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require 'net/http'
require 'json'
id = ARGV[0] || "76561198274013937"
# steamcommunity.com/inventory/76561198274013937/440/2?count=NUM
response = Net::HTTP.get_response "steamcommunity.com", "/inventory/#{id}/440/2?count=NUM"
json = JSON.parse response.body
items = json["descriptions"]
names = items.map { |item| item["name"] }
puts names.reject { |name| names.count(name) < 2 }.uniq
@quartata script to check for duplicate items
Local Hero
Strange Direct Hit
Dueling Mini-Game
The Sandman
The Fortified Compound
The Huntsman
The Flare Gun
The Killing Gloves of Boxing
The Sandvich
The Kritzkrieg
The B.A.S.E. Jumper
The Equalizer
The Scottish Resistance
The Ambassador
The Gunslinger
The Direct Hit
The Force-A-Nature
The Back Scatter
The Widowmaker
The Market Gardener
The Eyelander
The Blutsauger
The Cloak and Dagger
The Dead Ringer
The Chargin' Targe
The Razorback
The Huo-Long Heater
@Downgoat No I am a French penguin
Probably should take into account other attributes. For instance the two Direct Hits have different Strange Parts and the two Local Heros have different wears
un pingouin français
^ absolument
@trichoplax I don't even know a golfing language that has tau as a built-in.
Bonne nuit golfeurs
@TuxCopter Pareillement!
BRB adding Tau to RProgN.
It doesn't even have pi
@TuxCopter so lime france?
@quartata you have multiple strange direct hits
I think e and pi are overrated anyway, we could rewrite eulers equation as 0=ln(1)=i*tau... oooooOOh
Q: Draw nested radicals

MaltysenMany formulas in math involve nested radicals (square root signs inside other square roots signs). Your task here is to draw these using ascii art. Specs You will be given two integers, the number inside the radical, and the number of radicals. I think the best way to explain what you have to d...

You mean e^(i*tau)=1?
@NewMainPosts wow that was fast
@trichoplax yep xD
@flawr that logic seems a mite shaky to me
since e^(i * tau) =1, then surely i*tau = ln(e^(i * tau)) = ln(1)?
ln isn't uniquly invertible over C
100 99 points=) you mean e is not uniquely invertible. Because ln is.
I wonder if there's over on Mathematics
Well let's stay in the reals
you surely know that log(x*y) = log(x)+log(y)?
But this also works for +, since e.g. log(1+2+3) = log(1)+log(2)+log(3)
1+2+3 = 1*2*3
Perfect :P
@ConorO'Brien Two.
I've collected quite a few such pathological examples, and I think some day I'll release a book^^
@trichoplax maybe Puzzling would like it?
@trichoplax I'd love that=)
And if math.SE doesn't want it, we can still do it here in PPCG
@Maltysen That's a thought...
Oh and I have a whole collection abou 666
e.g. the euler phi function: phi(666) = 6*6*6
and 2^2+3^2+5^2+7^2+11^2+13^2+17^2 = 666
and 1^6 - 2^6+3^6 = 666
and 666 = sum(i from 1 to 6*6)
And 1000000000000066600000000000001 is prime
Did you find that prime on purpose?
This is a good prime
This is prime
@trichoplax My number theory professor told me about it=)
It is Belphegor's prime
It has 31 Digits, WHICH IS 13 BACKWARDS!!
@ATaco wikipedia?
Palindromic primes, anyone?
That'd make an interesting challenge.
Find the n'th Palindromatic Prime.
what base?
Base 10.
Not Unary don't do this to me
I cannot believe you have to use an external file for a web worker. Who designed this anyways?
@quartata why tho? lol
"Wow, the unwashed masses really want threads. I know! Let's make the most watered-down gimped implementation of threads we can possibly think of"
@ConorO'Brien The constructor literally takes a path to a separate file.
Completely unusuable. Constructing the generator could take seconds. What the fuck.
JavaScript is not ideal
The best part is all the SO answers trying to justify this design choice.
I vote we replace Javascript with Lua.
why not a good language?
We would have replaced JS with C++ a long time ago if that was even an option
Name a good language that will work in a dynamic environment such as the web.
C++ is a terrible idea for the internet.
well, C# is a good language, and it has that dynamic keyword...
Tell that to pNaCl
:) I created some memory in redstone today.
(my criteria for good language is mostly that it's statically typed, I hate the dynamic keyword)
That isn't the point though. The point is that allowing native code means any lanuage could be used with extra effort
(Statically typed isn't very friendly on the web)
why not?
On the web, you're almost entirely working with text.
so make it statically typed
if I have a string, I want to know I have a string
type(a)=='string' too much effort?
but that's beside the point
Found the backend dev
the computer won't tell me I'm wrong if I forget to add that
That is a bonus.
static typing is the best thing in programming ever and I can't understand why languages that don't support are used
I do like working in a staticly typed environment, but I just can't see the benefit is worth it on the web.
it has only benefits
if you don't want a statically typed language, then you are basically stating that you want to be able to write objectively wrong code
JS's type coercion is infuriating
It adds a layer of Verbose-ness that the internet just wasn't designed to handle.
It would be nice if there were a statically typed web scripting language, and a dynamically typed one that is slower and uses the statically typed one in the background
I disagree
the web was barely designed atall
It's 2016 we have type inference
And Compiling is almost out of the question, Interpreting is practically required for HTTP.
literally no extra boilerplate
@VisualMelon you want to be able to do stringlike things with it. duck typing ftw
@quartata it doesn't solve all the problems ;)
@ATaco That's a joke right? Peopleare already doing all sorts of crazy preprocessing to their JS
I hate duck typing with a passion
Here's what I did today. It's a single bit of tileable, flashable memory.
Are you talking about minifying and such? because that is still technically interpreted.
@VisualMelon I've only ever had to specify a type in Haskell like twice. You have to do something pretty weird
Static Typing makes me Overload a function 5 times when I only needed it once
@quartata fair enough
@ATaco No I mean Babel, Webpack, etc. Ask @Downgoat about the glory of Grunt
It's fascinating how many different strongly divisive topics there are in programming
Well, these are news to me. I hate frontend.
@ATaco As you should. It sucks.
I agree
I tried writing my Online Interpreter for RProgN using Front End JS. That was a mistake.
FWW I really don't care about static or dynamic typing. Just wanted to clear up any misconceptions. Static typing is a lot easier nowadays
Even C++ has auto
that isn't dynamic
that's just type inference
(like C# var)
oh, I see what you mean
ignore me
I didn't know about C#'s dynamic. How bad is the overhead?
massive, breaks all type safety
not sure about performance though ;)
I think they made the DLR for stuff like IronRuby, and then just threw dynamic into C# for the hell of it
how to make a java?
I've never used it for anything, and never intend to
C# sounds like a bit more of an appealing target for transpiling now...
... but why not just write the code in C# in the first place?
Too bad Mono sucks.
mono is fine
I mean, it's Decimal is broken, and goto doesn't work properly
but those are edge cases
(which I have personally run into... but you know)
Still doesn't support C# 6, missing critical standard library pieces
Technologically incompetent siblings are very entertaining.
> Brother: "xyz isn't working!" Me: "oh yeah, you just need some drivers." Brother: "drivers? Do we have any?"
oh dear
Try technologically incompitent workmates
The only feature I really use of C# 6 is readonly properties, it's mostly fluff that makes the language more complicated
@quartata eeewwwww grunt
C# 4 is where things get iffy, because people actually use the TPL, and if you go much lower you run out of LINQ
gulps where it's at
@Downgoat I couldn't decide whether to say Grunt or Gulp so I flipped a coin
(for real)
Heads was Grunt Tails was Gulp
I don't really know anything about either so

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