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firefox crashed ;_;
@HiggsBot use Vivaldi
@ASCII-only I mostly like that you don't have to import anything to get regexes work, but it's good that there are lots of good features in there, too. I just don't know what many of those features are :D
@Sherlock9 but regex is supposed to be an essential object type
plz someone try install Neoscript from NPM
it crash on my computer
In Python it's, import re\nre.compile("your_regex")
and it's just to test if it crash on other computers
@Sherlock9 D: why, python
C:\Users\XXX>npm install neoscript
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\XXX\p
npm WARN XXX No description
npm WARN XXX No repository field.
npm WARN XXX No license field.
npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\
node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "neoscript"
npm ERR! node v6.3.1
npm ERR! npm  v3.10.3
npm ERR! path C:\Users\XXX\node_modules\neoscript\bin\neoscript.js
@ASCII-only nods sadly
I guess the Python team just wants a small core of stuff and anything that isn't always essential is kept to other modules
Regexes are cool, but how often do you use them?
@TùxCräftîñg pastebin.com/B1fxYiaU
1 min ago, by TùxCräftîñg
ok weird
@Sherlock9 depends, if you use string manipulation a lot they are very handy
I suppose Python is more number-focused, so regexes are a lot less important
proof of the superiority of PCRE: \p
Or they think that what string manipulation functions that are already attached to the str type is usually sufficient and regex capabilities are more for the crazier substitutions. Lookbehinds and lookaheads and so on.
(?:\p{L}|_)(?:\p{L}|\d|_)* match a identifier even with unicode in it
but it only works in PCRE
Ruby has /\p{}/
Unless I'm missing something
So they might incorporate PCRE stuff, too
@TùxCräftîñg ???
\p{L} match any letter from any language
halp anyone know a lot about encryption
CMC: 5->
x   x
x   x
x   x
@LeakyNun And?..
@ASCII-only exempt
@ASCII-only I know some. Mostly about pen-and-paper ciphers
@ASCII-only Depends, what is the question
@zyabin101 guess the pattern
@LeakyNun i=input();a="x"*i;b="x"+" "*(i-2)+"x";print'\n'.join([a]+[b]*(i-2)+[a])
@LeakyNun 1 ==> x
@Sherlock9 not bad, but doesn't work for 1
2 ==>
10 ==> 10{x}\n8{x8{ }}\n10{x}
@LeakyNun ES6, 93: f=n=>eval(`[${'0,'.repeat(n)}]`).map((_,i)=>`x${('x '[+!!(i&&n-i-1)]).repeat(n-2)}x`).join(`<insert newline here>`)
@LeakyNun Nuts. Hang on
@ASCII-only doesn't work for 1
useless regex of the day: ((?:[Rλ]|\((?1)\))+) match well formed P'' programs (only work in PCRE)
Welp, can't edit so: i=input();a="x"*i;b="x"+" "*(i-2)+"x";print'\n'.join([a]+[b]*(i-2)+[a]*(i>1))
Do you think I should post this in main?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ @ConorO'Brien RDFTD
ES6, 105: f=n=>n-1?eval(`[${'0,'.repeat(n)}]`).map((_,i)=>`x${('x '[+!!(i&&n-i-1)]).repeat(n-2)}x`).join(`<newline>`):'x'
@ASCII-only What kind of encryption?
Pub/priv, symmetric, one-way, what?
I guess it's more a security question
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Why SoundCloud?
You can't YouTube here? :)
@zyabin101 Better for reducing the amount of data used if on a metered connection, and I don't want to fill chat with an excessive amount of message size.
@zyabin101 because no video = a lot faster, saves so much bandwidth
Plus I think it has better quality anyway. >.>
plus it's music
@ASCII-only Still waiting to hear it. ;)
uh, so idk how to securely encrypt stuff well, would scrypt to verify the password + any sufficiently secure encryption algorithm be secure enough?
@ASCII-only As long as you don't disclose the clear password, yeah. And assuming there's no problems with your encryption algorithm. :P
If you run on Linux-based, just use pgp encryption.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE I'm using node, so no pgp builtin
@ASCII-only Hmm, OpenPGP.js exists.
I've actually been working with that a lot recently. >.>
@VTCAKAVSMoACE so pgp is better than things like aes?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE wait what why
@ASCII-only Depends.
PGP is good for encrypting for the purpose of sharing information securely, so, encryption with multiple public keys for distribution and decryption by their respective privkeys.
AES is symmetric cypher, so it's good for one user, period.
@ASCII-only Because I had to use node for decryption recently. ;P
what is the behaviour of (q)?
execute q while i != 0 or while a[i] != a[0]
@VTCAKAVSMoACE i mean, that's a pretty specific thing to work on, what do you usually use node for?
@ASCII-only That was my first use of JS, ever.
Well, I can't say node was my first use, I created a really bad userscript last year and then discovered node
plz halp
@TùxCräftîñg wot
Your question?
Iterate with q while q != a[0].
Sorry no
how secure is encryption with aes + plain password?
var i = q;
while (a[i] != a[0]) {
That's how I interpreted it.
@ASCII-only As secure as the password. :P
Why encrypt the password instead of hashing it?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE So if you password open, the whole building will destruct upon you sometime soon? (]:P
@Adnan i mean encrypt with the password
@zyabin101 what
@VTCAKAVSMoACE It's a metaphor.
@zyabin101 ?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE I meant, "if you password open, the message will be hacked sometime soon, right?"
@zyabin101 open is a pretty uncommon password, but because of its short length, probably
@LeakyNun no, I wish
@Quill I see
Q: Langford strings

shooqieChallenge description A Langford string of order N is defined as follows: The length of the string is equal to 2*N, The string contains first N letters of the English alphabet, each letter appearing twice, For each pair of the same letters, there are M letters between them, where M is that let...

I found a self destructing notes service :3
^^ I'll send invite links to TRB via this protocol.
Speaking of invite links to TRB, who wants to join the Remaining Bytes?
New challenge \o/
Q: Smallest positive integer which is coprime to the last two predecessors and has not yet appeared; a(1)=1, a(2)=2

Leaky NunDefinition Two integers are coprime if they share no positive common divisors other than 1. Example a(11) = 6 because 6 is coprime with the last two predecessors (namely, 11 and 13) and 6 has not appeared before. Notes Note that the sequence is not ascending, meaning that an element can...

@LeakyNun Typo in
I'm not sure if you can eleven that to , I can't, so...
@zyabin101 fixed
@zyabin101 when the question owner edits their tags, it isn't elevening.
Ah. But Adnan ninja'd you with editing the typo out.
And now you only get an empty commit.
Hey, can anyone give my challenge one last look over:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

βετѧ ΛєҫαγBlunt the images code-golf image-processing Introduction Given a PNG as input, blur the image using the method described below. Method To get the RGB value of each pixel, use the following equation: Where is the sum of the red values of each of the adjacent pixels squared. N is the numbe...

@βετѧΛєҫαγ Finally someone who knows that you don't average the colors by taking their arithmetic mean
@LeakyNun :D
Excuse the 1.5
The pictures were turning out way too dark
@LeakyNun May I return the whole sequence up to n?
@Sherlock9 no
halp how do i store passwords securely
Advice #1: Don't write it yourself
@ASCII-only Use OpenPGP :d
With a good key.
Storing with or without recovering?
@βετѧΛєҫαγ I think it's clear already, but just in case the example causes confusion, it might be worth emphasising that each pixel is calculated based on the original pixels that were its neighbours, ignoring that some of these have changed
With a safe passphrase.
@Adnan ?
@trichoplax Ah yes, I agree
Et a keyfile between the key and password store...
@ASCII-only I use AES-256 + the openssl command line tool
@βετѧΛєҫαγ But worded better than I did...
Do you want to store them for like website that uses a username and a password?
Or do you want to keep it on your computer in case you need it another time?
something like chrome's password saving
@βετѧΛєҫαγ Is Mario out of copyright yet...?
Yeah, I would also recommend AES
@trichoplax Hm, I dunno
I'd guess not :)
Q: Smallest positive integer which is coprime to the last two predecessors and has not yet appeared; a(1)=1, a(2)=2

Leaky NunDefinition Two integers are coprime if they share no positive common divisors other than 1. Example a(11) = 6 because 6 is coprime with the last two predecessors (namely, 11 and 13) and 6 has not appeared before. Notes Note that the sequence is not ascending, meaning that an element can...

@quartata so you encrypt your passwords with something like a master password? or have i gotten it really wrong?
This is usually how password stores work
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LegionMammal978Given an integer, compute its Levenshtein code Disclaimer: Levenshtein coding is completely unrelated to the Levenshtein edit distance metric. <insert long story about why Levenshtein codes need to be calculated here.> The code Levenshtein coding is a system of assigning binary codes to nonne...

Someone needs to make a script which takes a sandbox post and automatically fills out the 'Ask a Question' feed. Then, when post has been posted, it removes the body of the sandbox post and deletes it.
Oh man. I just realized how bad our tour page is. I mean, I realized it was bad, but nearly every single piece of text makes no sense for our site.
I can't wait to get it changed
> Our goal is to have the best answers to every question, so if you see questions or answers that can be improved, you can edit them
Q: Blunt the Images

βετѧ ΛєҫαγIntroduction Given a PNG as input, blur the image using the method described below. Method To get the RGB value of each pixel, use the following equation: Where is the sum of the red values of each of the adjacent pixels squared. N is the number of adjacent pixels (e.g. a corner pixel will...

99+c'cA+p'Ac omg my esolang is unreadeable
That looks readable to me
That's the point of an esolang isn't it?
@βετѧΛєҫαγ I see you went with not caring about copyright ;)
@trichoplax Haha yeah. Let's hope no Nintendo employees are on PPCG ;)
@trichoplax Yeah, I don't think we're very good at this "copyright" thing... codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/39915/21487
@Dennis - F works on a list of list argument just fine (jelly.flatten is also fine) and LÆR%@€ on a list produces a list of lists - however LÆR%@€F produces the same list of lists, only adding another F actually flattens. What am I missing?
Hey speaking of copyright, what do you guys think about this challenge being taken directly from reddit?
Q: Langford strings

shooqieChallenge description A Langford string of order N is defined as follows: The length of the string is equal to 2*N, The string contains first N letters of the English alphabet, each letter appearing twice, For each pair of the same letters, there are M letters between them, where M is that let...

@Sp3000 Oh dear...
@DJMcMayhem As long as you post a link and credit the author, I think it will probably fine
@βετѧΛєҫαγ Does reddit have the same license as SE then?
@βετѧΛєҫαγ And have permission iirc
@trichoplax yes, i think so
@DJMcMayhem On the one hand, given that Langford pairings are a topic in mathematics I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd come up with it themselves coincidentally, but given that they mention Reddit themselves it makes things a bit awkward
@DJMcMayhem link to the reddit post?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ on the post
A: What are the policies for threads relating to Facebook Puzzles, Project Euler, UVa, SPOJ, etc.?

Peter TaylorThere are three reasons why I think Project Euler etc. questions shouldn't be posted here. The first is copyright. The question submitter ... represents, warrants and agrees that it will not contribute any Subscriber Content that (a) infringes, violates or otherwise interferes with any copy...

Seriously, another alphabet challenge? — Leaky Nun 35 mins ago
@DJMcMayhem Irony is my specialty. — Leaky Nun 5 mins ago
I know, just helping the irony to spread :)
@Sherlock9 it's funny how that pings me
omg 4 following starred messages
OK, knock it off now
Say no to star abuse
@Doorknob Nuke the stars please
My God... It's full of stars
@DJMcMayhem I was hoping it wouldn't ping you. I will remember this transitive pinging in the future.
Might be worth raising it as a bug
Stop feeding the troll that's doing it please.
Wonderful, it's more than one person. Great.
GASA - Golfers Against Star Abuse
If it was just one star on each I'd clear them, but I think a lot of them are genuine. Even the genuine ones will die if this gets any worse though.
Thanks tricho!
@trichoplax thanks
People, stars are like cells in Conway's Game of Life. Overpopulation kills.
I haven't done anything yet...
What? Where'd they all go?
@trichoplax Do you know who starred?
No, that's hidden from everyone
No, we can't see it. Unfortunate because I think there's a guy and a sock doing it
I thought the mods know everything
At least we know who star-ted it
@ArtOfCode Thanks.
Even mod-like powers have limits
what did I do
(assuming that was you)
Dear anonymous starrer: STOP IT.
@quartata You're making me feel like my posts aren't star-worthy :(
I think it's Colonel Mustard in The Nineteenth Byte with the Star Button
So mods can like remove stars? Can they as well add stars?
Mods can remove all stars from a post
Room owners too
I see
Is a heavily starred onebox a star-spangled banner?
It's definitely two people
Mods can't add more than one star, but they can pin, which keeps the starred message at the top of the starboard
(as can room owners)
Maybe if we just kick everyone one by one we'll find out who it is
(only mildly joking)
I'll get right on it...
@Sherlock9 I actually think it's genuinely funny
When we've had real star problems in the past, it's been every message. This time, most of them are the type of messages that get starred anyway. I think we just happen to have had a high density of starrable messages in a short period of time
No, it's not. I've been watching the stars/unstars and it's in batches of two
Ah I see
@trichoplax it was at first, and then it got worse
It could be someone in the transcript unfortunately. I wish you couldn't star things from there
What do you mean?
You can star messages in the transcript?
Well we know it wasn't @βετѧΛєҫαγ or @Sherlock9 then :)
Or maybe we're just crafty ;)
maybe it was both of them
@trichoplax Not through the transcript, at least. I starred some of the early stuff, but nothing since Beta Decay's 2001 reference
Seems to have stopped
Well that was worth starring, even if it has been said before...
But who has a sock here?
Q: Verify a ballot triangle

ArtOfCodeA ballot number, which we'll label B, is the number of ways of arranging the numbers from 1 through B(B+1)/2 into a triangle, such that each row and column of the triangle is in any increasing order. The first four ballot numbers are: a(0) = 1 a(1) = 1 a(2) = 1 a(3) = 2 a(3) is 2, which means...

I have Alpha
But he isn't here
What about Sockagawea?
I'm a sock, but I'm not allowed to say whose.
i have HiggsBot but he is only in the sandbox
I'm just making a terrible pun
I have several socks
My socks even come in pairs.
ninja'd my pairs joke :D
A matching pair of jokes...
It hadn't entirely come together yet, so good on you for getting there first
My socks come in pears. I don't know why, makes them terribly sticky.
@ArtOfCode congrats on your first question!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I can't shake the feeling there's something wrong with it...
We'll get this star problem under control. If everyone could just stop saying things that are interesting, noteworthy, or hilarious out of context.
It would help if we could stop being funny for a second, but unfortunately all PPCG people are intelligent, funny, and good-looking so we're screwed :D
Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad
mutters incoherent derogatory remarks
Q: Smallest positive integer which is coprime to the last two predecessors and has not yet appeared; a(1)=1, a(2)=2

Leaky NunDefinition Two integers are coprime if they share no positive common divisors other than 1. Example a(11) = 6 because 6 is coprime with the last two predecessors (namely, 11 and 13) and 6 has not appeared before. Notes Note that the sequence is not ascending, meaning that an element can...

The salt vote is real
@TùxCräftîñg In some countries omelettes are not illegal
Try cooking that steak
@flawr I just ate and you're making me hungry
Hey now, the police could want some omelettes, too
@βετѧΛєҫαγ That looks about medium rare
@βετѧΛєҫαγ Don't tell me you like gray steak
medium rare = medium common?
:31682007 wat
Isn't it the same question whether a glass is half empty or half full?
@flawr I though medium-rare was halfway between medium and rare
Unicode and animal periods are important ingredients for caret cake
I think it goes violet, blue, rare, medium rare, medium, well done, burnt
(...) well overdone , badly overdone (...)
When does it get to "charcoal"?
"Yes, I'd like my steak... um... medium burnt? Do you do those here?"
@Sherlock9 That's well done
And suddenly the stars are over
@trichoplax You forgot "mooing" before violet
I guess if you get the pan hot enough you could do "burnt rare" - charcoal on the outside and raw inside
@βετѧΛєҫαγ I guess I should add "vaporised" on the end too then
"a plasma-gunned steak, please"
@βετѧΛєҫαγ This is great
@βετѧΛєҫαγ What-If: Raising the Steaks since 2012
@orlp It's all your fault
@LeakyNun as a general rule I allow 0-based indices if the sequence has no relation to n
@orlp and I'm not you
@TùxCräftîñg it's a default template.
@LeakyNun what do you mean?
@orlp It means insomuch that you allow 0-based indices, I do not.
@LeakyNun if you do not then why do you keep asking for it on my challenges? :P
@orlp because you do
@LuisMendo Sorry, I somehow missed your message. No, reproduce the exact sequence as in the challenge. — orlp yesterday
I don't :P
Then why are you asking for it on my challenge?
basically my latest challenge is a sequence in the true sense of the word
it's just a list
and the n in a(n) is just an index/offset
@βετѧΛєҫαγ I love how the Mach 1 and Mach 2 lines are not quite straight on those graphs, which looks like badly hand drawn straight lines until you realise they wiggle in precise alignment
but for example with a(n) = 10*n, it's more than a list
@JonathanAllan @€F is a fork; tt first applies F to the argument, then calls @€ with the previous return value as left argument, and the result as right argument. LÆR%@€⁸F does what it's supposed to, explicitly specifying (left argument) as the right argument of @€. LÆR⁸%þF is golfier.
@LeakyNun did I?
@Dennis Out of curiosity, what was your 6 byte solution for the CnR?
Ah, thanks Dennis - a quick for keyed sort - good :)
and if I did, I would hope it was for the same thing as I said above (a true sequence, no real relationship with n), otherwise I would disagree with past-me
Guys I'm on a What-If binge please help
@quartata what form of help
A hammer to my head would be nice
I have things to do but I can't stop reading about hair dryers and flying planes on Titan
but then you'd be hammered
@quartata All I can recommend is have snacks in range
@orlp ba dum tss
@JonathanAllan þ is table (each element of the left argument with each element of the right argument). Þ is keyed sort. Those look awfully similar... >_<
@trichoplax I can do that but that seems like it would make the problem worse
@Dennis Ooh Scandinavian letters. I like that :D
@quartata The other trick is to bookmark the page, which makes it slightly easier to force yourself to close the tab
huh ctrl-F firefox :/
@quartata edit your hosts file to redirect what-if.xkcd.com to lo
@Dennis - heh ctrl-F finds both
Yeah, just like A finds A and a.
It's an uppercase and a lowercase thorn (I think).
@ArtOfCode It won't work I can't bring myself to it
ah, makes sense :)
Thorn or þorn (Þ, þ) is a letter in the Old English, Gothic, Old Norse and modern Icelandic alphabets, as well as some dialects of Middle English. It was also used in medieval Scandinavia, but was later replaced with the digraph th, except in Iceland, where it survives. The letter originated from the rune ᚦ in the Elder Fuþark and was called thorn in the Anglo-Saxon and thorn or thurs (a category of beings in Germanic paganism) in the Scandinavian rune poems. Its reconstructed Proto-Germanic name is Thurisaz. It is pronounced as either a voiceless dental fricative [θ] or the voiced counterpart...
I think I've managed to alternate reading one What-If and fixing one bug though
A compromise
(it's not like what I'm doing is important anyways)
Uh, yeah I should recall after doing some of cira 3939
no sleep makes for a bad coder :)

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