
¿Hay personas aquí hablan español?
;_; goats are not good at making cheese
@Maltysen oh, OK. Doesn't that only have one input?
@quartata why is 10000 faster per prime than 1000
@Downgoat aren't you supposed to be studying? :P
@Maltysen Noise. I ran it again and it was 15 ms
@VoteToClose hey did you nukify your answer?
you probably could have left it
Q: Incremental Quine

Conor O'Brien​Your task is to write a program or function that outputs the first character of its source code, then the second, then the third... each time it is run. For example, if your program was foo in language bar in file baz.bar, then you should get output similar to this: λ bar baz.bar f λ bar baz.b...

science teacher said no printing on 3x5 card but I don't care :P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Didn't work - health stat isn't tracked for non-player entities.
@Downgoat Do people know that you're a goat in RL?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I'd go with yes, it's not that hard to tell you're a goat
@VoteToClose shit
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Oh, I avoid people towns. I just stay on the farm most of the time
I mean do you mention being/liking a goat alot IRL?
@Downgoat You goat to be kidding me
does your school allow goats
I make goat jokes sometimes, but the entire goat thing originated from when me and some friends were developing a website
@ConorO'Brien Yes, with permission from principal
@Downgoat on the bright side / (*) is pretty cool
I have several RL friends with goat obsessions. It's kind of weird actually
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yeah - stat.damageTaken doesn't get tracked for non-player entities and stat.damageDealt isn't target-specific.
@Downgoat How, so? Seems like it would be interesting.
oh is WinterBash on?
Sorry Winter*sh?
@VoteToClose yes
as evidenced by hats
Can someone get me a link to an article which described when you use le/la and when you use de/du/des/de l'/de la in the context of foods. (e.g. Achetez le pizza or Achetez du pizza or Achetez une pizza)
stupid french teacher don't like goats :(
Like she told us a story of why she doesn't like goats
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Not super-appropriate story but I can paraphrase if you wish
@DJMcMayhem :D your friends are cool
@Downgoat please tell teh storiez
will do after I study
CMC: first n members of A003057, or n-1 occurances of n
@DJMcMayhem wat how
Today on english final we had to define "what it means to be a hero". It said to "cite multiple examples", but I missed the part where it said "from one work", so I'm 99% sure I'm gonna get F on final and fail English and fail highschool :(
Why not just A002024?
it's one question on one final for the midterm
@ATaco because that has a closed form solution? :P
@ConorO'Brien No our midterm was an essay
like just one essay
@Downgoat *it's one final for the midterm of one year
floor(sqrt(2(n+1)) + 1/2)-1?
shhh you're ruining it
@ConorO'Brien Yea, but now it ruins my 4.0 :(
how do I get into good university now :(
@Downgoat racial diversity? I doubt they have a goat currently studying there
@Downgoat Where are you? Country wise?
@Downgoat I got into RIT with a 3.something and graduated with something like 2.6.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yes but I am that kinda goat which has racial quotas not on my side :(
@ATaco USA (cal)
Welp, Can't help you there.
I come from a land Down Goat
> Definition of hacker
2: a person who is inexperienced or unskilled
3: an expert
10/10 not contradicting defintions
@ConorO'Brien @smRtdS
So how many people here have written their own langauges that they've used on PPCG?
@ETHproductions did you bounty the quine question during winterbash?

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