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That's sad ;)
L = "({<[".chars
R = ")}>]"

def f(n=0)
	return (n > 0 ? "" : f) if rand > 0.5
	s = c = L.sample
	(0..rand(0..2)).each do
		s += f(n + 1)
	s + R[L.index(c)]
Random BrainFlak code generator
So many esolangs centred around BF...
bcoz its rly nice
@KritixiLithos Brain-Flak is based on matched brackets and it's stack-based
It's only called Brain-Flak because it's braining
But still, there are so many esolangs based on BF
@Dennis Brain-Flak TIO is borked
Hello! This is The Name of All that is Good and Holy. Before you think of making your own extension to this language, here's another idea for you to consider: Don't! For the love of me, please don't make another derivative of this language!
^^ That's from BF's esolang page
brb, making PowerShell-like BF derivative.
TIO is borked is not a bug report. It's hardly even English. Please tell me what you're trying to do, what you expect to happen, and what happens instead.
(Not just directed @TuxCopter, but all 20+ users that sent me exactly this message.)
I was testing some brain-flak code and I got a 500
That could be just overload. It seems to be working now.
Nope, it still don't work CACHING
Why did the offensive flag count show 0 when there was a flag?
Fun fact: the snippet I posted is almost valid PowerShell.
So you created BrainShell
I kinda like the other amalgamation better.
@muddyfish Handled right away
But I could still handle it though?
@Dennis Pretty sure that would get flagged as offensive ...
@Dennis Powerflak?
@TuxCopter @(1|%{}|?{})[@()] is valid PowerShell.
What does it do
@TimmyD No idea what you mean. the other amalgamation is completely innocuous.
It's a no-op visibly
Or are we talking about the other BF
@TuxCopter It takes 1, feeds it into a ForEach-Object empty loop |%{}, feeds the output of that into a Where-Object clause |?{} but since the clause is empty, no elements will result in a true clause and thus nothing is selected. That's encapsulated in an array wrapper @(...), and then indexed [...] with the index being an empty array @(). Results in no output.
@muddyfish When a chat flag is raised, 100+ 10k users storm at it at once, think about it for the fraction of a second, and raise a flag or a counter-flag. If the original flag just got dismissed as invalid, the counter drops to 0. If you click it after that but before the next 10k user clicked valid (effectively creating a new flag), the situation you describe could happen.
TL;DR caching
@TimmyD Almost as readable as Perl.
@TimmyD This look like GolfScript/CJam
I'm clearly biased, but I do like this one.
What language
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/98127/56721 edited, is this format ok, or should i change it?
Perl, obviously.
*check what it looks like*
*looks like magic*
repl.it don't have perl o_O
Eval-group not allowed at runtime, use re 'eval' in regex m/@"/(@`)~@``^"|^(?{print  "Hello, World"
"!"})/ at wtf.pl line 5.
I believe that outputs "Hello, World!"?
Well, Perl 5.10 to be precise.
Yep, it try to eval print "Hello, World!"
A: The Programming Language Quiz

DennisPerl 5.10, 139 bytes, cracked by primo ~!0!~('@"/(@`)~@``^"|'.(('" _]'^'|"`&').('[)).["[}(@,@@ {~/),$}@{**(!(^$&%{%{*[/,`, '^'+[@@/+{_`%@,/&[)@[@@_`[# !(!~-/,[,[#{&%@').'"!"})')) Verification For obvious reasons, the above code is deemed unsafe in modern versions of Perl. However, in Perl 5....

»  perl -M5.10.0 wtf.pl
Eval-group not allowed at runtime, use re 'eval' in regex m/@"/(@`)~@``^"|^(?{print  "Hello, World"
"!"})/ at wtf.pl line 5.
Still don't work
Actual Perl 5.10, not 5.20 in 5.10 mode.
Adding use re 'eval'; should work though.
Yep it work
I don't know what kind of string abuse is this but it's damn cool
The answer contains an explanation if you're interested.
Ah it XOR the strings
Basically boils down to that, yeah.
Dang, mad props to user nephi12
First (and only) answer earned a Mortarboard and Great Answer.
This is the third user who make a stellar answer and leave the site
Why do you say they left the site?
Their only contribution is one answer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
OK, but that was less than a week ago.
Comments from just two days ago.
@TuxCopter try IntelliJ suite, autocomp is really great
Wait, this isn't the search box.
Any Windows deployment experts, I'd appreciate help here: superuser.com/questions/1140930/…
Why can't you use a USB keyboard for Windows setup?
Because it doesn't work.
Go figure
Can you get into BIOS with the USB keyboard?
This is a Baytrail system, there's only UEFI. But yes, the keyboard (USB or not) works in UEFI and in a failed setup, just not in that prompt.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC With "help" I did not mean leaving pointless comments
@mınxomaτ Looks like there was a UEFI update for that machine just a few weeks ago.
i have no subfield nawledge
@TimmyD That has nothing to do with this. The update is already applied.
It has a driver, as is evident by the keyboard working after that prompt. However, this prompt for some reason doesn't load keyboard or USB drivers.
@mınxomaτ Does the mouse input work? Can you get to the accessibility wheel in the corner?
No input works during that prompt. Not mouse, keyboard or anything else.
I only get past that with a broken unattend.xml. However that doesn't actually give any option to switch to manual install. You can just click "OK" upon error.
I've patched the binary. So far so good, I got past the prompt.
this is some low level stuff, that problem you have there
It's a low level fix, too.
Lenovo (and their German brand Medion) is already banned from the company. Now it's also banned from my home. Nothing but bad experiences
try dell business
they're apparently very good.
Yep, that's what we use.
e.g. Latitude series
why though, minxomat? why do this?
yeah, I'm using a computer from 2010-2011 here and it is still holding up very nicely
Dell (Partner/Support) HQ also is just a few blocks down the road, so I always have someone to talk to.
they make good laptop keyboards
macbook air
@mınxomaτ Very, very strange.
I had a MBA 2011 once. That was pretty nice for the few months it worked. Apparently the '11 builds were prone to fail.
Lenovo must be doing something pretty unique with their keyboard, because USB HID is at this point just about as generic as VGA graphics (i.e., everything supports it).
The $50 for a recovery stick is insane, too.
@TimmyD They employ proprietary driver where they can. Remember that Lenovo laptop that didn't support linux, because they used a locked-down HDD driver?
@TimmyD Yeah, $50. That's about two Windows licenses and a dozen of USB drives.
@mınxomaτ Wnidows lcense is $120
Not in volume.
@DmitryKudriavtsev wow, expensive
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC IntelliJ don't work on my computer
It try to sync with an unexistant Mercury repo and crash
En masse setting up debian on windows, minxomat?
And anyway I use vim
I don't know what you are talking about. Your comments ceased to make any sense grammatically.
then don't do that...
are you mass installing debian on windows?
@DmitryKudriavtsev Looking at consumer prices for a Windows 10 Pro license. That's about $60 here. But I'm talking about volume license prices.
Still not volume licensing.
@DmitryKudriavtsev 0/10 no linux
That's because they only have consumer OSes that you need to buy
@DmitryKudriavtsev I'm in Germany. A Windows 10 Pro x64 DVD + License is max. $70 on Amazon here.
wow. cheap.
Wow that's cheap
The USB drive version is much more expensive. But I can rip the DVD and get a bootable USB myself.
they have a german site too
what is minxomat, a security researcher, automating the installation of debian on windows machines? — uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC 22 mins ago
I'm looking at the German Amazon shop site for Microsoft. I don't care what other sites say. Here it is 69,90 € incl. shipping for the DVD+Key. If you need just the key, it's 50 €
10/10 cropping.
Why is Harley Quinn the most popular costume like everywhere
Which version?
@quartata The movie or the comic one?
I mean, there was a reasonably popular movie that just came out.
Really? I tought it was Elsa
@mınxomaτ No idea
I'm looking at the Frightgeist
If it's slutty to the max, it's the movie one.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

wnnmawTranslation Polyglot Your task is to write a program which runs in two distinct programming languages. Input should be translated symmetrically between each language i.e. running your code in Language A produces output O from input I, while running in Language B produces output I from input O. ...

Do you guys think Interlace strings ready for posting?
Q: Positional Bathroom Etiquette

Nick FrevBackground Bathroom Etiquette, when pertaining to the available urinals, states that the next urinal to be filled in should be the one that minimizes the total discomfort. The total discomfort equation is given by the following set of equations: dist(x,y) = linear distance between person x and...

I have a wheel, which I made myself. It is the best wheel, ever! It is shinier, rounder than any other. But, it does not fit on any existing car. I need to make a car to fit my wheel... ;-) — jpaugh Apr 23 at 12:37
@TuxCopter sounds like Apple
me name Oiler V
> Oiler V
It's the best wheel you've ever seen! I know, you know, everybody knows it.
@mınxomaτ I have excellent relations with this wheel
@Zacharee1 Some of my best friends are wheels. Trust me.
@Zacharee1 I have excellent rotations with this wheel
Wheel 2016
All of my friends are in the wheel group
what wheel
very nice profile picture @Oliver, very simple
Damn what do I have started
@Geobits dangit
@Oliver iWheel
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC It's animated. It just doesn't animate
Q: Animated profile picture on stackexchange.com homepage

ETHproductionsThere's a user on Programming Puzzles and Code Golf named Oliver Ni who has a little almost-white dot on an almost-black background as their profile image. Or so I thought, until glancing at the Stack Exchange homepage (on desktop) and seeing a lively geometrical animation in the sidebar. It woul...

@TuxCopter "what do I have started"
We just had a unit test fail in the most glorious of ways. Apparently C#'s DateTime.Now does not equal DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).AddMonths(-1)on like 4 days of the entire year, and October 31 is one of those days.
@Zacharee1 facepalm
@Rainbolt That's like the "Our code breaks on Fridays in Turkey"
(don't remember where I saw that)
Take September 30 and AddMonths(1) and you get October 30. Then AddMonths(-1) and you get September 29.
So it adds however many days are in the current month lol
@ETHproductions There's also the one where the printer wouldn't work on Tuesdays
I feel like there is a good challenge to be had there
I once wrote a mouse movement routine. To save one byte in the resulting machine code, I used the current uptime as the source of the offset. On a 1080p screen, there's a 1.08 second window every 50 days where this won't work.
Implement AddMonths() such that it works 365 days a year
@Rainbolt lolwut ... can confirm
> save one byte in the resulting machine code
Yes. That was important
So to save one byte the thing bork every 50 days
It's this thing: github.com/turbo/Kafka
Ah you are trying to make it small
@Rainbolt DateTimes are funny. Just be thankful you didn't have a timezone issue
So any last inputs on Interlace strings?
Specifically, is the input/output format too flexible?
is that a game? @TuxCopter
It use 351718 power units for the first puzzle
I am this:
@TuxCopter oh
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Hahaha
that's my username's fourth autocomplete
Not sure whether to take this as "no" or "no one cares" :P
@ETHproductions I didn't see any flaws, so I didn't speak up.
@TimmyD That's a good sign :)
This is an incredible story: the Liver Run.
@TimmyD ... and then they came for the sandboxes, and I did not speak out, because I was not a sandbox...
18/10 (it's not even automatically generated, it was made by a human)
Q: Site scope issues where community opinion is divided and there is no consensus?

DVKOn SE site XYZ, there is a Meta question asking if questions of type ABC are in scope (the answer is not obvious from existing site policy or help pages). Community is about evenly divided, with ~50% voting for in-scope and 50% out-of-scope; with the difference between the two being far smaller ...

Could be useful in pop-con debate
Q: Self Replicating Polyglot

TezraWrite a program (source A) that writes the source code of another language (source B), which when compiled and ran, will write the original source code (source A)! Output can be to standard out or file

Q: Interlace strings

ETHproductionsYour challenge is to write a program or function that, when given two strings of equal length, swaps every other character and outputs/returns the resulting strings in either order. Examples "Hello," "world!" --> "Hollo!" "werld," "code" "golf" --> "codf" "gole" "happy" "angry" --> "hnpry" "aag...

Anyone here ever setup El Capitan or Sierra in KVM?
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\interlace-strings.ps1 'Doorknob' 'Downgoat'
Hmm ... I think there may be a flaw in my code
CMC: List 26 Halloween candies that each start with a different letter, A-Z. (and post it as a comment here)
Almond Joy, Butterfinger, Crunch, Dove ...
Good start
@TimmyD Doowonrgkonaotb
Wow, Java 8 lambdas are terrible.
int i = 0;
() -> { return i++; }
Requires i to be final.
I mean, I know they're just syntactic sugar for anonymous classes
and anonymous classes can't do that either
But don't advertise them as allowing for functional programming when they can't do the most basic closure trick
You can increment a final variable??
No, of course not.
That's the point.
It doesn't really have access to the variable. It has a copy.
That's why it requires it to be final.
Length-1 int[] to the rescue!
Yeah, that's what I'm doing. But it looks hideous.
@quartata Why are you using Java in the first place? :P
Because I am?
Probably to tell the computer to do things.
Yes but Java is ********bad********
❯ g++
clang: error: no input files
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Why are you using a mac in the first place?
(Apple thing gcc == clang for some reason so they alias gcc to clang)
@TuxCopter i thought clang was a wrapper for g++
@TuxCopter yo, Mac OS X is BSD, man!
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Hahaha, wat
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Hmmmm?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC No it isn't.
G++ is an alias for GCC most of the time
@quartata bsd-derived
Q: Markov Chain Quine

ArtyerA simple Markov Model will be used in this question. For more information about Markov Chains, see http://setosa.io/ev/markov-chains/. Take a string. For this example, we will use the word: reader Now, for each character, take the characters that appear after each occurence of the character i...

@mınxomaτ clang was made by apple
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC The kernel is a fork of BSD
@TuxCopter exactly.
But this don't mean it's BSD
> For starters, here is where you get information on the major BSD flavors:
Apple Mac OS X
The DragonFly BSD Project
The NetBSD Project
The OpenBSD Project
official bsd site
Mach (/mʌk/) is a kernel developed at Carnegie Mellon University to support operating system research, primarily distributed and parallel computing. Mach is often mentioned as one of the earliest examples of a microkernel. However, not all versions of Mach are microkernels. Mach's derivatives are the basis of the modern operating system kernels in GNU Hurd and Apple's operating systems macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS. The project at Carnegie Mellon ran from 1985 to 1994, ending with Mach 3.0, which is a true microkernel. Mach was developed as a replacement for the kernel in the BSD version of Unix...
clang is just a thin layer on top of LLVM. GCC is a collection, not a compiler. G++ is a compiler of GCC.
Stupid Internet.
Almost all of the BSD code is gone though.
Very very few components are leftover from 4.3BSD
The architecture is completely different since it's a microkernel too.
Actually clang is a wise choice for OS X. Since LLVM has the most actively developed and tested optimizers and code generators. There's a reason Google, MS and Apple are all contributing to LLVM.
Plus I find LLVM has some really nice front-end tools. Like refactoring for C++
@Dennis really random but you should totally learn J :P
He has.
And APL.
Why do you think he made Jelly
J has the worst documentation
Despite cracking some C&R answers in J, I still don't have the slightest idea how to parse anything other than a string of verbs.
Oct 5 at 21:50, by Dennis
I basically created Jelly because I couldn't figure out J. :P
Actually, the Jelly documentation was total gibberish to me to, when I first looked at it.
But it fortunately has non-obfuscated source.
It was somewhat helpful after I figured out the basics.
Yeah, reading J's source code is a C&R challenge of its own.
@feersum what? J has great documentation.
@ConorO'Brien OK, I'll give you an example.
J's documentation is awful, I agree.
oh. I wonder what good documentation looks like then
bc I think it's great :P
I need a clean, accurate, and up-to-date graph of average college tuition rates vs. average annual income for a halloween costume
Java's documentation is actually really good, partially because JavaDoc.
@ConorO'Brien Good documentation look like this :P
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC You need an easy-to-access, reliable, and amazing friend. Welcome to http://google.com/
@ConorO'Brien already googled it...
@TuxCopter :o that is beautiful
this is the best I've found:
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That graph doesn't sound like it would be helpful
@quartata it's scary.
if google can't help you then why do you think a bunch of code-golfers can
for adults who are giving out the candy.
Now years vs average college tution rates and years vs average annual income for a halloween costume I could understand
@ConorO'Brien Yes. This is good documentation.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Yes. This is how capitalism works.
@Dennis is it bad that I can't figure out jelly but understand J :P
Um, yes, I'd consult a doctor.
@ConorO'Brien I think the answer I was thinking of is this
Is J or APL easier to learn?
WTF does this even mean. Just give me a simple On/Off option!
@DJMcMayhem They're basically the same. J is easier to type comparatively, imo
There was an operator in particular that seemed badly documented but I can't recall which it was.
Anyway, try to explain how this works, and let's compare it to the documentation.
miles's or yours?
phew. I don't understand t.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC glances at my 17% tuition increase.... cries
Have you taken calculus?
@feersum partially.
@PhiNotPi #CostumeIsScary
It's clear if you know calc.
@mınxomaτ Does Enable mean that the Disabler is active, or does it mean Enable Windows Apps?
I don't even know
hi @TonHospel
Usually enabling a disable policy disables, but the text is contradictory.
Anyone knows the difference between "haven't" and "don't have"?
@TonHospel Two things.. first I was hoping you might find codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/49218/… interesting.
@TonHospel The second thing can wait until we are both online at the same time
@mınxomaτ Does that mean the disabling is enabled or it's enabled so it's not disabled?
hi @Dennis
That don't make sense o.o
throw new Exception;
so miles's verb is a 5-train; the first two verbs in the train obtain the first axis from the result of the right verbs. The right three verbs form a fork; the argument is passed to the left of the inner tine; since the inner tine is a bonded expression, it repeats it (left arg) times over the right arg. This is the basis for our repetition of lucas numbers. The inner tine takes `1` as a left arg, and the initial seed as right arg. The inner tine is a 4-train, which creates a list (prev_list, sum), then chops the first element from it, with `1}.`, giving the next pair of lucas numbers.
@mbomb007 On "Interlace strings", the strings will always be the same length, so you can undelete your Python answer. (Posting this here because I can't comment on deleted posts.)
@ConorO'Brien Repeats it left arg times?
"lucas numbers"?
@ConorO'Brien miles' verb*, no?
@feersum yeah. if the left arg was 3, it would repeat it 3 times
@TuxCopter no. that pluralization is reserved for more historical figures
of what
Which verb means to repeat something?
@feersum the verb that's bonded, sorry
@Javadoub like the fibonacci numbers, except starting with 2 1 instead of 0 1
any cuda coders in? I am trying to work out if cuda is suitable for this sum ? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
I thought bond was like currying
k. I should stop trying to correct english haha
I should learn about gpu coding properly one day.. this might be an excuse
@feersum it is. but since all verbs are at most dyads, it doesn't make sense to have a triadic expression, so a different behaviour is defined.
x m&v y ↔ m&v^:x y
x u&n y ↔ u&n^:x y
@ConorO'Brien Well there's one mention of repeating: The phrase x f@[&0 y is equivalent to f^:x y , apply the monad f x times to y .
var war;
War war;
war = War()
War war = War();
I declare war.
@ETHproductions Thank you! Currently leading the score \o/
@ConorO'Brien WTF?, What language is that?
@feersum well there's also the main doc example on the right :P but yeah
It's unclear whether this is a separate definition of &, or some behavior that falls out of the basic rules and interactions with the other gibberish there.
@Javadoub it's J. is an equivalence marker which has no meaning in J
@Javadoub maJik
What is the purpose of the 0? To get this behavior do you need to bond with a 0, or can you have any dummy object there?
Totally unsatisfactory doc page.
the example at the top right is enough for me. x m&v y ↔ m&v^:x y :P
Q: Produce Dürer's magic square

Luis MendoThe challenge Produce an array or string representation of Dürer's famous magic square: that is, 16 3 2 13 5 10 11 8 9 6 7 12 4 15 14 1 Some of the properties of this square, which can perhaps be exploited, are: It contains each interger from 1 to 16 exactly once The sum of each...

Q: Decode Baby-talk!

Flp.TkcWhen babies open their mouths, they're not just spewing gibberish. They're actually talking in a highly advanced, adult-proof cipher... The Baby-talk Cipher When a baby talks, it may look something like gogooa gagooook aagaaoooy Each string-seperated section represents a character (so the examp...

@ConorO'Brien Huh. I expected the right-hand box to be a symbolical restatement of the verbal explanation in the left -hand box, but instead it is a completely separate definition!
Like, sense 1 is on the left, and sense 2 is on the right, correct?
@feersum yup! more specifically, monadic on the left, dyadic on the right.
The highly divergent styles of the two boxes which each perform the same kind of function makes it appear that they are performing two different kinds of function.
Q: Animate Adve the Adventurer

DopappBTW, sorry to the people on mobile for the swiping that awaits them below :) The challenge Your task is to animate Adve the Adventurer moving through a creepy (i.e. Halloween) maze. Adve is a •––don't judge. To animate Adve, you print out each frame; a frame is the map with his current locatio...

cheddar> ( 1 + 1 ).tobase(1)

<--- Last few GCs --->

   17036 ms: Scavenge 11.8 (48.9) -> 11.4 (48.9) MB, 0.4 / 0 ms (+ 0.7 ms in 1 steps since last GC) [allocation failure].
   17066 ms: Mark-sweep 18.9 (55.2) -> 15.6 (55.2) MB, 4.1 / 0 ms (+ 12.4 ms in 18 steps since start of marking, biggest step 6.3 ms) [GC interrupt] [GC in old space requested].
   17590 ms: Mark-sweep 233.7 (273.2) -> 191.2 (230.9) MB, 4.2 / 0 ms (+ 8.3 ms in 3 steps since start of marking, biggest step 8.2 ms) [GC interrupt] [GC in old space requested].
Clearly 00 is very memory pressuring task
What symbol should I use for base conversion?
Is anyone on?
@Qwerp-Derp like what?
Rofl, ad popups are getting less sophisticated by the second. "Click on add extension to close this popup"...

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