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@LuisMendo I don't think he's ever coming back online
@Adnan How so?
@TùxCräftîñg No one's dreamed my avatar yet.
@Adnan Stack Cats
@Adnan well cheese is not really born :/
desc (in desc.rb), reticular, eacal, vectil, yup, ITML,... I can find some more later, but I need to eat now
@El'endiaStarman brb in 15 minutes fixing it
@El'endiaStarman do u have high res version of your avatar?
@LuisMendo Oh, wait nevermind
@El'endiaStarman thx
That's the highest resolution one, I think.
@MartinEnder @ConorO'Brien Thanks, added to my list :)
I lied, here are the rest GoLScript, NTFJ, Y, Codename Dragon (in dev ish), and Brainbash
now I'm going to eat :P
@LeakyNun is Helka Homba's exponentially slimy programming possi le in SILOS
@Adnan S.I.L.O.S.
I think it is, but its hard
@RohanJhunjhunwala i'm doing it now
@LeakyNun :)
@TùxCräftîñg Added
@Adnan added to what?
@Adnan I started V in Feb/March 2016
I think brain-flak also
@RohanJhunjhunwala To the list with all programming languages made in 2016
@DJMcMayhem Thanks, added :)
@Adnan thanks
Yep, started brain-flak in April
Q: Find the right path

TùxCräftîñgGiven a list of paths, output the correct path. Example of path: /\ ----+/ | - and | are horizontal and vertical paths. / and \ are 90° turns. + is treated as a - or a | depending of the current direction. Paths may go in any direction and a character may be used in multiple paths....

@LeakyNun Good luck with your exams! We'll miss you!
@LuisMendo thank you
my challange is not so hard ;_; why so few answers
@Adnan For your list: I think Sesos too
@LeakyNun Out of curiosity, what time are you going to leave?
brb changing function literal in cheddar to start with :)
@LuisMendo Thanks, added :)
@DJMcMayhem I'll be gone on Sep 1
@TùxCräftîñg I only need the ones made by people from this community
@Adnan oo, linky?
Oh geez, that's really soon... :(
@ConorO'Brien There isn't a link yet, but I'll upload it soon
Conor probably has like 20. :P
kk :3
9 mins ago, by Conor O'Brien
desc (in desc.rb), reticular, eacal, vectil, yup, ITML,... I can find some more later, but I need to eat now
7 mins ago, by Conor O'Brien
I lied, here are the rest GoLScript, NTFJ, Y, Codename Dragon (in dev ish), and Brainbash
@LeakyNun So what are those exams? How long will you be away?
... SILOS have support for 2d arrays?
11 I count
@Adnan Cinnamon Gum
Ohh, nice one!
Which is basically retina meets bubblegum
I thought my first commit to that was in 2015 let me check
Huh, that's interesting.
Also interesting. :P
@quartata Seems to be April 3rd, 2016
It doesn't work very well on my avatar
@DJMcMayhem solution: change your avatar to DJMcGoathem, it works well on goats
@Downgoat I hate to break this to you, but when I was DJMcGoathem, my avatar was snek
snek > gaot
@LuisMendo: Is your favorite kind of cheese Feta?
@El'endiaStarman Haha. Not really. But I do like it
INB4 y u do dis ;_;
I love feta.
You mean...Boba Fett's favorite cheese isn't Feta?
My favorite cheese has got to be gouda
@Downgoat Looks like a carpet.
@Adnan ;_____; Y U DO DIS Q_____________Q
@DJMcMayhem goddammit
9 secs ago, by Downgoat
@Adnan ;_____; Y U DO DIS Q_____________Q
can someone help me to figure why keyboard is not working in GamePanel?
Mizithra is my personal favorite
@DJMcMayhem s/snek/dangr noodl/
@DJMcMayhem Hey, I'm going to that town next saturday
@Adnan ??? What town?
Those dreamified avatars look like impressionistic paintings in their default low-res on the right of this page
Gouda is a town
where the cheese originated from
inb4 downgoat complains about mizithra being made from goat's milk
@Adnan wat no cheddar originated from my computer
@quartata TIL you in inb4 something that will never happen
@Downgoat Do you have a Mac? Because then you would have a... Mac n cheese
@Adnan that was beautiful
@Adnan yes
@Adnan y u all star dis blasphemy
wait no that's right, goat is better at golfing than dangr noodl :P
keyboard input is not handled in GamePanel
Don't use java.
@Downgoat Hahahahahaha
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ What was the name of your programming language?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ but it's a shoot em up based on memes
and java is a meme
so it must be written in java
@Adnan Fuzzy Octo Guacamole
why do you want to know?
I'm adding it to the list of programming languages made in 2016
Wasn't that in 2015?
Initial commit seems to be in March 18, 2016
A: Where are Champernowne's zeroes?

Leaky NunS.I.L.O.S, 141 bytes readIO i+1 lblL c=C p=1 lblc p*10 c/10 if c c p/10 lbln m=C m/p m%10 p/10 i-1 if i C GOTO H lblC if p n C+1 GOTO L lblH m/m m-1 m| printInt m Try it online! Uses only 5 integers \o/

@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ XD
we need a gaot subreddit
Question: Which algorithm would be the fastest for factoring numbers < 10^10? (it must run in under ~2kB total program size, so I can't use huge lookup tables)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EdwardOrigami in One Dimension sequencesubsequencearray-manipulationrepeated-transformation In this restricted version of origami, the artist begins with an unfolded strip of paper n segments long, the segments labeled from 0 on the left up through n - 1 on the right. For instance, if n were 7, the ...

procedural division from a table of primes less than 10^5 ?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ depends heavily on whether your number is intended to be like a semiprime or a prime power
@LeakyNun Really, random numbers in general
Of course, I can start by factoring out a few small primes
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ Use sieve to generate primes less than 10^5
while testing for prime factors
This is running on my TI-84 Plus, so I can't just store 9.5k numbers in a table
sinek is mosquito in turkish lel xd
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ There are that many primes less than 10^5?
Rofl: Is a class necessary?. That's one of the most confusing questions ever. It even contains spam :D
Never mind, just use (optimized) trial division
Mathematica 10.1.0 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
Copyright 1988-2015 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= PrimePi[10^5]

Out[1]= 9592
@LeakyNun ^
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ alright, my fault
But yeah, primes are pretty dense for the first few orders of magnitude
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ test until the trial divisor squared is greater than the remaining number
@LeakyNun Trust me, I know what I'm doing
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ you were asking me for an algorithm
@LeakyNun And you gave me one
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ alright
gaot ^
Now I'll have to re-learn TI-Z80...
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ By the way, after 2 and 3, all primes are of the form 6n-1 and 6n+1
just in case you forgot
@LeakyNun ik, ima just check all odd numbers
sneak peek
@MartinEnder ??
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΨΠʹ teach me? :3 I want to learn it too
@MartinEnder wat
look like a CA
it seems to be looping
white is a terminal state, of sorts?
@MartinEnder new language based on piet?
its a gif
@Optimizer does not mean it loops
umm. gif loops
@Optimizer does not mean the actual algorithm loops
Gif loops or Jif loops? war
I'm not talking about gif loops, smarty
@ConorO'Brien white is the initial state
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei GIF
and no it's not periodic
is just grows very slowly after a time
gif loops or jif lups?
it's a cellular automaton?
@MartinEnder yes, but it also seems to end it--white is eventually cleared out in the middle and restarts the process
@Optimizer ಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠ
terminal state is not the right word
@TùxCräftîñg it can be formulated as a CA, yes
No love for my pure integer solution?
A: Where are Champernowne's zeroes?

Leaky NunS.I.L.O.S, 141 bytes readIO i+1 lblL c=C p=1 lblc p*10 c/10 if c c p/10 lbln m=C m/p m%10 p/10 i-1 if i C GOTO H lblC if p n C+1 GOTO L lblH m/m m-1 m| printInt m Try it online! Uses only 5 integers, maximum memory efficiency \o/

it's actually closer to a Turing machine though
@LeakyNun people might show it more love if you added an explanation instead of begging for votes in chat.
@MartinEnder ok, i'll add it later
Well, this will be annoying
I have to do 32-bit arithmetic on a 16-bit system
(Or rather 8-bit with a small amount of support for 16-bit)
;_______; 2 days ago was national goat day and i missed it Q______Q
brb making national goat day challenge
question: does everyone in tour de france finish
@Downgoat I thought it was national dog day two days ago
@βετѧΛєҫαγ according to my twitter so was national goat day. I have very reliable sources I follow

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