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@betseg Sheesh.
What! Why does Sandbox have a close vote?
Winter Bash privilege abuse...
I remember someone asking to close the Sandbox for hats or something equally absurd. @noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I think
Let me check the transcript
I didn't think they were serious mind you
Question. Is it okay for a question to ask for a program that will theoretically run forever? Like, "Write a program that tests all natural numbers for x property"? Usually I see them written as "Take a number N and return the Nth in the series that satisfies the property", but I think it'd be an interesting variation.
It's from the same time as Dennis' pinned message
Some devs just wanna watch the repo burn.
@mınxomaτ Don't do it.
@wizzwizz4 It has a hash, it already happened.
@Xanderhall We have questions like that
Although usually with some sort of feedback along the way
14 hours ago, by noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC
@mınxomaτ NOOOOooooo... ;'-C
i.e printing out a boolean for each one
> ;'-C
Sorry about the accident.
@Xanderhall Sure, infinite runtimes aren't usually a problem around these parts. The only concern is like what quartata mentioned -- making sure that there's some way to recognize that the program is doing something rather than just idling.
@Dennis, I can't run anything on the Nexus now. Did you accidentally turn something else off when you turned off control mode?
@mınxomaτ How is that funny? Ironic, yes, but funny?
Different people find humour in different things
I believe the joke is that Wikipedia has a list for that
@TimmyD Would it be acceptable to allow for an output that isn't periodic (such as an array or string) and let people prove that it works up to an arbitrary value?
@quartata Well, that's funny, I suppose.
@Xanderhall Tough to tell without seeing it. Just sandbox it :P
@quartata I was just theorycrafting and wanted clarification
I suppose "Output a series" vs "Output the Nth in the series" aren't too different in most cases.
Plus the latter is more easily testable
@wizzwizz4 It's hard to judge the different indicators of humour in text, but I think "heh" is sometimes used as a kind of awkward half laugh, indicating that something is worrying rather than positively humorous. I obviously can't speak for individual usages though
I interpret "heh" as an unreal short laugh sound.
@mınxomaτ Related
@TimmyD THAT is funny lol
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー Indeed.
I think of "heh" as that slight exhalation through the nostrils when something's just funny enough to earn the bare minimum response.
There's also this:
> heh
1. (onomatopoeia) Weak amusement, sometimes signaling boredom.
Basically this, but less expressive: imgur.com/himZD0M.gif
What @Xanderhall said.
I wonder if that article is included in W:UA.
@Sherlock9 It's working fine for me.
What happens when you try?
Could just be my internet connection, though it seems to be loading everything else fine
But the gear just keeps spinning
Is there a meta thread where I can post a potential codegolf question and receive feedback or would I start a new meta post?
Q: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SandboxWhat is the Sandbox? This "Sandbox" is a place where Programming Puzzles & Code Golf (PPCG) users can get feedback on prospective challenges they wish to post to the main page. This is useful because writing a clear and fully specified challenge on the first try can be difficult. There is a much...

Except if it is not a challenge.
@Sherlock9 Weird. Try pinging backend.tryitonline.net.
Also, are you sure the program terminates? Try this one. tio.run/nexus/bash#@5@anJGvYGL0/z8A
echo 42 gives The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe to everything :P
the ultimate question of*
Question: Can mods clear CVs?
Let me vote to close on one of your challenges and then let's see if mods can clear them :P
You will be suspended.
@Downgoat Yes.
@Downgoat Only local site mods can do this.
You go into the queue, press "Leave Open", and it's cleared.
@Doorknob/@Dennis clear CVs on sandbox then?
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー Thank you
@Downgoat Only by closing unilaterally and then reopening afaik
Easier to just wait until the votes decay
3 mins ago, by wizzwizz4
You go into the queue, press "Leave Open", and it's cleared.
That wouldn't remove close votes, though. (Not to mention it's not in the queue.)
I seem to remember that does work (I accidentally cleared the close votes on a question when I only intended to not close vote), but it does depend on happening to see the question in the review queue.
I think it clears close flags, not close votes, but I'm not sure.
can I request some clicks :3:
GOATS http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/71631/40695?stw=2
Question: how do I get SE to make goat-themed hat next year :/
Is anyone going to get upset if I post (non-competing) answers to existing questions using a new language I'm developing?
If it's just to advertise your language, yes.
Depends on what you mean by non-competing
Answering when you know your answer is invalid (non-competing isn't really an excuse for that) is also a bad idea. That just clutters the answers.
If you write a good/valid answer just as if it was any other answer, there's nothing wrong with using your own language so people can hear about it. I do that all the time
If you're answering old questions, please only do 1 or 2 at a time to avoid flooding the main page with older questions
But not if it's clear that it will be non-competing. If you have to ask yourself if it's OK to post something, you probably shouldn't.
If you want to show off your language, wait for the Showcase or make valid answers to new questions.
@Downgoat Ask nicely.
I mean non-competing in the sense that it's a violation of the rules to answer with a language newer than the question
@wizzwizz4 pweaasse
@Downgoat There's a contact form for exactly this reason. (hint: don't take this advice seriously)
but 'correct' answers
@Downgoat I'll... see what I can do.
@TylerMacDonell Just answer new questions where you can compete. This is a vastly superior way to show you language than bumping some old question with a non-competing answer.
Better show solutions to old interesting challenges in your language docs or in the Showcase :)
@mınxomaτ Cool, thanks
@Dennis That may be it. Who knows? backend.tryitonline.net has an average ping of 280 ms or so
Alright, it seems to be working fine now. Thanks
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー Ah that would make more sense. Thanks. I'm not going to test it though as I don't want to cause any more trouble...
Q: Write a simple rectangle class

user7185318Your challenge is to write a simple Rect class that can check for point in rect and rect collides with rect. Please notice the case of the cross, dont only check the points : In this case no one of both rects has any point in the other, but they are colliding. Your class has to look like : ...

@Doorknob ^^ Erik's comment makes me realise I may have misinformed you earlier - sorry about that.
Q: How can answers in ROBLOX Lua be scored?

devRicherI know scripting in ROBLOX is basically lua, but it adds a few elements. Those being a three-dimensional world and some kind of object orientation. Now, just for the sake of it, not to actually expect any kind of winning, I am planning to do answers using this. How exactly could you score these a...

@Downgoat Can I request some clicks?
I was typing in hackmd when it suddenly redirects to hackmd.io/404, which says "Internal Server Error".
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC 404 isn't Internal Server Error! >:-(
@wizzwizz4 I accidentally read the c and l as d.. >_<
I'm still disappointed that ai. isn't something more sophisticated, like a URL shortener.
@wizzwizz4 Exactly.
This is a nice .ai website: api.ai
@KritixiLithos ...... .¯.
@wizzwizz4 So all you do in retrocomputing is play old Mario games? :P
@KritixiLithos No... I also improve tag wiki extracts.
And post miscellaneous documentation.
And get my first ever downvote! :-)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

obarakonI had this idea for a codegolf question, let me know what you guys think. Any feedback would be appreciated as this would be my first codegolf question submission. Suicide Runs Background Back in High School, one of the most dreaded workouts at lacrosse practice would be the Suicide Runs. Wh...

wtf is a winter bash hat
i just got one
Put on hats!
I would post a link that would secretly click the "I hate hats" option, but I'd get in trouble for posting malicious code
I saw World Building talking pretty seriously about hats
what happens if you click "I hate hats"? @GabrielBenamy
@Flp.Tkc You opt out of the "Winter Bash" promo.
So, Winter Bash is the end-of-the-year promo that SE runs on all their sites. You do or perform certain actions and get "hats" that you can add onto your avatar.
The hats last for a couple weeks into the new year.
Someone shot Russian Ambassador in Turkey. WWIII eh? Or just Russia ending Turkey?
You wll unsubcribe from hats (they are saved for the moment you start loving hats),
@betseg I don't think this will cause a WW
btw we're #7 on the list of top sites for the hats
you won't be notified of your new hats, and you won't see anyone else's hats.
wait no, #6
There is a graduated site that still don't have hats
@NewMetaPosts Counting binary file size is not allowed, so it should be treated as Lua, and the block creation code should be as short as possible
The logo is unreadeable in chat
Hehe, that's cute. Now my DownPowerShell icon makes the Abominable hat look like angry eyes.
I just read DepressionEngine Answers
@TuxCopter The moderators get polled before every winterbash and asked whether they want hats on their site or not.
I like having a telephone on my head
I think I am the guy with the most number of hats who doesn't wear a hat
I have a trophy on my head, it's even better
@betseg You have said that at least 3 times over the past 12 hours
@KritixiLithos Someone has 12 hats and doesn't wear one
@KritixiLithos ;_;
Then yes, you're tied for third and the two people in first have one
#19 :(
Feedback for this sandbox post: do you think I should allow the assumption that all values are distinct?
But I still don't wear a hat :)
@Flp.Tkc I don't see why you should
yeah, I'll say that values could be the same
why does me.com redirect to icloud.com
Is there a hat for "made it through winterbash without earning a hat"?
then you can't wear it
Well yeah.
but then it's still hat legacy and #hatpride
Though I guess you'd have to completely avoid the whole network. I got one by accident already, and I've hardly been on the last day or two.
which one?
The Vader one for touching meta.
$ touch meta
Huh, no wonder meta is empty.
WIP logo
What do the colors represent?
@betseg Uhh.. nothing :P
maybe they'll bounce, but I don't have a graphic designer on hand except for me
need to adjust it to match the golden ratio
Why in the world would you need to do that?
@Geobits to make it look better
need a brand logo
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I'm trying your quine/polyglot challenge!
It's a circle in thirds. I don't even know what "to match the golden ratio" means in this context.
don't give me the bounty though, there might be a secret hat (it's unconfirmed)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Hooray!
@Geobits Width of inner circle vs. width of outer
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Huh?
this is fine hat, for answering a bountied challenge and getting an upvote but not the bounty
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC 9D is 1/phi of FF, use that color? :p
Okay. Just for the record, the golden ratio thing is way overrated.
I mean, my skull is probably the best avatar you'll ever see, but I didn't use the golden ratio to construct it.
In mathematics, two quantities are in the silver ratio (also silver mean or silver constant) if the ratio of the sum of the smaller and twice the larger of those quantities, to the larger quantity, is the same as the ratio of the larger one to the smaller one (see below). This defines the silver ratio as an irrational mathematical constant, whose value of one plus the square root of 2 is approximately 2.4142135623. Its name is an allusion to the golden ratio; analogously to the way the golden ratio is the limiting ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers, the silver ratio is the limiting ratio of...
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
Q: Floor for the Dancin' Disco

n4melyh4xorPrelude: Yo boys, we got the DJ, we got the bar and drinks, the disco lighting but the floor still isn't here! We need a floor, NOW! Challenge: The boys have left you a message containing 3 things: the colors the floor needs to have (separated with commas) (ex. pink, blue, yellow, green) the...

conveniently, my inner circle already almost fits a multiple of the golden ratio
Hrm, not a lot of good hats this year IMO
@TuxCopter Don't be jealous :P
The three ones I consider up to par are too hard
So I guess I'll just be a hatless grinch
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
@quartata ಠ_ಠ
@quartata I haven't looked at them all yet, but I'm leaning that way too.
^ golden ratio'd
^ before
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
^^10/10 best logo ever
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

redstarcoderSandbox Qs Is this challenge unique? Does any language have a single instruction for this operation?, yes Python swapcase(), pending some changes... bROKEN cAPSLOCK kEY fIASCO Some of your employees have broken capslock keys and you're too cheap to replace them. Help them out by creating the...

@n4melyh4xor We're not going to start on politics again, so was there some other context for this?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I am low-rep, did the bounty b/c there are interesting potential answers out there.
@n4melyh4xor don't delete your challenge, just improve it
@Geobits There was a question on Skeptics.SE about it.
Technically, you need to make a program that is a period-two quine but alternates language in one language and in the other output a polyglot that prints "Wrong language!"
Q: Did Donald Trump say that "global warming was a hoax invented by the Chinese"?

DJClayworthIn the Presidential debate of 26th September, Hillary Clinton claimed that "Donald Trump said that global warming was a hoax invented by the Chinese" (1:55). Trump replied several times "I did not say that". Did he say (or write) that?

period-two quine meta-polyglot three-way code golf
yeah whatever
#hideousbadge be like
@Geobits You don't want to proudly show off a DownVader?
It doesn't really align with my eyes very well, and it's not exactly much of an accomplishment anyway :P
You can resize the hat
and rotate it
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ progress so far?
The resize/rotate capability was there last year.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC o_o
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ for the challenge?
I know you can resize and rotate it, but it doesn't align right no matter what. I've tried.
It's not far off, but it's enough that it would bug me.
The technical term is doabandekoboggling, sir.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC yeah
also nice new name
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Hm?
Oh, thanks.
the quine part is kinda hard too
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ what if I did that challenge but three languages, and it has to be palindromic
and somehow it's simultaneously KotH and C&R
That sounds like it'd be complex and not fun.
the only bad thing about hats is that I cannot recognize people by their avatars when they cover the entire flippin' thing >:P
@ConorO'Brien Yeah, that's kinda annoying.
I hope my challenge becomes a HNQ
@ConorO'Brien my cat is glorious though
You can usually recognize people by their message instead. Word choices, phrasing... it's just a little more involved :P
except now I look like @El'endiaStarman a bit
@El'endiaStarman heyyy you put your darth vader on Lumen again!
@Geobits Hm, really?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yours also doesn't cover the whole thing
OK, I changed my mind. I like the way Epiphany looks
But January 6th is kind of late
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Not always, but usually. That's how most socks get figured out.
@Geobits Hm, liez! Y u no tell xactly mi ID frm txt, lol?
@Geobits tempted to imitate people's writing styles now :P
while I was tempted, Timmy went all in lol
@TimmyD ...... I actually thought you were tux, white and black avatar
@TimmyD I was this close to swinging some hammer. :P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ but I don't write like this ;_;
Haha, phase one complete.
@El'endiaStarman hammertime!
@Dennis if I wanted to write a program to convert some input into a COW program, then run that program, how would I execute it on TIO?
I think my point stands.
Yay, Facebook and Twitter are banned after the attack to Russian ambassador in Turkey.
u wot
@GabrielBenamy Using any of the shells. You can peek into /srv/wrappers to see how individual programs are run. For COW, it's just a standard invocation of /opt/cow/cow.
Q: C# Lambdas as Answers to questions asking for a Function

VisualMelonApologies in advance, this is long, and may read somewhat like a rant, but I've been holding off asking about this for ages (and reduced my PPCG activity as a result of the increased prevalence of certain classes of answers). I'm sure many will expect that this is a dupe of something more general...

Q: Making Great GIFs

Hydraxan14Some questions and answers have helpful animated GIFs which display the output of a command line program. Some GIFs look great, like this one from the Make me a fake loader question: Others look corrupt and choppy, like this one from this answer: What are some methods for making great GIFs?

@TuxCopter you do sometimes, mostly when the goat is in the room
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ is vrey flase
@betseg Shoot their jet down!
Can you DNS through?
@VisualMelon I've not used C#, but it's similar-ish enough to PowerShell that I can usually follow along. Are you saying that your examples A and B won't compile as-is, and that's why C is the minimum required?
@TimmyD Aye, only I'm trying to be more explicit about it. A and B can't just be stuffed into a class, while C can be (and unambiguously so).
OK, thanks for the clarification.
(personally I would prefer if everything just expected a complete program (i.e. can be passed to CSC), but there is no way that's happening!)
And yes, this is something I've read a few times now, but it doesn't address statically typed languages, and is part of the rational for "a function is something you can call, either by name or directly"
Everybody has equal rights. Even if rights = 0
I've been saying this for a while about Java, and there are a lot of related questions, but most of them are only tangentially related.
@Geobits indeed, I finally motivated myself to write that up because of the question I mention therein
hopefully it will go somewhere and not just dead end or get side-tracked...
I'm kerning letters (make two textboxes have equal width) by changing the font size of space char between the letters
@Flp.Tkc File error: Pushy files must be ASCII-only. T_T
@MartinEnder that avatar...
he did htat last year too iirc
Ender, that avatar...
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I did, with the Kylo Ren hat yes, but for now it's mostly because I don't really have a choice so far.
@MartinEnder vote from mobile 7 times and you can stick a telephone on your head?
it's like a scarf-hat combo
sounds very tempting.
I finally managed to make the animated run icon of TIO Nexus work with IE 11 and Edge (partially, at least). Sadly, that completely breaks it in Firefox. Argh!!!
For the curious: tio.run/nexus-dev/bash
@trichoplax I made a brand based on your username idea imgh.us/entire_logo_(1).png
At least I think my answer is right
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC my subscription to my ISP finished and Vodafone doesn't allow DNS
@betseg so you have to manually type in the IPs?
I can be your DNS by using dig from here.
@GabrielBenamy which one?
A: Busy Brain Beaver reboot

Gabriel Benamy22222222... (65536 twos) = 2↑↑↑4 Before I begin, this is not the largest number expressible using 500 bytes of New Brainfuck. It's simply where I gave up trying to wrap my head around how big the numbers were getting. This answer only uses 93 bytes and is therefore not the largest number, but ...

@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC doesn't allow changing DNS :/
They have their own DNS server obviously
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Which username idea?
@zyabin101 Sanguine.
@betseg Tor?
We can manually get IPs to FB and Twitter..
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Link to the username idea. >_>
(I suspect my code gives a smaller number, but no interpreter will run it because whatever it turns out to be is too big for me -- I think it might just be 65536^65536)
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC will probably work, can't try atm
@zyabin101 ...
@GabrielBenamy 2^16^2^16?
@Doorknob you're not going for hats this year?
one guy who posted a link about drugs on reddit got reddit banned for all of russia
It's deleted now and russians can use reddit again
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ why does this have 4 reopen votes? O_o it simply doesn't have an objective winning criterion. as opposed to , tagging something says nothing about how scores are determined.
> The winner of a fastest-code challenge is determined by the runtime performance of the submissions.
@betseg I think so, but I'm not sure, because if I start with 1 +, I get 4, then ++ makes it 65536, then +++ makes it run for an incredibly long time
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ which you determine exactly how?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC no
(if you mean )
all the avatars got unblocked suddenly
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC metagolf means a program that outputs another program, but not a quine. it's like saying "write a generator function" kinda
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC imgur was blocked?
still is blocked
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ more importantly, it's scored by the size of the output, not by the size of the generator
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC btw, not to slam you again or anything, did you try to close the sandbox?
Firefox, I hate your guts.
Firefox is a coward, so it has no guts.
Because hiding and unhiding my animated SVG "returns" to a state it never had.
My workaround for IE/Edge bugs works just fine in Chrome, but nooo, Firefox won't let me use it.
It's a comic in some sense.
Huh. TIL you can still edit comments on deleted posts within the grace period
That's probably a bug.
@DJMcMayhem Do they un-delete?
@DJMcMayhem report
@GabrielBenamy no?
I'm fairly certain that's intentional
I can recreate it in the formatting sandbox
Hm, yeah, it might be. IIRC you can also delete comments on a deleted post.
At least I was always under the impression it was for commenting on a post with why you deleted something
So you can edit it to fix typos or whatever before the notification and all that
@Dennis yup, just confirmed that works too
When I go to the Sandbox it says I'm not logged in
@DJMcMayhem Oh I thought you meant, like, here
@ConorO'Brien @Downgoat Is there a place equivalent to window where local variables are stored in JS?
If so does it work with closures
For testing go here
@quartata Node?
ok I get "this message has been deleted and cannot be edited"
i.e do locals from the parent appear in the child
@zyabin101 ??
Do you use Node?
Transpiling to regular browser ES5
What's a term that encompasses both "surplus" and "deficit"? I.e., both are differences between budget and actual spending.
@betseg rip us
@arda You guys should move if it hasn't already occurred to you
Emigration is hard though.
Yeah, and not just because of red tape and logistics
But the direction this is going is not good
I mean seriously
@quartata there is a minor issue
by that, I mean that both of us are minors
Ah. (Also I see what you did there)

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