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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

carusocomputingModular Reverse Recursion Sequence Given any number n > 0, let r represent the reverse of the number n. Iterate until the final result is zero, passing the result of each iteration back into the function using recursion or a methodology of your choice by performing the below operation: If r > ...

@Poke I rate the comment section Youtube/10 ...
@quartata @Geobits we had a design?
Briefly :(
Probably organized troll
...and its november 1st
i fell for it again
@TuxCopter yeah well... welcome to the internet i guess
Has anyone ever attempted to figure out who's won the most challenges using the SE data explorer?
Define won. Accepted answer or best score?
@TuxCopter I would be willing to swear under penalty of perjury that it was not in any way an organized troll.
i find it strange that just printing the string was better than working to generate it in this answer
A: Produce Dürer's magic square

Dmitry KudriavtsevRuby, 60 bytes - first attempt %w(f21c 49a7 856b 3ed0).map{|i|i.chars.map{|i|i.to_i(16)+1}} Ruby, 45 bytes - cheap puts '16,3,2,13|5,10,11,8|9,6,7,12|4,15,14,1'

We do have a design
@Dennis Best score since some people don't update their selected answer once a better one comes in.
What is that abomination? :P
That's the graduation userscript -.-
@Yodle That's hard. Not all challenges are code golf.
If we're counting only accepted answers... ahem. codegolf.stackexchange.com/search?q=user%3Ame+isaccepted%3A1
To be clear, the site did not look anything like that userscript earlier.
@Dennis Good point. Guess it would be restricted to code-golf challenges then.
Funnily enough, the people using the userscript will probably be the last to know when we finally do get a permanent design.
so much onebox
no, the design briefly flashes before the userscript loads
Oh, well that's worse than I thought then.
@DJMcMayhem how could you possibly VTC spam? There's no fitting reason, except maybe making a custom one.
Make it a userstyle, not a userscript.
@Dennis What about my accepted answers?
So it'll load as the page does
@DmitryKudriavtsev No offense, but that green... thing hurts my eyes.
@Geobits the problems with tampermonkey
@arda how does one do that
@Dennis You don't like it?
@DmitryKudriavtsev Just search for user:me isaccepted:1.
@Dennis yeesh, now I feel bad about all my unaccepted challenges
@Zacharee1 it's not exactly simple, requires you to move the css to stylish extension.
Object.prototype.id = function() { return this }
10 == 10
> true
10 === 10
> true
(10).id() == 10
> true
(10).id() === 10
> false
No, I meant "What about my accepted answers?"
JS is weird confimed
@DmitryKudriavtsev Was hurts my eyes not clear enough. :P
@arda hmm. I'll live with the delay then :p
You just posted a link to my lack of accepted answers.
oh shit I just realized
you posted a user:me link. XD
> 334 accepted answers
Ohhhh, no wonder I wasn't getting anything for you. i was clicking on your chat profile and using that uid.
Hey @Dennis can you please eleven my profile?
Uh what?
Nah, elevening is cranking it up to the max (only available on some equipment).
@mınxomaτ haven't watched Stranger Things yet?
@Geobits oh that thing
but it goes to eleven!
I've seen some strange things, but not that strange Stranger Things thing.
@mınxomaτ iz gud
Isn't Stranger Things for MA?
Hey, I'm dang impressed I've got 3 accepted answers, seeing as how I golf almost exclusively in PowerShell.
Mature Adult
@TimmyD O_O
@mınxomaτ One of today's lucky 10000
@KritixiLithos I don't think so....
Stranger Things was the bomb
@Zacharee1 What? PowerShell is great and does all things.
@TimmyD I prefer something where the syntax either makes sense or is so nonsenical it loops back around. PowerShell feels like it should make sense, but it doesn't
PowerShell syntax makes perfect sense. Like this.
24 hours ago, by TimmyD
@TuxCopter @(1|%{}|?{})[@()] is valid PowerShell.
I have many things on my watchlist (classreal.com - not complete) before I'll start any new series.
Powershell is basically a bad version of tcsh with more stuff
The syntax isn't the issue
@TimmyD yeah, so much sense
All users with more than 100 accepted answers (from Users with most accepted answers):
@quartata I'm sure PowerShell was at least partially influenced by tsch (and bash and sh and ...). I'm not sure how you say it's a "bad version of" since they're pretty different.
User         Answers Accepted Percentage
Dennis          1633      333      20.39
isaacg           417      144      34.53
Martin Ender    1288      141      10.95
Howard           317      125      39.43
Peter Taylor     484      117      24.17
Jakube           283      111      39.22
A percentage of 39.43 is kinda insane...
> Last seen Dec 12 '14 at 16:21
I'm not even close. I think I have like 5 accepted answers
I just spot-checked some of his accepted answers -- all were in GolfScript. I think it's harder for one language to dominate as much now, with Jelly, 05AB1E, MATL, etc. all really close to each other.
I have 1 accepted answer
hi all
hi @Dennis
I have four, but none for . I know, it's shocking.
You use java. :P
> I know, it's shocking /s
Sorry for not being explicit :P
@Lembik o/
@Dennis I have a question :)
Shots fired
my own favorite unsolved puzzle is codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/62922/…
If I offered a bounty, would you be interested in trying it out?
the winning entry is in Java currently :)
I hope it's not bad to ask. It's just non-trivial and only a few people have the skills :)
> Unsolved Puzzle: two answers
for some definition of unsolved :)
That looks really interesting, but I want to get some work on TIO done.
TIO v2 is coming? :D
What's TIO?
Never mind
@TuxCopter If y'all keep posting such interesting challenges, not any time soon.
It's time for PPCG's Ice Age...
@everyone plz stop posting interesting challenges cuz otheriwse no tio v2 ;_;
@Dennis - do you think I should change the factorial base representation to not include the 0! place? Any number converted to base-f will have a 0 on the right, and any number you wish to convert can have x in either of the right most laces and still calculate correctly.
Um, not sure. That sounds like it might do more harm than good.
(I can't really test your code, since I don't know git well enough.)
OK I'll change the atoms and let you play with it...
TIO#, powered by .NET
I can wait
@Dennis Ok cool. Just let me know when I should add the bounty
who knows.. someone might have bought a gpu since then :)
I'm not sure how well "let me know when you're free so I can bounty something to entice you to work on it" sits with me :/
Makes it sound like you've already got a winner chosen.
So, haven't we?
Got my Puzzling swag today (t-shirt & stickers)
@Lembik You could always add a bounty without deadline. No need (or reason, really) to wait for me.
When did Puzzling graduate?
@Dennis interesting!
@JonathanAllan Oh and please post a photo=)
@Dennis I am not sure non-experts will see that list though
@Geobits You too???
@Lembik Not as visible as an actual bounty, no. It even has a feed in chat though.
@Dennis I suppose the main question is if Ton Hospel will see it :)
I got swag from Crypto of all sites.
@Geobits dank remote, bud
@flawr Yeah. I tried being active there early-ish on. Not recently though.
PS3 remote is still best remote
@WheatWizard I tried the Brainflak modulo and I believe I have 60 bytes.
@feersum can I see?
It's not a valid answer for the question you suggested posting it on though.
I posted mine here. Much better fit.
@flawr Oh I see geobits beat me to it
My mailman beat yours to it, more like :)
No messenger pidgeons?
@feersum Nice! I'll look into it
It requires negative first arguments to work
@Geobits Did you threaten to downvote him???
I don't have to. He knows.
@feersum What do you mean?
The modulo question.
Implicit threats.
-1 mod 5 = 4 is one of the examples.
Oh ok you can post it on the question Dennis answered. I meant to change that anyway
until just now my most recent ppcg answer was posted on april 29. i feel like this is a good way to return ;)
@feersum Doesn't seem to be stack clean. brain-flak.tryitonline.net/…
@flawr I'm now picturing Geobits leaning out his window, tossing little blue circles of paper with white triangles, rather forcefully, at his mail carrier.
@Dennis You put the 0 on top?
@feersum Sorry, I forget about that weird ordering every single time...
@TimmyD reminds me of this
I got one of these today
@feersum This one definitely doesn't work though. brain-flak.tryitonline.net/…
@Geobits That's excellent.
@TimmyD or him giving minibits a blue stricker with the a white triangle on it and having him chase the mailman slapping the downvotes to his chest
@Geobits I'm guessing yours did not have to pass through customs though
Surprisingly, not this time. Last time I got swag it came from Iceland.
@Maltysen You know what? We need to make downvote stickers:)
I have a big one on my laptop. Does that count?
You do??
Picture please=)
user image
Terrible picture, but didn't feel like taking a new one.
even though i know what it is, i can't stop seeing it as a white triangle that points right and slightly up
It's mainly there so I can tell mine from several others. For some reason quite a few people I know have very similar looking ones.
@Geobits 10/10 would buy
Aw, no more downvoting skull?
I wanted to get my old avatar back out to celebrate the new design.
Though I do kinda like the skull...
You can change it back. Celebration seems to be over.
Honestly I expected the new design to look a lot more different from the old one.
eslint just saved me from a if (buf[0] = 27) { ... code ... }
Sep 28 at 20:02, by Geobits
@TimmyD They're going to subtly change the background color one value per day, starting November 1st.
That's why it looks so similar.
Ah ok. But the green "voted" buttons are ugly.
@Geobits Ahh that explains today's mixup
@Geobits nice cube. i also have one on my desk. it's great for fidgeting
lol I was fidgeting with my 2x2x2 a minute ago
yeah that's a fun one though it's surprisingly difficult compared to what one might expect
The one in the picture is not a nice cube though. It's mean and locks up too often :P
yeah well
Speaking of, did anyone else here back Fidget Cube on Kickstarter?
i saw it
but did not
I made my chat icon with cubes. It's inverted colors on the other side :]
> $6,465,690 pledged of $15,000 goal
Yeah, their popularity ... surged a bit, shall we say.
Go figure. The overlap of "fidgeters" and "people who use kickstarter" is large.
@quartata maybe it wrapped?
On the topic of crowdfunding, LE is doing one: generosity.com/community-fundraising/…
@Maltysen Could be an underflow perhaps yeah
letsencrypt is dope
i use it
C# has unsigned types right?
byte, ushort, uint and ulong
That's what SE uses (ASP.NET)
Java has an unsigned type too :]
Ah char yes
superior language woot
C have 128-bit integers
yeah but C doesn't have BigInteger
C have libgmp
rekt v2
I'll never be convinced
Java is love
cafebabe for life
x86 machine code/assembly have 512-bit integers
yeah but java has Strings
C have pointers
take your character array back to where it came from
Did someone say char[]? Puts on brass knucklesAlex A. ♦ Jul 5 at 17:49
you didn't even add java to the list
rigged poll
@TuxCopter flagged for wrong
HA get downgoated
100% of votes says C is the best language
I don't have anything against C. Some of my best programs are C. I'm the least C-hating person you'll ever meet. People are saying this.
rekt java
i cri evertim
And now for something completely different!
@TuxCopter are the nested ternary operators in Alphafuck transpiler nice? :p
Aug 10 at 22:22, by flawr
Please include the title of the poll when posting a link.
@betseg I think if-else blocks would be more readeable
(And less error prone)
But it uses less memory! No variables! RAM producers hate me!
syntactic sugar is sweet, though
Y'know, your CPU is not an Intel 4004
You can use more variables if it make the code nicer
My computer is a glorified calculator from the 70s??
Oh. Missing the negation
@Poke so is cryptographic salt
and currying
I prefer pepper
because for some reason that's a thing en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper_(cryptography)
TFW you copy a code snippet found on SO and the linter generate over 9000 errors
rarely should you straight copy a snippet from SO
Had to set things right.
@flawr Really going against the grain there
No, not at all. 222 was such a nice number and someone destroyed it. I was just restoring that.
At least -15 is still -15
ah that makes sense
Q: Downvoting needs to change

Beta DecayAs shown by a recent challenge, once a few people have downvoted a question (say, three or four) everyone else thinks that they should downvote too leading to incredibly low scores. I think we need a reform on how we downvote and/or what we downvote on. This will stop people from becoming dishea...

Anyone in here a diablo fan
] (set 'f (lambda '('x 'y 'z) {(* x y z)}))
] f
[Function: bound ]
] (f 6 2 8)
@Poke absolutely
hyped for blizzcon announcement?
what is blizzcon?
blizzard convention
So you're not talking about this?
alas i am not
are they finally making warcraft 4?
inb4 the only new announcement is an expansion for Hearthstone
@TuxCopter Are you now just reposting yourself?
@mınxomaτ yes
@Poke I prefer spice.
Although, to be honest, the Hasty Pudding Cipher seems pretty awful.
Schneier agrees with you, @Dennis
@Emigna 3 new cards and a new background
at least in terms of performance
"Schroeppel has offered a bottle of Dom Pérignon champagne to the best paper presenting progress on the Hasty Pudding cipher"
Performance (esp. in hardware) and side channel attacks should be a huge pain with this one.
that's a $200 bottle of champagne
What about a $0 water
Hmm, dunno. What proof is the water?
I'll pass.
I don't think I've ever had real champagne.
@Yodle Can it come in dehydrated form?
I just can't stand the taste of champagne or wine.
Maybe i haven't had enough of it.
@Dennis Meh. It's quite overrated. Most I've had just tastes like bubbly, bad wine.
@Yodle if you don't like it I wouldn't worry about it
wine drinkers will be like "you just haven't had the right kind. keep trying them and you'll find one you like"
that's some grade A bs
you're clearly more of a rum guy anyway
@Geobits I do like sparkling wine. Not sure I'd appreciate the difference between the two though.
I either like wine or not. I don't know how to choose one, I just rely on gifts. Thinking about it, I never really buy any alcohol for myself.
All alcohol is extremely bitter to me, so I don't bother. :P
@Geobits y u do dis 2 us
Whoa I did not want that to take up half the screen.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Oh, do you bottle your own?
@Yodle wtaf?
Then make it a link
@Yodle 1) this is actually a product? 2) $14!??!!?
> Can you freeze dehydrated water? Yes you can, that is called dry ice.
@Geobits No, I mean site design
> Comes from the Springs of Useyourimagination
seems legit
I like the label: Gluten free, no MSG, no artificial colors or flavors.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Oh. Then I don't know what I did.
@Geobits Sorry, wrong person blamed
Why is the container so big?
Is it dehydrated carbonated water?
@DJMcMayhem y u do dis 2 us
@feersum It's a great value
Oct 7 at 19:59, by DJMcMayhem
Well, we definitely are getting the full design soon. I heard a dev saying something about "November 1"
Wait, this comes up too: buydehydratedwater.com
| Our 27-step process bonds the molecules and rigorously blends the waters together. It then secretes the water molecules and harvests them for the final stage. Once ready, the substance is introduced to the environment and the excess vapors are released. The remaining substance is pure, natural, dehydrated water.
@Yodle Yep. Even Minibits says that this makes no sense.
Reminds me of dhmo.org
frequently bought with on amazon is funny
Everyone who's had cancer has had water, coincidence?!? I think not!
At least one study shows that all recovered cancer patients had water, so I'm not sure where you get your bogus woo from.
Gosh I just don't know what to believe
Is drinking water right for me?
Talk to your doctor to find out today.
@Poke You need to consult a few specialists for that.
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ :p
G'night m8s
HA I can go home now!
Overwatch, Diablo 3, or Grim Dawn is in my future. I am excite.
ta ta for now, folks
> jsdoc src -d doc -c jsdoc.json

There are no input files to process.
Tru. There is just an entire directory
/me is stupid
I forgot some command-line options
make: *** Pas de rÞgle pour fabriquer la cible ½
/C/Ruby23/include/ruby-2.3.0/ruby.h ╗, nÚcessaire pour ½ amalloc.o ╗. ArrÛt.
I rate this codepage incompatibility 12/10
It sometimes seems as if your terminal was connected directly to TNB.
^ That and it's remarkable how many of your messages are unconnected to the surrounding conversation. A few here and there is fine, but you have more than just a few such messages.
How difficult would it be to connect my terminal to TNB?
@muddyfish dunno, but I'm not sure if the constant "git status" commands would be all that interesting :)
Probably pretty easy. Marky uses SE-Chatbot to run his brain in a separate process, so you could pipe in/out the same way.
either that or a bunch of "gulp"/"grunt"
actually depending on the terminal, it would only be git pull and ./main
that said, I'd love it if some terminal would provide statistics on commands run
I mean, I'm not sure how useful that information would be, but it'd be interesting
look in .bash_history?
that's a poor man's statistics :)
I'm just having fun looking at improbable.com/ig/winners
Since when can JS access elements with unique IDs as variables? o_O
@muddyfish Oh man, that Chemistry prize.
@El'endiaStarman which one?
I'm at `PEACE PRIZE: Arturas Zuokas, the mayor of Vilnius, LITHUANIA, for demonstrating that the problem of illegally parked luxury cars can be solved by running them over with an armored tank.

@muddyfish Chemistry 2016. "CHEMISTRY PRIZE [GERMANY] — Volkswagen, for solving the problem of excessive automobile pollution emissions by automatically, electromechanically producing fewer emissions whenever the cars are being tested."
I thought that was amazing too

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