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Using regex in interpreted languages for lexing is common
Having the C-based regex engine do the loops is faster than writing a state machine in Python
Wow I finally updated Sublime and JS highlighting looks so different now
Perl lends itself to particularly beautiful lexers due to how scalar position tracking works
Of course I'm biased
@ASCII-only good different or bad different?
@betseg Good, this is the one in May where they added highlighting of arguments
@betseg What is codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/92660/… saying that rohan didn't say?
@quartata Example?
@HelkaHomba it's 3 am, im sleepy i read wrongly
@Downgoat before i sleep, lemme say script
Q: Stop Replacing my tabs with four spaces

Rohan JhunjhunwalaTyping Literal Tab Characters I do not know how feasible this is, for the developers, but I do believe, that at least on this site, it may make more sense to stop expanding tabs into four spaces. If the browser side code can be made to render tabs as four spaces, this issue is moot. Some code go...

sub tokens {
  my $target = shift;

  return sub {
    TOKEN: {
      return ['INTEGER', $1]    if $target =~ /\G (\d+)        /gcx;
      return ['PRINT']          if $target =~ /\G print \b     /gcx;
      redo TOKEN                if $target =~ /\G \s+          /gcx;
      return ['UNKNOWN', $1]    if $target =~ /\G (.)          /gcx;
stupid chat markdown formatting
There we go
So this returns an iterator essentially
\G is an anchor that anchors to the last position of the previous regex match
@Downgoat I made the task trivial because programming with the code constraint will be very difficult
The c flag means that if a match fails the position stays at where it was
And x juts allows whitespace for readability
@Downgoat don't defend your vote -.- I'm just stating my opinion as well
@Downgoat Though I do appreciate a downvote-with-comment :3
@HelkaHomba reason I don't think it should be trivial task I.e kolonorov complexity is I expect some HQ9 like language will probably win it rather than some language syntax abuse language
@NewMetaPosts triggered
@Downgoat That's why it's Hello Earth instead
I don't know any esolang with a built-in for that
I knew Stuck would win if it was "Hello, World!"
@JonathanAllan It doesn't concatenate. It prints the result before 0, then sets the return value to 0. You can only use it as a full program, which I mentioned it in my answer.
@quartata Oh nice
@Dennis ah I see.
In any case, ;0 would have saved a byte. Jelly let's you mix characters and numbers.
yeah I recall ...now
I thought ¡ was repeat?
and ? was ternary if
missing from wiki's quicks page or reuse of same byte in different flow?
@HelkaHomba :/ your challenge is impossible in BF
You could probably do it in a self-modifying dialect.
that is true
Like [[<<..]]
And then you have undoubled program.
@NewMainPosts Ooooh, I wonder if that's even possible in brain-flak.
It would be really hard because you'd be restricted to "Push twice", "Evaluate the sum of the stack (destructively)", and "Evaluate the height of the stack * negative one"
@RohanJhunjhunwala If it helps (or hurts?), there are lots of well-received 's that I expect wouldn't work in many tc languages because of syntax limitations. But that's somewhat the point with source-layout, or at least a liability
@ConorO'Brien I wonder if it's possible in JSFuck (I don't think so because no +)
@ASCII-only I tried that already :(
no ++
@HelkaHomba hooray for lenguage :P
@HelkaHomba I think unary will do well in your challenge :D
shit ninja
@Downgoat Shush, I was just working on that
@DJMcMayhem conor beat us all:
A: “HHeelllloo,, EEaarrtthh!!”

Conor O'BrienLenguage, 1354616599400377002855073561913010716386821416114463012 bytes It's 1354616599400377002855073561913010716386821416114463012 zeroes: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...00000000 It's this BF program: -[------->+<]>-.-[->+++++<]>++.++...

;_; y u do dis dragin
I am a dragon ninja, remember?
Someone should make Lenguage^2
Where there are actually 10^length zeroes
@ConorO'Brien oh yes
user image
@ConorO'Brien Now you need to golf it
;_; Does anyone have ideas for esolangs
Or a list of unimplemented ones
@ASCII-only yes
@Downgoat ??????????????
Tux made a gaot++ but gaot# is alson eeded
Is it just C# where every keyword is a goat noise
@ASCII-only maybe marbelous?
@ASCII-only I'm supposed to tell you the spec? Wheres the fun in that!
@Downgoat uh my answer broke your userscript
no leaderboard >_>
@ConorO'Brien but that already has an implementation
I thought you meant for the challenge
@ConorO'Brien ;_; y u do dis
wait what leaderboard
in the userscript
Deflectors/increment/decrement/bitshift/return only though, seems possible but too lazy
@Downgoat PPCG-Design auto-leaderboard
what challenge?
A: “HHeelllloo,, EEaarrtthh!!”

Conor O'BrienLenguage, 1354616599400377002855073561913010716386821416114463012 bytes It's 1354616599400377002855073561913010716386821416114463012 zeroes: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...00000000 It's this BF program: -[------->+<]>-.-[->+++++<]>++.++...

there is only one answer?
then how are you seeing leaderboard
@Downgoat no why ;_;
@Downgoat is that by design? I was complaining that it wasn't there
oh :| yeah, leaderboard only shows when theres > 1 answer
i didnt see a point for <= 1
@ASCII-only and bit inversion
A: Print multiplication tables by input

DowngoatCheddar, 20 bytes n->(|>11).map(n&(*)) Yay for functional \o/ I don't think this needs explanation but if you'd like to me add one just ask :)

pls anyone i need something to do ;_;
@ASCII-only suggestion: halp maek ches
right now I'm working on cheddarfiles which are part of the module system.
problem is I don't hvae any idea on how cheddarfile will look
@Downgoat Can you try opening a floobits workspace
@HelkaHomba Can I dupe hammer to this?
Project Name: Description
1.0.0 # Version Number
modules {
  # Dependency list
^ idea
@ASCII-only floobits?
is floobits in anyway related to Geobits?
afaik floobits needs neovim and i dont got neovim ;_;
C9 workspace?
@Sp3000 Wow, exact duplicate.
@Sp3000 I guess so :(
I was starting on a ><> answer then I went "hang on, haven't I done this before?"
At least it shows it's not a bad idea
@HelkaHomba can I haz accept ? :3
There's a Self-Modifying Brainfuck answer with [[..<<]] which I had upvoted.
@Downgoat That's fine as well
@ConorO'Brien No. I might change it so it's not a dupe
oh ok
I saw that accept flash on my answer too ;_;
ah well
I gave a presentation on Formal Grammar and Automata theory in class today and this was everyone's reaction:
@HelkaHomba you might just want to ask a new question :P
@ASCII-only ok one sec
@HelkaHomba While I'm at it, it's a bit awkward hence I want to ask first - can I take command line input but assume empty STDIN input for ><><<<<><><><><><
maybe i should create cheddarfile in C++ for practice :D
but idk cmake
that seems important
i also idk how big C++ projects are layed out
CMC: output -1 if input is < 0, 0 otherwise
@Downgoat D: you broke my notifications, now they're lagging by like 5 minutes
@ASCII-only ;_; sowee Q______Q how to fix
;_; y i do dis
@Sp3000 err, ok
@ConorO'Brien ES6, 11 (works for non-numeric types as well): n=>n<0?-1:0
I read that as ES11 >_<
@ConorO'Brien MATL 4 bytes: 0<~q
Dammit, UnNetHack already did rodents of unusual size
@ConorO'Brien ES11, 18 bytes: (long n)=>n<0?-1:0
that will be interseting
Aw, I just finished my answer to Hello Earth... :(
@ConorO'Brien My bad, ES11, 20 bytes: (bigint n)=>n<0?-1:0
@Dennis :( which language?
can I see code? :3
impressive ._. +1 for being 42 bytes
I thought mods could answer closed challenges?
Locked, yes. Closed, no.
I mean, I could answer the question since the check is mostly done on the client side, but...
Oh, ouch, Helka's got another dupe on his hands...
Maybe it's time for him to start using the Sandbox? :P
CMC: Find the IPA for the spoken sting sound
night. I'm going to have to work on hw now
A: Just repeat yourself

DennisJelly, 66 bytes (non-competing) ““DDoo nn““oott rreepp““eeaatt yyoouurrss““eellff!!””ṛṛḷḷWWQQ€€ Try it online! How it works ““DDoo nn““oott rreepp““eeaatt yyoouurrss““eellff!!” returns an array of string. The literal begins with a “, ends with a ”, and the strings are delimited inter...

Just too bad it's non-competing...
is my profile messed up
or is this just me
Uh no it is messed up
my bro is messing with my SE account
he's got my school tablet somewhere and messing with my settings
Your chat profile is set to vi se
change it back to ppcg
I think I did
it looks fine locally
also is your brother a mod? because you would need a chat refresh
no, he's messing with my settings locally
Your dragon looks as envisioned by a junkie, but it seems fine otherwise.
I should probably change that back now
how are you doing this without a refresh
Conor the Magic Dragon
I think parent account changes occur naturally?
or maybe I'm a mod at beer.se :P
@ConorO'Brien FWIW I checked in on Beer SE recently and they seem to be doing better. I think the scope refocus helped a lot
enter PhiNotPi
greets Phi
Beer is rather narrow; all alcohol is a better scope for a site
notices that Phi/SE changed his avatar
Wait, Helka posted two duplicates in a week or so? Bring back Calvin!
@quartata ah, true
Wow it's been a while since I've been here.
Also... oops I missed my chance to become a room owner.
So long it changed your avatar.
clears cache wtf
Thinking of good KoTH ideas is hard
Very hard :(
@quartata KotH: beer
@quartata I have a couple of old ones you could borrow
I was thinking of a bridge KoTH where two instances of the bot make up the partnership
But it would be very very hard
That would be cool if I knew bridge at all.
oh, bridge, as in the card game
I was thinking physical bridges
I was thinking duplicate bridge specifically
okay, is my avatar fixed now?
...still blue. I like the blue though
Still blue for me.
The pattern is nice, but it could be a touch darker. It's hard to see on white.
The problem is it would be too hard (+ not enough bridge players here). There would be little competition
Maybe something simpler, like euchre or hearts, first?
Rook is a good partnership game
Hmm, I haven't played rook.
I'm trying to think of some other good card games yeah
@PhiNotPi It's "right" there. Just needs a chat refresh or time I guess.
@PhiNotPi Gravatar did something weird. Many identicons have changed.
also, while its conceptually cool to have different code bases to "partners", it makes life a lot easier if its the same codebase
and you can place restrictions to prevent data passing
wow, 3 weeks of inactivity, that's a new record
I thought two instances of the same bot would be easier
There's no way to prevent covert channels anyways though
@quartata in the post, you simply disallow it
Oh what a miraculous thing
@quartata Z80 is an assembly language that becomes a machine language, right?
Assembly is just syntatic sugar for the underlying machine code
Things like ADD and INC all have underlying binary representations (called opcodes)
ah. so the opcodes are the machine language?
Has anyone here used smileBASIC? I'm thinking of getting it for Minibits, but a review would be nice. Looks nice to me though.
@Geobits be careful, it has while...wend loops
@Geobits that's really cool
@ConorO'Brien Everyone should have while...wend loops :P

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