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@quartata Why, are you on your phone?
@mbomb007 No
And my eyesight is very good. It's just super small
In case someone doesn't get it: Aleph-0
@mbomb007 It should really be ω right?
Chat Mini-challenge: Print all printable characters (U+0020 - U+007F)
Note: totally not inspired by this challenge.
@LeakyNun that's an ordinal that wouldn't make sense
@LeakyNun PowerShell v2+, 17 bytes -- [char[]](32..127)
@quartata why not?
@TimmyD nice
@LeakyNun Second bottles of beer on the wall?
@quartata Ah, right.
@LeakyNun 127 isn't printable
Can there be a trailing newline between each character?
@quartata I understood that to mean "skip it"
5 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
Chat Mini-challenge: Print all printable characters (U+0020 - U+007F)
Edit: s/007F/007E/
@TimmyD Oh I didn't realize that the range was exclusive
@quartata well.... nope.
@quartata No, meaning that if it's not printable, then you obviously couldn't print it
@LeakyNun Jeez you and orlp crushing my dreams here
Fun fact, PowerShell just keeps on going ...
@quartata I'd be curious what you would come up though
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> [char[]](128..255)-join''
€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ
.NET uses UTF-16 internally for all char, and, by extension, thus all strings
@TimmyD just like this
Am I literally going to have to add a mode just to replace "\n".join with "".join
@quartata can you explain it?
@LeakyNun generates all strings that match .
@quartata and how do you do that?
@LeakyNun library
parses the regex and creates an appropriately sorted stream
Although actually this includes \x20 oops
@quartata What exactly does each character do?
@LeakyNun g specifies the mode
The rest of the string decompresses to .
(It's a hexdump of the code by the way)
Does anyone know what happened to "It's Life, Jim"?
... I didn't know tryitonline accepts hexdump
@StevenH. It got posted I think
I mean, like the end date was the 14th
@LeakyNun Dennis runs the code through xxd for Bubblegum and Cinnamon Gum
They don't have encodings so it's useful
@quartata U+0020 is printable, right.
@quartata I see
@LeakyNun Oh, yeah I suppose
A: Select the word around the given index in a given string

applejacks01Javascript (using external library) (149 bytes) (n,w)=> _.From(w).Select((x,i)=>({i:i,x:x})).Split((i,v)=>v.x==" ").Where(a=>a.Min(i=>i.i)<=n-1&&a.Max(i=>i.i)>=n-2).First().Select(i=>i.x).Write("") Link to lib:https://github.com/mvegh1/Enumerable/blob/master/linq.js Note that this code fails ...

Can somebody help me explain to him/her/whatever why the answer is invalid?
Ah, its language dependent
I ran the regex under the PRCE option here and it matched ab and cd regexpal.com
@applejacks01 Welcome.
@applejacks01 javascript does not support lookbehind.
@LeakyNun It doesn't??
Right, thats what my issue was with defining 'word' that way. I dont use regex ever but the fact that regex didnt work didnt sit well with me
uuuh... yes it is?
its not a perfect definition to use for the question
at least on all major browsers it works...
Altho thats debatable
Q: javascript regex - look behind alternative?

danielHere is a regex that works fine in most regex implementations: (?<!filename)\.js$ This matches .js for a string which ends with .js except for filename.js Javascript doesn't have regex lookbehind. Is anyone able put together an alternative regex which achieve the same result and works in java...

ah no they're still a proposal. github.com/goyakin/es-regexp-lookbehind
@applejacks01 alright.
Someone posted a JS answer using a regex, so maybe ill try theirs
is that the correct result?
according to your definition of 'word'
@applejacks01 no, because you did not put the index input into account.
Yesterday, Board Game Arena released a new Race for the Galaxy addition, Rebel v. Imperium.
However, it seems to only be available to their Club...
.NET regex is best regex
@LeakyNun ok, so the regex should be applied at the end maybe. Let me play with it
@LeakyNun ok, I'm getting cd when the result should be 'ab'. It'
s probably just an index issue
on my end
I'll get that sorted then edit my answer
I'm going to play Can't Stop on BGA, see you around.
@TimmyD perl regex bestest regex
@LeakyNun ah, I just can't reason about this. So, a|b!cd is a hypotehtical cursor placement in ab!cd. I'm missing the connection between what to do with the cursor, and the string. so lets say we broke up by cursor. We'd get [a, b!cd]. Running the regex separately on those 2 entities would yield [a,cd]
@LeakyNun , so, what is wrong?
@applejacks01 what was the regex?
@LeakyNun /\w*$/
I took the one someone used in an answer
Maybe their algorithm works for that regex, and whatever Im doing with it is wrong
@applejacks01 \w means match word character, \w* means match zero or more word characters, and $ means assert that we have come to the end of the string.
So you need to match the second portion with ^\w* instead.
@TimmyD this is true sadly
kind of a shame
@LeakyNun 'ab!cd'.match(/^\w*^\w*/)
Ok, so that should be the right regex
Let me run against your testcases again
@quartata One of the few things where .NET is not-suckiest
@applejacks01 I mean, 'a'.match(/\w*$/)+'b!cd'.match(^\w*)
@LeakyNun Either I got lucky, or that regex also works haha
It passed all your test cases
["abc", index: 0, input: "abc"]
VM155:10 ["def", index: 0, input: "def"]
VM155:11 ["abc", index: 0, input: "abc"]
VM155:12 ["cd", index: 0, input: "cd"]
VM155:13 ["cd", index: 0, input: "cd"]
VM155:14 ["ab", index: 0, input: "ab!cd"]
@TimmyD Yeah, it's sad that such a good regex flavor is wasted like that
Wow, I discovered a GolfScript quine I’ve never seen before.
@Lynn what is it?
@LeakyNun since I passed all your tests, does my answer pass now?
@applejacks01 no, because you've only tried index 0
@TimmyD retina regex best regex
ohhhhh sorry for the confusion
Well, a quine-like. It appends a newline character. But:
thats the console output
im gonna edit answer with new screenshot
i used the exact inputs you had
1 sec
@applejacks01 alright
I dunno why self when to_s’ed is the program’s code.
@NathanMerrill Uh, that uses .NET in the background, AFAIK.
it does. But it does more
@LeakyNun No, because ω != ω+1
"#{self.to_s.reverse}" prints "}esrever.s_ot.fles{#"\n and stuff, too.
@mbomb007 I see, thanks
@LeakyNun I updated the screenshot and code explanation. I believe I am mimicking all of your test cases to a T now
@Sp3000 Ouch. :P
@LeakyNun thanks, took a bit to make it work lol
I'm finished playing Can't Stop on BGA, and now can chat normally.
what is the difference between a unsigned addition and a signed one? ಠ_ಠ
;_; y u do dis
@TùxCräftîñg unsigned is +
@mınxomaτ @VTCAKAVSMoACE dubstep
@Downgoat i know what is a signed and unsigned integer, just in Processor/1 there is a instruction for a signed addition, and one for unsigned addition, but AFAIK signed addition == unsigned addition
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 they didn't even spele it right.
Even the goat notices. :/
@TùxCräftîñg that isn't true. The first bit indicates the sign on signed integers. If you do unsigned addition on two signed numbers, then adding two negative numbers would give you a positive
@TùxCräftîñg Two's complement
Or that
@TùxCräftîñg signed addition mAy return negative unaigned is alaays positive
@Downgoat your caps key is getting crazy ಠ_ಠ
;_; y u haet gaot caps kee
Goat kneecaps?
so i have to write the ugliest code ever: (uint64)((int64)a + (int64)b)
sad that the only assembler for esolangs.org/wiki/Processor/1 is a dead link :/
and the specs are really unclear
@TùxCräftîñg internet archive
forgot about this thing
unarchived D:
@NathanMerrill it doesn't index many pages though ;_;
@TùxCräftîñg @waybackmachine y u do dis ;_;
@Downgoat really? I seem to be quite lucky with it
@Downgoat It's probably people forgetting to crawl it.
The Wayback Machine doesn't do this itself.
i hate segfaults
segfaults are a nightmare
someone can create a assembler for esolangs.org/wiki/Processor/1?
@TùxCräftîñg no, you hate fixing them. It would be worse without segfaults
@Downgoat but segfaults aren't really helpful (but they indicate that your program is wrong, so it's a good start)
Question: should the standard loopholes be featured so new users can see it?
or perhaps just put a link in more questions?
@Downgoat They should be featured.
Maybe instead of community ads
To be technical, segfaults are caused by trying to access memory in locations you don't or shouldn't have access to.
It's really a very good thing that those particular errors pop up.
@BusinessCat good idea, we should have a CM ad for loopholes?
@El'endiaStarman yep, and i have found the error, trying to access the 0xFFth element of a 1 element array ._.
That's not what I meant exactly but it's not a bad idea
Though users won't see it probably because it won't always show and it requires scrolling and what if they have adblock
Any @mods here rn?
@Downgoat oh you meant a featured ad
@Downgoat El'endia Starman is the nearest mod here.
I thought you were talking about featuring it (putting it at the top of the meta list)
@NathanMerrill i meant that too
It's tricky when you can only have 2 featured meta posts
I'm not a huge fan of meta list featuring
I do like the idea of an ad though
@BusinessCat really?
remembers those forum pages that had like 20 stickied posts
A: We're not a Q&A site. But what should be done about it?

catThis little blurb from Downgoat's PPCG Design Userscript: Before you post, take some time to read through the forbidden loopholes if you haven't done so already. That appears right above the Post your answer button when the script is enabled. Here's what it looks like as I type this: ...

This is a good idea but probably won't happen
At least, not soon
Also can we change the question on the tiur page? It isn't a good example of a high-quality question
s/tiur/tour/ ಠ_ಠ
Dear lord that is an awful question
The second answer is also invalid
Q: Answer to life, the universe, and everything

Mateen UlhaqPost the shortest code possible that will output 42 only if the input is: abbcccddddeeeee ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

@Downgoat PPCG mods can change that question.
@TùxCräftîñg why does the number "24" have a weird colour?
@El'endiaStarman hm, is it a good idea to ping all the mods? None of them seem to be active rn
weird is a weird word ._.
@TùxCräftîñg why?
@Downgoat nah, I'd ping a community manager to ping the mods
@NathanMerrill are you trolling?
> Weird was extinct by the 16th century in English. It survived in Scots, whence Shakespeare borrowed it in naming the Weird Sisters, reintroducing it to English. The senses "abnormal", "strange" etc. arose via reinterpretation of Weird Sisters and date from after this reintroduction.
yes, joking
Dennis appears to be most recently active mod,will ping him
@Downgoat @Dennis can you look at changing this question?
@NathanMerrill martin "talked" is 2h but dennis is like 34min
ah. He just entered the room more recently then?
he appears earlier in my chat list
Hello @Fatalize!
Short story prompt: High Fantasy.
@NathanMerrill im not sure
Submission was a fantasy. About getting high.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ._.
@Downgoat I'd consider you a stalker if you knew /s
wasn't me, but I created the prompt
Weekly "dare to answer?" question: None for today. :(
Retrospective question:
Q: What is the smallest positive base 10 integer that can be printed by a program shorter (in characters) than itself?

ArandurI think the question as above is clear, but just in case: Write a full program (not just a function) which prints a positive base 10 integer, optionally followed by a single newline. Qualifying programs will be those whose output is longer (in bytes) than the source code of the program, measure...

A total of one question was featured today from the newsletter.
so unsigned addition === signed addition
>>> hex(36893488147419103223L)
@TùxCräftîñg Uhh... ^
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 in a 64-bit wrapping unsigned integer >_>
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 python has arvitrary prescesion ints so there,s no overflow
arvitrary? prescesion?? ,s??? ಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠ
keybaord haet gaots visibly ;_;
@TùxCräftîñg How old are you, if you don't mind?
@TùxCräftîñg yes ;_;
and your real age?
@LeakyNun You don't like my script naming convention?
@TimmyD i just found it funny xd
@TùxCräftîñg >__> don't tell SE that.
@Downgoat They know it, regardless.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 ? how
message history >_>
omf c9 takes forever to restore from hibernation
@LeakyNun lol
what is the behavior of INT ಠ_ಠ esolangs.org/wiki/Processor/1
ah there is a interrupt vector table somewhere
You trying to write an interpreter?
but the specs are really unclear
so my vm can be recompiled to little-endian/big-endian
and i am trying to understand the behaviour of INT
because the spec dont definy what use i would use a "predefined" IVT
Just wasted a few hours with this: superlooper.universlabs.co.uk
Q____Q C9 is borked ;____; i didn't even push my changes Q_____Q
@SuperJedi224 Never knew you were on Googology Wiki
> The Myrioterfact (coined by SuperJedi224)
@TùxCräftîñg IDK, try implementing some standard DOS ones for a start
i am implementing a IVT of this form: 64-bit IVT size (in qwords), 64-bit addresses
@mınxomaτ Pfft. I post it with an image not found and get no stars :( :P
should a signed operation set the overflow flag on a addition of two negatives numbers for example?
@mınxomaτ Oh jeez...this sounds pretty addictive... :P
why everyone say hi? when i say O HAI @USER
Q: Ordering a list

Nathan MerrillSummary Given a list of integers, return the index each integer would end up at when sorted. For example, if the list was [0,8,-1,5,8], you should return [1,3,0,2,4]. Note that the two 8s maintain their order relative to each other (the sort is stable). Put another way: For each element in t...

@TùxCräftîñg Their O and A and caps, and shift keys must be borked :(
@TùxCräftîñg Time to tear off a new account and change my display name to "USER".
@Downgoat :(
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 ಠ_ಠ
5 mins ago, by TùxCräftîñg
should a signed operation set the overflow flag on a addition of two negatives numbers for example?
Well you never say O HAI @me so I don't get a chance to not say hi?
@TùxCräftîñg hi
> I tried to lunch a simplest app
> I tried to lunch
> lunch
wait... how to check overflow on a integer ಠ_ಠ
Someone busted their 'a' key @Downgoat
> it was app-atizing
@TùxCräftîñg you can't
but my i7 can ;_;
are you writing an interpreter for the assembly?
i am writing a VM for esolangs.org/wiki/Processor/1
and there is a overflow bit on Code Review the CR register
so i think i should check for overflow
@NewMainPosts can anybody verify what this is called? I've seen it called "grade up" and "grade down", but can't find any outside resources on either term
but it's written nowhere in the specs
25/30 consecutives day on PPCG \o/
It’s actually called “grading up.” — Lynn 2 mins ago
so... ASSEMBLY FTW \o/
I know, but so far, Lynn is the only one calling it grade up
I'm just looking for a secondary reference
@HelkaHomba why start another survival mode before finishing previous one?
Racket has so many builtins for ridiculous tasks that probably are never done nearly often enough to warrant it being a builtin (not as bad as Mathematica, though), so I'm surprised that it doesn't have a grading (up/down) builtin
bah, "Grade a list" is 14 characters.
found this on SO to check for overflow: r < (x | y)
@Optimizer Because releasing a video from the same series every day gets monotous
@NathanMerrill "Grade up a list"?
I'm doing research, and this makes no sense:
A: Grade Up/Down APL order

Steven SchroederYou are using both the grade up ⍋ and grade down ⍒ as monadic primitives. By definition grade up returns an integer array of indices which specify the sorted order of the expression following it, in ascending order. If any elements are equal (in your example the two letter l's) , they will appe...

why does grading "Hello" return 1,2,3,4,5?
shouldn't it be 2,1,3,4,5?
oooh, I understand. My algorithm is slightly different than Grading, I think
For example, grading "Zambia" returns "2 6 4 5 3 1"
which indicates that the second character goes first, then the sixth character, and so on
where my challenge would return "6,1,5,3,4,2"
which indicates that the first character goes sixth, the second character goes first, and so one
@El'endiaStarman wooo
@NewMainPosts ;__; I have 57 byte cheddar answer but I never pushed changes yesterday and C9 is locking me out so I can't push ;__;
@AlexA. You may be on to something with this plagiarism thing
@Downgoat It certainly isn't. I'm not sure how these get seleted. I'll look into it.
Q: Calculate the Super-Logarithm

mbomb007This should be a simple challenge. Given a number n >= 0, output the super-logarithm (or the log*, log-star, or iterated logarithm, which are equivalent since n is never negative for this challenge.) of n. This is one of the two inverse functions to tetration. The other is the super-root, whi...

Q: Guard your can with your life!

Rohan JhunjhunwalaLets Play Kick The Can! Kick the can is a children's game. Involving one defender, and multiple attackers. Today it is no longer such a game! Your job is to write a bot that plays it, to win, king-of-the-hill style! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kick_the_can There are some key differences in t...

never knew that JS supported lookaheads in RegExp
@NewMainPosts ಠ_ಠ
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Peter TaylorPartial factorisations of a positive integer code-golf combinatorics set-partitions number-theory A collection of positive integers d_1 d_2 ... d_k is a factorisation of a positive integer n if d_1 * d_2 * ... * d_k = n Each positive integer has a unique prime factorisation, but in general t...

Now on the SE mobile web version, selected sections now differ more visibly in that they show up with inverted color.
what on earth is going on
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ hi
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ hello
@Downgoat hello
@muddyfish hello
omg this hello spam xD
;_; y u upvoet python maor than javscript
because python is better
@muddyfish nope
@Downgoat wat
Apr 20 at 0:11, by LegionMammal978
42 messages moved to Trash
Not very original
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Proof: imgur.com/nwxAXQS
No small caps pls
sorry, my keyboard randomly slips in to small caps. trust me, it annoys me too
@BusinessCat ᴡʜʏ ɴᴏᴛ?
@muddyfish ;_; y u rickrol chatgaot
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Your keyboard can type small caps?
@BusinessCat yeah.
That is strange
not much stranger than most things
in Trash, Jul 2 at 18:27, by muddyfish
← Stuff moved from The Nineteenth Byte
I just had a powercut
Can you guys judge?
A: Calculate the Super-Logarithm

Leaky NunPython 3, 44 bytes lambda n:sorted([n,1,2,15,3814279]).index(n) Test suite.

What do you think?
(See the comments inside)
TBH you're abusing the fact that a person failed to clarify a certain point, which should instead be pointed out the comments as per some meta post that I forget where it is.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Well, in my point of view, since the highest input to be supported is already stated, I saw no fault with using this approach.
Especially since there are only 5 possible outputs.
Its almost certainly a standard loophole
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

Peter TaylorHard-coding the output Unless the question is an obvious exception (the primary exception being those tagged kolmogorov-complexity), your program is expected to do work, not just print a pre-calculated result. If the question doesn't require input and so a solution which just prints the answer w...

wow, this must of been painstakingly golfed :P – Downgoat 1 hour ago
:| sorry
my poor eyes
lol, that's how it went from +2-0 to +2-4
;___; why would you upvote a built-in and not answers that have put an actual attempt to golf i do not understand
@Downgoat where is this?
Q: Ordering a list

Nathan MerrillSummary Given a list of integers, return the index each integer would end up at when sorted. For example, if the list was [0,8,-1,5,8], you should return [1,3,0,2,4]. Note that the two 8s maintain their order relative to each other (the sort is stable). Put another way: For each element in t...

answers using builtins have 3x the votes of all other answers
its not even FGITW here

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