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From the look of that snippet I'd say it's a Josephus dupe, but I'm not silly enough to try opening the sandbox on mobile to find out for sure.
@LuisMendo Improvement is online=)
What I can say it that I now understand the entropy measure much more intuitively after having participated in this challenge=)
I was rickrolled for the very first time! I tried to extract a video stream from a website. Turns out if you open that stream as it is, it plays Rick instead.
Sneaky admins.
@mınxomaτ haha
What site?
@Geobits Got to a desktop/laptop or cracked and opened it on mobile...?
@Downgoat You around?
Desktop. I never crack :P
I was just about to go and post about the duplicates then saw you'd got there already...
Mainly because every time I do I instantly regret it >_>
It's a shame there's no way to change the number of answers per page
Or sorting method, or fix the scroll issue, or...
Finished Planck build :D
Ah, it's one of those ortholinear keyboards I just learned the word for today...
I blame Doorknob for that, btw. I wouldn't have had the word stuck in my head if it weren't for him talking about his planck last night :P
@Doorknob that. looks. amazing.
How does one do something like that?
@arda Planck. As someone with zero prior keyboard-building experience (I hadn't even soldered anything before this), it was super fun and a lot easier than I expected as well :P
Soldering is pretty fun, as long as you're not working on anything really small and dense. Then it's a pain in the ass.
@Doorknob so do I have to buy all 3? So ouch, it comes to around 100usd
Hahaha, our dog looks like an idiot while she sleeps:
Nope, 100usd + key caps (is that what they are called?). Which are relatively cheaper.
@arda All the parts plus keyswitches and keycaps came out to around $135 for me.
A search for "PPCG" returned a wider variety of topics than I expected. We're in there though :)
@Doorknob and how long is it?
Someone needs to send this person an invitation :P unix.stackexchange.com/q/323845
@ArtOfCode As in size? About 23cm across by my measure.
@Doorknob nah. One Planck length.
Oh, pffff. :P
@Geobits that's glorious
@Geobits Why don't you do it?
@mınxomaτ you haven't been rickrolled before that? That's quite amazing
especially considering this is the internet
@flawr I was going to, but I'd have to join the community. I've joined enough for one-off comments, and I don't really want to clutter up my list any more :/
@quartata Ah, some shady site I was checking for my blog thing.
ಠ_ಠ why? Just... why?
@Geobits Wow, that's just lame
It's so obvious
@Geobits Get Digital Trauma to do it
This puzzle didn't let me down. — Thomas Yates 14 hours ago
@trichoplax Aww, not pingable as that or Maria.
@flawr PPCG can be useful :-)
@DrMcMoylex I'm surprised no one has answered with spoiler text concealing just the lyrics
I would if there weren't already several answers. Seems a bit late for that now.
I wasn't saying it would be a good thing :P
I dunno.... if it were the first/only answer I could see it getting a crapton (metric, not us) of votes.
Not saying that makes it good, but...
What's the difference between a metric crapton and an imperial crapton?
Quite an incentive though.
Metric's about 10% bigger iirc
Though the more usual measurement unit is courics.
I can't believe you made me Google that
I didn't know of a safe link to use, so I thought it was better not to link it.
I should have known better...
Probably :P
I had to try :P
did you click it?
I know you know the URL already, IDK about minxomat
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ not sure if that counts as rickroll or not
"Rick Astley - Angels On My Side." At least it's not technically a rickroll
@DrMcMoylex IMO it doesn't
but still fun
because you can try to avoid angry peoples' wrath with "at least i didn't rickroll you"
Nothing good ever came of a bit.ly link
can't argue with that
@quartata Oh BTW, remember how we were talking about D&D a while ago?
I tried it again
It went much better
Which edition?
I don't actually know
I'll ask the DM, it's probably 3.5 or 5 though
But yeah, the game's a lot more fun when you actually like the people you're playing with, haha
Definitely helps
What class did you roll up?
With almost all of my points into stealth, sleight of hand, and deception
TIL you can subscribe to a user, and be informed every time they post or edit something (including questions, answers and comments). Not sure what to do with that information, but now I know...
@DrMcMoylex Cool!
rogues can be hard but they're a lot of fun
Definitely interesting opportunities for roleplaying
@trichoplax Yep. Super creepy
CMC: implement quicksort
How should we select the pivot?
Yeah, I'm having a blast so far.
Very quick
@quartata any fashion
-1 too broad
and probably a dupe
Wait... you're doing this because you want homework help don't you
@quartata It was funny, we've only played one session so far, and I robbed a bar blind and took like 200 GP of stuff, lol
It's definitely homework season
@DrMcMoylex I take it you're probably chaotic neutral
The best alignment
@quartata I'm in AP comp sci principles. we don't code until next semester probably
And you're getting started on your coding work now? How responsible.
Yup. How'd you know?
I don't know something tipped me off in the behavior ;)
Chaotic neutral is definitely the most entertaining. You can be as unpredictable or as crazy as you want and no one will call you out on it
You can go from donating to charity to robbing banks and it fits
Well, maybe not quite that much. But you get the idea
Yeah, chaotic neutral is best neutral, no doubt.
Yeah, especially when you pick a klepto-rogue, haha
Drunk Switzerland
It's also nice cause I'm playing with like my three closest friends
Cool, so it's a small party
Sorry, let me rephrase: my three closest friends and three other people I know
Ah, OK.
Man, now you've got me itching to play. I haven't gotten my group together in eons
The only thing I dislike about it is the stigma around the game...
There is a stigma around the game?
What stigma is there around D&D that wouldn't apply to a code golfer already anyway? :P
The only thing I can think of is that it's considered nerdy as hell, but, umm...
D&D is great
I think each of us has accepted our nerdiness as nature
I certainly have accepted it, but I don't generally tell very many people I code-golf
Anyone here want to play TF2 on the PPCG server?
We should set up a Dwarf Fortress server.
That reminds me. I really should learn J
@PhiNotPi how does pause work?
@NathanMerrill it doesn't
I've never gotten very far in DF. I basically spend all my time designing room layout
aliens confirmed
I usually get far enough to git rekt by something
Like a forgotten beast or were-panda
@DrMcMoylex yes you should it's beautiful
and simple
the hardest thing for me is ranks
Explicit verbs will change your life
this isn't APL
there are few times when an explicit verb is better than a tacit verb
No one really writes tacit verbs longer than one fork in production J I'd imagine
@ConorO'Brien I suppose it's relatively rare that J is used for non-golf tasks.
@feersum Well, it's relatively rare for J to be used at all, and since most of its use is in this community, that's not an entirely fair statement :P
Explicit verbs still give a lot of the power of J while allowing you to write cleaner and more efficient code. Whatcha got against that
@ConorO'Brien If I try learning it tonight, can I come crying to you when I get confused?
@DrMcMoylex yes you can.
@quartata it's not elegant
and it looks ugly IMO
here is a good place to start
func =: dyad define
forgot about multiline explicit verbs
yes those are pretty nice
I was talking about 3 : 'asdf' explicit verbs
Yeah if you're doing 3:0 no one likes that
@ConorO'Brien I gtg, so I'm starring that so I can find it later
@quartata well technically that's just 3
@DrMcMoylex kk. gl!
I want to make a language that's functional like J and APL but retains (or at least has the capacity to retain) readability
You mean function level?
Being dense gibberish is the defining quality though.
What else of them would you imitate?
Have you tried FP (the original one)?
@quartata never heard of it
@feersum that's what I thought it was at first, but I've been using J for so long that it's actually decently readable
@feersum rich scope of builtins.
It has a few builtins.
yeah, but it's really cheap
Yeah $0
@quartata FP just looks like APL
Well it was the first prototype of functional level programming
try some of the offshoots
wikipedia says (a) it was influenced by APL and (b) it influenced J
so I'm right back where I started haha
read the article on functional level programming there's a list
q looks nice
@quartata DM says we're playing 5E
I've been conditioned to call anything with feats gross
did they still have the weird innate spell like abilities from 4E
I just finished what might be the best wrapping job in human history.
Or at least the most tedious. Whatever.
@quartata Alright, you can call me a newb if you want, but I don't know what feats are, and I don't know what the "innate spells" you're talking about are
Oh you're not a newb. You're an innocent who's free from the quirky inner workings and rules of the game. I envy you :P
@Geobits what are you wrapping ._.
Feats are non-weapon proficiencies. So jumping and traps and all that.
@quartata ever heard of Delta Green?
@ConorO'Brien Three boxes, stuck together with tape. They each have a little puzzle inside, so I wanted to make the wrap job just as puzzling.
@Geobits ahhh that's fun
Wrapping regular boxes is boring :D
Spell like abilities are abilities that are kind of like spells but they aren't memorized; instead they're x/time period. Usually just monsters have them but I remember 4E's wizards having something weird like them
I hate feats because they try to force numbers and stats onto something that should be done with roleplaying and the occasional d20
I'm fine with weapon proficiencies though
@ConorO'Brien vaguely
@quartata OK. So like, if my character sheet says I have proficiencies in thieves tools and disguise kit, those would be feats?
Thieves tools no. Disguises I'm not sure.
It would certainly fit under my category of things I dislike. I don't know if it is a feat
Really just my opinion though. Try whatever and see what you prefer
I can absolutely understand the appeal behind skill trees
Just not my cup of tea when it comes to pen and paper
Thanks for the suggestion. I've consulted with a group of people, every one of which is myself, and decided not to remove it. — John Smith 18 mins ago
We still don't know whether the group has size 0 or 1.
(to both)
Oh, good point. I'm not sure he'd see the humor if I wrote that, though.
The third biggest auction house in the United Arab Emirates just leaked all passports, IDs, passwords of every customer ever, and the whole source code for their auction site. They are still in business and are not responding to either e-mails or calls from us. SMH...
Oh cool. Can I get a list? :P
Sure. Since it is public. Not kidding, they do not have any access control on their backend servers.
Am I going crazy, or do you have an italic w in "passwords"?
For passport <> password
Oh good. One less sign of insanity for me to check off.
Passports like an ID number or a photo of the passport?
@mınxomaτ Oh. Not a one time leak/dump. Ouch.
@feersum Photocopy. Like 1200dpi uncompressed photocopy.
Well, it's not Canada, but maybe UAE is nice this time of year.
I've only ever stopped in there, but that was during summer.
These are not all UAE passports. Mostly northern Europe.
They seem to like buying horses in an auction. Go figure.
Even better then. I'd fit in much better there.
Probably rich folk buying "real" Arabians to brag about.
Actually mostly Arabs living in NL
Hmm. Maybe it's an old fashioned money laundering scheme. On second thought, maybe I won't be snagging me a passport.
The interesting thing is that one person apparently uploaded a photo of his TV with some title text as their passport.
guys is this project idea feasible: A website hosted on my rPi (just for me) that I can put a .java src file in and it compiles it using the java compiler on the rpi then it allows the client (me) to download it
So... a build server?
like is there some way with pHp or whatever to use the cmd on my rpi server-side
@mınxomaτ yup pretty much
idk much about web stuff so I get confused. Don't know how to get started.
Should I look into PHP?
There's always good ol shell_exec if you go the php route ;)
yeah I was looking at that
Or you know, just scp the files and have a cron running to build whatever is uploaded.
No web server needed at all.
@mınxomaτ You're no fun at all :P
@mınxomaτ I absolutely didn't understand a word of that
yeah I do want to do the thing that I'll learn the most out of
see the reason I need it is becasue my school laptop has JRE but not the JDK. I can write java programs on the laptop but I haven't got a way to compile them. (I can't install software). So I port forwarded my ssh port for my RPI and now I can use online SSH clients to send my code to the rpi, compile, upload to github, then run it. But the online SSH is slow and the process is time consuming.
@AshwinGupta You basically only need SCP (copy over SSH) and FTP. Make a folder on your drive for incoming files. Then write a script "foobar" that builds whatever is in the incoming folder and produces output (binary or error log) in the outgoing folder. You can simply access the outgoing folder per FTP and browse the output files. foobar will need to run as a cron job every minute or so.
Since I'm doing something so specific I can probably automate it a lot with a webserver.
@mınxomaτ ah okay that makes more sense. Don't know about cron but other then that I followed. That seems like a good aproach too. I might try both, I'll learn both ways that way.
Web server will always just add overhead to the copy process. And you run into weird PHP limits. So just go with SCP and Java will have more system resources for the build.
My proposal involves a singular shell script and nothing else. You don't even need to install any packages.
ok, right thats smart.
Ty I'm gonna work on that this weekend :D
Actually, that script could be a one-liner golfs internally
@mınxomaτ ah I knew that was coming.
Alternatively, you can probably just find a portable JDK and skip the whole process.
@Geobits and you said he's no fun.
Or ditch Java altogether
don't go there.
Well it doesn't matter what language I use actually. The point is school computer doesn't have a compiler for it.
I don't drink caffeinated drinks anyway.
@AshwinGupta Yeah, but most don't have to really be "installed".
@Geobits what do you mean?
They're portable
right but I can't download or run any external exe file is the issue. Not allowed and I don't wanna get in trouble.
Whoever created that policy is a true Burt.
They've technically blocked exe files from running (except those on the whitelsit) but I found a way to run them. They also blocked cmd, so I just created batch script and it works with start command.
@mınxomaτ been saying this since august.
Most places would take issue with accessing your home pc over SSH (and downloading/running random binaries) far more than they would running an exe.
Banned or not
Yeah, the thing is you can't really block the executable format the whole friggin system relies on.
lol but most kids probably aren't gonna try. Besides I read the license agreement, I'm okay as long as I dont have malicious intent,.
@mınxomaτ fun fact, just to piss you off: my school blocks notepad and RDP.
They probably bought some shady-ass software to do that, too. Keeps the Burts busy I guess
lol, malicious intent. Well, good luck!
@El'endiaStarman btw, nice.
Thanks. :)
What do you do there?
Specifically* obviously you're a programmer.
or in management?
You'd be surprised. Not all of us are programmers in real life :P
@Geobits I am actually. Figured most were.
Or engineers*
of some sort.
ok bye gtg, hw calls :(
I love the SE SO podcast.
Huh. I just got a silver badge on a site I know literally nothing about
Is anyone on?
Q: Make a defaultdict

DopappInput A dictionary with string keys and string values. Output The 'defaultdict' of this dictionary. How to make a defaultdict A defaultdict is a dictionary with string keys and string array values. The keys are the values from the original dictionary, and the values are the keys from the o...

@Qwerp-Derp I'm sortof on
@arda people in Turkey say MC is violent and should be banned, sooo
@betseg MC as in? Minecraft?
Yeah I remember the whole drama over that
I just stopped caring.
How exactly does Cops and Robbers work? If I understand correctly the cops post answers that try to satisfy some criterion and the robbers try to somehow "crack" the answers?
I care for my lulz
I'm freezing ugghhhh
@arda Plz don't hypothermia
So there is a girl called ada in our school bus. Shes sick or smth, her mom messaged "ada isnt coming tomorrow", and the driver interpreted that as "Arda isnt coming"
@Challenger5 you can use sandbox
@betseg OK thanks
I waited at -10c from 6:40am to 7:10am. I then kinda somehow sorted things out but well, still freezing.
@arda lol
My hands are redder than America's glorious president-elect's face.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

H WaltersProgramming 101 Programming Here are a number of introductory programming challenges. The names are for reference only. Fizz Buzz Start with the number 1, and count to 100. For each number, if it is divisible by 3, print "Fizz". If it is divisible by 5, print "Buzz". If it is divisible by b...

1 hour later…
Q: Your Search Returned No Results

Challenger5Your task is simple. Write a program (or function) whose output returns no search results on google. Rules for annoying people: It must take no input. It must not cause an error. It must terminate. It must produce the same output every time. This is judged by the search results at the time t...

@NewMainPosts I dislike this challenge, but I can't put my finger on why, and I'm not sure if/how to VTC
@DrMcMoylex It's more about finding a short string to print than finding a short way to print it.
I VTCed as "primarily opinion-based".
I'm hesitant to VTC, so I just downvoted. I think it's technically a valid challenge.
I don't think so at all.
The validity criterion is opaque and depends on Google search engine's opinion which can change at a whim.
Hmm, that's a fair point.
I don't think POB applies. Too broad sounds closer
Did we have a Meta post on challenges that depend on your username or something? This seems like a similar situation.
Q: Should challenges that give unfair advantages to certain users be off-topic?

MegoConsider the following two challenges: This Sandboxed challenge gives an unfair advantage to users who have been around longer and contributed more towards collaborative golfing efforts. The original version of this challenge gave an unfair advantage to users with short usernames (and changing ...

Not sure if that applies per se.
Allo allo!
Duo Hangouts!
Allo, Duo and Hangouts are Google's messaging apps.
2 hours later…
> driver Glen will deliver your component order today 12:37-13:37
Ordered a monitor so I can pretend to be a programmer. Apparently to humour me, they chose a latest delivery time of 13:37
@NewMainPosts 5 distinct close reasons chosen. That's one divisive challenge...
@Bethan Welcome to The Nineteenth Byte
Q: Is it a stochastic matrix?

FatalizeA stochastic matrix is a matrix of probabilities used in the context of Markov chains. A right stochastic matrix is a matrix where each row sums to 1. A left stochastic matrix is a matrix where each column sums to 1. A doubly stochastic matrix is a matrix where each row and each column sums to...

@trichoplax star clear pls
@mınxomaτ The stars have spoken though
Wait you can clear stars as mod?
The stars have been silenced
Rally the flags! Ignite the powers of the stars again! Viva la revolution!
Is Doxical even TC?
Write a BF interpreter in it
Well you created it, you try :p
@El'endiaStarman Good job, I'm so happy for you Ɑ: (you accept I assume?)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Flp.TkcEfficient Typing on a Gameboy Many old Gameboy games often required string input from the user. However, there was no keyboard. This was handled by presenting the user with a "keyboard screen" like so: Using the D-Pad's four directions, UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT, the user navigates to each des...

Hey how do I make a cat?
Compile this
> Opening system battery settings crashes settings app
From the "known issues" of the latest Windows build.

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