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@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Depends on how crazy the approach is. For any sane implementation, 15 should be small enough. But for code golf...
Sane implementation and code golf are mutually exclusive in most cases
It's kind of entertaining that the golfing languages are basically the only ones that can get away with both
ergo malty uses pyth for real stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have a suggestion for the memes meta post: delete the questionable one(s), add a reminder to Be Nice in the question body, and unlock it.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ pyth actually memoizes everything, so dynamic programming is super easy
oh, cool! everything?
There are still quite a few memes in that thread that aren't unfunny or mean and are still ongoing (failing to outgolf Dennis, disapproval face, anagram usernames, Java, Geobits downvoting)
you just write the recursive top down approach, and it automatically becomes dynamic programming
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ all functions
oh, I see
that's helpful
(you can turn it off with the -M flag)
Mini challenge: print "no more memes" is input is truthy, else print "memes no more"
Foo: "more memes!"
@HelkaHomba jd.>WQc"no more memes")1
oops ninja
actual, yours is shorter
Q: Golf me an HQ9+ Compiler

Rohan JhunjhunwalaYour task is "simple" should you choose to accept it. Write an HQ9+ compiler in a language of your choice. Your submission should be written in some language x, and should take input of hq9 source and output a program in language y which may be the same as x but may not be HQ9+. Wait I know...

@Maltysen I'm doing it
can I post if I come up with one?
@LeakyNun doing what?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you realize that even if languages X and Y are the same, I can just make my program C which is tha cat command in CHIQRSX9+ :P
🎵 Do you hear the people sing? 🎵
🎵Singing a song of angry men! 🎵
🎵 It's the music of a people who will not be slaves again! 🎵
♩ Call me old-fashioned... ♩
@Maltysen You could use Luis' algorithm to come up with another answer in Pyth
to partition
I have invented a new language:
what does it do?
The source file is an ID of a question, for example 84103
The program solves the question.
It takes on average a day to a week to compile (transpiles into C), depending on how hard the question is.
Also, compiling requires an internet connection.
Totally not abusing loopholes
@Downgoat are you using APG, SLK, or Jison for Cheddar?
@flawr i know how to do your problem
Hi quatatata
@flawr Huh, interesting.
@flawr Oh no, you're gonna suck me back into doing higher-numbered PE problems, aren't ya...
1 hour later…
@flawr Oh hey, I think you mentioned this before. I remember thinking about it.
Challenge idea that probably isn't possible to actually create: Guess the PIN: write a program in fewer than X bytes that outputs a list of all combinations 0000 through 9999 in some order of your choice. The winner is the program that guesses the correct PIN with the lowest average number of guesses, given the real-world distribution of PIN numbers.
1 hour later…
> PIN numbers
Personal identification number numbers
@PhiNotPi So just employ Benford's Law?
@Poke the prerequisite of Benford's Law is that the numbers need to span multiple orders
so in this case it does not apply
does it?
it's more or less a corollary of Zipf
which can be applied to any set?
	PIN	Freq
#1	1234	10.713%
#2	1111	6.016%
#3	0000	1.881%
#4	1212	1.197%
#5	7777	0.745%
#6	1004	0.616%
#7	2000	0.613%
#8	4444	0.526%
#9	2222	0.516%
#10	6969	0.512%
#11	9999	0.451%
#12	3333	0.419%
#13	5555	0.395%
#14	6666	0.391%
#15	1122	0.366%
#16	1313	0.304%
#17	8888	0.303%
#18	4321	0.293%
#19	2001	0.290%
#20	1010	0.285%
let's just use entropy analysis
you realize that #1 and #2 both start with a "1"... so you already have 16.7% of pins
@Poke cool
and almost 20% with the top 20 you've listed
seems to follow Benford imo
I see
@Poke but I think entropy analysis is better
might be
this is the first time i'm in here with sound on... the ping sound is startling as hell
@Poke alright
why u serve Cloud9 traffic
he should get a heroku
Any feedback on this proposed challenge?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

R. KapSinusoidal codechallengetrigonometrygraphmath We all know how cool sinusoidal functions look. I mean, they repeat for all infinity (and beyond) and create these really awesome curves that just completely mesmerize me. Therefore, I thought of creating a challenge where, given a sinusoidal functio...

@Poke I was wondering how long it would take for someone to call me out on that.
It has nothing to do with Benford's / Zipf's laws
Or, maybe it does have something to do with Zipf's law, but there's definitely other factors.
(To clarify, Benford and Zipf are totally unrelated)
The main thing stopping this challenge is that I can't seem to find a complete list of every PIN and frequency.
@Downgoat I'm waiting for you to wake up.
@Maltysen pls halp how 2 heroku
@thepiercingarrow i was up, just out all day >_>
phone battery died too ;-;
@Downgoat heroku.com
mak accnut
fur fere
new ndoe appcilatoin
@thepiercingarrow i made my own grammar lexer as A) i didnt wanna learn Jison / etc B) didn't support the level of customizability i want
@Downgoat coolio
@Maltysen ive tried but idk how 2 do static website
@Downgoat OOoh I love heroku
been using it for a while
@Downgoat oh, yeah your repl is client side
works great with node
@thepiercingarrow yeah, seems to be pretty popular
@Downgoat You use express for a static website
@Downgoat well, for static, you can just do a simple static node server
or i would just reccommend github.io
@Maltysen i can always run a REST server and run cheddar server side
var express = require('express');
that would actually be better
@Downgoat nah client is better
but cheddar doesn't really properly support client side
see how weird errors are
i would just say github.io honestly
Ew no
Github pages is for the weak
its completely static, right?
Oh hell no
@Downgoat its not?
i have a thing that updates it from GH pushes
@Downgoat right, but the actual repl is static
as in completely client side
Backend needs to generate the scripts and all to serve though
@Downgoat pre-commit hooks
< disapporval face >
Stupid replacement didnt work >_>
but if you want to do dynamic server, a simple node application should be easy
@Downgoat What exactly do you want?
@Downgoat Downgoat Downgoat are you there?
@Maltysen its not the app that is difficult. It's managing the heroku, github hooks, deployment, etc.
@Downgoat there are tutorials
it is super easy
(not that i did node, i did flask)
IIRC you just need to push to heroku
and it automagically deploys
I dont wanna do this stuff manually
ill probably set up a travis thing that sends a key to the heroku server which then rebuilds and deploys automatically
but this happens when you push to github
I don't have a Heroku, Github, or anything else like those...
TIL Jelly has a partitions atom.
Where did everybody go?... go ... go ......
@R.Kap to play league. chrome with many tabs takes up too much memory to also run a vm on the side >_>
@Maltysen Well, that will happen with pretty much any browser
Maybe you could try closing some unneeded tabs?...
@R.Kap that's what i'm doing
Says the guy who has 30+ tabs open currently
i also need to close all network heavy tabs, like tnb
so bye for like the next 45 mins
Okay then. Bye
@Downgoat How do I do a gradient background?
@R.Kap You DONT ?
@thepiercingarrow No. I mean, it's not like I ever really needed one.
@R.Kap How do you deploy servers without making your parents angry?
@R.Kap Where do you host your git servers?
Hello @zʏᴀʙiɴ101
Why would I need to deploy servers?...I'm only 15.
Hi both
@R.Kap I'm 14
For fun
What do you put on the server?
My node games and stuff to test with friends
I once used heroku to host a minecraft server as well
@R.Kap And where do you back up your git repositories?
That's cool. I've never really hosted a server before, let alone a Minecraft server...
@thepiercingarrow I store all my programming scripts in Google Drive...
Nice. What operating system do you use?
@thepiercingarrow Why?
Curious. I'd guess BSD, OS X, Windows, or Ubuntu
I saw that "LOL"...
I use OS X
Same right now
I'd rather be using linux but I'm stuck in HK with my labtop
@thepiercingarrow That's like 95% of OS on personal computers...
> labtop
So, your PC is dog-powered? :D
@mınxomaτ No, it's chemistry powered.
@Katenkyo lol. So true.
But on SE you also find a lot of debian, arch (me), and minix users. And I also know a void linux user on SE.
@Katenkyo I'd go so far as to say its 99%
I have used Ubuntu...
@R.Kap XD I'm soo good at guessing
@R.Kap What languages do you know?
@thepiercingarrow yep, so wasn't hard to guess! ^^
Also how many % of your time on your computer is in the console/terminal?
@thepiercingarrow I currently know Java and Python. What about you?
New challenge in 10 minutes
@LeakyNun I'll setup my Lua gear so ^^
@Katenkyo good luck and have fun ^^
@thepiercingarrow I would say about 10 percent of the time. The rest of the time I use writing various Python and/or Java scripts.
Any feedback on this challenge anyone?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

R. KapParse and Graph the Sinusoidal Function codechallengetrigonometrygraphicaloutputmathparsing We all know how cool sinusoidal functions look. I mean, they repeat for all infinity (and beyond) and create these really awesome curves that just completely mesmerize me. Therefore, I thought of creating...

@R.Kap You don't write your Java and Python scripts in the terminal?
@thepiercingarrow Maybe he does work in an IDE
@thepiercingarrow I write my Java scripts using the Eclipse IDE and Python ones using the PyCharm IDE.
@thepiercingarrow What languages do you know and how long have you been programming for?
@R.Kap C for 2 years, Java for 2 weeks
@R.Kap Bash for 6 months
JavaScript/NodeJS for 4 years
I suck at Java and Bash though.
@thepiercingarrow Wow, 4 years. That's pretty good.
thx, but I'm not as good at JS - I'm better at C
Also I can only make very simple scripts on bash - I just learned it because its the simplest scripting lang to learn.
@R.Kap How long have you programmed?
@Katenkyo wait, it isn't very interesting, so I'm reconsidering it
@thepiercingarrow For about 6-7 months now.
@R.Kap Neat. Have you ever tried emacs or neovim ? (They are text editors.)
@LeakyNun Finding good challenges is a challenge in itself^^
@LegionMammal978 And I conjecture that they are all of the forms "sum (-1)^r(nCr)(f(x-r))"
i.e. they only differ in terms of the starting value
that's why f(n) = f(n-1)+f(n-2) isn't a polynomial
@Katenkyo abandoned, lol
@Katenkyo créer un challenge :)
@thepiercingarrow Not really...
But... What will I do with my Lua D:
@R.Kap You should
@LeakyNun The verb créer is really painful to use in some tense ^^
@thepiercingarrow Can you write regular expressions to parse strings?
la voiture qu'il a créée
@thepiercingarrow Well, I mainly use the built in Text Editor (TextEdit).
@LeakyNun créeriez is worst :p
@LeakyNun qu'il créât
@Katenkyo tu fis cela?
@R.Kap Nonono dont
@R.Kap Do you have homebrew?
@thepiercingarrow Yes, of course I do. That's what I use to download the many modules for Python.
@R.Kap not pip?
just curious
@R.Kap Okay. Do brew install emacs
@thepiercingarrow NOOOOOO
@thepiercingarrow Don't.
@Maltysen Relax. I'll teach him neovim too. But first emacs - because its easier.
@Maltysen I also use pip, but also use Homebrew for anything I can't get with pip.
@R.Kap oic
I already have Emacs built into the terminal though...
@R.Kap That isn't updated
you need to get it through homebrew if you want updates (same with git, gcc, etc.)
@R.Kap oic == oh i see
:30745845 Okay do you have emacs yet?
@LeakyNun I think you mean As-tu fais cela? which we commonly phrase as Tu as fait ça? or Tu l'as fait? depending on context and what we're speaking about
@thepiercingarrow I'm getting it.
Also, I just started doing it :p
@thepiercingarrow Meanwhile, I really would like to know whether you can work with regular expressions. Can you?
@Katenkyo Le passé simple est plus golfy xd
(And ça is the ontraction of cela, the main difference being that cela is overly formal for most uses ;))
@LeakyNun Yes, but doesn't carry the right meaning :p
@Katenkyo Que signifierait "tu fis ça"?
@R.Kap Yeah, why?
@LeakyNun Hum, I don't know what you want to say using t' there ^^
@thepiercingarrow That's cool. So can I. And I was just curious.
@LeakyNun you know a lot of algorithms and stuff: how do you deal with vertical lines when checking for a point being in convex hull?
@R.Kap Btw, you have /usr/local/bin/ first in your path, right?
@Katenkyo T'as dit qu'il a pas la signification correct
@Maltysen I've no idea about convex hulls, but
Algorithms that construct convex hulls of various objects have a broad range of applications in mathematics and computer science. In computational geometry, numerous algorithms are proposed for computing the convex hull of a finite set of points, with various computational complexities. Computing the convex hull means that a non-ambiguous and efficient representation of the required convex shape is constructed. The complexity of the corresponding algorithms is usually estimated in terms of n, the number of input points, and h, the number of points on the convex hull. == Planar case == Consider...
@thepiercingarrow I think so. How do I check again?
@R.Kap After emacs finishes, you might also want brew install neovim/neovim/neovim
@R.Kap echo $PATH
@LeakyNun i already have the hull
whatever, i guess y/0=999999999999999 is good enough
@thepiercingarrow Oh man, I totally forgot. I was trying to get Python 3.5.1 to work in terminal, and apparently I had to change it, so it's not /usr/local/bin first. It's more along the lines of /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/...
@Katenkyo fais-me ping lorsque tu l'as fini
@LeakyNun Because the passé simple is used to tell people about a past story that have no connection with the present
@Katenkyo I see
exemple Tu nous fis une tarte au citron puis nous allâmes déjeuner dans le jardin.
@Katenkyo thanks
We don't use it a lot because it's a formal tense, mostly used in books
@thepiercingarrow It's still working perfectly though.
@R.Kap What's working?
@thepiercingarrow emacs
@LeakyNun Ping moi lorsque tu (l')as finis
@Katenkyo fini
@R.Kap What do you get when you type emacs ?
@thepiercingarrow "Welcome to GNU Emacs, a part of the GNU operating system..." so on so forth.
@R.Kap Sorry, I meant the command: type emacs
@thepiercingarrow "emacs is /usr/local/bin/emacs"
So I guess it still worked. :)
@LeakyNun don't know where this s comes from Oo
@R.Kap You know all the emacs bindings?
@Katenkyo :p
@LeakyNun You're looking at all my previous golf? ^^
I discovered lots of tricks this them, and most aren't fully golfed ^^
@Katenkyo oui
@R.Kap Also, do you use iterm2 or terminal?
@thepiercingarrow I am greeted with a list of all the bindings once I start Emacs, but when I try them, they do not really work...
@thepiercingarrow I use Terminal.
@thepiercingarrow How do I exit Emacs?
@R.Kap ^W to Write to file, then ^Q to Quit, I think.
I have null experience with Emacs, so I don't know exactly.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 It's saying C-x C-c to quit...
I have tried Control-x, but I cannot get it to work.
@R.Kap which ones aren’t working? c stands for control, not mod4
do this to quit:
press control; press x; release x; press c; release c; release control;
do this to save:
press control; press x; release x; press s; release s; release control;
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Thats nano lol
@thepiercingarrow Weird. I had tried that before, but it did not seem to work. Well, it works now. thanks! :)
alternatively to quit, you could also:
press control; press x; release x; release control;
press control; press c; release c; release control;
@R.Kap I do this because its faster:
press control, press x, press c, then release all
@R.Kap Isn't emacs coloring so pleasant to look at?
@thepiercingarrow I have null experience with Emacs, but I had to try to answer.
@thepiercingarrow Nice, that worked too. :) Now, what does C-h r mean?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 lol XD
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Those "new challenge" instincts just kicked in, didn't they?
@R.Kap Nope. >_>
@R.Kap C-h opens the help menu, and r forwards you to the info-emacs-manual
@R.Kap If you do c-h ? then wait for a sec, it shows you all the different help menus.
> info-emacs-manuel
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Well, you still had to answer...
@R.Kap brew cask install iterm2 its better than terminal. Also whoops zyabin101 - fixed thx.
@thepiercingarrow You typoed in info-emacs-manuel ==> info-emacs-manual.
@thepiercingarrow What advantages does iterm2 have over Terminal?
@R.Kap more features, and also more customizable
@R.Kap I have a screenshot that I think shows how awesome it is.. wait one sec lemme find it
@thepiercingarrow make a challenge xd
I'm too bored
@LeakyNun Here or on code golf SE ?
@R.Kap Do you see how awesome iterm2 is now?
@R.Kap The first picture is gcc, the second one is emacs with gdb. See how much better emacs is than textedit ?
@LeakyNun Wait A golf challange or a programming challange? I have a really fun programming challange.
@thepiercingarrow any
@thepiercingarrow either
@thepiercingarrow care to share?
its a USACO training program
Barn Repair

It was a dark and stormy night that ripped the roof and gates off the stalls that hold Farmer John's cows. Happily, many of the cows were on vacation, so the barn was not completely full.

The cows spend the night in stalls that are arranged adjacent to each other in a long line. Some stalls have cows in them; some do not. All stalls are the same width.

Farmer John must quickly erect new boards in front of the stalls, since the doors were lost. His new lumber supplier will supply him boards of any length he wishes, but the supplier can only deliver a small number of total boar
@thepiercingarrow What is USACO? And what is this training program?
@thepiercingarrow where is this copied from?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 USACO is a programming contest for high schoolers, and, as a freshman, i'm currently preparing for it. This training program is basically a ton of articles and practice problems for you to do.
@thepiercingarrow Wow, that is pretty cool! So you can interact with it using mouse events?
@thepiercingarrow Have you heard of code.google.com?
@R.Kap Yup, but only the panel on the right, and on some programs like emacs, just configure it correctly. It also supports 256 color (terminal only supports 8 colors).
@R.Kap Yeah why?
@thepiercingarrow easier challenges please, lol
this is codegolf
Lol yeah. This took my about 6 hours. This is my solution:
Well, I could find the differences between each pair, and then find the maximum difference
@thepiercingarrow I'm thinking of participating in it next year (I got too late this year). Do you think this is more worth it or USACO?
@R.Kap Wait does google code have a contest? Also I've never done usaco, next year (this year) will be my first.
@thepiercingarrow Yup. Right here.
@LeakyNun Genius. Thats exactly what I did (the second time. The first time I failed lol).
@thepiercingarrow But I'm failing
@thepiercingarrow Never mind. Pyth: 28 bytes: has>thQtMS.b-NYtJSsM.zJ-eJhJ
@LeakyNun WTF
okay let me find the USACO list of test cases...
You've never seen golfing languages?
it just finds maximum differences
@LeakyNun no I know about pyth. I just didn't expect you to solve it so fast. This took my hours.
oh, lol
I already said it
maximum differences
uh oh
found a bug
@LeakyNun It doesn't work for this test case:
2 10 4
@thepiercingarrow pyth.herokuapp.com/…
2,3,4,6,7,8 is 6
I've changed the input format
@thepiercingarrow How do you apply for this USACO program?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

R. KapParse and Graph the Sinusoidal Function (either fastestcode or code-golf) trigonometrygraphicaloutputmathparsing We all know how cool sinusoidal functions look. I mean, they repeat for all infinity (and beyond) and create these really awesome curves that just completely mesmerize me. Therefore,...

@thepiercingarrow Any more challenges?
@thepiercingarrow following original format: 32 bytes: has>thshczdtMS.b-NYtJSsM.zJ-eJhJ
Chat not so mini challenge: make a "Hello, World!" web server.
The server listens on port 8932 (8WEB), awaiting requests.
while true; do { echo -e 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'; echo Hello, World!; } | nc -l 8932; done (not tested)

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