@El'endiaStarman I have no idea, actually. I received part of it in an Arts and Aesthetics class; they were photocopies, but maybe they came from online. Surely there is no copyright on it :P
Oooh, I see. So the "t" is a marker for the end of the file?
> Physicists.
Incidentally, I'm starting to get mildly irked by people who say things like "If X hadn't discovered/done Y, then Z might never have happened!". Somebody would've noticed the ultraviolet catastrophe sooner or later, and history is full of people who came up with the same idea(s) at about the same time (or different times, for that matter).
@El'endiaStarman It was like "And this die is uniformly random, I've just rolled a 3 but if I roll again I get a 3.. and again I get a 3... and again..."
#include <iostream>
#define very(x) x x
int main(){
int i;
very(long) number = 1;
for(i = 2; i < 20; i++){
number *= i;
std::cout << number;
return 0;