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@PhiNotPi Interesting. Can it handle order of operations yet?
@EasterlyIrk Wait; will you make smallcaps again? Right now it's dead :(
My name was smallcaps, but it died... I have a note on my profile page (currently MD source available as a link)
I'm actually going to focus on a lot of other stuff before that. Order of operations will actually be one of the last features I add.
@PhiNotPi Oooh, okay. Yeah, order of operations isn't necessary.
Does anyone else think it's really cool that Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame is a cosplayer and Imgurian?
I think I'm to add parsing for if and while loops next, and then subroutines.
After that... it going to be a lot of "fun" managing the symbol table.
@Emigna How do I repeat a list in 05AB1E? [5,8] 3[5,8,5,8,5,8]
× doesn’t seem to work, or *
Or, hey, if anyone else here knows, feel free
They left!! Fine sheesh I’ll use Jelly :T
I don't know either of those :(
Y tho?
Yeah, I realized it was hidden in the obscurely named Doc.md :P
@Geobits Doctor Doctor?
I thought it was a strange name, too. But it's a strange world.
@TimmyD I feel like a pair of curtains
@Lynn You can do it like this. Might not be the best way depending on the rest of the code though.
(On the your-mom repo)
Clickbait level >9000
<100 views != clickbait9000+
55 unique visitors
@Emigna How strange. I had the outsider impression that 05AB1E has a built-in for everything, but it lacks some really basic ones. ?_?
I have no idea why/how it’s as competitive as it is! Magic
It's really good at most things. Bad at others.
@TheveryevilROFLcopter 55 is still kinda low though >_>
I guess maybe it has some very surprising built-ins that come up more often than you’d think
CMC: Create a non stack-based language that do as good as Actually/GolfScript/CJam/Osabie (Hint: You can't)
Like the bifurcate one
Very useful command.
@TheveryevilROFLcopter V is not stack based, and it's sometimes competitive with them
@ArtOfCode Pull yourself together, man, you have only 3 minutes to live.
@TheveryevilROFLcopter How about Jelly and Pyth?
There's also pyth and jelly and ninja
Jelly have some very weird parsing rules and Pyth... Is Pyth
Jelly’s parsing rules are so nifty, I swear I’m going to print the dyadic chain parsing rules on a T-shirt and wear it to GolfCon 2017
Those 'chains' are hurting my brain
Now J, that’s tacit and truly baffling to read. With its adverbs and conjunctions and stuff, aaaa
I think I have a good idea for a Halloween-themed challenge
Thanks for the reminder that I still need to learn Jelly
@DJMcMayhem Ninja?
@Sherlock9 yeah, Lynn wrote "pyth and jelly" while I was writing the same thing
Ah, fair enough. I was kind of hoping someone created a language named Ninja
Esolang Ninja: Given input as an answer URL, posts a copy of that answer to the same question, and "hacks" the SE database to change the time to four seconds before the original.
That's the entire spec :D
It's fairly difficult to implement
Or ninja'd, so you could FGITW with Ninja'd, 13 bytes. Like the idea behind Actually, 13 bytes
Dang Internet connection
> Verified 13 bytes
> Only 13 bytes
Fair warning to anyone thinking of naming a language for puns/jokes: They will never stop, you will get tired of them, and you have nobody but yourself to blame.
Ask Mego about it :P
@PhiNotPi I've added "Pillar" which is a good response to clone-heavy teams
Are you actually serious?
you can only be sliced once a turn
(cleave is another good choice as well)
I also though it was crazy: If each character can clone, and each has a bear, then at the start of the game, there'll be 9 characters against your 3 :)
that said, it takes 108 mana on each character, which requires at least 11 of your 20 points be assigned to mana
I killed chat. sorry :)
> Agility: Reduces Speed by 1
I get what you mean... but it strikes me as a weird way to word it.
better way?
I changed it to that in an effort to reduce terminology
normally reducing speed makes you slower
Increases speed by -1?
So decreases speed by 1?
If Speed is a delay between actions, it shouldn't be called Speed imo.
what's a better name, then?
I don't know the full context, but some form of Delay or Action Interval, etc.
Increasing "speed" should never make you go slower.
also, I was really considering making it 2, until I realized that a player could get 40 extra points via abilities, so they would end up with 100-55*2 = -10 speed :)
@TheveryevilROFLcopter because it's NAA
> Deleted by owner
It's the most upvoted answer
Doesn't make it valid
logic doesn't follow democracy
The last comment literally says why it was deleted.
> Technically, we should have to downvote this because the rules say don't use code from other's programs
(>)*9    nine noses
(        open bracket
>-->     a fish
(>+>-)   I'm watching you
>+       headless man
)        close that bracket
^ This explanation is gold
What I would do... is perhaps define "speed" as higher=faster, but then calculate delays based on an inverse.
That works too
I'm going with the term Turn Delay
Jul 31 '15 at 19:08, by Geobits
True. I can't help that everything I say is gold.
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Half-Life 13 confirmed.
And over starring message hasn't reached 100 stars yet ;_;
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
Only 6 to go
Also, it's worth noting that speed also makes actions cool down faster.
Call the thing Cool down delay
Agility: Reduce cool down delay
@NathanMerrill I don't think we have an tag. What would it be used for?
Only the most [epic] of posts, clearly.
@Dennis flair, obviously
That, or long winded stories.
@PhiNotPi and regeneration too!
speed is really powerful, which is why stuns are really powerful
because they operate on ticks not turns
as well as slows
@Lynn Wait is GolfCon a thing?
@Geobits :(
CMC: Create a stupidly verbose language called Only
how much damage does slice do?
## Only 100 bytes
0:5:3 damage
@PhiNotPi primary attribute
I'll try making an overly verbose verbosefuck and name it only
okay, so if my highest attribute is 15, then it does 15 damage?
yep. Aside from all ability modifers
well, that's not true
your primary attribute is fixed throughout the game
if your primary attribute goes down, it still remains your primary attribute
which makes Absorb quite powerful
@Mego Am I wrong? ;)
@Geobits Not even a little :(
Flags? :/
> You cannot counterflag your own message.
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Both the 'your mom' messages got flagged.
thanks for the invite o.O
well it seems the community does not like it when people insult each other's mothers.
ok that handled I'm going
@YvetteColomb Who woulda thought?
Your-mom is a joke golfing language
@jokerdino Apparently TheveryevilROFLcopter deleted the messages.
sighs Who flagged those messages?
resists making the joke.
well the flags brought people in here. So I don't know who flagged them
@Dennis I think it was Geobits, but I'm not sure.
@EriktheGolfer You think I flagged my own message and got myself chat-banned? Yeah, no.
Flags are anonymous for a reason. Let's avoid pointless speculation about the identities of flaggers.
@Mego They're not when you say "I flagged it"...
Yet another reason that calling this language your-mom was a Very Bad Idea™
@EriktheGolfer I don't see anyone claiming the flags, so I don't know how that's relevant here
@Geobits Wait; were these your messages? And yes, you can flag messages yourself, but only for mod attention.
It's probably best we move on, now that the situation has been handled
@TheveryevilROFLcopter Jumping on a sock account to make your case when you get chat-banned is also a Very Bad Idea, for the record.
@Mego No but hey let's meet up at my place for pizza and call it GolfCon 2017. °ワ°
@Lynn I'm in. I'll bring the booze.
@Lynn wtf that emoticon
Well now I wouldn't mind going to GolfCon
(We can do it in as few bites as possible ha ha ha *stuffs her face*)
@Lynn I'm in too! Let's eat pizza! Then we watch the match.
Did someone say pizza?
Pizza and booze, for that matter.
@TimmyD No :P
@Geobits Pizza, booze, and I'm presuming some games and CMCs (convention mini-challenges)
@Lynn We'll be over in 5
it seems everybody loves pizza so make it fast!!
Where is this again? It might take me longer than 5.
Oh you mean you don't have access to Google's super-secret portal technology?
GolfCon is truly me and Jens Renders awkwardly existing in the same university building while I write this
Jens Renders?
Oh the OP
The question asker
@Mego Huh? No, everybody's got that by now. I meant I need to find a babysitter if there's gonna be booze involved.
@Geobits The babysitter is the booze!
It's a flawless plan
@Mego Not until he figures that out for himself.
Nothing has ever gone wrong when children and alcohol mix. Ever.
@Mego That one is true despite Geobits's saying!
@NathanMerrill consider the following strategy: pile all 20 extra points into strength, so str=25. Max HP = 250. Put all 4 abilities into Regenerate, so regen rate = 62.5 in total. Is there any way for the other team to put out that much damage per turn?
@Mego Except for the moment when children go all crazy and start breaking stuff (no, not the Jelly jar, we need it!)
The only way I see them being able to, is if they likewise pour all of their points into STR.
absorb, swipe, drain
all of those are really good against high STR enemies
Why does this sound like Transistor abilities?
is there any strong counterattack to that ASD combo?
swipe depends on attacking the same character
absorb has a duration before reverting, and drain has a range of 1
@Mego Google = Leader ya no am i →?
Maybe it's just me, but the drupal.se logo looks an awful lot like a slime‌​.
This could have something to do with me picking up a copy of DQ7 for 3DS recently.
Can we make golfcon a thing?
@Geobits Drupal Answers really looks like slime to me...
@DJMcMayhem Only if there's pizza and booze.
@DJMcMayhem there's this thing: cnfrnc.net by Sparr
(Ignoring the fact that most of us are thousands of miles away from each other)
@Dennis, are you OK with me un-accepting your answer to the iloveyou-challenge? It was the first to reach 33 bytes, but the -3 bytes were thanks to @JonathanAllan who happens to be tied with you...
@EriktheGolfer Yeah, that's what I linked o_O
@Geobits I'll bring the pizza if you bring the booze
@StewieGriffin - I'm not too bothered :D
@DJMcMayhem Sure, it has pizza booze and a babysitter (which is the booze itself, by the way.)
@JonathanAllan but maybe I am :P
@PhiNotPi Ehh, but that's in san-Fran. I've driven to san-Fran before, and it's not something I'd like to do again
such a great challenge mate
SF is nice to look at from a safe distance
@StewieGriffin There are RULEZ and you ought 2 follow them, or else....... also, the content of a post matters, not the OP. If the posting date is earlier, then you should not unaccept. There must be a shorter solution in order to unaccept.
@StewieGriffin I wouldn't mind, but you'd rob Mego and Jonathan of the chance to earn the golden Populist badge.
...or else...?
hehe good point!
@Geobits You know that stuff...
@Dennis when you become a mod, those badges clearly have a lot more importance :)
@EriktheGolfer No. I really don't.
Ooh yeah I only need two more upvotes for Populist

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