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go vote on teh sandbox
or teh showcase nukilition proposal
or some meta post
Lol, was using a Rickroll to test my audio, got it working and DUN DUUUN DUN DUUUN DEEN
ooh sweet. I just realised that I don't need to use a global variable because I can use a class variable
* sigh *
Doesn't know how to count
A few reloads later and it's fixed . . .
I just voted a bit on meta
y u no hat
@MODS May I request that # [`Click here to scroll to the bottom of the page.`](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/sandbox-for-propo‌​sed-challenges#show-editor-button) be added to the bottom of the Sandbox post?
PPCG is #5!
Changed the ping to dennis because it's 3am in germany
On the other hand, it's 11pm where dennis lives.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC How is that better than pressing the End key?
some people don't know shortcuts I guess
anybody know how to set a function to a property of something in python? i.e. 'a = str.replace'?
The sandbox has a close vote. You have got to be kidding me!
58 mins ago, by noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC.... not funny
The next person who abuses his privileges to get hats will get a suspension instead, until the day after Winter Bash.
wait, hats?
(I'm just going to pin that. We had the same issue last year.)
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC dude, seriously..... ಠ_ಠ
crap ninja
How do I hat?
@ATaco click on avatar on your profile page
> answer a -3 question; later +3
what could possible go wrong
Q: How do I alias member functions in Python?

RainboltIn Python, one can save bytes by aliasing functions that are used repeatedly. For example: r=range a=r(100) b=r(200) c=r(300) However, when the functions are member functions together, I don't know how to alias them in a way that allows chaining. For example: s='Hello' // Plain code s=s.repl...

Is there a place I can go to find out about this hat related winter bash?
Yes, the hat source.
Earning hats it linked to some normal-day actions on main, meta, or chat (I think). When you do, you'll get a notification where the snowflake icon is currently sitting next to your inbox.
Also: Winter. lol
yeah, only half of the planet
School picked like worst week for finals :( how do I waste time getting internet hats now
We here down under appreciate that Americans are cold, but it's already +30C (86F) here.
it was -14F the other day here
Going to be 0F or less by morning
We're only at 27 °C, but it is 23:00.
And it's +40C (104F) in Adelade.
People here in Houston think 40°F is insanely cold, but I used to live in Chicago, so pfff. :P
It's not THAT cold.
Our record low in the village in Germany I lived in was -35 °C (-31 F). That was cold.
Yeah no thanks.
The worst part: We just came back from a vacation in sunny Sri Lanka. Brutal.
The coldest it gets here is -10C (14 F)
@ATaco Where I live, it was briefly 3 F in the early hours of morning, a couple days ago.
Argh, should have closed the Google tab.
Yeah I'll live with my +50C (122F) days thanks.
OK, I don't think I've experienced 50 °C outside a sauna.
For some reason it's winter in China and it's 24 degrees here
I don't understand my brain is broke
Is it at least dry heat?
Yeah, VERY dry.
Last time I got that Victoria was mostly in flames.
That's better than humid heat.
@ATaco Where?
We're currently at 80% humidity.
Okay chill on the Aussie lang...
The rules don't specify which language needs to be spoken
@El'endiaStarman Fair dinkum.
They also don't say that a dog can't play basketball. Doesn't mean they'd let him.
Fair Dinkum.
(Please don't strip me of my chat privileges)
Australian is a valid Dialect of English, mind, one of the more abstract ones.
OK, I gotta ask. What's a dinkum?
@Dennis Your guess is as good as mine.
I have no idea
You have to ask a bogan.
But you both... nevermind.
(I can explain what a bogan is, though)
Thanks, but that sounds by far less interesting.
Fair Dinkum is an appropriate response to either, something difficult to believe, EG.

I'm a professional athlete.
"Fair Dinkum?!"

Or, reluctantly accepting something, similar to "Fair Enough"
Or anytime you want to confuse a foreigner.
I've rarely heard the phrase "fair dinkum" used except by the boganest of bogans
And only then I've heard it used in the second meaning
Also Acceptable, "I Fair Dinkum can totally jump that mate. Hold me tinny."
"Whoah, far out. I reckon that's a fair dinkum attempt, mate." - my new go-to phrase when someone golfs my code
Wikipedia does consider Australian a noticeably separate language from EnglishBritish
@Doorknob thanks, cool
knew that existed
Crap now the chat is 3aussie5me
What the heck is "meter"
Colour, Flavour, Behaviour, Neighbour.
Too much of u.
Metre, Litre
OK quick survey
@El'endiaStarman Would use imperial or metric?
Funny story: I was doing some CSS a while back and didn't recognise color as a word
@Qwerp-Derp Imperial. It's obviously the best system.
5280 feet in a mile makes perfect sense, I tell ya.
Or 231 cubic inches in a gallon.
I use imperial for length and metric for volume just to annoy the shit out of everyone
@Dennis I don't think I've ever really used "cubic inch" as a unit of volume.
What about "degrees Rankine"?
I might start talking about getting 231 or 462 cubic inches of milk from the store though...for the hilarity.
I flip a coin for temperature
> Easier to spell
Yeah, celcius is super easy to spell
It's easier than Fahrenheit.
@El'endiaStarman not for goats at least :P :/
@El'endiaStarman I disagree, but I'm biased.
Does anyone want to play my new chat game?
@Dennis You find it easier to spell Fahrenheit than Celsius?
Well, it is German.
Ah, right.
Celsius is Swedish, right?
@Qwerp-Derp you know you can adjust the hat so it looks better?
Can't be bothered
@Dennis is it actually easier to spell or just more natural to type/write?
$ git reset --hard 2015
fatal: ambiguous argument '2015': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
:( I cannot revert back to 2015
Just made a SoundCloud playlist of all the Kurzgesagt tracks
Put it on shuffle and pinned the tab
:O XKCD without XKCD-style font
wow that is big
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I guess it's just more natural. If you've never read Fahrenheit before, you'd get it right on the first try.
But I don't remember misspelling Celsius.
German usually has their words Phonetic, conveniently.
Q: Find the sum of all numbers below n that are a multiple of some set of numbers

CisplatinAlmost equivalent to Project Euler's first question: If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. The rules will be a bit changed: instead, you...

I have a new hat
I wish there was a "sort by byte count" option for answers :s
There's a Tampermonkey script for that @Yodle
There should be a special moderator-only hat given out by suspending/banning users who abuse privileges to get hats
If you want the close or reopen hats, watch the review queues. The close and reopen queues frequently have work to be done.
And don't vote to close or reopen just to get the hat(s). Vote based on whether or not it actually should be closed/reopened. There is plenty of time to collect hats.
I'm not looking forward to the star spam for First Responder...
Isn't star spam normal here?
k, guess not
I want to write a code-golf answer, but I don't have wifi set up in my apartment yet, so I thought I'd do it on my phone, but I can't enter unprintables anymore (I don't know why), so I thought I'd simulate the control key with a vim-function, but I can't edit my .vimrc so I thought I'd root it which brings me back to the problem of not having wifi...
@DJMcMayhem Have you tried using more jQuery?
Did CG meta's certificate expire?
Cmon chat, update my hat...
@Mego that sounds perfect actually. Where can I download jQuery?
Oh wait
where are my hats?
I also found two different V bugs
The fact that the mouth on Abominable isn't centered bugs me...
Did you just upload that just so you could make that joke?
@DJMcMayhem Naturally
Is there a hat for asking for free hats?
Never let rationality get in the way of a good joke
> Naturally
Is that your new language?
@ATaco Yes, but only mods and room owners can give it out. It's called Suspension.
@DJMcMayhem Obviously.
Best hat
ps can you teach me how to taco?
Everyone here will probably get Abominable hat
@Mego You're giving me so many options here I'm not sure which joke to make
To Taco is to be Human.
I'm a cyborg
Lol i can't see hats on mobile site
Oh fek
My hat is the best amirite?
@DJMcMayhem Precisely.
The real reason I'm learning J is so I can make better adverb jokes. My next language will be named /
I downloaded the app, upvoted some answers, still no cuting the cord ;_;
@Mego I'm sure that language will be easy to search for
much lag from mobile, 5-10 minutes
People should learn RProgN
I almost crashed my car into a ditch earlier today. It was terrifying
@DJMcMayhem To avoid name conflicts, it will be named Spread (rather than Slash). Naturally, it will be able to interface with Jelly and CJam.
Aww my hat isnt aligned well ;_;
Link to hat room please? :3
The silver trophy hat is not obnoxious at all...
Wait why does that link go to main SE site? It's to chat.stackexchange.com
Haha I'm curious how many people I can confuse with Dr. Seuss hat
I'm looking forward to an opportunity to get the Grinch hat. When I get it, I'm putting it on and never taking it off.
@DJMcMayhem Did you care?
@NewMainPosts I've edited this to make it clearer now.
@mınxomaτ isn't the line in that song "bridge" not "ditch"?
That's why I'm asking. Maybe the amount of caring depends on what you crash into.
"I crashed my car into a ditch. Meh."
Ah, good point.
If I had crashed, I probably would have cared
I was actually really really lucky. I narrowly missed hitting a pole, and almost ended up rolling into a ditch
And nobody was around to crash into me, so that was lucky too
> The Password field cannot exceed 12 characters in length
@DJMcMayhem maybe the large hat was obstructing your view :P
@DJMcMayhem I did that once. Went between a power line pole and the supporting cable. No idea how I didn't hit either. I went back and looked at the tire marks, and they were actually touching the pole. It's a wonder I didn't lose a mirror at least.
Welp, I got 180. No idea how.
I don't even know how how it happened. I slipped for a split-second on the snow and the next thing I know I was fish tailing really hard, so then I overcorrected and did a 180
@DJMcMayhem Did you at least get the hat?
Unfortunately not. I'm guessing penguins have a natural bonus towards obtaining snow-related hats.
And cats hate water and snow is basically water, so I have natural disadvantage
I have another hat
@Dennis Pasting in the character Ç into the code box completely breaks TIO Nexus
Grinchy is mine :)
> Due to a lack of funds, the school could not afford two CS teachers, so half the school was unable to take CS. I asked what a teacher's salary was. $100 per month. So I went to an ATM and bought them a second teacher for the next year.
@Dennis More specifically, any non-ASCII character being pasted in seems to break it
Also copying from the codegolf submission box when it contains non-ASCII characters
@Mego are you sure about that? tio.run/nexus/v#ASMA3P//…
Who wants to play my new chat game thing?
@DJMcMayhem Oh, mine wasn't in snow. I had what I politely term an "asshole" change lanes from a dead stop right in front of me. It was an easy decision to go into the grass rather than plow into the back of him at 40 mph.
@Qwerp-Derp what do you consider a new chat game thing
@7H3_H4CK3R I made a chat game
That we could play
@Qwerp-Derp I have 14 minutes until a physics lesson starts. Let me in on the chat game
needs 3 players
Quick explanation:
It's on a square grid
There's a center token in the middle like this:
That counts as first player's move
You can place a token above, below, left or right of that token
The first person to get 3 in a row wins
This also counts as a three-in-a-row:
The X's are one apart
@Mego Ugh, that's part of a new "feature". Just a sec.
As long as they're the same number apart, they count as a 3-in-a-row
So this counts
but something like this
@Dennis Feedback on the Nexus. Having the Ctrl key toggle a version where I can't edit without toggling the Ctrl key again is a little disruptive to workflow when I'm copying and pasting Jelly characters all the time.
Doesn't count
I feel like this chat game is biased strongly toward player one.
@Qwerp-Derp interesting
@Geobits Should I get rid of the spaced-apart rule?
@Sherlock9 @Mego That should be fixed.
Not sure if that's the only issue, but it is one.
@Geobits that was a wise decision
Tapping Ctrl is supposed to enter control mode, but only if you didn't press any other keys...
Do you want to just play and find out what happens?
I suggest the middle tile is neutral
No one was around when it happened to me though, which is great cause I was sliding for like 5-10 seconds and totally would have wrecked someone elses car if they were around
And doesn't count towards any player
We'll label it as N
@Qwerp-Derp One problem is that player one can get two-in-a-row on the second turn no matter what, so both other players are forced to play defense there. Then he can play another two in a row, etc.
Even with the neutral square rule?
@Dennis Yeah, but having the Ctrl key down when I'm shifting tabs (Ctrl-Shift-Tab) turns on control mode, having the Ctrl key down while pressing Ctrl-C Ctrl-V turns on control mode
@DJMcMayhem Nice. I've done some ice-sliding before. It's both fun and terrifying lol.
How about 4-in-a-row instead?
@Qwerp-Derp I don't know what that rule is.
@Sherlock9 Not anymore.
@Qwerp-Derp I read that, but...
What is ice sliding like?
At all
Alright, it seems to be working
@Qwerp-Derp It's like momentarily losing control of your life.
@Geobits haha oh yes, I have done plenty of ice-sliding myself. It's a blast when it's intentional, but horrible when you're going 40 and start sliding on accident
At the very least I can edit while in control mode. Thanks
Donuts in the snow are great
@Geobits How about if it's 4-in-a-row?
@Sherlock9 Unless you want to type r, s, or c
I was thinking we play first and then figure out the rest from there
I'd rather that feature be a clickable toggle rather than toggled by ctrl
@Qwerp-Derp That's probably better, though I think five would be better.
That would take too long though
Oh wait hang on
So you have to place a block that is adjacent (not diagonally) to the previous block
Just for clarification
I'm not sure. Four might be fine with three players. I know it's still biased with two players, but I've never tried it with three.
It recently snowed way too much here, so yesterday I went snowboarding behind my car with a friend. Now that was a blast
@Geobits Yeah, I experimented with two players and it's pretty biased.
It's 24 degrees here in China
It was about 26C here today
We haven't had any snow yet here in germany
Dang. It's been between -20 and -10C for several days now
So should I make another chat room for this game?
Probably a good idea, yes.
A chatroom only full of grids
You need a catchy name, too. "Chat game #17" isn't all that good.
-2°C now, expected 10°C high today. It'll be 15°C this week. No snow in sight :'(
That's gonna be fun when you have 3 games running at once
I'm calling it Threeshold
But that was when it was 3-in-a-row
Gonna have to change names
Well I got physics now...


An experimental game.
It's going to be called Fourtune.
Goodnight everyone o/
So does anyone want to play?
@Mego That kinda defeats the purpose of being able to navigate without reaching for the mouse. It shouldn't trigger anymore when you copy/paste; it didn't recognize the key presses (bug), and I've added a 200ms timeout for a tap
On second thought, I'll just disable it until tomorrow. I'll add a heads-up wrt what triggers control mode and how to exit.
The buggy version is still on dev.
Why is no one on
I'm golfing at the moment
What lang
I'm trying to do my swap periodic challenge from last week
@Qwerp-Derp school
@mods plz update my hat
So is anyone up for a game of Fourtune?
Not at the moment, sorry. I'm trying to figure out about a dozen test cases here
Also, I'm not sure what Fourtune is. I've only skimmed the chat today
It finally happened, I got a dream where I code-golfed!
^ Please star, I want hats
I think I've got a new sequence!
And therefore a new challenge
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ZgarbThe strange periods of Sharkovskii code-golf numbers sorting Introduction In this challenge, we will be dealing with a certain ordering of the positive integers. The ordering goes like this: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ... 2*3, 2*5, 2*7, 2*9, 2*11, ... 4*3, 4*5, 4*7, 4*9, 4*11,...

@KritixiLithos no
So who's on and is up for a game of Fourtune?
"You have not earned any hats yet" :(
Just vote on Meta
still nothing :(
It takes sometime for it to update
Hey, how 'bout this, I star one of your chat messages, and you star one of mine, and we both get hats!
Star abuse is an Empire thing to do
As if there already isn't star abuse...
There's a stark difference between starting to gain hats on your own and star-angling the system to get hats
@Sherlock9 banned
You guys should seriously be glad that puns aren't a bannable offense
Besides rampant star abuse for the Winter Bash would be hatastrophic
Did you ever get your Jelly sorted, @Sherlock9?

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