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Google job???
Whoa whoa whoa Google
@Mego We all believe in you.
(TBH, I don't know about them)
Random poll: what color was the Dress to you when you first saw it?
Blue and red.
Black and Blue, Yellow and White, or could it be none of the above?
Yellow and white at the first time, black and blue ever since
I don't remember
@zyabin101 White and gold. Eventually I was able to see it as black and blue.
Black and blue
@ConorO'Brien Yeah, when I asked that question, I noticed that your avatar wasn't in the sidebar, then I looked at your activity graph and saw that you hardly ever chatted after that time.
I noticed that after some time I receive back the 1 rep lost for downvoting a bad answer. How does that work?
Black and blue. God VS Man. Day VS Night
@seshoumara The post got deleted I think
you're right, it did got deleted
ok, thanks
I guess this is done so that people actually downvote bad posts
otherwise people wouldn't because you lose those precious green points
@Mego Good luck! I hope you get it! :D
What if he doesn't get a call?
@Mego TS
I don't know what my dog was actually trying to do, but this is what I found typed into a terminal window upon my return:
> ;7~7~7~*/9875666666666
Did you try running it in Jelly?
Oh, good call. Let me find that TIO link...
@Geobits There are three "666"s. SATANIC ILLUMINATI!
I'm actually impressed by the alternating ~ and 7s. Those things aren't anywhere near each other.
Probably trying to tapdance on the numkeys
@TimmyD Output: [-1, -8]-8-89875666666666
Well, there you go.
Wait a second... how did he type all those 7~s like that? ~ takes a shift for heaven's sake.
@El'endiaStarman oh, huh. I guess I'm not up past 12 recently, now that school's started
@Geobits They form three corners of a rectangle on my keyboard...
Sounds like he was actually trying to hit tab or something and ended up fat fingering shift and tilde yeah
@Mego Good luck! :)
Paws are not easy to use
Maybe. I could see doing it once, but three times with an unshifted 7 between them is just really weird.
just paws for a moment and appreciate that fine typing
@StewieGriffin You just caused me to spend nearly an hour and a half coming up with a solution. I hope you're happy.
@ConorO'Brien That's pawsitively terrible :P
of course there's another explanation
it's teaching itself tcsh
I guess it's time I get him his own account then.
On my computer and PPCG both.
pupper@geobits >
@Geobits You need to set up a motion-activated camera.
My chemistry teacher in high school had a horrible pun that he used as a mnemonic for remembering the difference between cations and anions: "Cations are pawsitive". My friend in that class hated the pun with a fiery passion, so naturally my other friends and I brought it up as often as pawsible. To this day, I never struggle remembering whether cations or anions have negative charges, thanks to that pun, and I teach it to everybody that I can.
@TimmyD dogbits would be a better name
It sounds dirty, but given most dogs' obsession with their bits, I think it's fine.
I didn't want the euphemism
Cookiebits would work out well enough.
Noisebits, maybe
@Geobits Now I'm imagining the Cookie Monster programming.
He would be a web developer, of course.
Huh? No.... C is for Cookie ;)
But cookies
It makes me happy that my answer on the binary heart challenge is both the shortest valid solution and the solution with the longest answer
@Geobits Fair enough
@Mego Hahaha, that's great. I learned it as cation -> cat with a nose that looks like a +, and anion ~ onion, which looks like an 0. Maybe there was a dash in the middle too.
@El'endiaStarman That's much more convoluted, and there isn't a pun involved. Your teacher was horrible :P
@Mego that answer is truly spectacular
Personally, my mnemonic is ca+ion
I've heard the anion~onion used as a pun before, but never understood it. What about onions could be negative?
it makes you cry?
Onions are great
@ConorO'Brien The best part is, I golfed it down by 6 bytes while writing the explanation, because I realized it would be much shorter to create the reversed binary string.
If you don't cry when you chop other living things to bits, you're a monster.
Don't blame the onions.
I think I can get it 2 bytes shorter
@zyabin101 No, Actually.
does anyone here on Mobile Chrome see the address bar blue?
It's the regular white for me.
Nope, the 2 bytes aren't going to be able to go away. I was hoping to be able to reverse each chunk of 21 bits in the binary string and construct that string, but doing the chunkwise reversal destroys the pattern.
CMC: Find the shortest page run between List of lists of lists to code golf
Now it's back to normal.
Wait a second... There's more patterns to take advantage of!
Aaand I can't take advantage of them effectively due to language limitations :(
I'm not sure it's going to get shorter than that.
^^ I had that but wasn't sure if there needed to be an intermediate page before Perl
(since it doesn't seem to display all at once)
nice! you got one page shorter than the Wikipedia degree site
Yeah, I wasn't sure how to include that
Interesting game for the day: mapcrunch.com
Press Go to randomly land on a place in the world, any place in the world.
I've played that before, I was never even remotely close to getting one right.
Actually, I don't think it has some actually tracked conducts.
Hmm so... geoguessr?
Another interesting game, relevant to the CMC: thewikigame.com
The airport conduct is actually a few voluntarily set rules by the community.
Hi all!
I'm interested in writing code for controlling a KotH game. Are there any resources around for that? Is there a standard format concerning bot-controller-interaction that is expected on the site? I've seen quite a few Java-centric questions in that category, but am mainly familiar with Python/C++. Would that be a problem?
There's no set format but people have made frameworks you may be able to use/adapt if that helps.
There's no reason to choose one language over another unless you feel it will increase participation. Many KotHs are language agnostic so it doesn't matter which language you make the controller in - competitors can submit code in any language
If you go for Python/C++ there are definitely people here who use those languages
@betseg Good luck mobile!
The ideal setup imo is for communication between processes through something language agnostic like STDIO. Some challenges have had issues with this (mainly speed) and went with a single language for submission (so they could run as native functions/classes), but it really depends on what you're doing.
•You need it.•
All right, STDIO seems pretty reasonable. Now I just need a great idea for a KotH game :)
And it probably makes sense to validate the idea beforehand using the sandbox, I assume?
Yeah, that's a good idea for most koth. They often have not-so-obvious flaws.
It's been 1 month since the last KOTH.
... meaning that you'd like to see more KotH posts?
I would. We need at least nine more before tag badges are given out ;)
@Geobits At least we know exactly what you get if you vote for Trump. He says what he means and believes. With Hillary, who knows what she'll do? She covers and lies and schemes. She's like that mystery meat at the cafeteria. It almost got thrown out and sent to be prison food, but somehow it got overlooked.
I'm not sure that's accurate at all. He's taken both sides of many issues over the years, and I'm mostly of the opinion that this year he's only pandering to a small group, so I don't really have much of any idea at all what he'll actually do.
How do we really know if anyone will do anything they say.
They won't because they're just a piece of the decision-making process
There's also the rest of congress
I mean, for all we know, you might not even be the real Kirby!
president is just a figurehead
True, but down-ballot races often skew toward the winning candidate's party.
Hasn't congress been mostly republican lately? Could explain why Obama hasn't been able to do much.
That's quite an understatement lol
@Yodle Welcome to america
What would you argue is more beneficial for your party: winning the presidency or having a majority in the house/senate?
Congress for sure if you can get both chambers
It also depends on what the Court looks like at the time, though. With upcoming vacancies, POTUS has more influence for the long term.
Hey look what's on HNQ
@BaldBantha I think that's the third time he's been pinged with that link. :P
In terms of day-to-day governance, and getting an agenda pushed through, Congress easily has more power than the President. However, like Geobits said, the next President is going to be appointing at least two and possibly three Justices on the Supreme Court, which is going to have big long-term influence.
Well, they do have it tagged contest math.
@El'endiaStarman figured but it wasn't on the starboard so I pinged him anyway
@BaldBantha And as the Downgoat said, "A goat can't be tied."
Should we edit all of downgoats challenges and replace all occurrences of "goat" with "gaot"?
Nope plz
Edit abuse eleven
Because that a thing now as far as I can follow
Is there a way to get notifications if someone edits a question/answer I've downvoted?
Or his real words: "a goat tied" goat abuse eleven, brb filing with PETA
If someone fixes their answer down the road, I don't want my downvote to stay there.
@PhiNotPi Don't you minimize the amount of taxes you pay? I do/would.
@7H3_H4CK3R Generally it's not a great idea to do something based on temporary trends, since once it's over it's just cringworthy to look back on
(also it alienates new users)
I enjoy a high tax refund.
@mbomb007 I think the closest you can get is the "favorites" star, but that's not really what you want.
@Geobits Yeah. I'm mostly thinking about answers...
@mbomb007 It's hard to make the case that "our high taxes are crippling business and business owners" if it's revealed that he (or his businesses) pay no income tax.
Which, as far as I can tell, is his entire tax policy.
@El'endiaStarman What happened on April 1st 2015?
@El'endiaStarman I feel bad that my first thought was "Woah, what happened on 9/26 to make so many people leave?"
@quartata StackEgg
Lots of pop-ins.
@mbomb007 Hahaha, well, I started to write "The number of users who last chatted on that day." or something similar, then decided to reword it so it didn't seem so negative. :P
@El'endiaStarman Your rewording sounds more negative to me.
Well shoot.
At least I can take consolation in the fact that it's hard to word it so it's not negative. :P
Ah-ha, got it! s/last/most recent/
@mbomb007 His argument (at least last night) was that companies don't have the money to invest in expansion and such, because they were paying too much in taxes. Showing that large companies have tons of profits off-shore doesn't seem to enforce that view.
@DJMcMayhem seriously, you should change your avatar to that cat.
I've also never seen any reason to believe that lowering the tax rate would cause companies to suddenly be more magnanimous with their capital, instead of simply stockpiling profits.
@Qwerp-Derp There were no commits since September 25.
@Geobits I just remembered my favorite quote from the debate.
Hillary (paraphrased): "I think Trump is going to find a way to blame me for every problem in our country."
Trump: "Why not."
Honestly though, the moderator was not fair. He asked about plenty of Trump's scandals, but talk of Hillary's were absent if not for Trump bringing some up. No Benghazi, no emails, no Clinton Foundation.
Golfing language downvoter strikes again
Although this time it appears to be only Jelly and CG
MATL escaped his wrath
@quartata Maybe it's zyabin101 stirring up drama.
Why would you assume that lol
I didn't assume anything
By saying that you're actually feeding him attention
Also I highly doubt it
It's more likely the OP or something.
Could be.
@mbomb007 Oh, I'll agree that he was harder on Trump in general. He wasn't hard on either of them, though.
I don't particularly mind but I was a little confused that MATL didn't get a downvote
Doesn't make sense to me, though. It costs rep to downvote.
The one rep to downvote is peanuts.
Geobits would know
@Geobits Sure, blame a web comic for the downvotes.
Just out of sheer dumb curiosity, do you remember what post the downvote in your avatar comes from?
@MamaFunRoll you never saw this: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90668/53748 and my crack of it?
@Geobits speaking of peanuts, it'll be the 50th anniversary of the peanuts great pumpkin!
Just a little tidbit... I still have it on vhs!
Hearing Peanuts referred to as a web comic makes me sad :(
@mbomb007 Excepting that Clinton's "scandals" aren't actual scandals. Irritating? Sure. Borderline an issue? Yeah, possibly. Surely not to the level of Trump.
I'm still mad that Peanuts is still in newspapers getting milked for every cent
@quartata IIRC this one was grabbed from the stylesheet.
You'd think they'd at least have retired it with some dignity
It deserved it
@TimmyD LOL. Nixon was impeached for less than Clinton's emails.
But syndicate contracts are so one-sided that the death of the creator means nothing
Eh, TV does re-runs, newspaper does peanuts. I still read the funnies for calvin and hobbes
@quartata There are also those that consider using non-ASCII characters cheating, for whatever reason.
@quartata I wish it was in mine. The paper has some pretty lame comics that have bumped out good ones. Get Fuzzy and Foxtrot were dropped.
@tuskiomi Your newspaper still runs Calvin and Hobbes?
@quartata :O I wish mine did.
I actually didn't think they could do that.
Bill owns the full rights
Mine should drop Rhymes with Orange. It's not funny at all.
Oh yes, every week in the Sunday paper.
At least it's not Eric the Circle :P
@mbomb007 Impeachment means diddly. It's just Congress bringing formal charges against an elected official. Doesn't mean they were actually convicted of anything, and only Jackson and Clinton have been successfully impeached by the House, though the Senate didn't proceed forward on either.
@Dennis I suppose I can see CG being objectionable by people who don't understand it and assume it's a no-effort compression thing like Bubblegum
@TimmyD She basically committed a felony and got away with it.
*Sorry, Johnson, not Jackson. Got my Andrews mixed up.
I mostly read Dilbert, Garfield, Family Circus, Baby Blues, Non Sequiter
@mbomb007 I found out the other day that Dilbert was a tv show for a small time!
I really liked Get Fuzzy, Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, and Foxtrot, but they were all removed.
@mbomb007 I assume that means you're more familiar with the case than the prosecutor?
@tuskiomi Oh whoa, I remember that.
That was so long ago
@tuskiomi wait... what?
Don't get me wrong, the emails are some shady shit. But when there's not enough evidence to prosecute, you don't prosecute.
You also don't prosecute if you get a large donation from a billionaire's foundation, while we're mentioning things of that nature...
@Geobits That's why I'm waiting for the bomb to drop when WikiLeaks releases more next month.
@mbomb007 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilbert_(TV_series) produced by Scott Adams himself.
@Geobits Like what happened to the Florida AG, you mean?
I don't think anyone can possibly argue that either one isn't shady as hell. However, you dig deep enough into any major player in politics nowadays (and probably forever), and that's what you get. It's terrible, but unfortunately too prevalent.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ eh. I'm done changing my avatar super often, I wanna stick with one for a while
@DJMcMayhem "I like my ham... smoked." - quote from the Green Eggs and Ham videogame.
smoke ham everday
Make no mistake, I fully agree they're both shady. However, Clinton is more like "irritating" shady and Trump is more like "Holy shit, wtf is actually going on" shady.
@TimmyD CMC: find a president in the last 50 years that doesn't have some form of controversy
@TimmyD really? Clinton's the one accepting money from the Middle East, covering crap with her Foundation, and deleting emails.
Trump wasn't ordered to release his tax return, and he didn't burn all his records.
Clinton also overcharged her donors for extra profit, only returning the money if caught. observer.com/2016/09/…
Giant Meteor 2016.
@quartata Manufactured controversy or actual controversy?
@mbomb007 As opposed to accepting money from Russia, and buying his way out of lawsuits with his Foundation?
@Geobits Russia isn't as bad as the Middle East. We have relations with Russia.
@TimmyD either since I don't want to get into a fight over what is what
Umm... we have relations with the Middle East, too. Not every country there is an enemy...
And it's not like we have good relations with Russia atm anyway.
@quartata None have been without controversy, then. Though, in general, Obama has been relatively clean.
@TimmyD exactly
Sure, only bc Clinton is blaming them for the hacks, when literally every good hacker had code with Russian characters because all the best software exploits are formed in Russia. Every hacker knows how to route traffic through there. There's literally no evidence Russia hacked the DNC.
I think Geobits is more referring to things like this:
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation. Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and...
You think the only issue people have with Russia is the supposed hacks? I wasn't even thinking that, but more the constant prodding of our diplomats, little things like Crimea, etc.
@Geobits Not so important relative to the U.S. compared to the war in Iraq, Iran, etc.
@mbomb007 Really? Because the FBI and other agencies are strongly suspecting Russian involvement ...
I thought the FBI was for domestic affairs?? The CIA is international.
@TimmyD So? The U.S. has horrible cyber capabilities compared to other countries now.
@mbomb007 OK, I'm done. Let me know when you're done moving the goalposts.
@mbomb007 That's what I meant. If you think Russia isn't messing with our affairs in the middle east, I don't know what to say.
My point is, even if he did accept $ from Russia, that's not anything compared to accepting money through her Foundation which is supposed to be charitable giving, but isn't.
@tuskiomi They often work together, especially in cases like this, where something may have happened here or there.
@mbomb007 Charitable giving should go to what, then? Paying lawsuit settlements for your business?
I don't see a lot of point in continuing this discussion since neither side is willing to budge on anything
which is typical in politics these days unfortunately. we seem to be going through one of those cycles of extreme positions
Accepting money is nothing compared to destroying evidence, and having aides plead the 5th during an investigation.
Clinton is a mentally unstable pre-felon who is unsuited for any office outside of a prison cell.
That's.... a little dramatic
@quartata Meh, fair enough. I was bored, but I guess I'll stop now.
I'm enjoying the lull in politics
let's talk about ice cream
Favorite flavors?
objectively better than politics
Butter pecan and/or pistachio
coffee flavor is good too, but doesn't quite rise to that level
@PhiNotPi French vanilla, coffee or pistachio. Tough to find good pistachio these days though
The tell for good pistachio ice cream or gelato is that it should be a darkish green not super light green
Peanut butter too
I'm not so sure about peanut butter ice cream. Sounds like some commie plot.
It's worth it though
a delicious one
Made an apple and blackberry sorbet recently as the garden was full of blackberries
@quartata Sadly in a RO's view,
@trichoplax ooooh
@zyabin101 This time it was quartata keeping the ROs in line ;)
perfect discourse > other topics > politics
In my view, however,
I wish I could grow things. Don't have a space that gets enough sunlight
@zyabin101 dont even finish this sentence
Around here there are enough wild blackberries that you can get enough to use just from walking along a fenceline.
The blackberries grew themselves - brambles have a way of finding their way into any space
perfect discourse is a lot smaller than other topics
@quartata nope >:|
Also I wasn't going to say anything about hate.
@zyabin101 your message breaks mid sentence suggest you expect the room to pause while you make your point. That may not be your intention - this is just to let you know the impression it gives
@trichoplax Jealous. blackberries are my favorite
@quartata I somehow find that growing mold in my refrigerator gets easier by the day. If nothing else, you can try that!
Best ice cream flavors (in no particular order) -- cake batter, cotton candy, salted caramel, pistachio
(Why can't I ignore chat mods... facepalm)
(you can do literal line breaks with shift-enter)
cotton candy ice cream is always very runny for some reason
@TimmyD I have a friend who is literally addicted to salted caramel, do you have any tips for a caramel intervention
I'm surprised by how many people on here like pistachio ice cream
@quartata You could always try grow-lamps. I may or may not have used them for a "project" in my earlier years.
@quartata Umm. Tell them you'll take them to the store if they buy the ice cream.
@TimmyD Are you sure you know what an intervention is? :P
@Geobits I could try. I have several terrariums that are large enough
@Geobits Yes. You intervene yourself into their life so you can both enjoy the thing, especially when the thing is salted caramel. :D
@TimmyD Probably a good thing the key word is "intervention" and not "insertion"...
"Salted caramel insertion" definitely does have a different connotation to it.
A delicious connotation.
</shame> I'm about to post my first challenge in over 2 months, but I'm worried that almost nobody will understand what the challenge is asking and would appreciate some feedback. <shame>

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