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@BaldBantha then use ubuntu, it has all of those
That's just because GNOME 3 is bad
OK, not bad. I could envision it on a tablet
But I don't personally like it for a desktop
Use XFCE instead.
i3wm == <3
@DJMcMayhem i thought you used windows?
Yeah, i3wm on windows.
Just kidding. I use both
@BaldBantha gnome tweak tool is the solution
@DJMcMayhem agreed
I mostly use Ubuntu for working on V since windows hates neovim.
@DJMcMayhem :D
@Everyone is Ubuntu good enough?
Then I use windows for games because game studios hate linux, and windows for work because I have no other option.
@DJMcMayhem use wine
Yeah, I used to go with wine but when the alternative (native windows) is so much simpler and easier, wine seems kinda dumb.
Don't get me wrong, wine is awesome, but it generally is a pain
@ASCII-only For desktops, it's one of the distros I like the least. For servers, I've been using it for a while, but I recently found better options.
@Dennis hmm, okay. which distros do you prefer for a desktop?
Out of context is best context
FUSE, right?
2 mins ago, by DJMcMayhem
Don't get me wrong, wine is awesome, but it generally is a pain
@DJMcMayhem but i3 is tiling
Haha, out of context is the best context
@ASCII-only Yeah, I like tiling.
@ASCII-only I use openSUSE on all my desktop-ish machines. Fedora's latest 5 versions were hit-and-miss.
Aug 14 at 20:00, by Releasing Helium Nuclei
Arch Linux masterrace
And TIO v2 will be powered by Fedora.
I tried arch but was too dumb for it.
@Dennis Woah, there's a V2? What changes will it have?
I never used Arch-Arch, but I did try Manjaro. Everything was working so nicely, except that it caused one of the fans to make a clicking noise that was so annoying I had to ditch it.
@Dennis will v2 let me try different cheeses online?
e.g. swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, pepper jack, etc
@DJMcMayhem Proper sandboxing and server-side permalinks, mainly.
It's for the sandboxing I switched distros. SELinux isn't great on Ubuntu.
@Dennis OK cool. Out of curiosity, how high on your priority list is this feature request:
Aug 9 at 20:53, by DJMcMayhem
@Lynn Or if it fills out the standard header #<language name and link>, <n> bytes... <code>... <try it online! Link>
Cause I was thinking about writing something in tampermonkey, but if you were planning on doing it soon, I wouldn't bother.
I haven't even started working on the frontend yet. Right now, I'm implementing the backend.
@DJMcMayhem Most parts of this are really easy. But the bytes...
I think I like linux...
Why not just use chars like the current version of TIO does?
It wouldn't be too hard to manually edit
@BaldBantha oh, were you epicTCK before?
I kinda dislike the idea of "lying" in auto-generated Markdown. :P
@Downgoat yes
I don't know if using chars == lying
the chat client doesnt support replies btw, sorry
It is if I say bytes.
@BaldBantha Is that Fedora?
Solution: Don't say bytes?
Good enough for now, I guess...
@Dennis yeah fedora GNOME with terminator as my terminal emulator
> You’ve heard Satya Nadella say “Microsoft loves Linux” and that’s never been more true than now.
Feature-request: Start using dnf. :P
Oh, are you going to do that? I would really enjoy writing a plugin for it, but if you want to go ahead
"microsoft loves linux" (makes secure boot a thing)
@BaldBantha secure boot?
yeah on new windows computers they make it way harder to boot from CDs, and on certain windows RT models, they make it impossable
@DJMcMayhem If you want to write it, go ahead. That way, I can keep spending time on the backend. If you're open to it, you could make a pull request on github.com/DennisMitchell/tryitonline.
 < Linux Hates Microsoft >
               |o_o |
               |:_/ |
              //   \ \
             (|     | )
            /'\_   _/`\
OK im done editing
@BaldBantha Well, with all the malware on Windows computers, they kinda need a way to prevent it from taking over the whole thing...
@Dennis Cool, that sounds awesome. I'm not sure exactly what format it should be in in order to be implemented on the real site, but we can burn that bridge when we get to it. :D
@BaldBantha -1 for using tuxsay and not cowsay
I also have no idea how to do it, but I'll figure it out
wait is there a goatsay? brb
@Downgoat Cowsay -f tux
huh TIL
@DJMcMayhem Just add a button to the top bar and make to write to the clipboard.
If you have a better idea, I'm all ears.
Well sure, but I more mean where would the frontend js files need to be placed?
@Downgoat I don't think so, but you could make a goat "cowfile" (get cowsay and read the docs man cowsay)
cant idk perl
I will pay 50pt bounty for goat cowfile
I think you need to have a challenge in order to legally give a bounty
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I can bounty any question in which they have an answer
@Downgoat UM OK
I don't think that's the ideal solution
@DJMcMayhem y not?
Cause it's trading rep for things outside of the site?
@DJMcMayhem The functions in frontend.js (and most code I write, really), are in alphabetical order. Go nuts.
Oh. Okay cool then. :D
@DJMcMayhem i think its ok its a one-tme 50pt bounty and who says i dont think the answer is great ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Whatevs. You're free to do what you want. I do not have the authority to stop you.
ahem :P
Much better. :)
@DJMcMayhem excuse me i live in america must i change my avatar to bald eagle to show i am very free
> sheep.cow
;_____; y is there sheep cowfile but no gaot
Bounty is off found one on internet
@Downgoat Ahem
@DJMcMayhem wow such freedom
@Downgoat Just wait until Trump wins the election.
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei I'd +1 looks very cool but i can't read leftmost terminal :/
@Dennis I really hope that's a joke not a prediction
@Downgoat some html, just to fill space :D
@DJMcMayhem I don't think he'll win the election, but I also was sure that he wouldn't make it to presidential candidate...
Q: Find the Frobenius!

DerpfacePythonIntro: A Frobenius number is a number which cannot be made from numbers in a set. For example, 43 is the Frobenius number of the set {6, 9, 20}, because you cannot get 43 from those numbers, and it is the largest number which cannot be made. 42 is not a Frobenius number of the set {6, 9, 20}, ...

TIO v2 will allow you to store code on the server (as Ideone does) and to edit/replace that code with a newer version. Replacing will be a privilege of the author, so how should TIO recognize the owner of server-stored code??
(The new strawpoll looks so much better.)
:/ I don't really like any of those options
What about 1 by default with 3 as an optional?
Sure, that would be possible. 1 could be combined with 2 or 3.
@Dennis you could always give the owner a hash that is associated with the code, but isn't the code's hash itself
@Dennis wow that looks much better
@ConorO'Brien Yes, but how is it stored?
@Dennis with the code, maybe?
No, how do you as a user store that hash?
oh. I'd write it down :P
Then that's just a password that is impossible to remember...
localstorage maybe?
That's cookies.
@Dennis s/hash/your five random english words/
It would be much easier to simply let you pick the password yourself, no?
@ConorO'Brien solution: give random hash. store that in local storage but show it on the page so i can keep it in icloud notes if i ever forget it
That is clearly the best idea.
new fibonacci in cheddar: n f -> n < 2 ? 1 : f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)
@Dennis 1 with a 2 fallback seems best, imo
@DJMcMayhem Oh, and TLS. Forgot to mention that before.
today i installed adblock just so strawpoll would stop showing me trump ads
@Dennis btw i voted on google but i changed mind to cookies so count one vote from google as cookies
Q: The IHIH Pyramid

DJMcMayhemI find it fascinating how the letters "H" and "I" are very similar. "H" is a horizontal stroke surrounded by two vertical strokes; "I" is a vertical stroke surrounded by two horizontal strokes (depending on your font). I bet this could be nested... You know what that reminds me of? Fractals!!! L...

Thankyou @newmainposts!
> I find it fascinating how the letters "H" and "I" are very similar.
u wot m8
@DJMcMayhem dr ham jam is easterly confirmed
Oh, does he do that? I haven't seen that
thx for answering, imma sleep now
cya l8r
you are designed TIO v2 like I designed cheddar... through strawpolls :P
I use lastpass so it doesn't really matter to me too much
@Dennis if u use google will u be able to see my google info?
well i guess since you're mod you can already see my gmail >_>
cheddar> ( n f -> n < 2 ? 1 : f(n - 1) + f(n - 2) )(13)
\o/ \o/ \o /\/o \/ \/o \/o \/o \/o
@Downgoat you messed that up
Jun 17 at 20:39, by Quill
@Upgoat I think some of your emoji people need to go to a hospital
@Downgoat No clue.
@Downgoat no
google apps don't necessarily have to know your email
its one of the optional permissions
@Dennis can you do se account on alongside google? that should cover pretty much everyone
iirc SE doesn't have account API
though pls dont do SE-only i am unable to login to SE and SE doesn't want to fix it
@Downgoat oh, I thought I remembered that as an option on miaou
Via OpenID?
@ConorO'Brien planning on starting working on pattern matching any suggestion on how the pattern should be specified in? (i want it to make sense to functional people)
@Dennis that's probably what it was
@Downgoat don't ask me, I'm not a pro with pattern matching
Just enough to be confident that I don't.
@Downgoat maybe kinda?
@Maltysen does this syntax make sense to you?:
f :: n: number -> string
f(if n < 2) -> 1
f(n) -> f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)
@Downgoat i don't think thats correct
for the if thing, you just have one f(n) defintion where you use if
doesnt look like haskell, but similar paradigm
@Maltysen im not trying to do haskell im trying to make something similar for cheddar >_>
@Downgoat oh rofl
leave out the if
wait how would u do it in haskell?
for this sort of pattern mathcing, the best exmple imo is mathematica
@ASCII-only trying to figure out how that would work
Wait a second, does JS really not have a builtin string formatting function?
@DJMcMayhem of course it does?
Bolt about to run the 200m!
 VM1516:1 Uncaught TypeError: "{0}".format is not a function
let animal = "goat";
pattern matching is supported in almost every browser
@DJMcMayhem it has template strings
you can also use formatting in console.log:
console.log("%d + %d = %d", 1, 1, 2);
var a = "7"
var b = "a = ${a}"
"a = ${a}"
@Downgoat WTH?
Oh, nvmd figured it out
@DJMcMayhem you have to use template strings
@Downgoat v
 // These seven fields are only included when the user has granted the "profile" and
 // "email" OAuth scopes to the application.
 "email": "[email protected]",
 "email_verified": "true",
 "name" : "Test User",
 "picture": "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-kYgzyAWpZzJ/ABCDEFGHI/AAAJKLMNOP/tIXL9Ir44LE/s99-c/photo.jpg",
 "given_name": "Test",
 "family_name": "User",
 "locale": "en"
So if I don't ask for them (and I don't see why I should), I won't know anything except your Google ID (some useless number).
@ConorO'Brien Does that mean strings inbetween graves?
@DJMcMayhem yes it does
Your avatar is really throwing me off.
hm what would an eagle goat morph look like...
eagles = jackasses
;_; Y U Do dis goat man?
user image
Bah, we're also polite here when we want something...
@DJMcMayhem wait nvm the goat won
@Dennis Yo wassup golfer man pull V homey?
(Just kidding, I don't need you to pull V)
@DJMcMayhem ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Exactly. Nobody ever said that.
Sometimes when I'm coding I forget about basic human needs like food and water.
Alright, I'm going to stop trying to pretend I understand JS and go eat something before I collapse.
@DJMcMayhem but you are eagle wtf y do u have human needs
yo yo yo this is mc dragon
waddup d-dawg?
@Dennis question: is it possible for you to clone cheddar (git clone http://github.com/cheddar-lang/Cheddar.git) and build/install it (make install) on TIO so you can be running nightly version of cheddar?
actually that won't work nvm
5 : 0 for Google...
yo yo yo this is mc nybble
>_< why has TNB turned into a rap battle
I'm changing my name to MCNybble from now on.
@DerpfacePython I Approve.
Somebody pointed out that other chat rooms have polite conversations, then the usual happened.
this is a question?
I was under the impression
that this entire session
is naught but a recession
Think of a six-letter rapper name for Malty!
@Dennis I saw that, was just questioning the "then the usual happened" part of it
@Dennis Civilized discussion? In our perfect room? Aw hell no!
Thinking of a rap against @ConorO'Brien
Hang on
Hold tight yo
I'm holding tight / try as you might / we're gonna fight
@ConorO'Brien Congratulations, you have become the first rapper in history to use the word "naught"
@DJMcMayhem bows I try.
You think you're a dragon / but your raps are saggin'
@DerpfacePython Of course I'm draconic / my raps are super-sonic / yours are just laconic
Your raps have no skill, no melody / You're making me look for a remedy
Join in @DJMcMayhem!
And everyone else watching
this may be flooding the room
Yes it is
OK crap, now I can't get ERB out of my head

 The Nineteenth Rap

yo yo yo this is mc golfer
@DerpfacePython I already have. I'm DJing music for you
sometime in the past week
GOLFING HALP PLS: how to check if number is every other odd number e.g. 3, 5, 9, 13 => true
@Downgoat Cheddar answer! \o/
@Downgoat %4==3
also its 3, 7, 11
why is 5 there
@Maltysen sorry goat cannot think
@Maltysen gah ninja'd
I love it when someone posts their first answer on one of my challenges. It feels awesome!
@DJMcMayhem What does :w !sudo tee % do?
ono python answer is beating me brb
@ConorO'Brien it's a Vim hack for saving a file that you don't have permission to write to
@DJMcMayhem whoa, that's pretty cool
Yeah, it's awesome
btw if anyone wants to attempt the IHIH pyramid challenge in cheddar. I'd suggest making an answer using .turn() you could surely save lots of bytes there. Unfortunetly I'm too tired think about how to make it rn
which challenge?
Q: The IHIH Pyramid

DJMcMayhemI find it fascinating how the letters "H" and "I" are very similar. "H" is a horizontal stroke surrounded by two vertical strokes; "I" is a vertical stroke surrounded by two horizontal strokes (depending on your font). I bet this could be nested... You know what that reminds me of? Fractals!!! L...

A: The IHIH Pyramid

Leaky NunPyth, 50 43 bytes [email protected],J+*\-K+2lheN+jR*2;eN*\-KjR"||"+*dK+J*dKQ]]\| LXR"|-")CbjyW%Q2uy+*\-K+2lhG+jR*2;G*\-KQ]\| Test suite.

3 upvotes on my pyth answer \o/
pyth has not been that popular for a long while
@Downgoat eyyy, that's precisely my approach
Anyone here own Scrap Mechanic?
@HelkaHomba Hive MC?
Hello all
Also I do not own scrap mechanic
@DJMcMayhem Maybe in ~10 min
Quick question: we don't appear to have a challenge for transposing a matrix where the length of the rows is not guaranteed to be equal. Would that challenge be too simple to post directly?
Should it just be a CMC in here?
How does that even work?
Still, how does that even work?
In Ruby, you pad with nil
Before or after transposing?
so [[1,2][3],[4,5]] -> [[1,3,4],[2,nil,5]]?
CMC: given two strings X and Y, output XYX (or YXY)
@ConorO'Brien Pyth, 4 bytes: +sQh
@ConorO'Brien can the strings be multiline? Can they contain spaces?
Hm. No multi line, yes spaces.
@Sherlock9 .t (pad with spaces)
J, 3 bytes: ],,
I can think of a million ways to do it in V, and it all depends on how the input is laid out
What character may I use as a separator?
@DJMcMayhem Ok. I can play for a bit
Weird, I can't figure out how to do it in less than 6.
This is 5 but I'm not sure if it's valid: v.tryitonline.net/#code=w4RkZEdw&input=aGVsbG8Kd29ybGQ
The input will only consist of printable ascii (0x20 to 0x7E)
in hub 1
@NathanMerrill Yeah
@HelkaHomba OK, brt
@DJMcMayhem it's invalid, it adds newlines
Something that signifies a null of some sort
Incidentally, what is Hive MC?
@Sherlock9 Public Minecraft server with lots of minigames
@ConorO'Brien frowny face Okay, this one should do it then: v.tryitonline.net/#code=Snh5fCRw&input=SGVsbG8KV29ybGQ
Dissapointingly long for a golfing language that I pride myself on its string capabilities
Neat :)
Perhaps this can inspire new features... What happens if I restrict the domain to characters?
@Dennis feature request: tryitonline mobile design
@ConorO'Brien Eventually.
@ConorO'Brien ;ṭ
@Dennis that adds a space
The space is in the input.
Oh, OK
ES6, 11: x=>y=>x+y+x
Julia, x+y=x*y*x
@Dennis Is that overloading an operator?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sherlock9Transpose an Uneven Array code-golf Given an array of numbers or strings where the rows may not be of equal length, pad those rows with nulls, and transpose the array. Rules Use any sane input for the array. The array will only ever contain numbers or strings. Specify which null(s) you are u...

@Dennis Wow, it's a lot shorter than the overloading syntax I'm used to seeing
But then again, I don't use functional languages so I wouldn't know if that kind of syntax is actually common
It's probably a parser bug, but yeah, it's short.
@Dennis :D you updated the TIO GitHub repo (also, is index.html supposed to be empty?)
Yes, it isn't used.
> Tut howls, snarls, and bites your opponent for 25 damage.
Tut did something for once!
@Dennis Also, is it okay to pollute TIO's global scope? Or is it better to keep objects in the closest scope possible?
Also, is the backend API for cached permalinks finalized yet? It would probably be easier to create the new permalink function, plus I would be able to use it in the PPCG answer template creator
Also, is it safe to assume languages with non-UTF-8 codepages take one byte per character?
I've been working on this for the past day: rawgit.com/orlp/e11162381bad5fef5be6e5d0114dac5c/raw/…
(requires modern browser)
also still contains many bugs, but the proof of principle is there
@orlp if(1<0)?
@ASCII-only yes
prevents the first note from being delayed
but the code on the left is irrelevant
not mine either
it's the player itself that I made :)
@Dennis Could you please pull Brachylog?
@orlp Is the box thing supposed to have really low framerate, or is it just that my laptop is too bad?
Anyone here know Sesos?
@Sherlock9 Kinda, not very good at it though
@ASCII-only yes
it's supposed to be really low framerate
Oh good. I have a thing to debug for the Stern-Brocot question
set numin,set numout
get,fwd 1,add 1,fwd 1,add 1,rwd 2
jmp,sub 1,fwd 1
jmp,sub 1,fwd 2,add 1,fwd 2,add 1,rwd 3,jnz
fwd 1
jmp,sub 1,rwd 1,add 1,fwd 2,add 1,fwd 3,add 1,rwd 4,jnz
fwd 3
jmp,fwd 1,sub 1,fwd 1,add 1,rwd 1,jmp,fwd 1,jnz,fwd 1,jmp,rwd 1,add 1,fwd 1,sub 1,jnz,rwd 2,jmp,rwd 1,jnz,fwd 1,sub 1,jnz
fwd 2
jmp,sub 1,rwd 4,sub 2,fwd 4,jnz
rwd 1
jmp,sub 1,jnz
rwd 3
jmp,sub 1,rwd 1,add 1,fwd 1,jnz
rwd 3,jnz
I did not realize how long that is
@ASCII-only the audio is being calculated on your graphics card
@ASCII-only the box is 256 by 256, each pixel holding one sample for stereo sound
at a sample rate of 44.1khz that's 1.48 seconds worth of audio per 'box'
So the first part sets up input, 1, 1 for n, s, t in cells 0, 1, 2. Then you jump into the function. You move s to cells 3 and 5. Then you move t to cell 1, add it to cell 3, and move it to cell 6. The next bit is the BF modulus function from the esolang wiki. s%t is in cell 7 now. Subtract that twice from cell 3. Clear cell 6. Move cell 3 to cell 2. t and s+t-2*(s%t) are now the new s and t. Return to cell 0. Repeat.
@orlp It looks like there aren't too many easily distinguishable colors, that's caused by the instrument, right?
@ASCII-only the colors aren't supposed to represent anything
Oh wait
each (R, G, B, A) 4-tuple is (c0_lb, c0_hb, c1_lb, c1_hb), where c0 = channel0, c1 = channel1, lb = low byte, hb = high byte
and a low byte + high byte together form a mono 16-bit audio sample
and a full RGBA tuple forms a stereo 16-bit audio sample
(by the way you can press ctrl+s after editing the code to instantly hear the changes you've made)
@Fatalize Done.
@ASCII-only I'm not following.
@Dennis As in I need an extra variable for PPCG-style snippet, I have to either put it in global scope, or wrap the new function in an IIFE
I figured it out! Didn't rwd enough in the first loop
@ASCII-only I'm not sure what you're trying to do.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Destructible WatermelonSimulate Bibliomancy In this challenge, you must take input as a string, and output a random word. Please note that you cannot simply take a random number and take the item of the list at that index: You will be simulating pages. Also note that rather than your program picking from the page wit...

goddamn forgot to write codegolf
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Destructible WatermelonSimulate Bibliomancy In this challenge, you must take input as a string, and output a random word. Please note that you cannot simply take a random number and take the item of the list at that index: You will be simulating pages. Also note that rather than your program picking from the page wit...

@Dennis Created PR, should work
Haven't added a notification to let the user know it has been copied though
@Dennis, is there an easy way in Sesos to print a number, a string and another number?
This is for the Stern-Brocot challenge with "a/b"
Sorry for the edit pings

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