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Yay, I inserted the "proof" thing:
someone needs to make a semi complicated ascii art challenge so charcoal can win
A: Compute the kangaroo sequence

Qwerp-DerpCoffeescript, 25 bytes k=(n)->((n*n-1)<<(n-1))+1 The formula for generating Kangaroo numbers is this: Explanation of formula: The number of 1's in K(n)'s final sum is 2^(n - 1) + 1. The number of n's in K(n)'s final sum is 2^(n - 1), so the sum of all the n's is n * 2^(n - 1). The number...

I started from (n+1)*2**(n-1)+sum(i*2**n for i in range(2,n))+1 and then used T(z)=z*(z+1)/2 and then reduced the terms.
@Qwerp-Derp nice proof by recursion
actually I'm too tired and only saw T(n) and assumed recursive proofs but you just used substitution, I'm out
Are there any more K(n) square numbers other than 121?
^ that has 3 as the first term, but everything else is correct - and the correction is easy when going from T(n) to T(n)-1
@El'endiaStarman you know, we have at least one challenge about those :)
@JonathanAllan Wait what
wotwot old chap?
Wait did my proof have a mistake?
It's not really a proof per se
@Qwerp-Derp the first of my formulas gives all correct terms except the first
But was there something wrong in there?
not yours
Oh wait ah
But is there anything wrong with my thingo?
mine is constructed from the doubling and adding height, for which the step from 1 to 2 is a special case
have not read it ... brb
yes it's the same effectively as mine - the key adjustment being " the sum of all the other numbers"
I adjusted that by noting that sum(2,n) is sum(1,n)-1 :)
Too bad Coffeescript requires the parens in (n)...
@Dennis maybe we should speak with David Cervone
"Oi sort it out"
Heh. :)
some interesting MathJax puzzles posted by him & humn
@Dennis Yeah... :(
Welcome to PPCG, where evrything needs to be done differently. :P
It's everyone else that's different.
I should go get some sleep. Let's see if someone finds a different approach while I'm out.
"Yes, we are all different! (I'm not)"
gn tc
made first dotsplit answer, but it's not very good
@StevenH. (Fall)Downgoat
@StevenH. Clearly that's a downhuman
On an unrelated note, I should really make an answer to "Showcase your language one vote at a time"
we should have an arimaa room as well as a chess room
The only issue so far is I can't come up with a very good alliteration
So far I have Aformal Arimaa Alliance, but alliance seems odd, and aformal doesn't seem to be a proper word :(
I guess the adjective could be amusing or amazing...
ehhhh, I don't really like that word
Awesome is the fact that we can actually send a probe to another planet and receive images
not a game
Both are pretty awesome
I mean it would be awesome, if computers still failed to beat human players at arimaa
just need to pin down the last word
Originally, I wanted a word that meant chat, not sure it's possible though
Amusing X Arimaa x, the word needs to fit in one of those xes
perhaps Amusing Arimaa Assemblage?
that's it, I think
assembly or assemblage?
Assembly, assemblage sounds odd.
kay then
wanna play?
I'll watch, but I can't play; trying to build up a bunch of things for homework
;_; but who else is going to play
Yo! @Sp3000
Bit of a side question, but does anyone know much about SSH? I'm trying to figure out whether you can tell how large the keypair for an account on a server is from outside the server.
If you want people to click on your self promoting links, it might help to give meaningful link text :P
@Sp3000 The bit length is part of the RSA public key, so yes?
Type mismatch: cannot convert from List<Integer> to List<Integer>
Yeah - does the public key itself actually get sent at any point though? (not actually sure how the protocol works in detail)
I love you Java; never change
@ASCII-only That's more than enough self-promotion. Two messages promoting the same post within a few minutes of each other is excessive.
@Mego I know, but this
@ASCII-only You didn't need to link it again. You could've just replied to yourself and said what the post was about.
@Mego I'll have to keep that in mind, I'm usually too lazy to reply to my own message :(
@Mego The issue was because I didn't have import java.util.List. That error message was 0% helpful in determining the issue.
@ASCII-only Just to be clear, my recommendation that you use meaningful link text doesn't include permission to post arbitrarily many links. In addition to showing consideration to others, posting links further apart is also likely to get more views on both.
@trichoplax Yeah, I know, I was going to edit my earlier message but the window had closed and I didn't know what to do, I guess I should have thought twice before reposting the same link
@ASCII-only For me, that seems like a link to the question, rather than your answer. Did you use the "share" link below your answer?
Oh whoops, it's here, I was kinda distracted when I posted the link
First move in Arimaa room. Please join
in Amazing Arimaa Assembly, 52 mins ago, by Destructible Watermelon
 1g Ma2 Eb2 Cc2 Hd2 Re2 Df2 Hg2 Dh2 Ra1 Rb1 Rc1 Rd1 Ce1 Rf1 Rg1 Rh1
8|                 |
7|                 |
6|     X     X     |
5|                 |
4|                 |
3|     X     X     |
2| M E C H R D H D |
1| R R R R C R R R |
   a b c d e f g h
Q: Prove DeMorgan's laws

Wheat WizardUsing the the ten inferences of the Natural Deduction System prove DeMorgan's laws. The Rules of Natural Deduction Negation Introduction: {(P → Q), (P → ¬Q)} ⊢ ¬P Negation Elimination: {(¬P → Q), (¬P → ¬Q)} ⊢ P And Introduction: {P, Q} ⊢ P ʌ Q And Elimination: P ʌ Q ⊢ {P, Q} Or Int...

I've added the Yahtzee controller code to my sandboxed challenge. I would very much appreciate it if people would look the challenge and the code over to make sure there aren't any issues.
@Mego The only thing that comes to mind is for "returns the current scores for all players, in no particular order". Would it help to specify the return format, so people know how they are to distinguish which score corresponds to each player?
(I haven't looked over the code, but I'm guessing it would be useful to know this from reading the spec.)
@trichoplax The point is to not let the player know which score corresponds to which player. All they know is how well they are doing that game with respect to the rest of the competition.
Ah I see. Might be worth adding a sentence to make that explicit, in case people who don't know the game want to compete. I hope I haven't overlooked such a statement elsewhere in the spec...
Actually I'm guessing that isn't part of the game when played by humans. In which case making it explicit is even more likely to be useful. I like it as a concept, but I wouldn't have guessed that is what was meant.
When played by people, typically you can see everybody's scorecards. I chose to restrict the amount of information because I believe it will make for a more interesting game.
It does sound interesting.
I have gnashed my teeth enough at Java's woeful inadequacies... It's time for me to catch some shut-eye.
It took a lot of self control to not just write the controller in Python and create Jython interfaces
whoa, we've got 7 active bounties
inc/int.h:4:5: error: unknown type name 'uint16_t'
     uint16_t offset0_15;
@TheveryevilROFLcopter hi
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Roman GräfUngolf batch This question wants you to golf batch programms. In Batch you can use set x=averylongbatchcommand %x% arg1 which expands to set x=averylongbatchcommand averylongbatchcommand arg1 Your task is it to expand these statements. As you can also use set for arithmetic purposes like...

Q: Chebyshev Rotation

Martin EnderConsider a regular grid, where each cell has integer coordinates. We can group the cells into (square-shaped) "rings" where the cells in each ring have the same Chebyshev distance (or chessboard distance) from the origin. Your task is to take such a cell coordinate and rotate that cell by one pos...

I fixed the kernel
Why do people spell "if" like "iff"?
It's really iffy to me
iff == if and only if
it's "if and only if" (but yeah it's bugging me as well)
@TheveryevilROFLcopter what as a service?
Operating as a System
@ConorO'Brien how do I give Yup input on TIO?
Why can't people just type "if and only if"?
not golfy
@Qwerp-Derp iff happens to be used a lot, if and only if is a lot longer, yes
Huh, I've never seen it used before
It's usually used in mathematics
yay as of 2017 ill use the time zone fet
(1500 km east of me)
@ConorO'Brien there seems to be a bug in the interpreter (or the spec). as far as I can tell {} does not terminate on negative values but only on zero.
We just had our first capturing move in the Arimaa room!
The venn diagrams of logic look pretty kule
In logic and mathematics, or is the truth-functional operator of (inclusive) disjunction, also known as alternation; the or of a set of operands is true if and only if one or more of its operands is true. The logical connective that represents this operator is typically written as ∨ or +. "A or B" is true if A is true, or if B is true, or if both A and B are true. In logic, or by itself means the inclusive or, distinguished from an exclusive or, which is false when both of its arguments are true, while an "or" is true in that case. An operand of a disjunction is called a disjunct. Related concepts...
Someone should make a challenge out of it
Building bootloader.asm
Building kernel.c
Building screen.c
Building utils.c
Building int.c
Building ints.c
Building inthandl.asm
Linking C files
obj/int.o:int.c:(.text+0x96): undefined reference to `_asm_default_int'
obj/int.o:int.c:(.text+0xf1): undefined reference to `kidtr'
obj/inthandl.o: In function `asm_default_int':
src/inthandl.asm:(.text+0x1): undefined reference to `isr_default_int'
undefined reference
Yes, but it's weird because everything that is not defined is defined
GCC add an underscore before identifiers
So everything bork
you borked a thing
:D I fixed 3 of the 4 linker errors
@betseg Refresh, the browser thinks the picture is a text file
:O u dont say
... and for some reason the tool I used the most times while debugging is strings
Yay I feel good
People on Dennis's kangaroo question are like "Thanks to @Qwerp-Derp's formula"
Achievement get!
I am starting to hate GCC
Fun fact: My own thoughts are a better composer/singer than I am
@betseg Once I had to hand-interpret the bytes of a JFIF
It wasn't fun
@TheveryevilROFLcopter ?
It add underscores everywhere
And interfacing with assembly when GCC fuck up the identifiers is not really fun
Weird how we didn't have Venn diagrams until 1880
__asm__("lidtl (kidtr)"); to __asm__("lidtl (_kidtr)");
Fixed my problem ._.
Now the CPU crash
I think it's after activating the interrupts
Yep, it's the fault of the interrupts
ladies and gentlemen https://t.co/F84ETL7Cwe
^ pic from the tweet
CMC: Find me an 8-bit codepage created before 2011 where at least 255 characters are printable
Chat Impossible Challenge
CP293 seem to have 250 which is pretty close
CMC 2: Convert ASCII codepoints to EBCDIC codepoints (e.g., K to ., L to <)
:/ I tried to reload the GDT in the kernel and now it crash
> The first 128 are identical to ASCII
> where at least 255 characters are printable
oh i didnt notice sry
never mind, didn't notice that the columns doesn't start at 0 :/
CP-907 is better then, but has 15 unprintables
Ima try and figure out if I can scrape iconv data
D: Oh no it's Vladnan runs away
Q: Can we change the title text of the vote buttons

corvus_192I just noticed that the title text (displayed on mouse hover) of the up- and downvote buttons are currently "This answer is useful" and "This answer is not useful". While they're useful for most SE sites, they don't make sense on PPCG. Is there any way we can change these texts?

Annoying how many IBM codepages have an RSP character
RIP me died of too many bugs
@TheveryevilROFLcopter It's not littlekernel, 0/10 misleading readme
> This is my little kernel.
I don't see how we can confuse with littlekernel
A: Draw the national flag of France

Mulvyaffmpeg, 110 113 116 117 119 108 bytes ffmpeg -lavfi color=#0055a4:49x98[r];color=white:49x98[w];color=#ef4135:49x98[b];[r][w][b]hstack=3 -t 1 .png The current version of the command will abort with an error BUT will output a single image ".png", same as shown below.

... how?
wat the #s arent comments?
$ ffmpeg -lavfi color=#0055a4:49x98[r];color=white:49x98[w];color=#ef4135:49x98[b];[r][w][b]hstack=3 -t 1 .png
ffmpeg version 3.1.4 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 6.2.1 (GCC) 20160830
  configuration: --prefix=/usr --disable-debug --disable-static --disable-stripping --enable-avisynth --enable-avresample --enable-fontconfig --enable-gmp --enable-gnutls --enable-gpl --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgsm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore_amrnb -
> libass
@betseg Surround them with quotes
The answer only specified ffmpeg; Not sh+ffmpeg
[image2 @ 0x55daae4cb660] Could not get frame filename number 2 from pattern '.png' (either set updatefirst or use a pattern like %03d within the filename pattern)
av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument
Two things are borking in OaaS
Reloading the GDT and activating interrupts
^^^^^ but .png is a nice file wat
OaaS = Oatmeal as a sandwich?
Operating as a Service
or System
That doesn't sound right.
I'm pretty sure the O is oatmeal.
@betseg Operating as a System
GH repo here
D: For some reason qemu ignore the monitor option
Specifying the option 2 times crashed qemu
I like that you thought that specifying it twice might make qemu not ignore it
what site is this
I typed man qemu-system-i386 in DDG
^ here
:D I found how to configure qemu to send the monitor thingy over telnet
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ QEMU's monitor can't slow down the VM/step
Debugging a kernel is hard
Ok lol
try debugging a debugger
The first instruction of init_gdt crash the CPU
(gdb) info registers
eax            0x4048   16456
ecx            0xd0     208
edx            0x0      0
ebx            0xb5     181
esp            0x9efb4  0x9efb4
ebp            0x9efdc  0x9efdc
esi            0xb4     180
edi            0x0      0
eip            0x114a   0x114a <init_gdt+94>
eflags         0x46     [ PF ZF ]
cs             0x8      8
ss             0x10     16
ds             0x10     16
es             0x10     16
fs             0x10     16
gs             0x10     16
>_< The only register who is important while debugging the kernel (gdtr) is not listed
Oh wait I need to use info all-registers
Nope, still missing
Huh monitor info registers give all registers
For some reason the instruction pointer is sended somewhere in a null byte jungle
So the CPU crash
It's a stack overflow error wtf
Infinite interrupts?
Nope, stupidly small stack
I think
How big is the stack?
Also, I'm still getting used to feersum's avatar being blue now instead of purple/gray...
Oh no nvm
I misread the regdump
Oh I think I found the error
For some reason the memory location where should be the GDT is empty
@gdbninjas How to run a program until a specific memory location is reached?
Ohhhhh I found why it's sended in a null byte jungle
Because I move the data segment ._.
(gdb) reverse-nexti
Target remote does not support this command.
;_; removing the mov eax, ds don't fix the thing
This room isn't really the place for on-going stream-of-consciousness-type monologues.
@El'endiaStarman Are gallery rooms the place for that?
@wizzwizz4 They don't have to be galleries. I'm just saying that TNB specifically isn't the place for that. That is, create another chat room so interested parties can join and interact with the person that's doing the thing.
@El'endiaStarman Ah, ok.
Nobody likes gallery rooms.
@PhiNotPi That's a good point. I've thought of making my own before, but something along those lines has always floated into my head to make me change my mind.
@@{people knowledgeable about chat}: Can you favourite chat messages?
AFAIK not directly
But you can favorite the permalink
@PhiNotPi: Oh good, you're here! I was just thinking of asking you a question: is there some way to construct a "number" system where {} = {x,0} = {x, -1, -1} = {x, 1, 1} = {x, -2, -1, -2} = {x, 2, 1, 2} and {x, -2} = {x-1, 2} = {x+1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2}? All numbers, including x, are in the group C_7 - 4 (cyclic group of order 7, going from -3 to 3). The motivation for this is that I'm trying to construct a coordinate system for hyperbolic tilings based on headings.
(This one is based on the order-3 heptagonal tiling.)
Are you using that as a coordinate system?
How I got the numbers: when you move from one cell to another, the tile you just came from is in direction 0. Positive (or negative) numbers are in the counter-clockwise direction and negative (or positive) numbers are in the clockwise direction.
@PhiNotPi I'm trying to see if I could make one that way.
How to make GCC ignore a warning?
I also found this Math.SE question that could be useful, so I might put effort into thoroughly understanding the second answer.
Oh, also, {x} = {x,0,0}. Moving in any direction followed by an odd number of 0s means ending in the same cell you started from, whereas moving in any direction followed by an even number of 0s means ending in the cell you moved to first.
This will have to be some really weird number system.
In addition, {x, -1} = {x-1} (and {x, 1} = {x+1} and moving in any direction followed by 6 -2s (or 2s) puts you back in the same cell you started in, which might be useful also. Unfortunately, it looks like it's the [-]3s that take you further from the origin.
@PhiNotPi Aye, definitely. It'll also have to take into account what kind of tiling it is.
@MartinEnder node.js yup <prog> -s "input". Reading from STDIN in JS is painful.
@wizzwizz4 You can bookmark a section of the transcript (a contiguous series of messages), or link to a specific message, but I'm not aware of a way of saving that to your own profile - you'd have to take responsibility for keeping a link to it yourself (or let your browser store the link in favourites/bookmarks/whatever your browser calls them).
If we can figure it out, though, it's a system that can be applied to elliptic, Euclidean, and hyperbolic tilings.
Why is there so much text here?
I'm lazy, I can't read all that!
@MartinEnder I think I know why this is. I'm looking into it right now.
@flawr Maybe we need a "TNB summary" room, where we give an overview of the topics covered each day, with links to bookmarked sections. Now we just need one of the lazy people to volunteer to administer this :P
@trichoplax we also need a fact-checker
@trichoplax I like that idea, but then this would get cluttered fast. :P
@ConorO'Brien [citation needed]
@El'endiaStarman Doesn't look terribly uncluttered at present...
@El'endiaStarman What the heck is this?
Hmm, what a pity. Conversation URLs can't be constructed from two message ids.
How can you bookmark stuff?
@MartinEnder That smiley face made me wonder if you had anything to do with said challenge, and sure enough, you posted it! :P
In geometry, the Beltrami–Klein model, also called the projective model, Klein disk model, and the Cayley–Klein model, is a model of hyperbolic geometry in which points are represented by the points in the interior of the unit disk (or n-dimensional unit ball) and lines are represented by the chords, straight line segments with ideal endpoints on the boundary sphere. The Beltrami–Klein model is named after the Italian geometer Eugenio Beltrami and the German Felix Klein while "Cayley" in Cayley–Klein model refers to the English geometer Arthur Cayley. The Beltrami–Klein model is analogous to the...
how can you create a conversation?
I wonder if viewing the tiling using this projection would be more helpful.
@muddyfish Click the "room ▼" button towards the top of the sidebar and there should be a "create new bookmark" button.
In this case, bookmarks and conversations are synonymous.
@El'endiaStarman I never noticed this
@Dennis I feel like this should be <20 bytes in Jelly but I suppose there’s no complex angle function… :<
@Lynn Is there atan2?
I think Dennis' answer uses atan2
@PhiNotPi Hmmm, perhaps. I like the Poincaré projection since it preserves angles and circles don't get squashed, but maybe the Beltrami-Klein model can be used for coordinates and then transformed to Poincaré for visualization. Numerical inaccuracies could creep in that way though.
@MartinEnder Was -113 the expected output of your yup program?
@Dennis When you can, could you pull yup?
@El'endiaStarman Can you recommend any introductory book/ressource to hyperbolic geometry? I honestly have only a very vague idea what it is about, but the pictures are so cool=)
@Lynn Yes, æA/Þ sorts by atan2.
@flawr I started a blog series on it (oldest posts are at the bottom), but I don't know how helpful it'll be.
i exist
that is my 100% normal human greeting
@El'endiaStarman oh cool, tvm!
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC "I am, therefore I think" is not a valid argument though.
@El'endiaStarman +1 for wordpresss
it's a pretty compelling one.
@El'endiaStarman i exist. ^([citation needed])
@El'endiaStarman This feels like a professor telling the students to buy his own book :P
@DJMcMayhem v
While all answers so far have used the formula, I'm convinced that there are other ways to attack the problem. — Dennis ♦ 56 secs ago
@ConorO'Brien Yup.
@Dennis fighter jets?
@mınxomaτ except that this book is free
@Dennis thanks! :D
@mınxomaτ Haha, sure enough. I think it's justified in this case because I wrote that series while figuring it out on my own because I couldn't find any good materials elsewhere that told me what I wanted to know.
That's what the professor would say. :D
Actually, that is more or less exactly what one of my law professors told me. But his book proved to be very helpful anyway. You can kind of tell if they are lying by looking at the price tag.
@mınxomaτ True=)
@El'endiaStarman I've been meaning to make KotH based on non-transitive dice at some point, but so far I've been successfully putting off all my KotH ideas. :D
@ASCII-only Let me give them to you: [email protected]
@ConorO'Brien that looks good
cool! :D
"Unlimited storage for all your files, for free! Introducing XKeyscore."
@ConorO'Brien this doesn't seem to be working on TIO?
@Dennis @Lynn ah, there are the complex number solutions. now I can finally post my own Mathematica solution. thanks :)
KotH ideas are the easiest ones to put off
Cookies Are OK is a filter that removes those annoying popups asking if you consent to cookies -> github.com/CrazyPython/cookiesareok
oh, you still need * to read from that string, I see
I thought it was like ><> where the argument initialises the stack
ah, no. I tried that once with NTFJ but that made programming a pain.
there's no simple way to discard the top of the stack, is there? except :-- which only works if there's still something underneath
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That's the third time you've advertised that, which is plenty enough.
@ConorO'Brien anyway, that code was divmod for positive inputs: yup.tryitonline.net/…
with another [ at the end actually
...I just noticed that the up/down vote buttons on Stats.SE (Cross Validated) are normal (Gaussian) distributions.
@Dennis Are you referring to my edit?
Anyone know some things about OS programming?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Have you considered posting it to Code Review? They welcome working code so it would be viewed by more people without seeming intrusive
@trichoplax not a bad idea
But it's not code
It's a text file
It's a non-turing complete filter list
CMC: Create a TC filter list
@DJMcMayhem Yes.
OK. I still don't see how the tag applies, but it's your challenge and totally not worth an edit war.
@Lynn Tried porting your approach, but the (0, 0) edge case is problematic. :(
@DJMcMayhem Well, my reference implementation doesn't use a closed form.

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