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Question: What in the world has happened to our November 1 design?
Answer: Geobits doesn't always tell the truth. (I know, shocking.)
More like Geobits avoids the truth when it would get in the way of a joke
One of these days, we're actually going to get something we want on the first day of a month, and Geobits will be heralded as a prophet instead of a troll
@Downgoat :)
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Answer: Wait 13 hours and 25 minutes then ask again
really needs disapproval face to be here right now
@TuxCopter ಠ_ಠ
11 hours ago, by Downgoat
So cheddar has had dictionaries for a couple months now but no one knows they even exist so I'm hoping adding ability to get value from key will help their popularity
Wait, really?
halp how to typeof in cheddar
@TuxCopter Yeah, why?
@TuxCopter brb need to update
@TuxCopter IDK if it exists yet
It would be very cool to have
cheddar> NaN
Runtime Error: Attempted to access undefined variable `NaN`
cheddar> Infinity
Runtime Error: Attempted to access undefined variable `Infinity`
cheddar> 1/0
cheddar> (1/0)/(1/0)
@TuxCopter 0/0 == NaN as well
Ah true
CMC: Guess what my sequence is
(Is this type of question good for Puzzling?)
I think it's more on-topic on Mathematics SE
But you need to guess the rule of the sequence
@Qwerp-Derp No, they don't like sequences
Wait what...
Because too broad - people good enough at maths can come up with a completely different rule
@ASCII-only Clock is ticking, will ask again at 2016-11-02T00:00:44Z
Hmmm... OK
Uhhh... let's make it a CMC then
You guys can guess the numbers
You can ask for terms
I'll spit out the numbers
@Qwerp-Derp 𝑓(0)?
Only positive terms
@Qwerp-Derp 𝑓(1/2)?
Also, don't ask for ridiculously large terms
Only positive integers
@Qwerp-Derp 𝑓(1)?
@TuxCopter 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 8, 9, 8
That range is inclusive, right?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ f(1) is first one
brb searching OEIS
> Sorry, but the terms do not match anything in the table.
Hint: Josephus.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Penguins
@Qwerp-Derp Oh, c'mon, that gives 𝑓(3) = 3
It's related, though
Just not the same sequence
Is anyone on?
No more guessin'?
Anyone pls read and criticize/ask questions?
I haven't read it but I'll criticize the URL.
It says "Language design.. parsing"
Writing the parser is an implementation detail, not language design.
Oh my bad, thanks for pointing out
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrJugglability of Siteswap EDIT: I just noticed we already have Juggling by Numbers challenge by Martin Büttner. code-golf Siteswaps are a convenient and concise way of recording juggling patterns. They are written down as a list of numbers. Imagine having a metronome running. For a simple 3 bal...

@Qwerp-Derp f(10000)
@Mego Looks fine challenge-wise
I'm not sure your MASK_UPPER would work if R != 31 though :P
@feersum Fixed
I really despise companies that let you sign up automatically, but require you to contact support to cancel your account.
This should simply be outlawed.
@undergroundmonorail ! Number too large
I am making a lisp dialect and for some reason the tokenizer is 2 times bigger than the parser
Proof that lisp is easy to parse o.o
Is Google now hitting anyone else up with random GitHub repos?
I was impressed when it started doing HNQs, but this is a bit too far
@TuxCopter what is
typeof(10) === Number for example
what is 10 == Number
The type of 10 is Number, so typeof(10) is Number
@TuxCopter 10 is Number works
Yes, but it's not possible to know the type of a variable, it's only possible to know if a variable is of a certain type
You can't know the type of an object with is
this is cheese not quantum mechanics
Only if the type if equal to an other type
@Downgoat JS, Python, C(++)? have typeof
@TuxCopter formed with what is, "llatter with is?
And (except maybe C) these languages are not quantum mechanics
@Downgoat ?
Such confuse
@Poke hai
@TuxCopter question: do you not sleep/go to work/school? Ur on like always ._____.
how u do dis
penguin majik holidays
France has a 2 week All Saints school holiday
;_; us in cal don't even get Halloween off
I don't know any US schools that give Halloween off.
Even worse ;_; brb filing support ticket with congress
I'm not entirely sure you understand how schools work if you're asking congress :P
AFAIK congress has authority to define public holiday and apparently halloweeeb isn't one
Well yes, but schools aren't required to be out on federal/public holidays.
It's up to each district to make their own schedule.
For example, my kid isn't out of school on Columbus Day.
You'd probably be better off petitioning the local school board if you want Halloween off. Personally, I'd rather have the day following off, but that's another thing altogether :)
Hey look @Geobits was right we got our design! (You might have to clear your cache to see it)
What do you mean, "no"?
we don't have our design
I'll get a screenshot one second
@TuxCopter Maybe you're seeing a caching issue?
OHMIGOD site looks really nice
I'm so glad they didn't go all super-golf themed.
@TuxCopter Yeah try clearing your cache. If that doesn't work add ?cb=1
still no design
you're all terrible people
Even with the cachebreaker? Wat
@Poke But I was serious....
uh huh
11/10 very nice design
What the heck I just reloaded and it's gone
Dammit SE
Maybe SE is trolling? Wouldn't surprise me, given the jokes around here.
@TuxCopter 42/10*
Just a poor rollout most likely. I'll check in later and see if it's stable
you have fun with that
Does anyone know if Grace Note is still pingable?
CM: Hey PPCG folks think the design is the 1st november
Admin: ok brb
`se-set-design codegolf codegolf && sleep 10 && se-set-design codegolf beta`
^ What happened at SE
CMC: something useful in Alphafuck with proper English grammar (excluding letter casing)
CMC: Stop repeating a CMC more than Infinity times
If this is SE's idea of a joke it's pretty damn elaborate. Well played.
It would've been better if they had re-applied the "Beta" label to the main logo.
i'm sure they're over there all like if userId == quartata.getUserId() then serveNewCss()
Top bar was a green gradient with some subtle lines in it, monospace font for most things, badge icons were bits and vote icons were ASCII-style up and down arrows
I didn't get a screenshot in time. Dammit.
I hear they're going to move toward that one pixel at a time over the next several months
But Geobits saw it too, right? It wasn't just me?
inb4 geobits works for SE
I didn't notice the arrows, but overall yes.
I was on a question at the time so
I'll give it to you. I refreshed about 5 times
Don't worry. We'll get the design with the new year.
The new year of 2022
> yup this kinda works. lets try it now...ohshitwait its available publicly:O revertrevertrevert
^ totally what happened on SE
10 mins ago, by TuxCopter
CM: Hey PPCG folks think the design is the 1st november
Admin: ok brb
`se-set-design codegolf codegolf && sleep 10 && se-set-design codegolf beta`
or it's this ^
@Poke Dude, I wasn't kidding. I'm fishing through my cache right now to see if I can find an old cached version of the assets
Oh that's not a bad idea. Let me look at mine too. It's too bad the Chrome cache is such a mess to look through.
I found something. One second.
Ignore the white background that was a GIMP derp when I imported it
That was the upvote button
Please just post a screenshot of the userscript design
@TimmyD I told you, it was too late
@quartata wow infographic skill level 9000
Lemme see if I can find anything else in the cache.
pretty sure the bottom of that arrow doesn't actually line up with the top
Aw, I always feel like I missed something good when I see (removed)
that's why i think it's a silly feature
Someone didn't think graduation trolling is funny?
Yeah, I didn't delete that....
Thank you @trichoplax.
Guess the fun's over now. Moving something into position so that it blocks an opening is super offensive. I'll remember that in the future.
Did that actually get 5 validations, or was it another mod?
No idea, I never saw the flag or the message.
I'd repost but probably get censored
Yeah, that's probably not a good idea ;)
@quartata mod, I think. I hit invalidate on the flag, anyway.
@Poke So where is the disclosure?
quartata and I were having a back and forth (Tux was there too) and quartata said "shut up". I didn't get triggered or hurt by it; figured it was just part of the fun
Guilherme Nascimento or someone popped in around the same time as Art of Code
then the message was removed
not sure if trichoplax was in here at that point or not
If someone came and checked the context, that should make them less suspicious.
/me shrugs
Eh, probably nothing to worry about or bother discussing much. It happens, and it sucks, but...
trichoplax unsuspended me
I believe. He popped in right before so.
Obviously only mods know the doings of mods so
that would have been me, I believe
Anyways let's not worry about it any longer
@feersum But I wasn't trolling :(
@quartata Welcome to my world
@quartata It sure seems like trolling
SE picked the two people that no one would ever believe, just like the UFOs
Especially since normally they ask sites "what would you like in your design"
Whatever. When our design comes around and it's exactly the way I described it I'll be having the last laugh
y'know there was never going to be a design today right?
UFOs are real. If you saw a kite and didn't know what it was, it's a UFO.
@ArtOfCode There was!
@betseg Sorry, I should have been more specific. I was referring to flying saucers
33 mins ago, by TuxCopter
CM: Hey PPCG folks think the design is the 1st november
Admin: ok brb
`se-set-design codegolf codegolf && sleep 10 && se-set-design codegolf beta`
there's always a design proposal post 6 weeks before you get the design
I don't know if I'll remember your description well enough to recognize it later
23 mins ago, by betseg
> yup this kinda works. lets try it now...ohshitwait its available publicly:O revertrevertrevert
@ArtOfCode We're special in that we're totally neglected
It's becoming increasingly obvious that this was just an SE prank though. Which makes me sad
@DJMcMayhem Good thing there's a transcript for that. I'm sure quartata will remember it :)
They're toying with us
Watch as SE goes for the uber-troll and anncounced our design 11:59
The ol' SE design-a-roo
@Geobits I will never forget this moment
                buf += c;
 illegal access
Have you try get warrant?
I think it means accessing c this way is not legal >_>
right, so you should probably call the cops
> D:
@ETHproductions Even length, as in the strings must be 2,4,6,8,... characters long. I didn't mean the same length.
@Downgoat Multiple drives?
My answer didn't work for strings with an odd number of chars.
Even file path is sad not compiling
mrw not compiling
for some reason the tokenizer try to read so far after the end of the array Node don't like
@quartata Sorry, meant this
Oh I see.
No it wasn't like that
I was wondering why you would move the notification alerts to the right. Then I realized it was your avatar >.> — mınxomaτ Jan 5 at 6:58
@mbomb007 Ah, OK
private static void foo() {
  try {
  } finally {
any guesses?
Seems like a bad idea to me :)
So you get a StackOverflowException, then it tries to do the finally at the last level, but the stack is already too big...not sure what happens then
basically does a preorder traversal of the call stack
oh, it would just go back to the last level's ifnally
so while it's no an infinite loop it would take forever to execute
So there would be 2^(stack height) exceptions
i think the stack depth limit is 1024
how many calls per second can your box make
We can solve this problem... WITH MATH
@DJMcMayhem :O
Never be afraid
That was definitely one of the best episodes ever
Does anyone know what character (0, 2) is on the Jelly codepage? I think it's \n but I'm not sure.
I'm reading it wrong... codepoint 20, is what I'm talking about (I believe)
I think it is a space
Okay, then which one indicates newlines? I know pilcrow can be used... but doesn't the codepage have something for \n or \r?
> The character ¶ and the linefeed character can be used interchangeably, although it is advised to use a linefeed to separate links, and a pilcrow inside string literals.
So does that mean that when Jelly source code is encoded in the codepage, every instance of the linefeed character is encoded as the pilcrow?
okay, thanks :)
»  cat examples/hello.jl
(set 'var (* 42 2))
(write-line var)
(write-line (- var))
»  ./bin/jlisp examples/hello.jl
Riddicks first name is Richard? I'd never heard of that before. "Riddick" is the name of a kick-ass anti-hero, whereas "Richard B. Riddick" sounds like an accountant, and not a very good one at that. — Lego Stormtroopr yesterday
Q: Generate antsy permutations

ZgarbIntroduction I defined the class of antsy permutations in an earlier challenge. As a reminder, a permutation p of the numbers from 0 to r-1 is antsy, if for every entry p[i] except the first, there is some earlier entry p[i-k] such that p[i] == p[i-k] ± 1. As a fun fact, I also stated that for r ≥...

:D I borked everything and I don't know how
>_> I found why it bork
Lambdas works \o/
I found a palindromic user messing around with RTL chars. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/145534/…
PSA: Don't VTC spam. It doesn't do any good. Flag it instead and it will get nuked as well as punishing the user who posted it
@DJMcMayhem noted
Spam? Where?
Already deleted
@Geobits gone, he needed more avocado for the juice
in Charcoal HQ, 5 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: i need this website authority to buy suplement by Saba Sheikh on codegolf.stackexchange.com
Ah. I assumed from your PSA it had been closed rather than deleted.
Well, at least the tagging is correct
Well it had close votes so...
@DJMcMayhem Yeah. I was just confused a bit because the most recent closed question I saw was obviously not spam :P
Hey, I haven't golfed in a while. While I was gone was there a default created re: whether or not Y is a vowel? Working on a challenge where that matters and it seems out of character that no one's asked yet
In french, y is a vowel, IDK in english
In english it depends on context
@undergroundmonorail I think it just depends on the challenge and the OPs decision.
Like it is in "lyrics" but not in "toy"
If the challenge is based on pronunciation it would have to be "depends".
It's a semivowel
I asked OP and if they say you have to include Y, it's an easy fix in my code
It's just weird that it's been up for 19 hours and got 6 answers and nobody asked
I'd argue that it is a vowel in "toy" as well, but not in "you".
actually yeah i didn't think that one through
"y" is a vowel in many other languages
[1, 2, 3] === [1, 2, 3]
> false
Yay JS
my understanding is that js has issues with comparing arrays in general
[1,2,3] === [1,2,3] is false because the first array is fundamentally different from the second one in ways that aren't apparent on a surface level but are built strongly into the language
but i don't use js much so take that with a grain of salt
I think it's because the two arrays are different instances of Array, so it's false because JS developers are visibly too lazy to overload == ._.
>!(!("js sucks"))
Test #1 passed
Test #2 failed
[ 0.000109,
  65536 ]
[ 0.000109,
  65536 ]
Tests ended
2 assertions, 1 fails, 1 success
And this is why JLisp's tests fails
typeof([1, 2, 3])
> "object"
Q: Why is answer position depend on votes and not code size?

RosLuPIf the shortest code wins, at least when there is the code-golf tag, why is the list ordered using votes and not code size?

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

YodleBest n out of 2n - 1 Challenge: This one should be relatively simple. Output this exact text: Best [n] out of [2n - 1]. given n as an input. Input: Just the integer n, can be from stdin or as an argument. n will always be greater than 0. Output: The exact text above. Trailing spaces/n...

which is to say, my only sandbox creation
but i still think it's pretty good
@undergroundmonorail Youtube says Rhythm Paradise - 2008 as game, so I think it's done pretty well
that's actually weird that it says rhythm paradise, every region but PAL it was called rhythm heaven or rhythm tengoku
Ah I am in France
that would do it :P
It's probably why

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