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this markdown variant is horrible >_<
question: is java.lang.* auto-imported in java program?
yes they are
@Sparr btw if you want to make the conference appealing to code golfers and esolangers alike then you'll probably want to advertise it a bit more generically like something something recreational programming.
which language are you using?
@MartinEnder not sure if I want to be that generic. I thought about just esolang, but I thought adding codegolf would work well
also, I want to intentionally try to avoid targeting ACM/topcoder/etc style competitive coders
they are cool, but different folks
@ConorO'Brien I'm making turtlèd in python
okay, then I can't help you
(pronounced Turtle-ed, by the way)
I figured out what do
making a cat program to test new features
oh dam bugs
some reason my interpreter is broke
tell us about it when you fixed it?
you're a bit on the spammy side
._. sorry
if you didn't see this already: #3699718841795024338322384626535897933.1415926#10:,;{ '|u}')[*')l'(l]l"()"[|d'\r]ll'_l'_uu[(ddl'\uuu]d'|d"|:"d[_"::"d]rru[)[|.+r][\l]u‌​] - solution to that slice of pi challenge
@Sparr for the record I'd rather see a esolang-focused event than a code-golf-focused one, so that sounds good to me. :)
Would you guys like an explanation for the pi pie program I made?
I really like the idea of a conference.
dude you just broke like rule number 234.I.b of the internet: don't close other people's tags
@DestructibleWatermelon I'll read about it in your answer when you opst it ;)
What does this look like?
    * *   * *         * *   * *
    ###   ###         ###   ###
    *********         *********
@ConorO'Brien it's reverse self closing. I opened it to
@DJMcMayhem a wall/castle
Hmm, OK
I'm not sure what exactly it's supposed to be, but I was sorta thinking castle, and if I'm not the only one I'll go with that.
castle was my first guess, but then I remembered that trump challenge
Oh yeah, I remember that one
@ConorO'Brien don't even have github for it yet
@MartinEnder me, too.
@DJMcMayhem cantor set generation
In mathematics, the Cantor set is a set of points lying on a single line segment that has a number of remarkable and deep properties. It was discovered in 1874 by Henry John Stephen Smith and introduced by German mathematician Georg Cantor in 1883. Through consideration of this set, Cantor and others helped lay the foundations of modern point-set topology. Although Cantor himself defined the set in a general, abstract way, the most common modern construction is the Cantor ternary set, built by removing the middle thirds of a line segment. Cantor himself mentioned the ternary construction only in...
Q: Print a Cantor Set

AverroesThe Challenge Build a N-Leveled Cantor Set. The Cantor ternary set is created by repeatedly deleting the open middle thirds of a set of line segments. The program receives one parameter N (a integer number) and then prints (in console or similar way) a Cantor Set of N levels. The print ...

Well shoot, that's a dupe of a challenge I was minutes away from posting. ;_;
This seems like a bad recommendation, coming from Google: google.github.io/styleguide/…
@DJMcMayhem it's all about knowing the right terms to search for :)
I'm gonna change it slightly though
Q: Print a better layered cake

Dmitry KudriavtsevI was looking at my previous challenge and thought I could make a better version, but I didn't want to modify that one, so here it is! Challenge Given an input n, print an ASCII art cake n layers tall, viewed from the side, with two candles on top, using box drawing characters. First laye...

@mınxomaτ This blog post is great :)
Thanks :)
It reminded me of this DEFCON talk about Shodan. Something about discovering unsecured bits of the Internet that should really be secured is really neat.
It's my day job. We actually partner with Shodan. Their data is a small, but important part of our overall traffic.
Q: Minecraft castle fractal

DJMcMayhemInpsired by a youtube video from a fellow PPCG user... You challenge is to use ASCII-art draw a Minecraft castle wall of Andesite and Diorite. The shape of the wall is the Cantor Set. For reference, the Cantor Set is made by repeating the following N times: Triple the current step Replace the ...

Whoaaa, that is so cool
I just took a datadump from work to make the post. I wanted to benchmark a few KVS and graph DBs for storing large amounts of hierarchical data.
And searching of course.
@HelkaHomba Posted! :)
Headline sounds bad but no fatalities reported so far :I
Q: Print a better layered cake

Dmitry KudriavtsevI was looking at my previous challenge and thought I could make a better version, but I didn't want to modify that one, so here it is! Challenge Given an input n, print an ASCII art cake n layers tall, viewed from the side, with two candles on top, using box drawing characters. First laye...

I wanna close this as a dupe of the previous challenge, I think…
I don’t think answers will be significantly different
That sounds good to me.
@Lynn As far as I can tell from my phone, that's pretty much the same question but with non-ASCII characters. Go ahead.
@Lynn There's an HN discussion now, too.
@DLosc #Language, 64 bytes\n63 byte program +1 for -r flag.
^ this makes it less tricky for scoring stack snippets to parse and such
@HelkaHomba Makes sense to me, thanks.
@Dennis Please pull Pip again when you get the chance.
@mınxomaτ That's pretty cool.
I might follow it up with a post about mass-analyzing websites sometime in the future.
@DLosc Done.
let me check if I can actually shorten this code by putting in raw string instead of code
hmm, not immediately, at least
School. Tomorrow. Welp.
dammit I accidentally didn't click the initialise with readme so now wat is happening
ok, now is working
Why was my challenge marked as a dupe?
Get this: it was marked as a duplicate of my own challenge
@everyone are you all sleeping or something?
you mean that layer cake one?
@DestructibleWatermelon that sounds ironic
It was dupe whether or not you made the other one
but why
It is different enough to warrant a new challenge
Was it not the exact same challenge but with a couple of different chars?
Sort of.
You now have to correctly join the layers instead of just stacking them
Also, measured in characters instead of bytes
hmmm, yeah, you probably should have said that in challenge
try again but with a different theme
anyways, was it a good challenge at all?
probably, but people don't like having the same challenge but slightly modified
@DestructibleWatermelon I like your profile picture
no, watermelons
These are tanks
dammit, you ninja'd the imgur upload
what imgur upload?
the one when you press upload
I just google searched and pasted the link
it oneboxed it by itself
in hindsight i probs should have done that
i made a github for turtlèd, but no docs yet
wait... did you save the image and reupload it to imgur?
yeah, you dont need to do that
well, tanks might be importantly needed some time...
I wonder when school started
Just spotted on my profile
A: Bake a slice of Pi

Destructible WatermelonTurtlèd, 135 bytes (not competing) To be honest, I think I might have made this too large, might golf some bytes off by making it simpler #3699718841795024338322384626535897933.1415926#10:,;[*'|u]')[*')l'(l]l"()"[|d'\r]ll'_l'_uu[(ddl'\uuu]d'|d"|:"d[_"::"d]rru[)[|.+r][\l]u] Explanation Honest...

does anyone like it?
@DJMcMayhem Just posted an answer on your challenge
CMC: vertically center an object in CSS.
Just saw it. :)
How is it?
It seems like everybody is copying a good chunk of their answer from the other cantor set question
I haven't looked at it in super detail cause it's late and I'm tired, haha
any feedback on this challenge?
Is it OK if my answer's 0-indexed?
I don't see why not
@Qwerp-Derp Oh hey, you can take one byte off if you change d=i%2==0 to d=1%2<1
Ah yis, nice catch, thx
Also, since it looks like you're using python 2, this seems pretty relevant:
A: Tips for golfing in Python

JPvdMerweSometimes your Python code requires you to have 2 levels of indentation. The obvious thing to do is use one and two spaces for each indentation level. However, Python considers the tab and space characters to be different indenting levels. This means the first indentation level can be one space...

Shaved another 3 bytes off my code!
30 bytes away from beating Ruby
^^ for anyone who wants to get involved with organizing an esolang/codegolf conference, first in san francisco probably spring 2017, maybe later in other cities
I feel really good now
How do I make an anti-successor?
Halp guys
@Sparr I would totally love to do something like that, but San Fran is a long way away. I don't know if I'd be able to make it
hello everyone
@Sparr first, that's an awesome idea. How would the conference be? Very formal, like a code jam, presentations?
I golfed off... one byte?
@Fatalize please answer my question posted on "Print all integers"
@Fatalize Thanks. To answer yours, I use sed even for numeric questions because there aren't that many answers in it and it's my favorite esoteric language. It's rare that I compete in terms of code size, but usually I try to beat Java and other high byte count submissions.
oooh, I'm golfing some serious bytes now!
@DestructibleWatermelon on what question?
@DJMcMayhem if it works, it's likely someone would host one in europe next
@seshoumara probably less formal. I'm thinking part normal conference with scheduled presentations, part "unconference" with collectively decided-on-the-spot presentations, part contest
@DestructibleWatermelon I once spent 3 hours rewriting ~400 bytes of code from scratch, and the result was one byte larger than the original :/
Hello peeple
@ConorO'Brien Is that no rabbit in your picture?
@seshoumara serious bytes was relative... was actually six bytes... ;_; on slice of pi
currently writing explanation
hey, sometimes 6 bytes off is serious golfing. I remember an answer I gave days ago and I felt the solution can be shortened even if by 1 byte, but after 30 min of several variations they all got to the same 30 bytes (bash). I almost wanted to throw a bounty that day.
really it was 4 bytes off
because that was the part I was speaking of
also it isn't 30 bytes
about 130 bytes
I got 1k rep!!!
@Qwerp-Derp congrats!
@Qwerp-Derp congratulations!
A: Bake a slice of Pi

Destructible WatermelonTurtlèd, 135 129 bytes (not competing) (the interpreter is slightly buggèd, but it does not affect this program) By restructuring and rewriting my program, I golfed... six bytes And now I have to make new explanation... Still could be shorter probs though #3.141592653589793238462643383279502...

Is anyone willing to gimme teh codez? help me debug?
I'm all ears.
@wizzwizz4 hmmm?
function get_request(url, responsetype) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xmlhttp.addEventListener("error", reject);
        xmlhttp.addEventListener("abort", reject);
        xmlhttp.addEventListener("load", resolve);
        xmlhttp.open("GET", url);
        if (responsetype !== undefined) {
            xmlhttp.responseType = responsetype;
Keeps throwing an error on xmlhttp.send();. Or rather, promising to return an error object.
I think I've been being really, really stupid.
But the errors it's giving me are very unhelpful.
SyntaxError: expected expression, got end of script
@zyabin101 Where's that?
I entered http://www.example.com/ in the text field, supposing that was an URL input field. Or was it a JS script?
@zyabin101 JS script.
Bah, I found out myself.
What should I enter in there?
get_request("https://www.example.com/").then(console.log, console.log);
But you'll probably get the same cryptic error that I did.
A thing about the voting stuffs
user image
Requires CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' (from the Security log), and TypeError: 'log' called on an object that does not implement interface Console (from the JavaScript log).
It's time for another Golden Rule of Esolangs!
@zyabin101 Huh. TùxCräftîñg's suspicion was right.
How do I fix it? :-p
Every has started to dread GREs.
Stylish :P
@Qwerp-Derp I only saw one, the BF implementation one. what have the others been?
There was only another one
And that was:
"Your lang can only be an extremely golfy lang or a Turing tarpit. Either way, it's really hard to program in."
which is the new one?
"If thou posts an answer using a Turing tarpit, thou art guaranteed to not get any upvotes."
;_; why does this amuse you
why does what
@zyabin101 It's not CORS; I tried a CORS-disallowed page and it threw a different error. I looked up the error code and it turns out I'm having this problem: phabricator.wikimedia.org/T86680#980800
NoScript was blocking it.
Now it's just the CORS problem! :-)
A: Shortest infinite loop producing no output

Destructible WatermelonTurtlèd, 3 bytes any character but * works in the middle [-] alt: {*} Explanation: [ ] Brackets make a while loop. The character after the opening bracket is taken, and the loop is executed while the current cell is not that character. hence [-] Runs whilst the current cell...

also did a polyglot in turtlèd and brainfuck
Q: How many times are the intervals between those timestamps repeated?

RoiEXChallenge The challenge is to write a small little function(method), printing a number of how many repeats a given array of numbers has. What are repeats? Let's say our array is a collection of timestamps in seconds. Something like this: [1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 20]. You may notice tha...

I'm really starting to think it's going past the reasonable point for my post to have zero votes
A: Bake a slice of Pi

Destructible WatermelonTurtlèd, 135 129 bytes (not competing) (the interpreter is slightly buggèd, but it does not affect this program) By restructuring and rewriting my program, I golfed... six bytes And now I have to make new explanation... Still could be shorter probs though #3.141592653589793238462643383279502...

@DestructibleWatermelon You're flooding a little. I used to get told off for doing that with my questions.
But it works! ;-p
@TùxCräftîñg Morning.
I worked out what the problem was with the code.
@wizzwizz4 I no longer have to as now have upvote
A combination between minor bugs, adblockers and CORS.
it's sad when the code to solve the task is 3 bytes, but the printing in order is 44 bytes, just because dc uses a stack (LIFO).
it dont have a builtin to retrieve an element deep in the stack?
nope, and no command to reverse the stack either
which is what I emulated
dc look turing-incomplete
no, I believe it is
does it have variables?
it has registers that can store a value
it has loops, ifs (complicated though)
but string manipulation is almost inexistent
that's why I use sed for that, quite the lovely esoteric pair :D
since sed has no number types and no math built-in
<Compose>-8-c is ψ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@TùxCräftîñg η σιωπή θα πέσει
ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ αγαιη
Ah, got it.
@TùxCräftîñg did you try the new level? :3
Why not? :/
What is with all the duplicate comments on YouTube
What is with all the duplicate comments on YouTube
bad connection
bad connection
Holy crap, I've nearly beaten Python with Fourier :D
A: Bake a slice of Pi

Beta DecayFourier, 196 bytes New feature alert! Code |SaCaaSa|f6(40a41ai^~i)10a~N124a~P92a~S3o46a1415926oPaNaPa58a~CSa53589793oPaNaf2384626oPaNa32a~Wf433832oPaNaWaaf79502oPaNaWaaaf8841oPaNaWaaaaf971oPaNaWaaaaaf69oPaNaWaaaaaaf3oPaNaWaaaaaaaSa95aaSaPa Explanation This program is my first demonstration ...

I feel so proud
@BetaDecay You should do; Fourier is hard and Python is short.
Thanks :)
@BetaDecay New challenge: update the Python interpreter so tryitonline runs your code.
If I can, I'll do that now
If I wanted to confuse someone really badly with an example of a long golfing-lang program, which answers would I want to look at?
You could look at some of Fourier's auto-golfed answers... But it isn't really a golfing language
question: what is the difference between Map|Set and Weak(Map|Set) in ES6?
@StevenH. sed? I have such answer on Unix Uniq Uknow.
A: UNIX Uniq Uknow?

seshoumaraGNU sed, 496 485 + 2(rn flags) = 487 bytes 1h;1b;$bb;2{:r;$!N;$!br;s/.*/echo "&"|sort/e};:b;x;/[dD]/bd;/c/bc;/u/!b;x;s/^/\n/ s/(\n.*)\1+//g;s/\n//p;b;:d;x;/^(.*)\n\1/!D;:l;x;/D/{x;P;x};x;s/^[^\n]*\n// /^(.*)\n\1/bl;P;D;:c;s/$/#/;G;x;/^$/bp;s/[^\n]*\n?//;x;s/#(\n[^\n]*).*/\1/ /([^:\n]*)\n\1$/{s/\...

@StevenH. you can have confusion on regex usages and on the fact that the -D and -d implementations actually run the same code multiply times to reach the answer (aka cycles)
I just
So many slashes
I can confirm it works to confuse people really badly :P
@BetaDecay Proof that the Python answer just needs more golfing :P
Q: Make some ASCII-boxes

Weeing If FirstTake two lists of non-negative integers, and output an ASCII-box as it's defined below. Corners and intersections are pluses: + (ASCII-code 43) Vertical lines are bars | (ASCII-code 124) Horizontal lines are minuses - (ASCII-code 45) The first input list specifies the number of minuses betwee...

@Sp3000 Dammit, you ruined my happiness :D
@StevenH. I could even increase the number of slashes if run without the -r flag, which is used specifically to not escape certain characters with \
Please don't
so out of curiosity I counted all slashes, / and \, and got 125, that is 25%+ of the entire ~0.5Kb code.
@seshoumara Can you make it 100% slashes?
you can use unary to make it 100% slashes
in sed no, of course not
because you'll always have the commands, like s, b, h; g; t; N; p etc.
Q: Hangman Solver Algorithm(Not duplicate, please read)

Aditya JainPlease do not delete this without reading it and Please do not mark this as duplicate. Put it in unclear if there are some questions. I will respond immediately. If you feel that this is duplicate please copy the solution here and comment but please do not mark as duplicate This is different fr...

@TùxCräftîñg though using unary with \ instead of 0, will easily raise the procentage to at least 60% or more
Hey guys, what happened to the bike race code golf?
DO not do this to me — Aditya Jain 19 secs ago
@moderator could someone please do something about this?
There are a lot of people like that on PPCG nowadays... Difficult people
@NewMainPosts 11!!11!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!11
Don't worry, I've got this.
@NewMainPosts checks watch Bit late aren't you?
is it ever appropriate to flag these as spam? I mean they're posting every day now
nope, it's not spam
well, it is. Just a different type of spam to the usual definition of it
a spam is an ad
Or gibberish
Should I superping the user here, so we can talk to them?
I suppose. I doubt much good will come of it
it dont have 20 rep
@wizzwizz4 they don't have 20 rep so can't speak?
@muddyfish That might be a problem. I'll try.
Will it work if you make a room for Aditya and yourself?
@AdityaJain We'd like to talk to you about the question you keep posting.
and 60sec to process 50000 words is impossible in a scripting language (at least for this task)
@TùxCräftîñg this sed solution using unary solves the Print all integers challenge. Specially for you. :/;p;s/^/\//;s/\//-\//p;s/-//;t/
@TùxCräftîñg They had c++ required in the title
@BetaDecay How do I do that? This is their profile:
@muddyfish no
@TùxCräftîñg ?
@seshoumara i was talking about the esolang unary
@TùxCräftîñg that's not a V it's a \ /
aaaa, ok
@wizzwizz4 Hm, maybe it doesn't let you until the user as 20 rep
@BetaDecay I've done it! :-)
Don't mod-messages include a reply function?
@TùxCräftîñg funny enough then, my statement about unary and using \ instead of 0 is true for both interpretations, especially so for the language
@wizzwizz4 Haha how?
@muddyfish For those who want to see, but not enter the room?
@wizzwizz4 I'd rather not turn up in the users list/make it seem like a confrontation
Good idea, I just left
what did he/she do?
What was the Aditya Jain question?
@seshoumara Keeps spamming a question, doesn't know how to use the site.
@RohanJhunjhunwala the hangman one
@RohanJhunjhunwala Something about hangman.
spam it where? It's already marked duplicate.
@seshoumara they've posted it 3 times
aa, that's why
That way of asking questions seems like mine when I first came to this site. I might be too trusting, but I think this user could contribute some good posts if they learnt how to use the site. The ability and willingness to learn, however, is what separates the good users from the bad.
@wizzwizz4 I wouldn't ping Aditya so many times
@BetaDecay Ok.
It might scare them off :)
@BetaDecay I tried to be nice, because that's the best clickbait. However I agree that too many messages would just be spamming.

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