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@Shebang Could you write the ternary operator as [a,b][condition] ?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ can confirm
@Dennis TIO's looking nice :D
I'm don't know the context of this code so I'm not really sure
The padding around the outside is a bit smaller than I like, but that's a pretty minor thing.
Yeah, there should be a bit more spacing on the desktop.
Still looots of other stuff to be done.
Oh, I hadn't seen it on mobile. Looks nice there :)
I like the mobile version, the design is nice :)
@Flp.Tkc You can't because that would evaluate both conditions and doing s[0] on an empty list would produce an error
She is a comment
Is she at least a very pretty comment?
@betseg Who is "she"?
She bang
Hahaha, that's very punny
I don't know why #! is called a "shebang", since I can't think of a name I've heard or read for # that's anything like "she".
Pretty sure the she is for shell here
Oh, that would make sense.
An executable file starting with an interpreter directive is simply called a script, often prefaced with the name or general classification of the intended interpreter. The name shebang for the distinctive two characters comes from an inexact contraction of SHArp bang or haSH bang, referring to the two typical Unix names for them.
Another theory on the sh in shebang is that it is from the default shell sh, usually invoked with shebang.[14] This usage was current by December 1989,[15] and probably earlier.
How do you type so fast? :P
I'm gonna stick with my answer. It feels truthy enough.
wikipedia, lol
@GabrielBenamy Yeah, the bracketed numbers kinda give it away... :P
Anyone have a good argument for multiple inheritance
in what context
in general
allowing a language to support it or something
it's been too long since I took comp sci, sorry
You could make parallelogram and kite classes and have a rhombus class inherit from both.
@ETHproductions I haven't looked through your code yet, but why did you delete?
Have you ever seen one of those tour buses that's actually a boat and can drive on land and in water?
Maybe you want it to have characteristics of a car and a boat
@Shebang I've been on one!
@El'endiaStarman But why would this be helpful?
I think the principal problem of multiple inheritance is the ambiguity it generates. But used with caution there is nothing wrong with it..
@Shebang I feel like this is the purpose of interfaces
@Shebang extends Vehicle implements drivable boatable ?
@Poke Less duplication of code?
@El'endiaStarman I'm not sure if you'd have any anyway. The calculations can be generalized for the specific type of shape
that sentence made no sense
The calculations are specific to the type of shape
Both my boss and my coworker have officially up and left and I've been here all alone for like an hour
@Geobits Could be done as well, I am only vaguely remembering things from my OOP class
personally i don't think it's necessary
I've barely used single inheritance, let alone multiple inheritance, so take my words with a pile of salt. :P
I hope legally ;)
@GabrielBenamy See you in three days! :P
I never pirate pokemon games
I'm bummed, I bought a 3DS in the summer in anticipation
unless I already own them in one form or another
And then bought a new shell for it because the one it was in was deteriorating
Went to repair it and accidentally broke the display :/
I'm laughing so hard at all the people who got permabanned from the eshop for playing the games online early
why on earth would you be dumb enough to pirate a pokemon game and then play it online
@Shebang my brother in law drove one this summer for tourists
rest in peace, shebang's 3ds
30 seconds in and the professor's already a babe
If I decide to buy another used one the total cost of them would have been able to buy me a brand new one :(
I can't wait for IGN's review "7.6 / 10 we told you, too much water for ORAS, why are you giving us more"
I have a Nintendo Wii and I don't bother for an upgrade
holy cow
I have a GBA, Wii and PS3, pretty much the same boat
I only have Wii
I haven't been asked if I'm a boy or a girl, and all of the icons are relatively gender neutral
@GabrielBenamy Which icons?
@KritixiLithos Trainer icons for your passport
Ugh, the UI for DPPt(iirc) was this terrible pink/magenta color if you chose girl.
my battery's already dying lmao I didn't bring my charger
Hmm, maybe it was soulsilver. Not sure.
Anyone here watch The Grand Tour last night?
I don't have Amazon Prime ;_;
You can have it free for 30 days ;)
6 months if you're a student
Also if you're in Canada you can still watch on the US site
@Geobits Wasn't sure if it was cheating
Yeah. I wasn't entirely sure, but I'll allow it. I wasn't really intending it to be more about parsing the image anyway.
It just seemed like something different and fun(?) Haven't seen this type of challenge here.
Q: String problem solution and complexity.

Jamshed Alami have this problem to solve. I understand the problem but could not get any solution still. I had code in c,c++ long ago. Please help me out to solve this and its complexity.

There should be a challenge for constructing regular heptagons
I've had fun with it :) I found an entirely new way to golf this program that works quite a bit better than traditional methods (with this particular program).
I just watched it Shebang :)
What did you think?
really liked the colours and cinematography, better than top gear in that aspect
The new 'driver' is not so good
Oh... constructing. Nevermind
that's true. It'll be interesting to see how things map out
I thought about making it a challenge series with different goals, but I'm not sure. It seems like they'd all use the same basic concepts and be (at least near)dupes.
@Geobits err, I forgot the heptagon isn't constructible with compass + straightedge, but the heptadecagon is
I originally thought you meant something else anyway :P
that string problem could actually have been neat if they worded it correctly
has the cheapest maze traversal problem been asked on ppcg before? (e.g. given an nxn matrix of integers from 1-20 inclusive, find the path with the smallest sum from the top left to the bottom right such that you only travel down and right)
It seems familiar, but not entirely sure.
I'd ask it in the sandbox if I could be arsed to come up with sample I/O
Project Euler has it, right? Steal Borrow theirs :P
yes they do
I honestly don't know their licensing status, so take that suggestion lightly >_>
also, Perl is 100% the wrong language for this problem
as Perl doesn't know what a two-dimensional array is
@Dennis Hey! I like the design!
The reason I ask though is because my friend gave me a variation on it last year that I solved in polynomial time instead of exponential time
"find the most expensive path through the maze that does not exceed a given number"
^^ Hah, the gear wheel spins :-)
Seemed like an appropriate progress indicator. :)
@GabrielBenamy Hmm, I get 129 in Java with a first-thought naive method: int f(char[]a){int o=0,c,i=0,l=a.length,k,j=0;for(;i<l;j=o==c?i:j){o+=a[i]<41?1:0;for(c=0,k=++i;k<l‌​;)c+=a[k++]>40?1:0;}return j;}
Assuming the string will only contain ( and ) anyway.
What's the general consensus on this topic?
It would be interesting to see the libraries and extensions people come up with, but on the other hand, it's borderline cheating
59 + 1 bytes in Perl (run with -n)
$a++while substr($_,0,$a)=~y/(//-substr($_,$a)=~y/)//;say$a
Q: PPCG Jeopardy: Cops

Nathan MerrillHow well do you know the site? Let's find out. This is a cops-and-robbers challenge. Robber's thread. As a cop, you need to: Find a non-deleted, non-closed challenge on this site to answer. The challenge cannot have the following tags: cops-and-robbers, popularity-contest, code-trolling, u...

Q: PPCG Jeopardy: Robbers

Nathan MerrillHow well do you know the site? Let's find out. This is a cops-and-robbers challenge. Cop's thread. As a robber, you need to: Find a non-deleted, non-closed challenge that matches a cop's submission. The challenge cannot have the following tags: cops-and-robbers, popularity-contest, code-tr...

@GabrielBenamy Yeah, I tried a substring method in Java after that but got ~140 :(
@Geobits I feel there has to be a neater way of doing it with just regex instead of regex + substring
Maybe. I'm not wizard enough with regex to help with that, though.
Q: Draw the Sierpinski Arrowhead Curve

OliverIntroduction The Sierpinski Arrowhead Curve is a curve that's limit is Sierpinski's Triangle. It first starts like this: _ / \ Then, each line is replaced with a rotated version of the first one: _ / \ \ / _/ \_ Next: _ / \ \ / _/ \_ / \ \_ _/ _ \ / _ / ...

so many challenges from oliver >.<
@LuisMendo I'm hesitant to include the a golfed version of the hilbert curve program you linked to. On the one hand it is strange not to include a know shorter version, on the other hand this really feels cheap...
If you just want to show it off without getting "cheap" rep, make it a CW?
good idea, I'm gonna do that
A: How should Community Wikis be used?

DennisCommunity wiki is not a rep waiver I've mentioned that from time to time in the past. Community wiki doesn't just mean that you cannot earn rep from a post. Yes, it does have that side effect, but the community wiki option is for posts that can be edited by anyone without worrying about post ow...

What? I didn't say anything >_>
Ok, better answer: Just post it, including a link to the original. People can judge whether to vote it up based on its merits.
That is what is not plagiarism.
@Geobits Too late, I posted it as CW.
Well, flag for a mod to see it. I don't think you can do anything else now.
I just want to get it on record that this is totally not my fault.
Well, learn from your mistakes for the future. No matter how old we are, we always learn. --Philosophical quotes from Έρικ Κωνσταντόπουλος—[Credit to the wise guy who invented this quote]
hi all
@Geobits Was it the wrong thing to do???
Q: PPCG Jeopardy: Cops

Nathan MerrillHow well do you know the site? Let's find out. This is a cops-and-robbers challenge. Robber's thread. As a cop, you need to: Find a non-deleted, non-closed challenge on this site to answer. The challenge cannot have the following tags: cops-and-robbers, popularity-contest, code-trolling, u...

Am I really supposed to guess how you have to input things for each submission?
e.g. the matl one: "the program inputs two numbers and outputs one number."
two numbers? in a list? or what? I don't know MATL
@Fatalize that is exactly what I critisized about this challenge in the sandbox.
I think that's the point, trying to figure out how to format it. If you don't know the languages, it becomes incredibly difficult.
hello, is someone willing to give me more feedback on a sandbox challenge?
All I know about the 05AB1E one is that it outputs the last letter of the string in lower-case, unless that letter is a 'b', in which case it seems to output 3 or -3
Capital B is 3, lower case is -3
@GabrielBenamy Hello, World! and a few variants give -5
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz gives -22
All these people submitting golf language code, and here I am sitting on
say$_ eq reverse y/({[]})/)}][{(/r
the PIP one is gives the second word of the input
why tho...
I feel like any language that isn't a golfing language is pretty much useless unless you intentionally obfuscate your code
I'm writing an easy one just to get things going :s
Anyone here with any MATL experience? :/ I found a pattern but I don't really understand MATL
that jelly submission
@tuskiomi Definitely. Which one?
I am so lost
@trichoplax I want to polish my lasers and mirrors challenge for submission some time on Monday.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tuskiomiLasers & Mirrors ah lasers. they're a modern marvel. From the most common colors of blue, red, and purple to the more exotic cyan, green, and Occasional yellow. One of the most fascinating properties of lasers is their tendency to travel in a straight line, and bounce off mirrors. What fun! Let'...

@Shebang This is for the MATL submission, first input is constant and second is the first input where the output increased
> polish my ... mirrors challenge
@Shebang it has already been cracked though :p
Oh darn
@NathanMerrill I think you forgot to ban
oh lol
quick, somebody write a tip
my... tips.
Whoops, I didn't read the entirety of the challenge I submitted for >__>
@BlueEyedBeast sorry, tips is already banned :)
That must have been the edit that I ignored partway through writing
@tuskiomi Didn't we have a similar challenge before?
@flawr I'm not sure. I didn't get similar results upon a search
haha, the Oliver answer that would've given him -22 points if it wasn't cracked.
@tuskiomi oh yes, might have been that one
Is there still something unclear here?
@Yodle this isn't actually true. I'm scoring purely based on upvotes (not downvotes)
it was easier to write the query, as well as made stuff like that not happen
@NathanMerrill Ahh gotcha
okay I undeleted my code after I fixed it up
Question - is code valid if it produces correct output and then crashes immediately afterwards?
Q: Should submissions be allowed to exit with an error?

Sp3000Suppose we have the following Python code: f=lambda x:x*2 X The first line defines a function which doubles a number. Then the second line is reached, is found to be invalid, and the program exits with an error. Similarly, another case is: print(1) X which prints the number 1, then exi...

nice, thanks
tbqh I'm surprise my code makes it to accepting any input
can you help reopen the hilbert curve question?
@LuisMendo I used his approach now for the sierpinsky arrowhead perhaps you can still use that one again to port it to MATL :) — flawr 52 mins ago
@flawr ^ Thanks but the very funny cops'n'robbers one is keeping me busy :-D
I'm totally enjoying this C+R. It's super fun finding all these old challenges - my second answer if posted would be winning but noncompetitive
@flawr Yes, I don't know why it got closed. What is unclear about it?
@Shebang On which one? The first one is already cracked
It didn't have graphical output in the question?
@flawr I think the answers should spell out the input format
is there a challenge "never go beyond accepting user input"
@GabrielBenamy there should be... "accept an input, and do nothing"
@GabrielBenamy how do I run your program?
@GabrielBenamy you sure about your code? (in Jeopardy PPCG..)
says Can't call method "say" on an undefined value
@GabrielBenamy same error as Matlys
@Dada I'm positive about my code. It crashes after it runs, but it produces either truthy or falsy before it crashes.
@Maltysen perl -nlE 'say $_ ~~ reverse y-"({[]})"-")}][{("-r;r-")}][{("-"({[]})"-y esrever ~~ _$ yas'
how do I provide input?
@GabrielBenamy Oh right, I didn't pay attention
@GabrielBenamy cracked then (I'm writing the robber post)
Honestly I'm laughing that it runs at all
The miracles of Perl...
It seems that the actual challenge itself doesn't have a Perl solution - should I post mine?
I'd say why not
but it's an old challenge, so the rules about the code crashing were maybe different back then (it wouldn't be fair to other submissions then... in which case you can add an exit;tixe on the middle of the code I guess)
@NathanMerrill our answers kept getting converted to comments on the robber's thread, sugestions?
@Maltysen I'm confused. What do you mean by "converted"?
@NathanMerrill it says "trivial answer converted to comment" and it shows up as a comment, and then I have to delete the comment, and repost the answer with padding
@El'endiaStarman if you aren't in KY anymore, where are you then?
I assume 'Murica still.
post a block of code explaining their answer?
@Dada Good point
I don't know if I can do anything about that
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Obviously, close enough to commute to work.
I.e. I'm in New York now.
hey, I know some businessmen that "commute" weekly to different countries
@NathanMerrill maybe you should suggest a template for the robbers solution? I think it would look better if all answers had the same base template
@El'endiaStarman the city?
I live ~30 min away
@Maltysen Oh no, no way. :P
@Dada I don't know if I can come up with a template that is big enough to solve the problem :)
I've been in New York City once and I don't plan on ever living there.
@NathanMerrill Yeah, and I realized that the Massachusetts border is close enough that I could technically commute from there (it's something like an hour's drive though).
@NathanMerrill I was just thinking of a template to bring some unity to the answers, for instance ask that the title be "## language name, initial author, challenge" or something like that
How about also saying: "Add a sentence or two telling how you figured out what challenge it was"?
anyway my boss left the office like 5 hours ago so I'm going home
@NathanMerrill With 12 answers in the first hour, we're really gonna need a Stack Snippet. :P
I don't have time to write a custom one, but I put in the default one
How long would it take someone to crack your password at 10k/second according to this tool? It's by dropbox and on GitHub - very complex and accurate.
Mine is 3 months.
@El'endiaStarman Your new job, if I understand correctly, is literally less than half an hour from where I live
And yeah, I know someone who lives just north of Mass in Vermont and commutes past my house every business day. I'm sure there are many people who do that
I wonder who has the most secure password in here?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC 3 years
and my other one centuries
@Adnan Do you use a password manager?
I can't because in too many places I won't have access to it
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC It doesn't do anything for me
@BlueEyedBeast type it in and look at the section on "10k/second"
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC My old password gets 7 seconds O_o
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC eh?
Thank goodness I changed it several years back
I mean it doesn't work
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Well, I'm not going to type my actual password into a random internet text box. :P But maybe I could put in something similar to it.
@BlueEyedBeast console errors?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC They're strange and I don't really like them
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC the biggest "bug" I've found is that it doesn't recognize dictionary words separated by space
aka, try "this is not my password"
"correct horse battery staple" gets centuries even for 10B / second
Error: Script error for: zxcvbn

var e = new Error(msg + '\nhttp://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#' + id);
browser? extensions?
"this is not my password" -> 2 months at 10B/second
"this is not my passwore" -> centuries at 10B/second
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC So, you been looking at the hot questions on other sites? I saw that one too :P
Ok - actual error:
 [HTTP/2.0 206 Partial Content]
Error: Load timeout for modules: zxcvbn
@StevenH. I know what your thing does, can't find the challenge tho...
@flawr for a second there I freaked out
@ETHproductions XD
oh, sorry, I wanted to edit instead of delete =/
The password-generation methods I use give "centuries" at 10k/second, though sometimes less at 10B/second.
CMC: Find a password which is it's own time at 10k/second (i.e. "less than a second" takes 49 years, so it's not valid)
Don't you guys fear you made a mistake in your cops submission and are wasting everybody's time with something that will end up having no solution? It's scary... There should be some sort of penalty if that happens! :-)
oooh, I didn't think about that
I'm not saying I made a mistake on mine! :-) Just entertaining the possibility
@ETHproductions 120.19 takes 2 minutes
if the unit is seconds then we're good
I'd like to post this sandboxed challenge sometime soon (time-sensitive material). Could I get a little more feedback please?
the hilbert curve challenge could be reopened.
@ETHproductions base 1 doesn't make any sense since all primes are palindromic
@ETHproductions you still got 6 more days :)
@flawr I'm sorry, what? My challenge is and doesn't have anything to do with numbers :P
Is it guaranteed that for the other bases there are at least 100 emirps ?
flawr what are you on about
@ETHproductions stuff moved when loading o_o
are you talking about my emirp challenge?
@flawr Hate it when that happens...
@Flp.Tkc yep, just commented
@ETHproductions It looks fine to me. I prefer your scoring system
@ETHproductions of it's the thanksgiving one it seems fine to me
Any other foods I should add to the menu, or variations of names? I'd like to encourage solutions that share parts of names between languages rather than solutions that just print turkey, corn, and salad
@ETHproductions Nice one! I would prefer to include code length in the score, but it's always tricky how to combine the two variables
Plus different languages use different encodings
@LuisMendo The versatile integer printer uses (# of bytes) / (# of languages) ^ 3, that might work here
@LuisMendo That's tricky too, but the users of golfing languages with more than the standard ASCII set should know how to transliterate between encodings
The other option is to go by char count instead of byte count, but that may not be a good idea
@flawr sorry for coming across hostile, I've deleted the sandbox challenge to remove clutter :)
@ETHproductions Yes, but that "3" should ideally fine-tuned to each challenge. It's hard to say if 3 or 2, for example
Well I honestly have to apologize too. I only read a few lines up to the point where it was pointed out that I was reading the wrong challenge:)
@ETHproductions I'd go with that. Simple and probably effective
@ETHproductions imo, "the most languages" is a great scoring system because it encourages people to focus on writing for lots of languages rather than finding a short solution that works in 2-3.
but it depends how you want to balance the challenge. If you want to push code-golf, you can incorporate the code length in the scoring, but if number of languages is more important to you then by all means go with the current one. The byte count tiebreak should encourage short code a little, anyway.
I might be a little evil...
A: PPCG Jeopardy: Cops

MegoPython 3 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import base64 import hashlib import itertools a=lambda b:lambda c:c and b(c)or'' @a def _(n): q=[] while n:n=~-n;z=len(repr(a))-7;n,p=n%z+1<0and(n//z+1,n%z-25)or(n//z,n%z+1);q.append(p-1) return''.join(map(eval(base64.b64decode(b'IkFCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1BRUlNU...

oh, for some reason I thought hashing wasn't allowed on cops and robbers. This changes everything >:)
It's legal, but there have been some challenges that disallowed it
If hashing were disallowed, I could just use a different method for verifying the string to exec - it wouldn't make it any easier. In fact, it would probably be harder.
I could've obfuscated the entire program using the product-hash-exec method, but I decided to make it a little more reasonable by only obfuscating what I considered to be the "core" part of the program - the part that would instantly identify the challenge if deobfuscated.
hi guys
It was also very tempting to use Pietu's decoratorator obfuscator, but I'm fairly certain the resultant program wouldn't fit in an SE post
@Flp.Tkc Yes, good point. I don't know whether or not to emphasize code-golf on this particular challenge...
I'd personally rather see a solution that works in 30 languages over a short 4-language one, especially since adding a new language becomes harder every time @ETHproductions
just noticed that the cops-robbers obfuscation spec has changed, the challenge cannot be older than the 17th
kinda kills the original point imo
It says newer
@Flp.Tkc You mean newer?
nvm ignore my shit talking i cant read
@Flp.Tkc well, if the challenge was newer than the 17th, then it would have been worth 0 points
So any lang can be used, right?
this comment confused me
I'm guessing that was just a typo
also, why are you referring to 2017?? :P
though, really not a typo, as my typing skills weren't at fault
"newer than 2016-11-17"
in the main post
@Flp.Tkc 2016 is the year, 11 is the month, 17 is the day
i cant read american dates
@Mego could you expand on this
I was thinking I wouldn't have to ban hashing, but I may end up needing to
actually, I've thought of something a lot more abusive that I definitely want to disallow
One last question about this sandboxed challenge: Might it be considered a duplicate of any of the challenges mentioned at the end?
Haha, I made a boolean converter in Doxical!
It's definitely not a duplicate of the integer printer the comment-free polyglot, and the trick or treat polyglot
@NathanMerrill You really should. Take this for example:
require "digest"

i = 1
char_set = (32..126).map {|x| x.chr()}.to_a

while true
  programs = char_set.repeated_permutation(i)

  for program in programs
    code = program.join("")

    if Digest::SHA256.digest(code) == "hash of some answer"

  i += 1
The other 2 are quite similar: print a different string in each language
Granted this might not work on account of collisions but still
Python, why the fuck is -1 true?
that's not very helpful
Why should it not be?
crap shouldn't of said future password here
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ In what languages is -1 not truthy?
@Downgoat are you for real right now
can we pls pretend like that never happened
I don't even....
:33595630 @mod purge pls
@quartata because it's irritating
@ETHproductions idk but i vote new standard
@quartata i dont see whats wrong, it's easy to memorize and take very long time to crack
@Downgoat wtf did you actually post your password
In cryptanalysis and computer security, a dictionary attack is a technique for defeating a cipher or authentication mechanism by trying to determine its decryption key or passphrase by trying hundreds or sometimes millions of likely possibilities, such as words in a dictionary. == Technique == A dictionary attack is based on trying all the strings in a pre-arranged listing, typically derived from a list of words such as in a dictionary (hence the phrase dictionary attack). In contrast to a brute force attack, where a large proportion of the key space is searched systematically, a dictionary attack...
do u seriously think dictionary has first part of password
either way dictionary attacks on long sets of words are slow
@Downgoat Any modern dictionary would, yes.
I highly doubt you're the first person to think of including a emote in a password
@quartata well they do not apparently
@Flp.Tkc Yes, I see some major similarities
still stronger than current password
no that was joke :P
anyway i have to implement watchers is cheddar brb
brb writing userscript that automatically replaces all your passwords with asterisks
@NathanMerrill I could AST-compile the code and examine the tree to determine if it is the correct code.
@Flp.Tkc I think I'm more concerned about "When was this language released?", because it's scored in exactly the same way.
@ETHproductions does it work?
...that's not my password, so no :P
also, I meant when you type them
(also, I'm not actually making that)
((also, double parentheses))
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ brb hacking a certain cat :P
@NathanMerrill The time limit doesn't seem like a good idea to me
There are plenty of "valid" inputs to challenges that take a long time no matter how you dice it
Shouldn't ban those just to prevent brute forcing a hash. Just ban hashing
Yeah, that's probably the closest to a dupe. It was posted quite recently as well, so you can't pull out the excuse of "new languages with new approaches". However, I really think you should post yours regardless, because it's not exactly the same and it's a really neat challenge :) @ETHproductions
Normally this is the part where I go to chat to ask for other opinions, but obviously I've already done that :P
@quartata That's incredibly true. A lot of challenges will have solutions that take over an hour to complete on many (if not all) inputs.
I'm not sure Nathan is in chat right now..
Well, you have loads of upvotes on the sandbox and nobody has claimed it to be a dupe yet
@Flp.Tkc True...

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