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> How to visaulize visualize the tree
@flawr added a comment
@LegionMammal978 you are spy????? That explains why your avatar was blank
@Downgoat ;)
@LegionMammal978 What do you mean by even split?
@flawr As in, half will be greater and half will be less
@Downgoat his invisibility field failed
@TùxCräftîñg wat @LegionMammal978 pls share invisibility technology
and now i use vim
will be very helpful to conceal my secret stash of tin cans from the other goats
@TùxCräftîñg :D \o/
@Downgoat ​
For the [k/N,(k+1)/N)x[l/N,(l+1)/N) for k,l=0,1,2,...,N-1 part, I would suggest using i,j as indices instead of k,l.
but idk how to select a text ._.
but i know how to bork my vimrc!
@Downgoat Sorry, I was trying to say that
@LegionMammal978 But you do have to calculate the mean of those again, as you are calculating the mean/median per class
@flawr true
@El'endiaStarman Why not I,l
@TùxCräftîñg v<motion>
@El'endiaStarman Thanks for the suggestiosn so far
@TùxCräftîñg ;_;
it's pretty easy with vim ;_;
@Downgoat so TIL
another reason I dislike python: ^C does't exit repl, I have to do ^D
@Downgoat like bash
@Downgoat Doesn't work in irb either
Or any repl I know
@Downgoat So, when you stop an infinite loop with ^C, it should also exit the REPL?
@HelkaHomba The non-commutativity would be a pain in the a*ss when it comes to physics.
:/ works in node repl and JS repl
idk I'm just used to using ^C to stop program
@Downgoat ^D is the standard way to exit a repl
@El'endiaStarman no it should stop the loop. when you press it at an empty prompt it should exit
@TùxCräftîñg really? TIL
still ^C should stop the program
@Downgoat What if you're spamming ^Cs to try and get it to stop now?
Like on C9... -_-
@El'endiaStarman if you are spamming "STAHP PYTON PLS" (i.e. ^C) it should exit
@Downgoat no, the spam is "STAHP DIS INFINIT LUP"
@Downgoat That'd be immensely frustrating behavior, though.
node requires you to press ^C twice
on an empty prompt
@Downgoat that's correct
I used to be (like, years ago) quite annoyed at Python IDLE's behavior where closing a hung REPL would also close the source code file window.
A: Can Mario go to the end of this map

betsegC, 241 bytes Try it on ideone, with test cases... Which throws a runtime error:( On my phone it looks like this: i,j,k,x,y;f(v,l,h)char**v;{for(i=0;i<h;i++)for(j=0;j<l;)if(v[i][j++]=='S')x=i,y=j-1;for(;y<l,x<h;){a:if(v[x+1][y]!='=')x++;else{if(v[x][y]=='E')return 0;if(v[x][y+1]=='=')for(k=0;k<...

this guy program with cppdroid ಠ_ಠ
Ye, I spilled coke on my laptop :P — betseg 9 secs ago
this is why you eat tin cans not drink out of them
i dont drink coke
only water
but water have the same behaviour on laptops :/
@flawr: Regarding your decision trees challenge, the first half seems good. Second half awaits an actual visualization...
@TùxCräftîñg O_ô
@ven ಠ_ಠ
C is easy to type on mobile though.
It's a pain when I'm writing Jelly on my phone...
@ven are you seriously speaking?
@El'endiaStarman You mean of the given example?
Uh, comparatively with Jelly, very much.
@flawr Preferably, yes.
@ven the android keyboard is really bad
in Pytek, 7 mins ago, by quartata
Pytek quine sometime in the future
look like mathematica... or befunge idk
<...> is lambda
@quartata how 2 get args?
@Downgoat <x:...>
@El'endiaStarman added
Now I just need to program it myself to make some exampls=)
@LegionMammal978 status on rationals? :3
@Downgoat still procrastinating on tests
it's OK. coverage is now so shitty no ones gonna notice if it goes down
Coverage is 73%...
that's not that bad
@TùxCräftîñg ಠ_______________ಠ
you said python is life
because it's true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TIL life is death
so we are all dead ಠ_ಠ
ugh, all these weird symbols are boxes to me because I haven't prioritized downloading a font for everything
@Zwei dejavu fonts are excellent
like, the only font that I have actually installed is hack
omg there's a babel unicode regex package!!!!!
@Downgoat ermahgerd the perfect combination of words for gaot
TIL there's also a babel static typing package
@Downgoat ಠ_ಠ
static typed js
:/ \p{L} isn't woking ;_:
@Downgoat :_;
@ven typescript is bad
not even going to engage in this discussion.
really bad
@TùxCräftîñg I think most everyone who uses JS in production at minimum uses "use strict"
really not going to.
@quartata yeah, everyone use "use strict" but static typed js is a abberation
I just avoid javascript as a whole
@flawr Looks great.
@TùxCräftîñg ಠ_ಠ static typing is great
@flawr Make sure to include one where red dots are surrounded by blue dots. Unless that sort of scenario will never happen.
@Downgoat static typing is great but in js it's a abberation
because js is illogic
you have no idea how much suffering and wasted days I would of saved from debugging implicit casting and allowing any type to go through
@Downgoat ._.
@Downgoat static typing is amazing
and TypeScript is nice.
though its inference features are lacking
@ven former is true latter is false
still no argument
@El'endiaStarman The wildest things can happen.
lol, like 800 people on a stream (including me) are DDoS'ing a scammer's IP
Somehow feels like I could find something better to get 2 elements from a string...
idk how to split the screen with cmder ;_;
@El'endiaStarman Somehow I think it would look better if you could see the actual "decision lines"
But that would probably considered unecessary fluff.
@flawr The final visualization? Yeah, it probably would. (Look better and be "fluff".)
If Piet Mondarin only lived 200 years later I'd become famous now.
@El'endiaStarman But this fluff really looks good =/
@flawr It does... ;_;
Put it in as a non-scoring bonus.
But it would take quite a few paragraphs to specify how those borders should be calculated=/
The thread is rather old, so I'll just leave this here so it gets some attention.
A: Choosing outputs for challenges

DennisYes, you can choose the output. In fact, this is already what we do. A full program that prints to STDOUT will also terminate with a certain exit code, and exit codes are a valid form of output. Per consensus, programs are allowed to terminate with an error after producing the correct output,...

to get an array with first and last element, I could actually replace-but-first-and-last... mmh
"hey you miley"S/{:G,3>G[(\)\;]G,s*G?}%S*
worse than before :[
@Downgoat: Last panel reminded me of you. commitstrip.com/en/2015/01/28/looks-can-be-deceiving
@El'endiaStarman ;_; y u do dis
So I tried signing up for cloud 9 and before I got started they already want my credit card
imagine how that would be in real life
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC wat
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC You don't need your credit card details, if you can't figure out how to not fill them in just login using GitHub
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ it's required
it literally says "your credit card detaisl"
and I logged in with github
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ This. My C9 account is linked with my GitHub account. No need to enter credit card details!
@El'endiaStarman really? I started with clicking the octocon
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Then is there any way to skip the payment dialog?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ nope
@El'endiaStarman help!
how'd you do it?
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC How did it even appear
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ GitHub > Authorize > fill in other details > boom credit card
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I don't remember - I did it a few months ago.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Don't think I needed to fill in any other details
even heroku doesn't need credit card
@El'endiaStarman can you try and register a new account and tell me how you did it?
@Downgoat why do you like goats so much?
what did goats do to you?
threaten your family?
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC what are you talking about, Downgoat is a goat
a goat named vihan
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC screenshot without personal details?
there should be a skip dialog somewhere, unless you tried to do something that you need to pay for
no skip dialog
nothing I need to pay for
What site are you actually at?
and they mentioned free plan
I haven't even signed up yet
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC sorry, at school, can you upload to stack exchange imgur?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ people are still in school in the summer!?!
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I am.
I don't think you logged in via GH
In fact, I've got exams in the coming week :/
@quartata first thing I did was click the github logo
try doing it yourself :/
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I always do that, no credit card details needed
After the GH authentication popup you shouldn't get anything else
not for me
it asks for username and stuff
probs cause my username has caps in it
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ???
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ c9 doesn't allow usernames with caps
but I've run out of alt emails on GH
esolangs everywhere
That's just CJam
and me being esobad at it
at least I'm done with my little set of challenges.
I'm sure I'm in the minority in that I care about the languages, not about the challenges...
What was the challenge that was for? Maybe I can help a bit
...so, I have this Google Doc that I use to document tasks that I did during the day. I just wrote "Finish archive-binging CommitStrip", and "Finish" was underlined with a red squiggle. Add an 'n' to make it "Finnish" and it goes away. What the heck, Google.
@El'endiaStarman one time the google autocoreect made me go into an infinite looop
@El'endiaStarman oh dear
@El'endiaStarman Finish is a present tense verb and it deems the rest of the sentence as a different tense, so it gives you the red line
either that or Finish isn't in your dictionary
I added "Finish" to my dictionary.
@El'endiaStarman refresh maybe?
Also, I thought it was primarily Microsoft Word that pointed out grammatical errors, and with a blue squiggly line too.
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Too late now.
@GamrCorps But it's imperative
oh yeah... huh...
Yeesh, if a spell check is going to go out of its way to be helpful at least be clever
Just clicked on a SO Jobs ad and Compiz immediately hanged. Fun.
oh hai
@quartata Compiz is the main reason I ditched Ubuntu. The best part is that the bug report app usually froze right after Compiz crashed.
Yeah, Compiz is shit. I can't wait until I get around to installing Arch and replacing it with OpenBox or Sawfish
so inactive
There was an interesting job advertised too and I can't find it now. Damn.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ?
the chatroom
Typical Sunday.
My weapon of choice is KDE.
Hey, it's nice to have a quiet time in TNB every now and then...
KDE 4 is bad. KDE 3 was amazing
That's just romantizing the past.
Really not
And 4 isn't the current version anyway.
Wait, what?
KDE 5 (or Plasma 5, really) is the current version.
Hm, looks a little better
The initial releases of KDE 4 were supposedly bad (I haven't used them), but I'm very happy with my current version. It's stable, responsive, and as a sucker for settings, I couldn't be happier. You can configure everything.
do you know the most evil C++ statement?
#define true (rand() > 10)
Pretty sure that doesn't beat wiping the hard drive.
The evilest part about it is that in an actual C software project it wouldn't work since C convention usually calls for TRUE
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC why not 0?
@Dennis but it's slower and harder to fix
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC how? you can just delete that statement
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ not if its buried in the stdlib
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC just get a working stdlib
also, TIL why there's a website just for bad autocorrect
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC you can just recompile the stdlib
ahhdarnit it's just a joke
Yeah, but I'm just saying it's not very evil at all
Ugh, this error makes no sense
def get_stickies(bot):
  stickies = ""
  for sticky in EntityIter("tf_projectile_pipe_remote", exact_match=True):
    if not sticky: continue
    owner = sticky.get_datamap_property_char("m_iTeamNum")
    if ord(owner) == bot.team:
      pos = sticky.get_datamap_property_vector("m_vecOrigin")
      stickies += str(pos.x) + ";" + str(pos.y) + ";" + str(pos.z) + ","

  if stickies:
    return stickies[:-1]
    return ""
Honest question does anyone see any possible branch where this returns None
It can't and yet I'm getting a can't cast NoneType in the send_input
@quartata Try adding some prints for debugging
@LegionMammal978 I would normally do that but print does something that causes SourcePython to spawn too many threads and segfault
@quartata idk, write to a log file or something
This is why the controller has taken 2 weeks
@LegionMammal978 I think there's a core.echo_console but considering this gets called every 66 milliseconds it wouldn't be too surprised if it caused it to blow up too
When an error gets thrown it happens too
My guess is that print keeps the thread alive long enough for the next tick's threads to spawn
You sure that function is returning None?
Unless it magically morphs into None:
def send_input(player, enemy):
  player_obj = player.player
  enemy_obj = enemy.player
  player_info = player_obj.playerinfo
  enemy_info = enemy_obj.playerinfo
  player_nades = get_nades(player)
  enemy_nades = get_nades(enemy)
  player_stickies = get_stickies(player)
  enemy_stickies = get_stickies(enemy)
  player_clip = get_clip(player)
  enemy_clip = get_clip(enemy)

    str(player_info.origin.x) + "\n" + str(player_info.origin.y) + "\n" + str(player_info.origin.z) + "\n" +
The error occurs at the player_nades + "\n" + player_stickies + "\n" +
> program_pipe.stdin.write
I'm writing it to another process
You sure it's not in player_nades?
That's a variable
(Also, that Python 2 or 3?)
Oh, you mean get_nades?
@quartata yep
That's identical to get_stickies except for a different entity name
Oh, although... it does have a flags thing
  nades += str(int(not nade.get_datamap_property_ushort("m_fFlags") & 1)) + ","
That wouldn't cause this though
@LegionMammal978 3
OK, a sacrificial print reveals them to be empty strings
@quartata what I thought
But that shouldn't cause problems....
I expect it to output some empty strings
"" + "asdf" works fine
Actually, wait a second...
what the fuck? It works now?
Oh, oops.
No, it totally works
What on earth

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