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The most I ever had in any league was about 5 ex in Prophecy
But that's partially due to refusing to follow the meta and designing my own builds
@Mego I designed cospri's discharge myself
with two friends
then one friend streamed it and it became meta
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoGenerate a Call Tree code-golf graphical-output Given a C program, generate a graphical call tree. A call tree is a tree where the nodes represent stack frames, and the connections represent nested function calls. For example, here is a simple C program and its call tree: #include <stdio.h> ...

I should probably hotkey a script that kills the program using most memory
@Angs No. That would be bad.
I hate it when 30+ browser tabs get swapped because of a memory leak while doing something stupid
@Angs I have 16gigs vOv
@orlp me too, but when all a program does is eat memory, nothing's enough
@Angs kill -9 -1
Guaranteed to kill the process with the most memory consumption
@Mego that's a bit excessive, don't you think
Or simpler: pkill java
And when everything gets swapped, even getting a terminal to respond is slooow
@Angs Pull out the power cable. That'll fix the problem.
@quartata asserta asserts the fact as if it was the first one in the part of your code where this fact is, whereas assertz asserts it as the last one.
e.g. if you have
then `assert(a(3)).` will do this:

whereas `assertz(a(3)).` will do this:
ps -e -o pid,vsz= | sort -n -k 2 | tail -n 1 | cut -d\ -f 2 | xargs kill -s 9 should be ok…
@WheatWizard You shouldn't vote to close on spam questions; you should flag them.
@Fatalize I almost can't remember what it's like to have spam...
@Fatalize OK thanks
Q: Railroad switch network

ZgarbIntroduction Suppose we have a network of railroads. Each junction in the network is controlled by a switch, which determines whether an incoming train turns left or right. The switches are configured so that each time a train passes, the switch changes direction: if it was pointing left, it now...

I generated some midi files but quicktime can't play them?
anybody know a good midi player?
screw it I'll put it in a converter
ehh, actually I still want the midi player
What was that game with hexagons and bots and stuff
Edges exploding tiles and stuff
Found it: Hexplode
please help me find a midi player ;_;
what operating system are you using
@DestructibleWatermelon On Linux I use timidity - there seem to be osx ports/forks of it
link pls?
wait, brewinstalling
nearly half done
Q: Checking String for enum in Java

SamCle88 I'd like to find a method that matches the following conditions: - made in Java - done without the use of external libraries - it takes a String parameter and returns a boolean result, i.e. of the kind boolean check(String s) - only a single line code, just return, so that its body can be easi...

2 hours later…
@betseg Would you like the Hexplode room to be unfrozen?

 Towards a Hexplode inspired KotH

A place to talk about how to implement this and what variation...
QPL is one ridiculous license.
The original Qt license, create by (ironically named company) Trolltech.
It forbids any modified package of the software. That means you can't even fork the project. Any modification has to be distributed as a patch, and only as a patch.
Plus any patches you dare to make can be integrated into the upstream project without any asking. Meaning you essentially work for free for the developer.
That's stupid (^^^ but ^ is also wtf)
Trolltech has a history of stupid licensing. But why anyone would choose QPL for their project is beyond me.
Q: C Program which leads to a "race condition"

Rocco MancinYour task is to create two programs in C. The first (called A) should take an argument from command line and print a string depending on the argument. The argument is a number from 1 to 3 inclusive. If the argument is less than 1 or greater than 3 the program must exit immediately. The strings ...

So QPL is effectively a proprietary open source licence?
@trichoplax no thx i was just searching it to play with my friends
Q: best way to toggle a flag value when it is true

TamilIn my project at lot of places I am toggling a flag value. I am sure this is very basic coding and experts will do it differently. What are some of the best ways to write the below logic in a much better way if ( someFlag ) { someFlag = false; }

What the hell is this commit message
@betseg Ah OK. Have fun :)
@TuxCopter Copy-paste accident...?
@TuxCopter probably the song that was playing when the commit was done
wow so many off-topic questions
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinBinary to decimal converter As far as I can see, we don't have a simple binary to decimal conversion challenge. Therefore: Write a program or function that takes a positive binary integer and outputs it decimal value. You are not allowed to use any builtin base conversion functions. Rules: ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinBinary to decimal converter, 2.0 This is almost identical to this other proposal, but it's actually a very different task. Write a program or function that takes a positive binary integer and outputs it decimal value. The function must support binary numbers up to and including 2^1000. It's h...

@TuxCopter brain power ;););)
aw... one of the challenges i answered last night got put on hold :[
how will ppcg ever learn about sun.misc.Unsafe
What challenge?
Q: Shortest program with a memory leak

tbodtWrite a program which runs forever and continuously allocates memory, at least until you reach the limit of memory a single program can allocate. (macOS sends a SIGKILL at around 50GB, your kernel may differ). Shortest code wins.

Oh, so you can malloc in Java
@Poke I never thought I'd see someone else who knew SOUND VOLTEX... or so I thought until I realise now it's supposedly a meme for some reason? What the heck.
@TuxCopter yeah kinda, haha
@Sp3000 Yeah I think a lot of streamers/gamers were playing it recently and so it became a thing
it does get the adrenaline pumping, haha
i think i've watched people play it on Osu!
Out of all the SOUND VOLTEX songs... o_O
well you know how the internet do
@TuxCopter p.s. never use that library in actual code, haha
brb using the library with my code to make 4 = 5
I used to play a bunch of beatmania IIDX
SOUND VOLTEX looks a lot of fun…
I'm always impressed by the Beatmania players - I'm terrible at it :P
But yeah rhythm game-wise SOUND VOLTEX is my favourite ^_^
audiosurf is another fun one
i usually just play mono on that, though
Is there a challenge to implement a COW interpreter
@Downgoat no, sadly :/
@El'endiaStarman congrats!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ :(
(what message is this responding to)
the hand hurt one
@Poke I'm coming for your Java answer in the non deterministic output question.
uh oh
(probably not, I'm not sure what else I can do now)
@DrMcMoylex @El'endiaStarman (and I guess @quartata) antichamber completed!
that was epic
and the last ending scene was cool too, though I had a hard time jumping on the the greyish platform :p
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ nice. Wanna see some hacks right now?
1 sec, trying orlp's level
but sure!
... i got an aechivment from it
@arda is this code true?
i = 973888399131647731441806537004300456480168700685076977973138167941259881838174536316361975757
j = 0
k = 95
j = (10**k -1) // 9
while j % i != 0:
    j = (10**k - 1) // 9
    k += 1
    if k % 10000 == 0:
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ OK. It'll have to be pretty quick though. Message me once your ready\
@betseg seems so, yeah
@DrMcMoylex ready now
Oh, cool
@arda k = 150000 and counting
kinda considering leaving my pc open overnight
@Poke I think I got it actually :D!
le sigh
maybe some day i'll use java 8 and write lambdas
@orlp is that level beatable
Lol. I'm pretty stumped on it too
I wondered why I stopped getting rep pings from my train answer, then I realized that it was because I rep-capped in the middle of the night O_o
This is by far the shortest time it's ever taken me to rep-cap
It's also about to become my most upvoted answer ever, 16 hours old compared to my 16-month-old Minecraft Mirrored answer
Weird, 'cause it took me 10 minutes to write and golf
My loading forever answer is now my highest voted se answer of all time
I haven't ever participated in other sites, except for two questions and two answers on SO
Oh, and a question on Math.SE
Only one of my top five answers are on PPCG, but all of my top five questions are.
what is the daily rep cap
200 from upvotes I think
200 per site, plus exceptions (bounties, accepts, etc)
Huh. I have more non- ppcg posts than ppcg posts
Most of them on Vi.SE?
Oh, me too. I've got nearly 500 answers on SO alone.
Oh wow, I had no idea you had more rep on SO than on PPCG
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Congrats! :D
@ETHproductions yeah, but only by a small margin. I have over 100 posts on vi, ell, and SO
Actually, almost a hundred on so
@ETHproductions Haha, yeah. Even though I haven't participated there in forever, I get a small bit of residual rep pretty much daily.
For a little while my highest voted answer was on infosec, which is funny cause I only have one post there and I know nothing about info sec
@Mego I found four that I recall. Is that all of them?
I thought there was like 10
My most voted answer in on Puzzling
so I'm writing a COW interpreter in Perl
Yeah, two of my top five are on Puzzling
Cows quack
I have all but moo, MOO, and mOO implemented
It explains the shirt they sent me.
but those three are arguably the most annoying
How did you get a shirt?
Top two pages of users (by rep) when the graduation happens. They send out shirts and stickers with the new design.
Q: How many pink (purple) cubes are there?

WokIn Antichamber, I have found little purple cubes in some secret areas. Each time, the little purple cube was alone, started moving as I got closer, and escaped. At least, for one of the two purple cubes I have so far, there was a big digit "2" on a wall nearby. How many purple cubes are the...

@Geobits So has ours happened yet, or not until we get our design?
I would assume they'd need the design so they can design the swag around it
They haven't sent them out here, no. I assume the same, though.
How do they know where the users live?
It would almost be nice to have a beta-themed shirt though lol
@KritixiLithos they email you and ask where to mail it to, and what size you want
I got ell swag
lol, I just found out I'm in the 9 page of Users listed by rep
@DrMcMoylex You got a shirt?
Yeah, and some stickers
@DrMcMoylex Wait what thirteen?!?
Fairly sure the cutoff date for that was when graduation was announced, though, so I don't think you can catch up now before the shirts come out.
At least I hope so. I've dropped off of page two iirc :/
Q: Piles of gold - different weights, same amount

TalismanEEEEEEEEYou're given 2000 gold coins, 1000 of them weighing 10 grams and 1000 weighing 9 grams. They all look the same. You're given also a weighing scale, which, when given pile A and pile B, may tell you which pile weighs more (or if they're equal). Your goal is to make two piles of coins, both conta...

With the way our design is going, I may very well be in the top 10 by the time that happens :P
@Geobits Didn't you hear? SE gave us the full design/graduation, but they thought the beta design looks perfect for us so they didn't change anything
I think I was around 32nd when graduation officially happened though, so I should be good either way
I don't really want to waste my time playing through the game again just to try and find all thirteen pink cubes... :P
@Geobits You're #42
@DrMcMoylex I thought Geobits was the one who said that.
Q: Scoring Algodoo and other physics sims with logic capability

wyldstallyns Although physics simulator Algodoo has been used it to construct questions here, I just used it for a joke answer. For more involved answers, how would you score something like a binary calculator?

@ETHproductions Oh right. I dropped off page one. Thanks!
DrMcMoylex is Geobits' sock, confirmed!
I have several that are quite lively in chat, but not that one.
Is NewMainPosts one of them? :P
No, but I have two with 1000+ messages ;)
Invisible Spambots
Spam? Me? Never.
I knew TuxCrafting wasn't a real person!
Hey, don't you lay that on me :P
why isn't my interpreter working correctly....
Q: Evaluating Math Expression In String Form

obarakonYour challenge is to create a method that takes in a mathematical expression in string-form as an argument and returns the correct product in string form. The method must properly follow the order of operations. f("3 + 4 * 5") Should return "23" f("3 + 4 / 5") Should return "3.8" This is co...

> 1066601 all time messages - The Nineteenth Byte
Aw man, now it went up by three :P
who wants to help me debug my interpreter
Dang, the four most recent questions have all been closed.
I somehow simultaneously enjoy and dislike using my code-golf dupehammer...
Jeez, a few of the Antichamber pink cubes are in places I never thought to look. (Video guide)
@ETHproductions Just remember that everything is a dupenail and you'll be fine :P
Stars disappeared?
@KritixiLithos I gotchu
Seriously VTC, make up your mind :P
"To star or not to star, that is the question"
@ETHproductions Hey man I didn't star at first. >.>
/me continues to wait for sandbox bot >.>
Wait, mojimonster is VTC? Why do you people insist on confusing me? >_>
@Dennis lol sorry
I did it "randomly".
I'll change it back to VoteToClose next I can.
@Dennis Geobits and I ... I mean, TimmyD and I have just recently changed our names.
I see why
We decided a little anarchy would be a good thing.
@mojimonster IMO, VoteToClose is the best name you've ever had
@KritixiLithos Exactly why I'm changing it back.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mojimonsterCreate a versioning series kolmogorov-complexityalgorithmnumbercode-challenge The Definition Given an integer x, a versioning series is a series from which any x-length subset of consecutive numbers is unique compared to all other possible subsets of the same definition (a unique "version"). ...

@TimmyD >_>
> complexityalgorithmnumbercode
Seems like a jargon generator. Just take some keywords and jumble 'em up.
@KritixiLithos I prefer trench coats.
there's my COW interpreter for everything other than the mOO statement
@Dennis That's random
from now on i'm gonna answer as many challenges as I can in COW
@KritixiLithos no, his name used to be VintageTrenchCoat or something like it
@KritixiLithos Not at all.
VTC meant that originally, then later came to mean VoteToClose iirc
Oh, I was not active in SE during that time
I'm guessing this can't be used as a programming language? esolangs.org/wiki/IRP
@TimmyD I thought we were waiting until Christmas to tell people that.
I swear every time somebody points out my name this conversation happens.
You should just change your name to Vitsy.
Yep, Vitsy is the obvious choice.
Or PurseDog :P
^^^ Star if you agree
/me dies
I am not my child
Sure you are. #timetravel
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ related
@mojimonster Am I reading it wrong, or can you not just "version" with (with x ones) ad nauseam, giving an infinite score?
@Geobits No, because x is your substring length.
I didn't get that from the question. Examples?
> any x-length subset of consecutive numbers is unique compared to all other possible subsets of the same definition
So, for example, with subset length 3:
Yeah, I thought that meant the subset had x numbers, not x digits/characters.
0010111 is valid, because 001, 010, 011, 111.
@Geobits Ohhhh okay
Okay, so it's one string, where every substring of length x is unique. Got it.
Yes, but a string composed only of numbers.
Does my edit clarify that?
I thought you meant something completely different by "versioning" FTR.
Its relation to versioning comes from the fact that you can define a specific range of versions given a subset of the full set that contains several unique versions, which may discount past or future versions compatibility.
@Geobits What did you think I meant?
Something to do with typical dot-notated software versioning.
Hmm. I'm unsure of the scoring though. Surely there's a hard maximum for any given input?
@Geobits Yes - but the algorithm to find that is unknown (afaik).
Ah, okay. That makes it better then :)
It might also be something that cannot be determined by a single function for several inputs.
I know what it is for input 1: 0123456789 :P
@Geobits Yeah tru
I'm not sure I want to even try finding the optimum for input 10 though. I just figured somebody had by now. If not, it sounds good.
I'd still add examples to the question though.
@Geobits Right with you. ;) Done when you posted that.
Well, the verifier seems pretty straightforward to implement at least :D
Somehow I got on an obamacare mailing list?
Yeah I think I'm already finished with it, I'm just doing a few test cases.
Is it an actual thing or a scam?
I wrote it in Java tho >.>
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Make sure you check the headers.
@mojimonster Attaboy
@mojimonster doesn't matter, I'm not clicking it :p
ok, it's fake
curling the domain that it's coming from shows nothing good
> Obamacare is coming for your kidneys! Click here to sign up for the keep-your-kidneys list!
it actually was like "september is the first month to signup for obamacare! click here now"
Yeah, that's probably slightly more likely to work. Slightly.
@Geobits I once got an email from "ObamaCare" when I was living in Denmark...
even though it actually said september, not december
@KritixiLithos lol
I think it's a pretty good rule of thumb that anything with the word "Obamacare" on it is fake, since they would most likely use the official name for anything official.
@mojimonster just watched that gif, 10/10
@Geobits yeah
> If you are unable (or unwilling) to use Java, you may implement your own verifier, as long as you post it with your answer and show that it works.
@Geobits unless its hate mail.
Well, yeah. I meant anything that claims to be a thing. Not just random chainmails :P
Pretty sure (at least) half of those are fake too, though.
Among other things, yeah.
Related Weird Al song:
Just saw this
"If you don't like and repost, you will die"- cause of millions of deaths worldwide
Phew. You avoided so much bad luck just now.
you didn't star it, which makes sense
you feed off bad luck and downvotes
I can't star it :(
ono I don't want to have downvotes
better whip out those socks /s
i do not condone any sock-foolery
Yeah, let me just whip them out real quick...
Related note: I think the only thing Marky Markov has ever starred in here was the "Stop abusing stars" post.
btw how many stars do the message have now?
@KritixiLithos 100% of the people who don't like and repost will die. Coincidence? I think not!
@Yodle That's not guaranteed. Who knows what will happen in the next few decades? Maybe aging is overrated.
@Geobits lol
how many does that have again?
hey it's almost at 100 stars!
To be honest, if you drink water after this moment, there is a 100% you will die, unless if you star this post in which case it will drop to 1.
@TuxCopter Fixed
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
@Geobits Good point, I actually hope something like that happens. I'd like to be around to see the scientific advances of the human race.
99 :O:O:O:O:O
@KritixiLithos I don't think you've starred that?
@TuxCopter Can you go above 99?
Apparently so, it's at 101 now
I just starred it, but it didn't go up.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I know, it's sad, but you can still save your life :P
@Doorknob congrats on 102 stars on a single message!
Welp, nevermind.
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
@Yodle wait really?
and now it's borked and the star overlaps the border
@Yodle Refresh the page and it will.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I had to refresh twice, it stayed at 99 and then went to 101.
@Rod Yep, SE didn't tought of that :P
I'm obviously biased, but I'm really digging the byte counter on TIO Nexus.
Next milestone: 1000 stars
@Rod I literally got so many stars, I broke chat. :P
@KritixiLithos we should just post that message in here every few days and eventually it'll get there
I wonder if that's a SE record?
It is.
YAAAS! I participated in an SE record by starring the post!
@Dennis I've been using it to count my Python source bytes, cause of line endings.
I wonder if we can take that to Guinness World Records?
> First StackExchange chat message to reach 100 stars
> It's complicated
Yeah, well...
@Doorknob Next step is to rake in that sweet Meta rep by pointing out the overlap. Make sure you use freehand circles for full effect.
The hexdump is recognized nicely though.
@Geobits brb doing that
Does any image editing software have a tool for automatically drawing freehand circles?
@Geobits step 3) profit!
Why the heck does vanilla JavaScript not have a string formatting function?
@feersum they wouldn't be freehand then
@Maltysen shhh
@DrMcMoylex it's part of the string syntax
@Dennis But after I delete the entire text, it still says xxd
Q: Lined up circle, 37 points

Jorge PerezDraw lines between every pair of distinct points for 37 points arranged in a circle, producing something like the below result. Shortest code (in bytes) wins! Your lines don't have to be transparent, but it looks better that way. The output must be a vector graphic, or be at least 600 pixels by 6...

@DrMcMoylex console.log accepts formatting, but other than that...
Yeah, but I need to modify a string, not print it
Q: Star overlap with the border when star count is >=100

TùxCräftîñgWhen the star count is >=100 on a message, the star overlap with the border: sauce The star should normally be at the left of the message box, here it's in.

console.log('I got %d stars!',stars)
Use the FFI and call sprintf from clib
s = 'Hello %s!'.format(name)
I'm sure there's a gazillion plugins that add that function
@KritixiLithos The char-byte conversion is defined per language.
Yeah but you shouldn't need a plugin for something basic like that
And an empty xxd dump results in an empty file.
@TuxCopter I don't think node is really an option for what I'm doing. I'll probably just roll my own
@TuxCopter pls no "sauce", use "the message in question" instead

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