can we assume that at least one of the lines has a non space char in it? These really are important considerations for Turtlèd btw, with the way outputting the grid works
I meant to write "the first column has at least one nonspace"
because otherwise I have to account for leading spaces
(This is part 1 in a two-part challenge.)
Your task is to solve a Hexasweep puzzle.
A Hexasweep puzzle is set out on a grid of diamonds arranged in hexagonal shapes, of which the board looks like a hexagon, like so:
/\ \
_____/ X\____\_____
/\ \ / XX /\ \
@BlueEyedBeast Hey, do you want to truce? You got more languages than me, but I got a much lower byte. Let's coop, shall we? (you know which challenge I'm talking about)
What about one question on numeric solve?
write one function that gets as one argument
one function f(x) and return the list of all element
v with f(v)=0.
Win the one write the function with biggest set
of right results. If two have the same set,
win the one has less characters.
You can not use...
Would removing Foo help? (Foo has been a nuisance in the submission, drastically increasing the bytecount to languages with no support for single quotes)
Minimize Your Code's SHA-256 Hash code-challenge
Write a program or function that outputs its own SHA-256 hash as a hex digest. The winner will be the program with the smallest output (when interpreted as a hexadecimal integer).
Accessing the program/function's source code is allowed (a...
@KritixiLithos no, those ones require certain chars not to be in the input - Pyth was complaining about $ in the input which is used to run arbitary python code
Take a positive integer X. This number is part of the sequence we are interested in if the sum of all digits of X is a divisor of X, and if the product of all digits of X is a divisor of X.
For example, 135 is such a number because 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 which divides 135 = 9 * 15 and 1 * 3 * 5 = 15 whic...
@Maltysen did you use the complex (exp(ipik) or the real version cos(pik) / sin(pik) (tehy are equivalent, but with the complex version you have to care about some issues regarding complex integrals)
@Maltysen these integrals usually do invovle quite some trickery if you want to solve them analytically:)
@orlp thanks, it was just the right time because I should start revising for the exams...
@Maltysen anyway with some theorem I believe you can "pull the limit out of the integral" and then you basically just have to integrate from the left to the right boundary of the square, as everything else is set to zero.
We've had even more off-topic questions before. Lemme see if I can construct a TNBDE query...
Wait, no, that won't work. (I was trying to filter on whether "codegolf" was present in the message, when I realized that New Main Posts necessarily posts PPCG questions. Duh.)
The Royal Canadian Mint is a Canadian Crown corporation, and operates under the legislative basis of the Royal Canadian Mint Act. The shares of the Mint are held in trust for Her Majesty in right of Canada
Ok so I'm trying to write a Jelly answer to "numbers divisible by sum and product of digits". I have a link that can identify a number, but I'm having trouble turning it into an answer that can get the nth number in the sequence
This is my link: DS⁸%o⁸DP⁸%¬
And that is my attempt at finding an answer that isn't working at the moment
I am having an issue in converting Oracle timestamp to SFDC format. The transformation logic that i have (provided by Mule) is failing with Invalid property name: length. Validate that the correct getter and setters are present..". Please see below the error:
Message : Exception while executing:...
When new sites are visited and attempted to play a video in fullscreen, Chrome browser prompts 'Allow Full Screen' message. I am just wondering what can be the reason behind it. I guess allowing full-screen videos can be a potential risk than non-full-screen; But what exactly can be the risk? why...
Create the shortest program that meets the requirements
1) The code must generate a 5x5 grid of 0s, like so:
2) The code must accept an input (column, row, character). The grid must change accordingly:
@Dennis I have question: I'm aware that the link DS⁸%o⁸DP⁸%¬ doesn't actually compute NOT(OR(larg % sum(decimal(larg)), larg % prod(decimal(larg)))) and something more like NOT(larg % prod(OR(larg % sum(decimal(larg), decimal(larg)))
Do you have any idea how I can remedy this because trying to untangle this chain is starting to give me a headache
@Poke Being able to retire v1 in the next month, which is unsandboxed-ish and can't support practical languages. There are some details of v2 that still require some thoughts (server-side permalinks, authentication, format of test suites), and I want to do those calmly to get them right.
@GabrielBenamy I'll add all practical languages I can implement.
But I was trying my hand at it and the darn thing flummoxed me so much that someone else wrote the answer before I figured out all the builtins I needed to golf it properly
@Dennis Our filter is really strict. I would guess that it whitelists the major TLDs instead of blacklisting any. I'm not entirely sure that it's the TLD, but I tried a few other .run sites with no success.
@Dennis Will you be able to add J to some version of TIO? The only online interpreter I know of went offline some time ago. Mind you, it was also buggy.
@Sp3000 I'm not too disappointed. I only added the bounty because I felt bad bumping it just for a snippet edit. I did get one additional upvote so it wasn't a complete waste :P
This is going to be harder then I thought. I managed to install the required dependencies, but J wants to access /proc/cpuinfo for some reason, which the sandbox doesn't allow...
There's another intern here who, when asked how good something was, always responds with "pretty okay" or "pretty alright". I just stumbled upon this so I sent him it.