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@LegionMammal978 uh you mean a^(b mod phi(n)) mod n?
So a^b^c = a^(b^c mod phi(n)) mod n
i think we should create a chat room for decoding this message
@flawr yup
it seems weird, but i there's a cool proof
as I was saying one can write b as k(b//k) + b%k for all k
@Maltysen I've never been good at modular arithmetic, just remembered that the totient could be used somewhere in the exponent
@flawr so then, a^b becomes (a^k)^(b//k) * a^(b%k)
then, if you set k = phi(n)
Oh thats a very nice proof=)
you have a^phi(n)^(b//phi(n) * a^(b mod phi(n)) so the first part is 1 by fermat's little theorem
But...but...phi is the golden ratio...
so you're left with a^b(mod phi(n))
Thinking of it we're making use of the group stucture of the multiplicative group of units of Z/nZ
@R.Kap also totient
Thank you very much!!
@TùxCräftîñg done
@flawr if c is still too big, you can always recurse this
@Dennis question: Why lock the alex meme post rather than delete it completely?
@Maltysen We only need to know b^c mod phi(n), and that is easy to do=)
@Downgoat so that people don't undelete it
Again thank you very much.
@R.Kap and there's this famous theorem called fermat's little theorem, which in its general form says that a^phi(n) is congruent to 1 mod n
A giant leap for me, a little step for mankind.
@quartata though IIRC only mods/CMs can undelete posts that have been deleted by mods
@Maltysen It never occured to me that this exponent is phi(n) when you consider Z/nZ!
I always just abstractly considered the group order when considering fermats little theorem
That is really nice!
idk abstract algebra ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but sure :P
@Maltysen You should definitely look into it if you ever have the opportunity=)
A certain MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ from android.SE just signed up to spy on my Message room for whatever reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do you have any suggestions on where to start?
It depends on what you already learned?
Are you familiar with linear algebra?
@flawr kinda not really
So, I decompiled stardew valley just to check out the source code, and I found a line with 420 letters in it
It is not really necessary, but it probably helps a bit.
Can anyone tell what effect is mentioned around 8:18? Pulfic effect?
Then I recommend going into group theory.
any textbook recommnedations?
There is a great book that covers all kinds of topics from abstract algebra
> You cannot kick a user from this room that has never spoken here.
Why are you trying to kick someone who is just watching?
It is really my favourite book ever, and I still use it a lot:
"Algebra" by M. Artin
It is a really fat thing
@quartata Good question...
@LegionMammal978 Because you'd have no reason to. You can always ignore.
You can probably find it on library genesis
Oh well, have it on Gallery Mode anyway
This is my favourite book: amazon.com/...
@LegionMammal978 People with pure white avatars are worse than lurkers anyway >:|
@flawr thanks!
@HelkaHomba [citation needed]
It does cover some of the linear algebra, group theory, ring theory, field theory, galois theory and number theory edit: and modul theory
The most beautiful subjects in math=)
@flawr Does it cover avocad theory?
@flawr Yeah, linear algebra is cool
@LegionMammal978 Nope.
@flawr found it online
@Bálint not funny, apparently
Just saw a whole bunch of flags (I think 5) were they all from here?
@Bálint while that message shouldn't have been flagged. Rickrolls are pretty much just spam and annoying
@Phrancis only one here
we marked it invalid
OK thanks for clarifying
@Downgoat shouldn't of been flagged?
words are hard
yes they is
@Bálint >_> it doesn't matter as long as the message came across
.com domain price distribution for the flippa.com auction website.
@Downgoat It took me 10-15 secs to decipher it
@Downgoat the period instead of a comma made it especially confusing
@Bálint it's allowed english:
A: Is "of" instead of "have" correct?

DanielIn speech, this is merely a relaxation of pronunciation - should have becomes should've, must have becomes must've. This relaxed pronunciation is fine. However, the contracted have (i.e. -ve) should not be written as of. Of sounds similar to -ve, so many people erroneously think should of and ...

@Downgoat no its not
> However, the contracted have (i.e. -ve) should not be written as of.
I yelled at Microsoft at Twitter (they responded). Worked (I'd like to think). The issue is now fixed. @TùxCräftîñg can you test at your end?
Anyone think this challenge is ready to go on the main page?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

R. KapType It In! code-golfstring Given the input of a sequence of normal keyboard keys and keyboard actions, output the product when all the actions are processed based on the following keyboard: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | ~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & | * | ( | ) | ...

@Maltysen 99% of people don't care and can understand "should of" just as well as "should have", it doesn't matter.
@Maltysen it's
@Bálint ._.
@Downgoat Grammatically it makes no sense whatsoever
of isn't even a verb
why don't we stop being grammar nazis pls
@Fatalize would you rather I use "shouldn't've"?
English grammar is already ridiculously simple, native speakers could make an effort and speak properly
@Downgoat that's allowed
Linear algocad
> ridiculously simple
@Maltysen I know, that's the point, but it's very informal.
@LegionMammal978 That's easy, it's [1+avocad 2 + avocad (new line) 3 + avocad 4 + avocad]
> aspects of it literally makes no sense whatsoever
I've only heard hillbillies say it
@quartata make*
@LegionMammal978 ಠ_ಠ
> joke
@Bálint error invalid dimensions
@Fatalize ofcof of of o forb
@Bálint *avocado
Seriously though I'm a native speaker and I think English grammar is kinda dumb in some ways
@Bálint Is avocad even a tensor?
@LegionMammal978 but you can't add scalar to matrix (unless its like matlab)
@quartata Regardless of whether kit's dumbd or not, there are very few things to know
@Maltysen There is no such things as "invalid dimension" in linear avocado
@LegionMammal978 You can't add a scalar and a matrix though
should be, should do, should say, etc. => should HAVE
how is that difficult
to get
It isn't. But the way should've is pronounced sounds like should of, as a result regional things emerge where people write it like that in informal contexts
@Fatalize Got it. I'll be sure to run every chat message here through Grammarly.
I noticed some things that native speakers seem to get wrong more often that people who had to consciously learn it.
@Downgoat Would you rather I use "shouldn't've"? I don't understand this sentence
@MartinEnder You should answer this challenge in Retina: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/66202/product-over-a-range
Though Retina was a diff version then
@Bálint Instead of "shouldn't of", which sounds nearly identical to "shouldn't have", I'm asking if Fatalize would prefer I use, "shouldn't've", which is very informal English, used mostly by hillbillies, but valid.
> Would you rather I use
@Bálint yeah?
@Downgoat Would you ...I use
@Bálint I have no idea what you're saying.
@Downgoat Can a sentence have 2 subjects?
Anyone knows, how can I create a new namespace in visual studio?
@Bálint "I" is the object (if I'm remembering how to english correctly)
@Downgoat I don't think "shouldn't've" is hillbilly language. It's just a quick way to say "shouldn't have"
@HelkaHomba I'm talking about in writing
I've never seen "shouldn't've" in a book, except in quotes where a hillbilly is speaking.
Super weird bug I've got in Pytek right now: an isprime function written in Pytek works properly, except that when you try to print the input, you get 0.
best thing in a Casio calculator is that sqrt(17) returns sqrt(17)
@Downgoat The hillbillies in Texas say shouldna, not shouldntve (en.wiktionary.org/wiki/shouldna)
texas hillbillies are not only hillbillies
@Optimizer you have to like 2nd = right?
@HelkaHomba IT's not faster to pronounce it IMO
@Maltysen not =, a separate button
Even worse:
According to Google maps, going from San Francisco to Portland takes 10.5hrs by car and 20hrs by train. Whereas going from Berlin to Paris takes 10.25hrs by car but 8-12hrs by train.
Why are europe's trains so much faster o_o
Q: I hate Mondays!

Rohan JhunjhunwalaYou should a program in language X, which will only output its source code (i.e function as a quine) when it is not a monday. On monday it should output some string with a levehnstein distance of 4 from the source code. i.e if the code is aaaa on sunday it should output aaaa and on monday it coul...

@HelkaHomba Because Europe
TIL that you can bring Source to its knees with a recursive alias
@LegionMammal978 Invalid dimensions
@HelkaHomba People use public transportation more in Europe so I guess they have more incentive to spent more money to make them faster
I suspect more people would use public transportation in the US if it didn't suck
@mbomb007 hm, neat. I'll probably answer in the latest version and mark it non-competing though
@quartata And if it wasn't restrained by the car and oil industry.
yay microsoft login is working \o/
@HelkaHomba Also, you don't need to go trough so many hills
@NewMainPosts I still think JS Function string casting shouldn't count as a proper quine
Then again the challenge doesn't mention it needing to be proper at all
:30762227 The train from Berlin to Paris doesn't go trough the Alps
@Downgoat If I delete, people won't see the note I put at the top.
And third reason: TGV
@Bálint I meant generally in europe vs usa
@Dennis can't you 11 out most of the content?
@flawr Generally, trains are faster in USA, because there are more flat places in the USA
Especially in the western part
@Maltysen Not sure I'm getting the point.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Jolf's f needs something for day of the week
@mbomb007 oh wait, negative numbers... I think I'll pass...
@Bálint I don't think so. At least all the trains I considered were quite slow. Most of their track systems aren't built for great speeds.
@flawr Currently, in my country trains can only go with 50-60 km/h because of the state of the train tracks
Should the result of nil being cast to a string be Nil or nil?
@Downgoat i think nil is more logic
@Downgoat nil
But sometime, the name is capitalized, like with C#: true => True for example, so Nil is also enviseageable
constants like true are lowercase so I'll go with nil
@Downgoat Why do you use nil instead of null?
nil is shorter
@Bálint I just like nil. To me it just looks neater
How abot oh =)
@quartata will do once I get home
@Geobits I think npr stole your avatar
@HelkaHomba That's technically not an image
I never said it was
In other news frigatebirds are pretty nifty
@flawr are the matrix unit things just like generalizations of i, j, k?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

R. KapType It In! code-golfstring Given the input of a sequence of normal keyboard keys and keyboard actions, output the product when all the actions are processed based on the following keyboard: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | ~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & | * | ( | ) | ...

The shameless self-promotion continues
@HelkaHomba that must be where geobits rests
@Maltysen What are you referring to?
I don't quite understand what you mean by "matrix unit things"=)
they're 2d array unit things
@HelkaHomba Those bastards :|
Well they turned it 90 degrees which might qualify as fair use
it's clearly a parody
@Geobits yup but your avatar is the downvote button of PPCG, so you logically have stolen your avatar from PPCG forum
I didn't do it logically at all. It was an emotional response mostly.
@flawr the unit matricies e_ij which are all 0 except for the ij position which is 1
Except for the ij position where i=j?
Do you mean an identity matrix?
@flawr no
Oh, now I see what you mean
No they form a basis of the vector space of matrices
They are basically like the unit vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) in the three dimensional space.
@flawr that's what I meant by i,j,k :P
Canonical basis, that's called, right? :-)
Any vector in this space can be uniquely described as a linear combination of those
@Maltysen I thought you were talking about the quaternion ring=)
@flawr You and your crazy mathematician stuff
@flawr i just finished vector calc, so engineering notation for vectors is still stuck in my head
Question: Should empty strings be falsy? What about empty arrays?
@LuisMendo ಠ_ಠ "PhD in Telecommunication Engineering"
@Downgoat IMHO yes and yes
@flawr :-) So?
@Maltysen okay. Anything else that sohuld be falsy besides nil and false and 0?
@LuisMendo I'm sure you do a lot of crazy math too.
@Downgoat maybe is falsy too
@flawr you've got a point there
But it is also true-y
@Downgoat idea: have an option for the user to define something as truthy or falsey
@LuisMendo Even dirty analysis stuff!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ was just gonna say this
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ that will be possible
@Maltysen get out of my head >_>
have em override is_truethy
maybe a symbol or someting
class thing {
    cast Boolean {
        return self.isFalse()
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ There's a problem with type coercion in Jolf
@Downgoat are you gonna have tuple or set or dict or such? Empty of those should also be falsey
I had to use \x10 to cast the Date to a string
It should cast automatically like in regular JS
And +1234"asdf" doesn't work
because numbers don't join
@Downgoat also NaN
@quartata give me an example?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ They should be able to, this is golfing :P
A: I hate Mondays!

quartataJolf, 19 bytes ? hf3"Mon"q+q"asdf Way, way too long. Contains unprintables, hexdump coming in a few moments.

Code is ? h\x10f3"Mon"q+q"asdf
It should be ? hf3"Mon"q+1234q
Two bytes shorter
I saved you some more bytes
@Maltysen there is no NaN yet
How about NaB (not a boolean)
NaF not a function
NaP not a prime
NaCOB not a @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@HelkaHomba (sorta ninjad)
> an attitude indicator
That reminds me of my friends in one of the very first math lectures: We were presented with a theorem: "If A is a matrix (...)". Now he was asked to prove it. He began "Suppose A is not a matrix.*
oh wait nvm that's correct :|
An attitude indicator (AI), also known as gyro horizon or artificial horizon or attitude director indicator (ADI, when it has a Flight Director), is an instrument used in an aircraft to inform the pilot of the orientation of the aircraft relative to Earth's horizon. It indicates pitch (fore and aft tilt) and bank (side to side tilt) and is a primary instrument for flight in instrument meteorological conditions. Attitude indicators are also used on manned spacecraft, where they indicate the craft's yaw angle (nose left or right) as well as pitch and roll, relative to a fixed-space inertial reference...
@HelkaHomba it looks like half their logo didn't load on HNQ
really bothering me
@flawr le middle name
it does look squat and blobby
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Conor Sean O'Brien?
you'll never guess it
@Downgoat fish (and goats) aren't allowed to be ninjas
yesterday, by Downgoat
8 hours ago, by Downgoat
They can be ninjimals I guess
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Sooo much better. I don't know why I did "asdf kek
@quartata :3
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ samantha >_>
What are some other words for "automata" (as in ca or fsm kinda thing)
State/Turing machine?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ;_; bellyflop, ouch
@Downgoat Does V still freeze if you git pull and then comment out lines 113-114 of v.py ?
uh, lemme see
Python2 or python 3?
Unfortunately. ;_;
what's the usage agian?
@HelkaHomba Golem
python main.py source
@Geobits ...
$ echo "iHello" > test
$ python2 v.py test
or python main.py source -f input or
no freezing but I can't see any output
Oh, right, it should be plural. Golems
@Downgoat It should be main.py not v.py
:D :D :D :D it works!!!!!!
$ python2 main.py test

but why extra tailing newline
Most likely 'test' has a trailing newline in it.
if you put an <esc> at the end, that would also fix it.
oh yeah :| it does

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