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can you support pipes?
$ python2 main.py test

I meant a literal <esc>.
If you use (neo)vim, you can do <C-v><esc>
@Downgoat rofl
oh ok
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Control-v esc?
From insert mode, of course.
I'm using neovim. I went in insert mode, went to the end of the line. I held control, then v, then let go. Then clicked the escape key and same thing :/
What do you mean the same thing?
What does xxd test output?
nvm figured it out
ono ;_;
@mod can you unfreeze the V room?: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/40448/2016/7/1
It'll probably get frozen again if they do.
You should maybe just make a Slack or Gitter for V then
Can We try a more complicated program to see if that works to? Something like 3ñaHello<esc>ñ
<esc> is literal esc, and squiggly n can be typed with <alt-q>
And you can choose to run it in UTF-8 or latin1 mode, depending on how you save the file.
$ python2 main.py test
I think it's a sign
You probably saved it as UTF-8. Try adding the -u flag.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan maybe encoding issue?
$ python2 main.py -u test
ah ok
\o/ \o/ \o/
cheddar> !"asdf"
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ :D :D :D :D :D
docs pls now
fwiw, the comments I had you add don't change very much, but if those lines were working, you could just do 3ñaHello<esc> (The second squiggly n is implicit when the program ends.)
If you uncomment them, does it still work? Maybe something else fixed it. (I hope)
:O it does work \o/ \/o\ /o\ /\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
> from trollius
Oh, I did not expect that.
> from trollin' us
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan idk i don't have to build or anything, right?
Naw, python's all interpreted.
Cool. Well, maybe having a user other than myself will be enough of a kick in the pants to get me to make the docs.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan So is JavaScript but apparently people figured out a way to need build tools for that too
@quartata babel
bad support
Hahaha, silly JS developers.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Not just Babel but yeah
Oh I'm sure
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan question: I'm in vim and I want to delete the previous ~5 words. I could do db<left arrow key> a ton but is there better way
so you affirmed the existence of others without actually knowing if any where existent
@Downgoat yes: select the previous 5 words and press dekete
Why not just do 5db?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ TS, CS, etc.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan wait what
:D The magic of vim motions.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan any difference between them?
Not to my knowledge.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ No I know they exist but I don't remember the names of them
That's what I think is really cool about vim: It's totally modular. Like, f and t are really useful keys, but they're 10 times as powerful when you combine them with d, c, and y.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan wait what do f and t do. And isn't y just yank the selected stuff?
ono i deleted by github password ;_;
y is an operator, so it works just like d and c. E.g. yw == yank word, y$ == yank to end of line, etc.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan oh yeah oh ok
f and t are motions. do 'dft' means (d)elete to (f)ind the letter (t)
that is very cool
t is like f, but it move un(t)il the letter, (right before it).
F and T are the same but backwards.
:D only 9 bugs left in Cheddar
unfortunetly they are cockroaches which is disgusting
I could put a spider in there
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh pls no ;_; y u do dis
i am arachnophobic, i will die if i see spider
:D down to 7 bugs
@quartata a few weeks ago
@quartata it wasn't closed because it was lacking traffic, it got closed because it suffered the AI problem: blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/12/…
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan when I want to delete a word (starting at the end of the line). I would do $db but that leaves one letter. so I have to do $dbx is there fix for this?
You could do $bdw or $bD or $diw
what does di do?
something, probably
what's another word for 'binary operator'?
Mandatory reading for every vimmer: blog.carbonfive.com/2011/10/17/…
Yay, STARS!!!! Help me feed my raging addiction to fake internet points!
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ._.
I just starred that, but someone unstarred
Down to 5 bugs!
Q: Given two numbers, output their sum

Dmitry KudriavtsevInput: two integers, in the form m n. They can be given as standard input or as arguments to the program. Output: Their sum, as a decimal integer. For example, the input 5 16 would lead to the output 21. Restrictions: No standard loopholes please. This is code-golf, answer in lowest amount of b...

Well only 3 i need to fix. one is assigned to Quill and other to @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Which one?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan the mandatory reading
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ do you know difference between << and <<<?
one is bitwise the other is arithmetic
oh ok\
ah ok
=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 75.32% ( 1315/1746 )
Branches     : 55.83% ( 479/858 ), 6 ignored
Functions    : 72.81% ( 158/217 )
Lines        : 74.23% ( 1184/1595 )
pls halp cheese coverage is shit
what does coverage mean
it means how much of the code is tested
you want really good coverage so you don't look like idiot
as in, how much of it is assured to work?
so you have to write tests for each thingamajigy
yeah. it's not too hard but it's a pain
and it takes like ~5 mins for the test to run
@Downgoat "you should have the emoji guy and then the period imo"
You have: . \o/ it should be \o/.
Oh hey, I got my chat terminal thing working on my pocket chip
@Quill cool \o/ \o/ \o/
does pocketchip have wifi?
does it use linux? website doesnt say
kinda sorta
it has a terminal ability, so yeah
@Quill :D i see babel at the top +10
dude that thing looks epic
how much
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ $49 iirc
I backed it on kickstarter, so it was a bit more
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ this issue you've opened here, I have no idea how that could happen ._. you caught the reserved keyword bug quickly, so do you also happen see how this could error? :3
yeah ._.
it doesnt have unicode support in terminal so @conor's name is question marks
idea: make a special case for small caps to convert to regular chars
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ it contains the number seperators. it is equal to ["_"] if I wanted to add , as a number seperator I could do add "," to that array
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I read this as "Mandatory reading for every winner:" in the starboard ._.
my only idea is that this.Code is undefined. it says that reading property 0 is eror
it doesn't error. it succesfully returns CheddarError.UNEXPECTED_TOKEN which idk why
what is digit_set?
maybe you should use {...}
it's the set of valid digits. If it's a base 10 number it's 0123456789 if you have 0b making it a binary number it's 01
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ tried it, that's not it :(
Should multiple number blanks even be allowed though?
ohh figured it out
digit_set.indexOf(this.Code[this.Index].toUpperCase()) > -1 checks if the next digit is in digit_set or is a valid numeral. I need to add an OR, if it is _
I see
and yes, multiple blanks should be allowed
brb making ಠ a numeral so ಠ_______ಠ is valid cheddar number
one more bug left in cheddar >_>
cheddar> .
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:2
1 | .
  |   ^
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 @Dennis Done
@LuisMendo I'd upvote but it is really busy. I don't think an actual screenshot of TIO should be in the background
Yeah, I couln't come up with any other idea...
@LuisMendo Maybe keep the "Wanna check if an answer werks" text and then put TIO logo in center, and on bottom put some cheesy joke
I thought the "Dear Boss" answer was highly representative of the site... I couldn't come up with a cheesy joke. Any idea? Please leave them as comments. I'm going to bed now, I'll see them tomorrow
How long would you guys say a proposed challenge should stay in the Sandbox?
@R.Kap Usually, 72 hours is recommended. I'd say 24 hours is strongly recommended.
0 hours
@R.Kap as long as is needed. I'd say 24 hours at minimum
of course you'd say that >_>
*With the exception of Helka Homba and Doorknob.
*and sometimes me
@HelkaHomba y u haet sandbox ;_;
you must not love sand D:
sand can be annoying
Shit, I fixed all the bugs in cheddar >_> I don't know what to do with my life anymore
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ especially when it gets in your shoes
can you use for loops in the REPL
@HelkaHomba How do you come up with such creative questions that get so well received?...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yeah
give me an example
@HelkaHomba Show me the way senpai
var input = IO.prompt("name? "); for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i=i+1) { do something with i }
does i+=1 not work? or i++?
no haven't bothered to make them yet
then do those now
@R.Kap I hack the system and pay off the mods
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what should xor be? a xor= b?
^ is power
@HelkaHomba :O
why not just xor?
Money is power...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no like JS has a ^= b which does a = a ^ b.
I guess so
maybe add ^^ as a synonym for xor
for fun golfing and profit
@HelkaHomba unforunetly the mods don't take hay so im broke ;_;
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ idk it looks ugly
but it looks better in a ^^= b
than a xor= b
okay good point
@Downgoat are bitwise not/and/or ~/&/| ?
@HelkaHomba yea
I still haven't gotten much advice/feedback on my proposed question.
link it here periodically
@R.Kap then A) link it here B) wait
I personally like o as xor since it's close to the actual xor symbol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

R. KapType It In! code-golfstring Given the input of a sequence of normal keyboard keypresses and/or special keys, output the product when all the actions are processed based on the following keyboard: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | ~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & | * | ( |...

Anyone have some?
@quartata but but but that was the name of my abandoned library that I definitely planned an getting back to >_>
@quartata but this isn't golfing lang so can't
@Downgoat Then I'd assume ^ was xor to complete the set (as it is in very many languages). I know ^ for power makes lots of sense too but I feel like pow or ** would be just as memorable
he didn't say "do it because it's golfier"
@Downgoat Why not? 1 o 1
@R.Kap Why only utf-8 bytes? Lots of languages here have their own special character encodings
or should I say o
@HelkaHomba Isn't that the default encoding on counting the byte length of programs here?
@HelkaHomba oh ok
@R.Kap no
@quartata Oh, well, okay. I'll get rid of that part.
Bytes are bytes. Encoding does not matter
@HelkaHomba @quartata Well, it's fixed now. How does it look now?
@R.Kap Should <TAB> make an actual tab character or 4 spaces? That seems vague.
And how are literal > or < escaped? (or did I miss that)
(see both pages)
@HelkaHomba Like said in the challenge, a 4 space indentation, just like usual.
@LegionMammal978 so... you removed yourself from the word that decodes to remove
@HelkaHomba Well, the input will be a string, so I don't see how the < or > can be interpreted as literals...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what is the name of the @" operator you added?
could you copy-paste its code
It has multiple implementations
@R.Kap I just think <TAB> -> Add 4 spaces. would be clearer than <TAB> -> Add a single 4 spaced indentation.
@HelkaHomba Okay.
@HelkaHomba It's fixed now. Anything else?
@R.Kap I mean if the input contains presses to the < > keys. e.g. What would be the input for the output <RET>
@HelkaHomba That would be "<SHFT>,<CAPS>RET<CAPS><SHFT>."
ah, ok, didn't realize those were shifted
I'll add that as a test case to clarify.
It's done.
How does it look now?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

R. KapType It In! code-golfstring Given the input of a sequence of normal keyboard keypresses and/or special keys, output the product when all the actions are processed based on the following keyboard: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | ~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & | * | ( |...

Final minor quibble is that your DEL should be named BCK or something since it's actually a backspace, and the delete key is something different
@HelkaHomba Well, on the example keyboard I included in the challenge (and the keyboard I am using right now) the backspace is known as the delete key, which makes more sense as it deletes the previous character, whether it is whitespace or any other character.
What is the difference between the "Delete" and "Backspace" key?
It may well be a regional thing but my "delete" key removes the next character (if there is one) and my "backspace" key removes the previous character (if there is one)
@HelkaHomba Well, for the purposes of the challenge, whether the key is named "backspace" or "delete" it would do the same thing, which is delete the previous character. I think that "DEL" makes more sense for this challenge.
And yeah, I guess it is regional, because for me here in America, there is no key that deletes the next character and the delete key deletes the previous character if one exists.
@HelkaHomba Wait, you live in America too?... What kind of computer do you have?
I'm in America and my keyboard works like that.
@quartata Like what?
The delete key deletes the previous character?
no, the next one
asdf (left arrow) (delete) => asd
^ note the "Delete" key by Insert and End
The key next to + on my keyboard chucks the previous character; that is called backspace
Then I guess it's unique to Macs...
At least to MacBooks.
laptops do have weird keyboard layouts
@R.Kap This is a mac keyboard. it has backspace and delete
I haven't used a desktop in such a long time...
not as weird as the maltron
Either way it's not really a big deal in terms of the challenge
I could take a picture but too lazy
@quartata Well, on my MacBook Pro laptop, there is no backspace key I know of. Only a delete key.
@R.Kap try fn+delete
You mean no delete key
@HelkaHomba o_o
That works...
I never knew about that...
@quartata The "delete" key deletes the last character. And now, as I just found out, fn + delete deletes the next character.
@HelkaHomba So what do you think of the challenge overall? Is it ready to be put on the main page?
@HelkaHomba All right, cool! Be right back. :)
Guys and girls
A: Given two numbers, output their sum

NoOneIsHereGolfscript, 9 bytes ' '%~~\~+ ' '% splits at , ~ dumps the array onto the stack, and ~\~ casts to GInts. + adds.

I changed the input format to achieve 2 bytes
Then the poster says "Input must be in the form m n not m<newline>n."
is changing input format allowed?
@Downgoat You feel a sudden urge to write some tests for rational arithmetic
@LeakyNun idk if there are any girls present. probably not :P
Q: Parse and Process the Key-Language Input

R. KapLet's parse and process Key-Language! Given the input of a sequence of normal keyboard keypresses and/or special keys, output the product when all the actions are processed based on the following keyboard: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | ~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & ...

Q: Parse and Process the Key-Language Input

R. KapLet's parse and process Key-Language! Given the input of a sequence of normal keyboard keypresses and/or special keys, output the product when all the actions are processed based on the following keyboard: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | ~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & ...

Q: Sum two integers with the C preprocessor

SoniEx2The C preprocessor is not turing-complete, but you can do some pretty cool stuff with it. The challenge is to add two integers with it. You can use any representation you like: base 2, base 10, unary, separate each digit with a comma, etc. Whatever you do, you may only use the C preprocessor. T...

With unary isn't it just #define f(x,y)x##y? Can someone test that?
Don't have access to a C compiler and ideone appears to need Flash
Nevermind he wants negative numbers as well
I just made up a truly marvelous minimalistic binary language but a chat challenge would be too small to contain it.
Q: Is it a good idea to leave heavily downvoted challenges in the Sandbox as signposts?

dorukayhanSandbox posts with several downvotes (such as the one about lolcats) are signs of what the community doesn't like. Should we keep them to remind users about what not to "ask"?

@El'endiaStarman Were you the one who got invited to do Google Foobar a while back?
@Mego No, that was @NathanMerrill, IIRC.
In that case
I need an RSA public key from you
Err, what?
I have something to send you, but I don't have a private form of communication. Thus, I need you to generate an RSA public/private key pair, and give me the public key, so that I can encrypt the message and give it to you here, and then you can decrypt it with the private key.
Hmm, okay. Gotta figure out how to do so...
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ah-huh, okay
What's that?
RSA public key.
Mego can encrypt stuff with it so that only I can read it (since I have the corresponding private key).
I have heard of that but never used it.
This would be my first time doing so. :P
What on earth is SE chat doing to that key
It's inserting weird unprintable chars
That'd be because it can't all fit on one line.
They're something like &#8203 and &#8204, IIRC.
Yep that's what it is
Wait Does @El'endiaStarman use linux
@MatthewRoh I've ssh'd into the server that hosts my website. My local machine is Windows.
Okay so u use a vm?
No, the server is CentOS, a Linux variant.
@El'endiaStarman Could you convert your keys into openssl format with openssl -in <key directory> -pubout and give me the public key?
@El'endiaStarman Most likely still a VM, unless you're paying big bucks.
@Mego openssl:Error: '-in' is an invalid command.
@Dennis Well, true. I don't notice, though.
We make Cokes explode!
openssl rsa -in <private key file> -pubout
It helps to read docs
Backticks not included.
Encrypted message, base64-encoded: hO2rf+kGEc2fhu/8jCqaZcrwaRWf/8aM2VF2N6INrwZ6QT1O6yaLtXO93al/0ycUToFowqz1i3Eh6R+‌​ZLeXLnYclAJPqcXSi0EI4c34HOJOwqAIwa1hJyds1lC1SmIfPb4v2oo7kcga8Ad79L70Ua9xI4oeF8X+S‌​6MTkprxOZw5BNkCAji9LS2mTN2h5F02lGZPceyjCW4Dm04FBymPZ9Ydl9LhctIVrgTqCPmMhuMrjvZLKA‌​yRzDQDG6zYd5kG4BkSkhQqIXQtLD24XrD58QZiIYHTttK7oe0X62syZdy12AwuzsamR40jR/0dDHYsmKw‌​+LsnkTr8SMydNnnMGw9w==
Awesome. Now how do I decode it? :P
Decrypt with cat encrypted.txt | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey <private key file>
Hi Mego
(after base64 decoding it)
So python2 -c 'import base64; print base64.b64decode(open("encrypted.txt").read())' | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey <private key file>
I get an RSA operation error. Seems like it has something to do with a padding check failing?
@Mego can't you do base64 --decode < encrypted.txt?
@Downgoat I guess
@Downgoat base64: invalid input :/
I messed up the base64-encoding, it looks like
cat encrypted.txt | base64 --decode | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey <private key file>

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